Trussell Trust sets out general election manifesto

Our manifesto sets out the actions we want the next UK government to take to build a future without the need for food banks.

It’s 2024, and we’re facing historic food bank need.

More than 3.1 million emergency food parcels were provided by food banks in the Trussell Trust network to people facing hardship across the UK in the past 12 months the most parcels the network has ever distributed in a single year.

Urgent reform of our social security system, which isn’t even providing enough support for people to afford the essentials, is critical.

That’s why, as we approach the next UK general election, we’re setting out our manifesto to end the need for food banks.

These are the actions we urge all political parties to support, and our priorities for the next UK Government, so they can lead us into a more hopeful future.

We know what needs to change to help people who can’t afford the essentials.

Download manifesto

What we’re asking for

We want all political parties to commit to building a future where no one needs a food bank to survive.

This requires a social security system that is fit for purpose, with cross-government action to ensure everyone has enough for the essentials.

Graphic of a green megaphone.

Our manifesto asks:

  1. Introduce an Essentials Guarantee into Universal Credit.
  2. Make debt deductions from social security payments more affordable.
  3. A long-term strategy and funding for local crisis support.
  4. Ensure people on low incomes can access affordable credit and advice on money matters.
  5. Swift and accurate decisions about disability social security support.
  6. An overhauled employment support offer.
  7. Scrap the two-child limit.
  8. New workers’ rights legislation.
  9. Invest in building 90,000 new social homes every year in England.
  10. Empower communities with places, spaces, and public transport which build connection.

How can this be achieved?

We know what’s pushing people to food banks, so we know the building blocks needed to end hunger for good.

Explore all the policy areas and recommendations covered in the manifesto and find out how to end the need for food banks.

As part of our manifesto, we’re calling for an essentials guarantee to ensure everyone has enough income to afford the essentials. 

Find out more

Edinburgh Food Project: Holiday opening hours

Our foodbanks will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and Monday 1 and Tuesday 2 January.

Otherwise, the foodbanks will be open as usual, except for Craigmillar, which closes on Thursday 21 December, and reopens on Thursday 4 January.

Find out more:

Trussell Trust: 1.5 million food parcels distributed as need continues to soar

New figures released today by the Trussell Trust reveal that 1.5 million emergency food parcels were provided to people between April and September 2023 by food banks in the charity’s UK-wide network. This is the most parcels that the network has ever distributed at this point in the year and represents a 16% increase from the same period in 2022.

Low incomes, especially from social security, debt, health conditions and issues with social security payments such as delays or sanctions were the main reasons people were left with no option but to turn to a food bank for help.

A record 540,000 food parcels were provided for more than 265,000 children living in families who could not afford the essentials. This is an 11% increase compared to the same period last year, reflecting the continuing rise in need for the support provided by food banks.

The new data also revealed that 65% of all the parcels provided by Trussell Trust food banks between April and September this year were for families with children.

Furthermore, the charity has reported that an alarming 320,000 people have needed to use a food bank for the first time in the past six months, warning that food banks are at ‘breaking point’ as more and more people in communities across the UK find themselves unable afford the essentials.

The Trussell Trust believes that the situation is unlikely to change in the coming months with this stark new data leading them to forecast that food banks in their network will distribute more than a million emergency food parcels between December 2023 and February 2024 – the equivalent of providing a parcel every eight seconds this winter.

Jess Holliday, Deputy CEO at Eastbourne Foodbank said: “At Eastbourne Foodbank, our donations are down even as need remains very high. We are deeply concerned about the alarming rise in the number of children needing our support.

“Last month, 633 of the food parcels we provided were for children. Day after day, people tell us they simply don’t have enough money to buy the basics. A client told me, ‘I have sold my car. I have sold everything and cut everything out. But that’s still not enough. All I want is enough money to pay the basic bills and have some left to buy my own food.’”

In order to reduce these relentless levels of need, the Trussell Trust is calling on the UK Government to use the upcoming Autumn Statement to build on its work to protect households on the lowest incomes.

Emma Revie, Chief Executive at the Trussell Trust said: “These statistics are extremely alarming. An increasing number of children are growing up in families facing hunger, forced to turn to food banks to survive. A generation is growing up believing that it’s normal to see a food bank in every community. This is not right.

“Rising hunger and hardship have devastating consequences for individuals and our communities, damage the nation’s health and hold back our economy. People in work, as well as people who cannot work, are increasingly being pushed into debt and forced to turn to a food bank to survive.

