Call for international action to end Raqqa “death sentence”

 UK aid provides lifeline to defenceless and wounded Syrians to help them return to a liberated Raqqa


The International Development Secretary Priti Patel has called for urgent international action to end the “death sentence” that innocent people of Raqqa city still face from explosive booby-traps and wounds inflicted by war. Continue reading Call for international action to end Raqqa “death sentence”

More UK aid to Caribbean

Patel calls for end to violence in Burma as more aid is sent to support stricken Rohingyas

International Development Secretary Priti Patel has repeated calls for an end to the violence in Burma (Myanmar) which has forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes to seek safety in neighbouring Bangladesh. Recognising the ‘unprecedented scale’ of the crisis in Bangladesh and Burma, Britain is providing an additional £25 million to meet the urgent needs in both countries of those affected by the violence. Continue reading Patel calls for end to violence in Burma as more aid is sent to support stricken Rohingyas

Hurricane Irma: UK aid reaching stricken communities

UK continues to urgently deliver vital aid to the victims of Hurricane Irma

Shelter kits provided by UK aid are being distributed in Anguilla to help those left homeless by Hurricane Irma. The kits, transported by Britain’s Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship Mounts Bay, are being delivered to people in need by the Anguillan Red Cross. Continue reading Hurricane Irma: UK aid reaching stricken communities

UK steps up Sierra Leone relief effort

Extra £5 million to aid mudslide vicitms

The UK is stepping up with new emergency support that will provide clean water, food and medicines to assist people in the communities worst affected by the devastating floods and mudslide in Sierra Leone, International Development Secretary Priti Patel announced today. Continue reading UK steps up Sierra Leone relief effort

UK Government to double public donations to DEC East Africa Crisis Appeal this weekend

In response to the unprecedented public support for the Disasters Emergency Committee East Africa Crisis Appeal, this weekend the UK Government will match pound for pound the next £5 million donated by the public.

  • £60 could provide clean drinking water for two families for a month.
  • £100 could provide supplies to a clinic treating severely malnourished children for a week.

UK support to Somalia:

  • In Somalia, more than 6 million people have no reliable access to food and there are 360,000 acutely malnourished children. All the signs are pointing to a famine as bad, or worse, than the one in 2011 which killed 260,000 people. The UK is acting now to prevent this.
  • We recently announced humanitarian support for Somalia worth £100 million to respond to famine warnings, on top of a further £10 million announced by the International Development Secretary Priti Patel during a recent visit to Somalia.
  • This £110 million of UK aid support will provide:
    • Up to 1 million people provided with emergency food assistance
    • Over 600,000 starving children and pregnant and breastfeeding women provided with nutritional interventions
    • Over 1 million people provided with safe drinking water and hygiene
    • More than 1.1 million people provided with emergency health services.
  • Global Britain will bring the international community together in London for a conference later this year to agree future support to Somalia, which is firmly in the UK’s interes‎ts.

UK support to South Sudan:

  • The situation in South Sudan is dire. Children will die tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that, until the South Sudanese authorities allow food and life-saving aid to reach those most in need.
  • Famine has now been officially declared in some parts of South Sudan – the first declaration of famine anywhere in the world for 6 years. 100,000 people in Unity State (Leer and Mayendit Districts) are now at risk of starvation.
  • Almost 5 million face the daily threat of going without enough food and water and 3 million people have been forced from their homes because of ruthless violence and widespread rape.
  • The UK was one of the first major donors to respond to the UN’s appeal to South Sudan and we are leading the way by making sure millions of people in South Sudan get urgently needed food, water and medicine, as well as longer term support to provide much-needed education.
  • The UK has announced £100m for 2017/18 that will provide:
    • food for over 500,000 people
    • life-saving nutritional support to more than 27,500 children
    • safe drinking water for over 300,000 people
    • emergency health services for over 100,000 people
    • livelihood support for over 650,000 people and
    • vaccinations for over 200,000 livestock.
  • The UK is also leading the way in providing support for the region, bolstering help for neighbouring countries such as Uganda (almost £50 million over the last 3 years) to cope with the influx of refugees from South Sudan.
  • In 2016, the UK’s support to Uganda has provided: food for 650,000 people including 45,000 children; shelter for 56,250 people; blankets, water containers and sanitary towels for 64,000 people; and vaccinated 210,000 children.
  • The UK will not look the other way while people suffer: the Government of South Sudan must put an end abuses and deliver long-lasting peace.
  • The international community now needs to step up alongside Global Britain to stop famine spreading and help support stability in South Sudan and the region, which is firmly in our interests.
  • It is first and foremost the responsibility the country’s leaders to alleviate the pressure on its people, and to stop obstructing the UN, as well as NGOs, who are delivering vital lifesaving aid to the South Sudanese people and ultimately create lasting peace and stability.

UK support to Kenya:

  • We are responding early and working with the international community to prevent a repeat of the Horn of Africa crisis in 2010/11.
  • Our support at an early stage has helped mitigate the impact of droughts, saving lives and reducing the need for costly and often late humanitarian appeals.
  • We have provided 11,500 children under 5 with nutrition.
  • The Hunger Safety Net Programme (HSNP) – supported by UK aid – aims to reduce poverty and hunger, and build economic resilience for the most vulnerable people in the 4 poorest arid and semi-arid land (ASAL) counties (Turkana, Mandera, Marsabit and Wajir). It covers an area is equivalent to 91% of the UK and 60% of the beneficiaries are women.
  • HSNP provides small regular cash transfers as an alternative to food aid to support around 600,000 people, empowering people to make decisions about what they need, cutting out the middle man and reducing waste. Payments are made to households and work out at around £3.33 per person per month, paid every 2 months.
  • HSNP can also rapidly scale up to reach a further 1.5 million people by providing emergency cash transfers to prevent the effects of drought. To date, on the basis of satellite early warning data, HSNP has scaled up support 11 times since 2015, including 3 times in response to the current drought.
  • All payments are made electronically through biometric systems which are some of the most secure in the world, and mean British taxpayers can be sure that the help they provide goes directly to the less fortunate, not those trying to abuse the system.
  • HSNP is now a flagship programme of the Government of Kenya, managed by the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) as part of the wider National Safety Net Programme (NSNP). The Government now funds over a third (34%) of the programme, having started contributing in 2013. And the Government will be taking on increased costs in future.

UK support to Ethiopia:

  • In 2017, a new drought is hitting Ethiopia hard. Over 13 million people are currently in need of food assistance; this figure is likely to rise.
  • Across the country, 9.1 million people are without access to water, and 1.9 million need support to prevent their cattle dying. 3 million children and pregnant women are projected to be acutely malnourished by May. People urgently need access to clean water, food and healthcare.
  • In response to the continuing drought, the UK has increased much needed support to Ethiopia by giving an extra £11.5 million to provide around 800,000 people with lifesaving clean water, basic food, and emergency nutrition to malnourished children. This will provide emergency nutrition treatment to 25,000 malnourished children, clean water for 100,000, people and will provide vaccination and treatment to 600,000 cattle.
  • Ethiopia is hosts over 800,000 refugees, mainly from South Sudan, Somalia and Eritrea. New refugee arrivals from all 3 countries will continue to increase.
  • The humanitarian situation is worsening. Forecasts for the upcoming spring rains are poor, and the lack of rainfall means there will continue to be humanitarian needs, particularly for water and food, throughout 2017.