“Students, Get Switched on to Hidden Hazards!” says NICEIC

According to Universities UK, in 2021-2022 there were 2,185,560 studying at UK higher education providers. As another academic year approaches, the excitement of that first taste of independence will be setting in for another record number of students due to start their university journey this September.

Summer preparations will be essential – however one area that might be overlooked is the priority of electrical safety in their halls of residence.

When embarking on a new journey at university, there can be a lot to think about. And one thing that may be far from students’ minds is the potential electrical hazards and necessary precautions which need to be taken to ensure their safety.

According to data released by Electrical Safety First, electrical fires are one of the leading causes of domestic fires, with an estimated nine out of ten (89%) fires in the home caused by electrical products.[2] Faulty appliances, overloaded sockets and misuse of electrical equipment are all common culprits.

To address these concerns, NICEIC, the UK’s leading body for certified electrical businesses, is urging students to stay safe. Paul Collins, Technical Director at NICEIC, offers five top essential tips to follow when it comes to electrical safety in private university accommodation.

Electrical safety is of utmost importance, especially in shared living environments such as university halls. By being aware, informed and responsible, students can create a safer living space for themselves and their fellow housemates.

  1. Know the location of your consumer unit (fuse box)

It’s vital for them to be familiar with the location of the consumer unit or to give it is more common name the fuse box in their accommodation, should they ever need to point an electrician in the right direction or check if the circuit-breakers have tripped. Also, attending any induction sessions or safety briefings provided by the university or accommodation provider is recommended so they know what to do in an emergency.

  1. Be responsible, Think Safety First

Don’t overload socket-outlets or use multiple adapters in socket-outlet’s and always unplug or switch off appliances when not in use before leaving the room or the premises – this is a good tip for keeping energy bills lower too and being more eco-friendly. It’s also advisable to carry out regular visual checks of cables and plugs and look for any signs of damage and report any issues immediately.

  1. Stay Safe in the Kitchen

When using the kitchen, although it may seem obvious, always follow the appliance guidelines and refrain from leaving the likes of laundry appliances, toastie machines or air fryers unsupervised while in use. Avoid overloading the microwave and never put aluminium foil or metal objects in it. Always keep electrical appliances away from sources of water to prevent potential electrocution. Electricity and water DON’T mix.

  1. Test Safety Alarms and Understand the Escape Route

To stay safe in case of a fire, be sure to test the smoke alarms regularly where you have been instructed to do so and report any faults immediately. If you are in a block these should be tested regularly by the estates team. It’s important to plan and know the escape route in case of a fire emergency and ensure that everyone in the flat is aware of the procedure. Don’t be tempted to tamper with or cover smoke detectors as they are crucial in providing early warning signs of a fire.

  1. Be Smart and Always Seek a Professional

Finally, and vitally, do not attempt to fix electrical problems and be sure to report any maintenance issues such as electrical faults, flickering lights or other electrical concerns to the accommodation provider as soon as possible. Always, rely on a qualified electrician authorised by the accommodation provider.

“At NICEIC we strongly advise students to prioritise their safety and be mindful of the potential risks associated with electrical installations in university halls. Taking these precautions can significantly reduce the chances of accidents, property damage and personal injuries.”

For more information, additional electrical safety tips or to search for your nearest NICEIC certified business, visit niceic.com.

Barburrito celebrates Freshers in style with FREE bedroom makeovers

Authentic Mexican street food eatery Barburrito is getting Fresher’s celebrations off to a stylish start by offering FREE bedroom makeovers worth over £1000!

To win a university bedroom makeover students are asked to post a photo of themselves on Instagram featuring any Barburrito logo and tag them @barburritouk by October 15.

The winners will be selected at random and will get a cool Barburrito branded bedroom makeover or a food drop to their dorm for up to ten people. The makeover is top secret but think Barburrito branded everything! From bed sheets to taco shaped neon lights and everything in between.

As well as the amazing makeover prize Barburrito has launched their own Food Van offering free Loaded Nachos, (students need to download the app to receive the offers), and games with other freebies to be won such as free tacos, free sides, free desserts. The Food Van will visit Manchester University on October 3, Nottingham University on October 4 and Edinburgh University on October 5.

For Manchester students, Barburrito will also be having some fun at The Trafford Centre, taking part in a student lock-in on the evening October 3 from 6pm, with free samples, games, drinks and a Mariachi band.

Students can bag the freebies and perks through Barburrito’s app including a £1 burrito exclusively for students that are new to the app by October 8, free burrito on their birthday, access to the Barburrito loyalty programme (collect 4 stamps for free side/dessert, collect 9 for free burrito) as well as students always getting 20% off everything!

And to kick off the Fresher’s celebrations there will be a DJ event at their Glasgow Queen Street store Friday September 29 from 7pm. Everyone is welcome where there will be games with prizes, free food and entertainment.

Sophie Green, the Marketing Manager of Barburrito, said: “As we eagerly anticipate the arrival of new students, we are thrilled to create vibrant and exciting activations featuring games and free food. We can’t wait to warmly welcome everyone and make their journey with us truly unforgettable!”  

Barburrito has just launched their exciting and innovative new menu influenced by some of Mexico’s most popular dishes.  

The menu features the introduction of Tortas, Tacos, a new range of salsas as well as lots of recipe improvements including their cheese sauce, guacamole, pink onions and many more. 

Introducing the first new dish, the Torta. A light, sweet bun is filled with all favourites (think Barbacoa Beef, Smoky Chipotle salsa, cheese, slaw, jalapeños and sour cream) – as you always choose the fillings at Barburrito. 