“That’s why the UK Government must build on its work to protect people from increasingly severe hardship and commit to putting an Essentials Guarantee into legislation, to embed in our social security system the widely supported principle that, at a minimum, Universal Credit should protect people from going without essentials.

“We recognise this change cannot happen overnight, which is why we are also calling on the Government to urgently confirm in the Autumn Statement that benefits will rise in line with inflation next April, and to reduce the burden of debt deductions which drive unacceptable levels of hardship.”

The Trussell Trust is encouraging people to show their support for people facing hardship by signing a petition urging UK political party leaders to support the introduction of an Essentials Guarantee to ensure that the basic rate of Universal Credit at least covers life’s essentials, such as food and billsFind out more

Read more about our latest figures.

BPS supports Essentials Guarantee


The British Psychological Society has joined the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), the Trussell Trust, and other leading health and care organisations and charities to call for an “Essentials Guarantee”, a new law to make sure Universal Credit’s basic rate is always at least enough for people to afford the essentials. 

The organisations are warning that so many people are routinely going without the essentials it poses a serious risk to the UK’s health.

Together, they have written to the Prime Minister to express their worry that, as the high prices of everyday essentials like food and housing persist, too many people are expected to live with what can be devastating knock-on consequences. 

JRF’s own analysis shows the weekly Universal Credit standard allowance is £35 less than the cost of essential items for a single person, contributing to millions of people forced to use food banks because they can’t make ends meet.

Dr Roman Raczka, President-Elect of the British Psychological Society, and Chair of its Division for Clinical Psychology, said: “Nobody should be in a position of being unable to afford the essentials they and their families need to sustain their health and wellbeing, and it’s clear the current level of Universal Credit falls woefully short.  

“Poverty is one of the major risk factors for the development of physical and mental health problems, and we know that children growing up in poverty are three-to-four times more likely to develop mental health problems, which also leads to long-term impacts upon their education, life chances and quality of life.

“If the government is truly committed to preventing health inequalities from widening further, tackling poverty, and reducing pressure on our already stretched and underfunded public services, it must commit to the Essentials Guarantee to protect this generation, and generations to come.”

About the Essentials Guarantee

The Essentials Guarantee would embed in our social security system the widely supported principle that, at a minimum, Universal Credit should protect people from going without essentials.

Developed in line with public attitude insights and focus groups, this policy would enshrine in legislation:

  1. an independent process to regularly determine the Essentials Guarantee level, based on the cost of essentials (such as food, utilities and vital household items) for the adults in a household (excluding rent and council tax);
  2. that Universal Credit’s standard allowance must at least meet this level; and
  3. that deductions (such as debt repayments to government, or as a result of the benefit cap) can never pull support below this level.

The UK Government would be required to set the level of the Essentials Guarantee at least annually, based on the recommendation of the independent process. JRF analysis indicates that it would need to be at least around £120 a week for a single adult and £200 for a couple.

Scottish Government: ‘Cash-first’ approach to tackling food insecurity

New plan will strengthen access to cash in a crisis

A commitment to a ‘cash-first’ approach to tackling food insecurity is at the heart of a new plan to reduce the need for people to turn to food banks.

The plan, which is the first of its kind in the UK and is underpinned by human rights, sets out nine actions which will be taken over the next three years to improve responses to food insecurity.

Actions include establishing a new £1.8 million Cash-First Programme to help reduce the demand for emergency food parcels by improving urgent access to cash in crisis and associated support.

The Scottish Government will work with councils, the third sector and community food initiatives to help prevent future need by integrating money advice and wider support into crisis responses.

Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Whilst none of us want food banks, we recognise the important role they play for people in need. This plan, the first of its kind by any UK Government, will support people who face food insecurity and will move us closer to our longer-term ambition of a country where there is no need for food banks.

“We want to ensure we reach people in need and by providing a cash-first approach, backed by advice and support, we will support people to strengthen their incomes and prevent future hardship and crisis, allowing them more choice and dignity.

“Tackling poverty and protecting people from harm is one of the Scottish Government’s three critical missions. The Trussell Trust suggests that our Scottish Child Payment may have helped to slow the pace of demand for emergency food parcels last year.

“Without the full economic and fiscal powers of an independent nation we can’t eradicate poverty, but we are taking all the action we can to support people within our limited powers and fixed budget.”

The plan also includes up to £623,000 funding for the British Red Cross to continue a Scottish Crisis Fund, which provides people at risk of destitution – including survivors of domestic abuse, and those no recourse to public funds – with emergency grants to purchase the food and other essentials.

