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Increase in modern apprenticeships

On track for 30,000 by 2020 target

The number of Modern Apprenticeship starts increased to 26,262 and exceeded the 2016/17 annual target, new statistics have confirmed.

Skills Development Scotland’s Modern Apprenticeship statistics for the fourth quarter of 2016/17 revealed that over the year:

  • The number of Modern Apprenticeships starts exceeded the 2016/17 target of 26,000;
  • 76% (19,847) of new starts were aged between 16 and 24;
  • The largest proportion of new starts (23%) were in the construction industry.

Minister for Employability and Training Jamie Hepburn said: “I welcome these statistics which show we are exceeding our Modern Apprenticeship targets with employers clearly recognising the value of the opportunities they bring to increase skills in our workforce and encourage new talent.

“As we work towards our 2020 target of expanding the number of Modern Apprenticeship starts to 30,000 each year, we are growing, widening and enhancing the  apprenticeship programme to respond to employers’ needs. This work is paying off as we are among the countries with the lowest youth unemployment rates in the EU.

“We are continuing to enhance our Modern Apprenticeships so they bring the right balance of opportunities to suit employers and the workforce. In 2017 we are expanding the number of Graduate Level and Foundation Apprenticeships, giving more individuals the chance to take on work-based learning through universities and schools.

“We have introduced a new Rural Supplement to help support training provision in more remote areas, we are removing public sector restrictions around MA funding,  increasing the opportunities for apprentices over 25, and  enhancing contribution rates for disabled people and those under the age of 29 with experience of care.”

Chief Executive of Skills Development Scotland Damien Yeates said: “It is great news for young people, employers and Scotland as a whole that we now have a record number of Modern Apprentices.

“It is clear that employers are continuing to invest in their workforce and developing skills through employing Modern Apprentices.

“At SDS we will continue to work with individuals, employers, training providers and partners to widen access to apprenticeship and the opportunities that work based learning provides.”

More help to get into work

Fund to improve and align support services

A new £2.5 million fund will improve the help delivered to people looking to access employment and training. The Employability Innovation and Integration Fund will look to join up employment support with health and social care, justice and housing services, making sure people receive the level of support they need to find sustainable employment. Continue reading More help to get into work

Childcare Academy information sessions

Interested in a career in childcare?

North Edinburgh Childcare  now have dates in place for their Childcare Academy Information Sessions:

·       Wednesday 21st June @10am

·       Wednesday 12th July @1pm

·       Thursday 20th July @ 10am

If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please contact Audrey O’Neill on 0131 311 6931 or Barbara Webster on 0131 311 6926.



Learn with Living in Harmony

See flyers for upcoming training opportunities being delivered by Living in Harmony/Pilton Community Health Project. There is also a brief description below: 

  • Tuesday 27th of June – Unconscious Bias Training – Learn how our brain’s biases can influence the process of staff recruitment and how we can manage these biases.
  • Wednesday 28th of June- Equality and Diversity Training – Understand the Equality Act 2010 and how it relates to your work.
  • Friday 30th of June – Language Barriers for Reception/Frontline Staff –Effective strategies to deal with language barriers with clients or within your organization.

If interested lease contact or phone Adam on 0131 551 1671.

Childcare Academy Information Session today

Childcare Academy Information Sessions:

Monday 5th June @ 10am

Wednesday 21st June @10am

Wednesday 12th July @1pm

If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below or Barbara Webster on 0131 311 6926.

Audrey O’Neill

Training Administrator

North Edinburgh Childcare

18b Ferry Road Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 4BL

 Tel 0131 311 6931

Fax:  0131 315 4420 

Follow us on Twitter @NEChildcare

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Education attainment gap begins to close

New analysis shows greater proportion of pupils from deprived areas are entering higher education

A new analysis of school leaver destination statistics published by the Scottish Government reveals that the poverty-related attainment gap has begun to narrow over the past five years. The figures show that the proportion of young people entering higher education at college or university directly from school has increased faster among those from the most deprived areas in Scotland when compared to the least deprived.

In 2012, 20.4% of school leavers in the 20% most deprived areas went straight into higher education from school, compared to 58.6% of pupils from the 20% least deprived. In 2016, the percentage of school leavers entering higher education from the most deprived areas had risen to 24%, with the percentage entering from the least deprived up to 60.5%.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney welcomed the analysis but said more needed to be done to widen access to higher education, given the figures also demonstrated that young people from Scotland’s least deprived areas are more than 2.5 times more likely to go into higher education straight from school than their counterparts from the most deprived areas.

Mr Swinney said: “I want every child to have an equal opportunity to go to college and university and to succeed in life, no matter their circumstances. This new, detailed analysis provides welcome evidence that we are beginning to make progress in that aim and closing the poverty-related attainment gap.

“However, it also demonstrates the scale of the challenge in creating equity and excellence in our education system. The status quo is not an option – change is needed, and indeed change is happening.

“We need to reform our approach to get the whole system pulling in the same direction with an integrated framework that meets the needs of all young people at every stage of their journey through education.

“We are taking forward the actions recommended by the Commission on Widening Access, including the appointment of the Fair Access Commissioner to drive the whole system approach needed in this area. We are also reviewing the learner journey from 15 to 24 to ensure that the system of post-school education works effectively and efficiently to provide support to those who need it the most.  This breakdown helps to show what we are beginning to get it right and what more we need to do.”

Supplementary analysis of last month’s school leaver destination statistics shows:

  • A record proportion of young people from Scotland’s most deprived communities are continuing their education, entering training, volunteering or getting a job after they leave school.
  • A record proportion of school leavers from all backgrounds went directly into higher education in 2015/16. The proportion from the most deprived areas was 24% – up from 22.2% in 2014/15 and up from 20.4% in 2011/12.
  • There was also a narrowing of the gap in school leavers initially in further education. In 2012, 34.9% of pupils from the most deprived areas went on to further education, by 2016 this had risen to 35.9%.  Over the same time period, the percentage of pupils from the least deprived areas in further education went from 17.2% to 16.1%.
  • Over the same period, the percentage of school leavers from the most deprived areas entering employment has risen year-on-year, from 16.8% in 2011/12 to 21.2% in 2015/16.

Scottish Funding Council figures published in March showed an increase, in 2015-16, to the proportion of entrants to higher education from the 20% most deprived areas in Scotland, with wide variation among universities and colleges.