RAF Association calls for volunteers across Edinburgh to tackle loneliness

The RAF Association is looking to recruit volunteers across Edinburgh for its befriending service, which pairs volunteers with members of the RAF community who are struggling with feeling lonely or isolated.

Continue reading RAF Association calls for volunteers across Edinburgh to tackle loneliness

Skills Investment Plan to boost childcare opportunities

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) has highlighted a need for the nation’s Early Learning and Childcare sector to attract a more diverse workforce to create an additional 11,000 jobs by 2020 to meet expected demand. The organisation has worked with partners to create new national Early Learning and Childcare Skills Investment Plan (SIP) for the sector. Continue reading Skills Investment Plan to boost childcare opportunities

Leonardo apprentices create new ‘immersive’ work experience programme

  • The new work experience format at engineering company Leonardo allows high school students to experience what it would be like to have a career in a high-tech business
  • The programme, driven by the company’s engineering apprentices, aims to reflect the real-world impact of engineering and boost students’ enthusiasm for a career in STEM

The value of apprenticeships to Scottish industry could not be more topical, with 2018 marking the launch of Scottish Government’s ‘Year of Young People’ and the UK Government’s ‘Year of Engineering’. It was in the spirit of these two initiatives that apprentices at Crewe Toll-based engineering company Leonardo have created a completely immersive work experience programme for local high school students, believed to be an industry first. Continue reading Leonardo apprentices create new ‘immersive’ work experience programme

New Year, new training programme with Tomorrow’s People

Tomorrow’s People are now recruiting for the next Engage programme starting on the 15th of January!!!!

If you are or know anyone, 16 to 24 years old looking for a job, training, fun and an extra bit of cash, contact us by Facebook, phone 07980 669 019 or email jmassie@tomorrows-people


Simaica Carrasco
Engage Coach, Tomorrow’s People 
Office +44(0)1313 432 191
Mobile +44(0)7500 047 926

Employers given more time to apply for up to £10,000 worth of training at Edinburgh College

Scottish businesses still have time to apply for up to £10,000 worth of training at Edinburgh College as part of a new scheme developed by the Scottish Government and Scottish Funding Council. Continue reading Employers given more time to apply for up to £10,000 worth of training at Edinburgh College

Childcare Academy Information Session on Monday

We now have dates in place for our Childcare Academy Information Sessions:

Monday 27th November @ 1pm

Monday 18th December @ 10am

Thursday 11th January @ 10am

Wednesday 24th January @ 1pm

If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below or Barbara Webster on 0131 311 6926.

2017 CA Publicity Poster

Kind Regards

Audrey O’Neill – Senior Training Administrator

North Edinburgh Childcare, 18b Ferry Road Avenue

Edinburgh EH4 4BL

DDI:  0131 311 6931

Fax:  0131 315 4420 

Follow us on Twitter @NEChildcare

Like our Training Services on Facebook @https://www.facebook.com/pages/North-Edinburgh-Childcare-Training-Services/664092880377307

Wanted: 11,000 childcare workers!

A new campaign to recruit up to 11,000 people into the childcare profession is underway. The campaign – ‘Shape their worlds. Shape your career.’ – aims to encourage more school leavers into the profession to deliver the expansion of funded early learning and childcare to 1,140 hours a year, or 30 hours per week, by 2020. Continue reading Wanted: 11,000 childcare workers!