Phil Arnold, Head of Refugee Support for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, British Red Cross said: “The Scottish Crisis Fund is a lifeline emergency payment for people in crisis.

“The fund enables people to continue accessing essential food, clothing, hygiene products and transport to get to key appointments, at an acute period of distress in their lives.

“The increased cost of living, widening dispersal of people seeking asylum to areas without specialist support, and reduced rights for people seeking protection in the UK, all underline the importance of a joined-up, properly resourced safety net which this fund plays an important role in providing.”

Polly Jones, head of Scotland for the Trussell Trust said: “We welcome this first plan to end the need for food banks from any government in the UK, and it comes at a time when the use of food banks is at an all-time high. Ending the need for charitable food aid requires significant leadership and urgency from all levels of government.

“The Trussell Trust is committed to working with the Scottish Government to support it to do what charities cannot and deliver bold long-term action to increase people’s income and ensure everyone can afford the essentials.”

Sabine Goodwin, Coordinator of the Independent Food Aid Network, said: “The Scottish Government has powers to reduce food insecurity and adopt a truly cash-first, income-focused strategy to end the need for charitable food aid in Scotland.

“As the poverty crisis deepens, frontline teams across Scotland are eager to see a time when no one needs to turn to any form of charitable food aid provision to get by. We welcome this plan and the Scottish Government’s commitment to critical steps towards that cash-first future.”

Cash-First: Towards ending the need for food banks in Scotland

303,000 children are receiving £25 weekly Scottish Child Payment

The Scottish Child Payment is now being received by the families of more than 300,000 children and young people, according to official statistics.

New figures published yesterday show that 303,000 children were receiving the payment at the end of March.

The total amount of the benefit paid out since its February 2021 launch now stands at £248.6 million.

Scottish Child Payment was extended to include all eligible children until their 16th birthday and increased to £25 per child per week in November last year.

First Minister Humza Yousaf, who yesterday visited Castlebrae High School to hear how the Scottish Child Payment is making a difference to families, said: “The game-changing Scottish Child Payment is designed to tackle child poverty head-on and lift families out of poverty.

“Families in Scotland are able to benefit from five family payments delivered by the  Scottish Government which could be worth more than £10,000 by the time an eligible child turns six and over £20,000 by the time an eligible child turns 16.

“I am pleased at the take up of the Payment but we still want to get that money to all of those eligible. I would encourage anyone who thinks they may be eligible to find out more and apply.”

Tackling poverty and protecting people from harm is one of three critical missions for the Scottish Government and it will continue to tackle child poverty via its second child poverty delivery plan for 2022-26, Best Start Bright Futures.

Earlier this month the First Minister convened a cross-party anti-poverty summit to listen to the views of people with lived experience of poverty, the third sector, academics, campaigners and other interested parties.

The First Minister added: “The Scottish Child Payment is one of an ambitious range of actions to support families immediately and in the long term.”

Polly Jones, Head of Scotland at the Trussell Trust, said: “Everyone in Scotland should be able to afford the essentials but we know that more families are struggling than ever before.

“We have long called for the Scottish Child Payment to be increased and extended to all children up to 16 and so it’s very encouraging to see the positive impact this is making, reaching more families and getting more cash into the pockets of people who need support the most.”

The Engine Yard hosts festive celebration in support of North East Edinburgh Food Bank

Helping to spread some festive cheer, leading social enterprise, Places for People hosted a fabulous Christmas event at The Engine Yard in Edinburgh last week to continue its support of the NE Edinburgh Food Bank run by the Trussell Trust.

 This is one of seven food banks operated across North-West, Central and East Edinburgh, which in total provided 1,059 meals in September 2022.  Over half a ton of food was donated (worth approximately £2,500) along with £200 in cash thanks to the generosity of The Engine Yard residents, the Places for People developments’ team and on-site subcontractors. 

This generous donation will help the foodbank to provide emergency food parcels to individuals, families and children who are most in need during the festive period.

Residents from The Engine Yard flocked next door to Grace Church, along with colleagues from Port of Leith Housing Association, Scottish Futures Trust, RMG and Greg Reed Group CEO for Places for People where they enjoyed a selection of tasty seasonal treats from the delicious Embo Deli.

Revellers meandered through Christmas-inspired craft stalls and residents got into the festive spirit by sporting their favourite Christmas jumpers for the chance of winning a prize.  

Kevin Bunyan, Senior Site Manager at The Engine Yard, for Places for People comments: “I would like to express my special thanks to the Grace Church and our Sales Team for organising a fun afternoon where food and drink were given out to local residents who have also kindly donated to the food bank this year.

