Free training for Health Professionals

Action for M.E. is excited to announce that it has secured further funding for Learn about M.E. – the M.E./CFS Professional Development Project in Scotland.
This project funded by Scottish Government and is a partnership between Action for M.E., The M.E. Association, #MEAction Scotland, The 25% ME Group and Dr. Nina Muirhead.
Dr Muirhead, who developed a free online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) module in partnership with the CFS/M.E. Research Collaborative (CMRC,) became ill with M.E./CFS in 2016.

Anna who has lived with M.E. said: “The module is brilliant and I think it covers a lot of really important information about M.E. I think the first thing it does is it dispels the myths that are surrounding M.E. … I think what this does is it really places M.E in the scientific knowledge we have about the condition”
A podcast is available to listen to now with input from the doctor who helped to develop the training module, a GP who has used the module to treat patients and people who have lived experience of living with M.E..
We are keen to involve GPs and health professionals in Scotland to shape the development of the module and further podcasts to complement the module.
If your GP has not yet completed this training we would be keen to hear from you both to inform the development of our work on this training module. Please get in contact with Avril McLean, Project Coordinator, at or call 0117 927 9551
This training module on M.E./CFS, based on 10 clinical cases, will improve knowledge of the illness; reduce delays to diagnosis; reduce multi unnecessary referrals and investigations and the potential for harm for people with M.E.
This module is also likely to be applicable to a subset of COVID patients who may develop post viral M.E./CFS and could be harmed by inappropriate advice to exercise.
Evaluation data from health care professionals who completed the module (November 2020 – March 2021) found that:
· 75% reported increased confidence in diagnosis of M.E./CFS
· 77% reported increased confidence in treatment & management of M.E./CFS
· 100% reported improvement in patient-centred care and patient pathways
The Scottish Government’s Neurological Framework funding is supporting the project to improve knowledge relating to diagnosis and management of M.E./CFS.
Many people with M.E. face disbelief and stigma around their illness and do not receive the appropriate care and support they need.
This project provides vital information to GPs and Health Professionals in Scotland to assist them to diagnose and manage the symptoms of M.E./CFS and Long Covid.