Port of Leith Housing Association’s (POLHA) TOiL Programme (Training Opportunities in Lothian) has supported 35 young people from across Edinburgh and East Lothian to complete an 18 week training programme with an local employer with 21 progressing to employment, apprenticeship or further education following their training. Continue reading Another terrific year for TOiL
Tag: Training
MENt for childcare?
VOCAL: Caring for carers – events and courses
Caring in the City – Friday 28 October
VOCAL’s Caring in the City events are about connecting carers with support and services for themselves and the person they care for. Our next event is at Pilrig Church on Friday 28th October from 10am-4pm and includes free workshops, information and refreshments available all day.
Upcoming courses for carers:
Spaces are still available on the following courses – all free to unpaid carers living in Edinburgh:
- Help to Adapt (Tues 25 Oct) – find out about support to make home adaptations to suit the needs of the person you support.
- Falls prevention (Tues 1 Nov) – a practical course for carers looking at preventing falls and what to do if someone has a fall.
- Start your own family tree (Wed 2 & 9 Nov) – learn how to start researching and mapping your family tree.
- Plan Christmas on your tablet device (Wed 2-16 Nov) – have a bit of fun learning how to make the most of your tablet device to save money on gifts, plan your decor and a delicious menu this festive season.
View all courses and events and register online on the Carer Events website or download our latest carer events programme here.
Bright Choices training opportunity
Dear All,
Bright Choices training Wednesday 28th September 10-12 at Pilton Community Health Project
Honour abuse or Honour-Based Violence (HBV) is any kind of abusive or violent behaviour against an individual by a member of their family or their community, when the individual is perceived to have ‘transgressed’ the family’s and/or the community’s acceptable codes of behaviour. This training from Bright Choices aims to increase the capacity of professionals in responding to cases and issues of honour based violence within their particular field. Participants will explore the issues of recognising the risks of HBV and how to effectively respond to these. Please see attached leaflets for more information. If you would like to attend the free training please contact Hannah on 0131 5511671 or by emailing hannahkitchen@pchp.org.uk
Next Forum: Understanding Hate Crime Thursday 13th October 10-12
The next forum will include a session on understanding hate crime from PC Prince Durant. There will be an opportunity to sign up for more in depth training if your organisation wants to become a Third Party Reporting Centre. Venue to be confirmed.
Hate Crime Survey
As part of a project with the other RECs in Scotland ELREC are launching a survey addressed to people who have been victims of hate crime about the kind of support they have received and what additional support they could have benefitted from. This is the link to the survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/whymesurvey
Kind regards
BrightChoices general leaflet-email
BC-HBV awareness training brief
Hannah Kitchen
Development Worker, Living in Harmony,
Pilton Community Health Project
73 Boswall Parkway, Edinburgh, EH5 2PW
0131 551 1671
Like us on Facebook for regular updates www.facebook.com/PiltonCommunityHealthProject
MiDAS training with PEP
MiDAS training at PEP: Friday 9 September
Childcare Academy: Last places available
We still have places available on our final Childcare Academy Information Session on Wednesday 31st August @10am.
If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below or Barbara Webster on 0131 311 6926.
Kind Regards
Audrey O’Neill
Senior Training Administrator, North Edinburgh Childcare
18b Ferry Road Avenue
Edinburgh EH4 4BL
DDI: 0131 311 6931
Fax: 0131 315 4420
Follow us on Twitter @NEChildcare
Like our Training Services on Facebook @https://www.facebook.com/pages/North-Edinburgh-Childcare-Training-Services/664092880377307
MENt for childcare?
Walk Leader training at PCHP
PCHP are running some Walk Leader training for anyone wanting to become a walk volunteer. The training will be run by a Paths for All trainer and will be on Monday 26th September 10am – 4pm.
PCHP are running a new pilot walking group with NW Carers and are looking for willing volunteers to help lead walks with people who are affected by dementia. There will be additional training in dementia for those who wish to become walk leaders with this project.
Here is the Course Overview for the walk leader training:
A one day course to enable volunteers to lead safe and effective Health Walks in a community setting as part of a Health Walk Project.
Learning Outcomes:
After attending this course, you will be able to
•Outline the main benefits to be gained from becoming more active
•Recognise moderate intensity physical activity
•Be able to describe a Health Walk and know what makes a suitable route for a Health Walk
•Outline the roles and responsibilities of a Walk Leader
•Have an understanding of risk assessment and recognise potential hazards on a Health Walk.
Please contact Clare Symonds at claresymonds@pchp.org.uk or 0131 551 1671 for a place.
Childcare Academy: August Information Sessions
Good Morning,
We have more dates in place for our Childcare Academy Information Sessions:
Wednesday 3rd August @10am
Thursday 11th August @1.30pm
Thursday 25th August @10am
Wednesday 31st August @10am (if required)
If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below or Barbara Webster on 0131 311 6926.
Kind Regards
Audrey O’Neill
Senior Training Administrator
North Edinburgh Childcare
18b Ferry Road Avenue, Edinburgh
DDI: 0131 311 6931
Fax: 0131 315 4420
Follow us on Twitter @NEChildcare
Like our Training Services on Facebook @https://www.facebook.com/pages/North-Edinburgh-Childcare-Training-Services/664092880377307
Legislation to eradicate child poverty is on the way
Scotland is set to bring forward legislation to tackle the deep-rooted causes of child poverty for the first time in its history, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced today. Continue reading Legislation to eradicate child poverty is on the way