“The Engine Yard has supported the Edinburgh NE Foodbank for many years, with donations from Places for People and our onsite sub-contractors.”

Alison Roxburgh General Manager of the NE Edinburgh Food Bank comments: “I would like to thank the Places for People team and the subcontractors at The Engine Yard for their generosity and support once again this year.

“My thanks also go to everybody involved in promoting the Food Bank Christmas Appeal 2022 to ensure its success at a time when it is most needed.”

Enjoying a prime position close to Edinburgh’s city centre and once a historic tram depot on Leith Walk, The Engine Yard forms part of a superb regeneration story and is fast becoming the city’s newest destination to reside in.

Boasting rich industrial architecture, with tram sheds, a chimney, a boundary wall and gables, the area is now being sensitively restored to create a unique development of 377 homes that elegantly combines old and new in one place.

For more information about The Engine Yard, please visit: or call 07919 381278.

Ladbaby announce ‘FOOD AID’, a rework Band Aid feat, Martin Lewis

  • The Trussell Trust is handing out food parcels every 13 secs’
  • For the first time, the need for emergency food is outstripping donation
  • Half a million of parcels were distributed for children in just 6 months

Chart topping social media stars and charity campaigners LadBaby aka Mark and Roxanne Hoyle are set to make history becoming the first ever act to be allowed to rework the iconic Band Aid song ‘Do They Know it’s Christmas’. 

“Food Aid”, released on 16th December will feature Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis plus a variety of yet to be announced musical collaborators. As the cost of living crisis spirals, LadBaby and Martin Lewis are aiming to raise as much money as possible to help tackle hunger and poverty. 

The track is available to pre-order from today .

100% of profits from the song will be donated towards the fight against hunger and poverty. 50% will go to the Trussell Trust and 50% will be donated to the Band Aid Trust. 

The track was rewritten with kind permission from Bob Geldof, Midge Ure and the Band Aid Trust. To rework the track, Mark and Roxanne teamed up with Grammy winner Amy Wadge, one of the UK’s most prolific contemporary songwriters, known for her long established writing partnership with Ed Sheeran and this year’s UK Eurovision entry, to rewrite the festive song with a touch of the tongue-in- cheek humour that LadBaby are renowned for.

Mark and Roxanne said“We never intended to release a 5th Christmas single but as ambassadors of the Trussell Trust we were not prepared to sit back and do nothing in a year when people are struggling more than ever.

“The Trussell Trust, which supports more than 1,300 food bank centres, has told us that the cost of living emergency has created a ‘tsunami of need’, as people struggle to survive amidst the soaring costs of living. 

“With need outstripping donations for the first time in its history, we need to help ensure that food banks keep going this winter.

“Working households, families and disabled people are all really struggling.

“So, a few months ago we approached Bob Geldof and Midge Ure and the Band Aid Trust to ask permission to rework the most iconic Christmas track of all time ‘Do They Know it’s Christmas’. And we were truly honoured when they said yes! So today we are announcing ‘Food Aid’ to raise as much money as we possibly can for the Trussell Trust and the Band Aid Trust.

“We knew we needed to enlist an icon to launch this year’s campaign, and we’re so excited to announce that the people’s champion and fellow supporter of the Trussell Trust Martin Lewis is joining us on this year’s track. An exciting variety of yet to be announced musical collaborators will also be announced in due course! 

“We HAVE to do whatever it takes to build a future where all of us can afford to go to sleep with a full stomach. We hope everyone can support us as much as they can!”

Martin Lewis says: “When Mark and Roxanne contacted me out-of-the-blue to ask if I’d join them in Food Aid I thought they’d confused me with someone else. The nearest I’ve ever got to thinking about a Christmas number one is going to the loo on Boxing Day after too much orange juice the day before.

“Yet once I knew they were serious, and it was for the Trussell Trust, a hugely important charity I’ve a history with, I decided to give it a go, and do it with gusto.

“This has been a tough year for many, prices have rocketed. Advice charities and food banks are swamped. Deficit budgeting is becoming more common – meaning even after everything has been cut to the bone – people still have less income than expenditure. 

“It’s going to be a tough winter, and things aren’t likely to ease much in 2023. So the need to help and support people struggling across the UK is profound. Hopefully this Ladbaby song and their lyrics will raise some cash and awareness.”

