Be inspired at Craigroyston

Craigroyston Community High School is organising a week of arts activities with a sporting theme later this month.

The Commonwealth Games Summer Arts Programme runs from 21 – 25 July (10am – 4.30pm daily) for young people aged 11- 18.

Murals, sculpture, printmaking, jewellery and dance – all with a Commonwealth Games twist!

For more info or to book your place call 0131 477 7801.


Inverleith Summer Programme revealed


The long school holidays are almost upon us, but Inverleith’s packed summer programme offers more than enough recreational, sports and outdoor events for children, young people and families to keep everyone happy (see below for details)!

Registration for all events requiring booking takes place next Monday (16 June) from 6pm at Broughton High School.

For further information email or call 332 6316.

Inverleith Summer programme


It’s BIG Search day – get the teeshirt!

The BIG search 2013

Wanted to remind you about the free, fun event taking  place this afternoon in Inverleith. The BIG Search’ is a treasure hunt /  quest type event that involves reading clues and finding the answers across the  area from Blackhall to Warriston! 

Open to teams of children, young people, adults and families  of up to 6 people (at least one must be aged 16+), every participant will get  a teeshirt and goody bag and the winning team will get exciting prizes!

Pick up your packs from 1pm at either Stockbridge or  Blackhall Libraries and bring your sheets back at 4pm to Inverleith Park where  there will be fun activities and BBQ (weather permitting).

Please come along and take part and please tell your friends,  families and neighbours about this first in Inverleith! The event is organised  by the Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s Children and Families Action  Group.

Thanks to Ocean Terminal and Scottish Gas for their support in this  event.

Elaine  Lennon, Partnership  Development Officer


Tel: 0131 529  5270

Sun shines on MY’s Youthwork Games

Good luck to all the participants who will be taking part in the Youth Games over the next two days. The story:

Following the enormous success of My Adventure’s  first ‘Youthwork Games’ inspired by the 2012 London Games, we are proud to announce that we will be hosting the games on 24th and 25th July 2013. These games are targeted at youth projects to encourage young people not engaged in mainstream sporting activities to compete in a series of outdoor adventure sports and challenges.Activites will include:

  • Mountain Bike

  • Cross Country Run

  • Long Jump

  • Tree Climb

  • Assault Course

  • Archery

  • Swamp Soccer

  • Tug of War

  • Canoe & Swim

Muddy photo

Foggy crowd

 Contact for more information


Summer activities made simple by Total Craigroyston

So many summer programmes, so little time! Total Craigroyston has made finding something to do over the summer holidays more simple. Read on …

A number of the youth and children’s as well as Community Learning and Development run extensive programmes during the summer holidays.

We’ve collated these activities into one place and created a timetable of all the opportunities available. Over the 6 weeks there are just under 400 opportunities for school-aged children and young people. A good number of these are free or very low cost.

To find out more information about any of these activities take a look at Join in Edinburgh ( – just enter the name of the activity in the search box.

Please print this and distribute freely. If you have any corrections/additions then please contact


Inverleith Summer Programme

Inverleith Summer Programme

Hi all 

Please find (above) a PDF file listing the usual mixture of fun and exciting events for Inverleith’s 2013 Summer Programme for info/sending out to your networks/ listing on your various web pages etc. There are still quite a few events to be confirmed and so these haven’t been listed on the programme yet as such but I intend to send out individual details of these become more apparent – watch out for more posters but have a grand summer anyways! 

Best wishes 

Callum McLeod

Inverleith Community Learning & Development Team