Emma Revie, CEO of the Trussell Trust said: “We are so grateful to LadBaby for their incredible support for a fifth year running. Between April and September this year, food banks in the Trussell Trust network provided 1.3 million emergency food parcels to people facing hardship.

“Soaring food and fuel costs are affecting us all, but for families on the very lowest incomes this crisis means so much more and more people are likely to need a food bank’s help.

“Food bank teams are working tirelessly to ensure help continues to be available. But ultimately, no one in the UK should need a food bank – all of us should have enough money for the essentials like food, clothing and heating.

“The support of LadBaby and the Band Aid trust will help food banks within our network continue to provide the lifeline of emergency support for local people in crisis, while we work in the long term to end the need for food banks, for good. Thank you so much” 

The Hoyle’s are keen to use their social media platforms of over 13 million followers for good, especially when so many families across the nation are struggling.

Mark and Roxanne will support the Trussell Trust with both fundraising and awareness campaigns.

Through their Christmas chart topping endeavours where they’ve donated 100% of the songs profits and branded partnerships, the couple have already raised over £1.2 million for the Trussell Trust through their charity singles and brand partnerships, but as the cost of living crisis gets worse they are committed to do even more to help.  

Now, more than ever, food banks in the Trussell Trust’s network need vital funds to support people struggling to afford the essentials. Figures released by the charity just a few weeks ago revealed that food banks in its network across the UK provided around five emergency food parcels a minute as families struggled to afford to feed themselves.

More emergency food parcels were given out during the April to September 2022 period than ever before for this time of year. Over the last six months, more than 320,000 people have been forced to turn to food banks in the Trussell Trust network for the first time. 

For the first time, the need for emergency food is outstripping donations as the cost of living emergency is leading to a drastic increase in the number of people turning to food banks for support.

New figures from the Trussell Trust show more emergency food parcels were given out during the April to September period than ever before. Food banks in the Trussell Trust’s UK-wide network distributed 1.3 million food parcels to people facing hardship – this is an increase of 52% compared to the same period in 2019. 

Half a million of these parcels were distributed to children. One in five people referred to food banks in the Trussell Trust network are in working households.

LadBaby have surpassed the Beatles and the Spice Girls as the act with the most consecutive Christmas number ones in a row.

The duo first topped the chart in 2018 with We Built This City, a cover of Starship’s 1985 hit; followed by I Love Sausage Rolls, their take on The Arrows / Joan Jett’s I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll; Don’t Stop Me Eatin’, a cheeky version of Journey’s beloved power ballad and last year topped the chart with ‘Sausage Rolls For Everyone’, the duo’s collaboration with Ed Sheeran and Sir Elton John.



Instagram LadBaby LadBabyMum


Trussell Trust: 1.3 million emergency parcels provided in last 6 months

  • New figures from the Trussell Trust show more emergency food parcels were given out during the April to September period than ever before
  • Over the last six months, 320,000 people have been forced to turn to food bank in the Trussell Trust network for first time
  • New research finds one in five people referred to food bank in the Trussell Trust network are in working households
  • The charity is urging the UK government to take immediate action as food banks face ‘breaking point’
  • Volunteers set for busiest winter yet as levels of need outstrip donations 

New figures released today by the Trussell Trust reveal that 1.3m emergency food parcels were provided to people between April and September this year by food banks in the charity’s UK network and almost half a million of these went to children.

That’s a third more than were provided during the same period in 2021 and an increase of more than 50% compared to pre-pandemic levels.  

The Trussell Trust, which supports more than 1,300 food bank centres, says the cost of living emergency has created a ‘tsunami of need’, as people struggle to survive amidst the soaring costs of living.  

With need outstripping donations for the first time in its history, the charity has been forced to launch an emergency appeal to ensure that food banks can meet the alarming level of need in their communities.   

In the first half of this financial year alone, the Trussell Trust’s food bank network provided more parcels than in a full 12-month period five years ago, when 1.2 million emergency food parcels were distributed.

Over the last six months, 320,000 people have been forced to turn to a food bank in the Trussell Trust network for the first time which represents a 40% increase compared to 2021. 

The charity warns that food banks are at ‘breaking point’, both physically and mentally, and are set to face the hardest winter yet as they expect to provide more than 7,000 emergency food parcels a day on average in the next six months.  

Josie Barlow, food bank manager at Bradford Foodbank said: “Someone who came to the food bank recently told me that ‘buying milk is a luxury now’. So many people are struggling with bills and food prices. We are fortunate to be able to help people and we work hard to support them in both the short and long term, but we are also facing challenges.

“We have seen a huge increase in people coming to the food bank in the last two months compared to the same period last year and our stock levels are very low for this time of the year.” 

Furthermore, new research to be released by the charity next year, finds that one in five people referred to a food bank in the Trussell Trust network are in working households.

The charity is supporting more and more people who are working but still can’t afford the essentials which is leading to food banks having to change their opening times to make sure working people can pick up their parcels outside of work hours.  

The Trussell Trust is calling on the UK government to act decisively in next week’s Budget.

Over the last few years, the charity’s network of food banks has seen how the right support, at the right time, can help people out of hardship.

Most recently, the government’s targeted support to people on the lowest incomes via July’s Cost of Living Payment correlated with a small dip in need at food banks.

However, the charity warns that short-term interventions are neither sustainable for government nor dignified for people who are struggling, and they don’t solve the longer-term problem of people having to rely on food banks. 

Emma Revie, chief executive at the Trussell Trust, said:  “These new statistics show that, even in summer months, people are struggling to afford the essentials and we are expecting that this winter will be the hardest yet for food banks and the people they support. This is not right. 

“We know that with the right support and a stable and sufficient income, people don’t need to turn to food banks for support.

“Over the last few years, the government has acted to protect people who are struggling, and this action has had made a difference. They must now act again: with swift support now to help people through the winter, and with vision for the longer-term to ensure that social security is always enough to weather challenging times. 

“We are calling for the Prime Minister to act decisively in next week’s budget.

“We urge the UK government to realise their commitment of supporting people on the lowest income with a broad package of support. As well as ensuring that benefits rise with inflation as soon as possible, this must go further to close the gap between price rises and incomes over the winter.”

Read more about these figures

If you are in a position to donate, you can support the Trussell Trust’s Emergency Appeal Fund now by donating vital funds to help the charity support food banks this winter


Tesco Bank supports local communities with new charity partnerships

Tesco Bank has announced two new major charity partnerships with The Trussell Trust and cancer support charity, Maggie’s.

The charities were voted for by Tesco Bank colleagues who were keen to focus their latest charity partnerships on supporting local communities as well as health and social causes. Colleagues are now looking forward to raising much-needed funds and volunteering across the UK for their chosen charities.

This latest announcement comes after Tesco Bank colleagues raised £245,000 for The People’s Kitchen, The Beatson, and LifeCare Edinburgh following a successful partnership with the charities.   

Funds raised by Tesco Bank will help Maggie’s to continue providing free support online and in centres to people with cancer as well as their family and friends across the UK, and the Trussell Trust provide emergency food and support to people living in poverty.

Lynne Rennie-Smith, Director of Colleague Experience at Tesco Bank,said; “It’s important to recognise the life-saving work of charities such as The Trussell Trust and Maggie’s. Tesco Bank has a proud record of supporting the communities in which we operate, and I’m delighted these charities will benefit from our colleagues’ passion for fundraising for worthy causes.

“Thanks to these important partnerships, our colleagues are inspired to continue making a tangible difference to the lives of some of the most vulnerable within our communities.” 

Sophie Carre, Head of Corporate Partnerships at the Trussell Trust, said; “We are hugely grateful to Tesco Bank for choosing the Trussell Trust as one of their new charity partners. This partnership will help to support thousands of people facing financial hardship across the UK as we work to achieve our vision to end the need for emergency food in the UK.

“As the nation faces a rapid rise in the cost of living, too many families on the very lowest incomes are being forced to the doors of food banks to get by. No one should be unable to afford the essentials – and while we work to tackle the reasons why people don’t have enough money in their pockets, we hugely value the support of partnerships like this to ensure food banks are able to support people who are facing hunger right now.”

Sharon O’Loan, Fundraising Director at Maggie’s, said; “We are delighted that Tesco Bank has chosen Maggie’s as one of their new charity partners.  Maggie’s support has never been more needed, as the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer treatment continues to be felt and the cost of living crisis becomes overwhelming for many people with cancer.

“The funds raised through this partnership will help us provide free support and information on everything from treatment options, psychological advice and benefits advice to thousands of people with cancer and their families across the UK.  

“We’re excited about our new partnership with Tesco Bank and everything we’ll achieve together.” 

As well as supporting Maggie’s and the Trussell Trust Tesco Bank is proud to utilise its ATM network to support a number of national causes including the NSPCC, The British Heart Foundation and the Disasters Emergency Committee.

Tesco Bank has offered customers the opportunity to make charitable donations of up to £300 through its network since 2012 and has since raised over £750,000 for good causes.