Another new addition to the menu is Tacos, bursting with authentic flavours. You create your own tacos by choosing what goes inside but think tender Pork Carnitas nestled in warm, soft tortillas, loaded with cheese, lettuce, pink onions and a new Mango & Habanero salsa. Each bite is a fiesta of flavours as they use fresh ingredients and traditional spices to create a truly unforgettable experience. 
Whether you’re a fan of classic favourites like Barburrito’s Grilled Chicken or adventurous enough to try their vegan This™ Isn’t Chicken, they’ve got something for everyone.    

Customers can download the app by searching ‘Barburrito Rewards’ on the app store, where they can get exclusive access to the student discount and the loyalty stamp cards. Getting three stamps just for downloading.

For full terms & conditions please see: https://barburrito.co.uk/terms-conditions/

Don’t Drink and Drown

RLSS UK encourage students to Be a Mate during Freshers

The Royal Life Saving Society UK’s (RLSS UK) annual weeklong Don’t Drink and Drown campaign launches today (18 September), aiming to ensure students remain safe after nights out around the water as thousands of young people head off to university. 

In a sample of UK accidental drowning cases analysed by RLSS UK, 62% of those aged 16-25 who lost their life were students.  As a result, the charity is urging students to familiarise themselves with their new surroundings, especially if there is a body of water within the town or city they are moving to. 

Of those aged 16-25 who drowned under the influence of alcohol or drugs, 81% weren’t with friends at the time of drowning. The campaign aims to speak to students and encourage them to, after a night out, be responsible for their friends, be a mate, and ensure they return home safely. 

As fresher’s events take place across the UK in September, many students will be heading to bars and clubs to celebrate the start of their university adventure, and this is where RLSS UK fears tragedies may occur.

Lee Heard, Charity Director at RLSS UK, said: “Don’t Drink and Drown was launched following a string of tragic and high-profile student drownings in 2014. When heading to university, students should be excited for the year ahead but sadly we have seen various instances where young people’s nights out have sadly not ended the way they had planned. 

“University should be a time where students are looking forward to making new mates, rather than losing them. Research indicates that among those aged 16-25 who lost their lives to accidental drowning, 44% had alcohol and/or drugs in their bloodstream.

“We know that alcohol and drugs have a number of different effects on the body including lowering inhibitions, which leads to impaired judgment, and this is where we see people taking risks and getting themselves into trouble in and around water.”

In line with this, the data also reveals that when under the influence of alcohol or drugs, accidental drowning victims are much more likely to have unintentionally fallen into the water; 55% compared to 36% for those who were not under the influence.

Lee continued: “With thousands of students moving to new cities to start university, Don’t Drink and Drown is vital in encouraging students to think about their new surroundings.

“Many university cities have rivers running through the heart of them or are near a coastline, and our campaign encourages students to ensure they are familiar with what routes they can take home after a night out that steer clear of the water. 

Further analysis among alcohol/drug related drownings highlighted that, where known, over half of drug and alcohol related drownings take place between 11pm and 5am, the time in which students may be walking home from nights out. RLSS UK wants to reinforce the message of safety in numbers, be a mate, and stay together to make sure everyone makes it home safe. 

Lee said: “We have seen cases of young people walking home after a night out, and for various reasons getting too close to the edge and ending up in the water.

“At this time of year, the water is colder than it looks and cold water shock is a significant factor, and paired with alcohol numbing senses, limiting muscle ability and slowing down reactions, it makes it extremely difficult to be able to swim and self-rescue.

“As we see mainly young men, walking home alone, sadly in these cases there is nobody around to help, we see nights out turn into tragedies.” 

RLSS UK will be working with numerous universities across the UK and Ireland to get the message out to students returning for the start of term. 

For more information on the campaign and to support RLSS UK’s Don’t Drink and Drown campaign this September visit www.rlss.org.uk/dont-drink-and-drown

Visit our website at rlss.org.uk 

Follow us on Twitter – @RLSSUK

Visit our Facebook page – facebook.com/RLSSUK 

Call – 0300 323 0096

Bearded dragon binned by owner

Scottish SPCA officers recently rescued a bearded dragon after the lizard was dumped in a bin by their owner.

They were called to student accommodation on Hillside Crescent, where a shocked member of staff had found the reptile in a communal bin on 6 July.

Senior animal rescue officer, Sarah Auldsmith, said, “The poor bearded dragon had been left in a large communal rubbish bin but luckily it was found by a member of staff.

“Some international students had recently moved out and it’s suspected one of them left the lizard behind. Unfortunately, as they have now returned overseas we have no way to trace them.

“We appreciate people’s circumstances can change but this is not the right way to deal with an animal you can no longer care for,” she said.

“Thankfully, the reptile was unharmed and they have now been taken to one of our animal rescue and rehoming centres to receive the care they need.”

Bearded dragons are native to Australia but are one of the most popular lizards in captivity in the UK and usually live for 10 or 15 years.

Ms Auldsmith said that due to the condition it was in when it was found last week at the accommodation on Hillside Crescent, it had clearly been cared for before being discarded.

If anyone is concerned about an animal, they can contact the Scottish SPCA on their confidential animal helpline on 03000 999 999.

Disadvantaged students to benefit from ‘flagship’ Turing Scheme

Disadvantaged students are set to take up the two-thirds of the international study and work opportunities available from September, as part of to the UK government’s flagship Turing Scheme.

Over 40,000 people across the UK will get the transformational opportunity to study or work abroad in the next academic year.

Building on the success of the previous two years, nearly two-thirds of these placements are for people from disadvantaged and underrepresented backgrounds, up from 51% last year, helping to drive social mobility in parts of the UK where historically there have been fewer opportunities to work and study abroad.

In Further Education the allocation for disadvantaged students is even higher this year, making up 71% of placements in the sector.

The Turing Scheme widens access to international opportunities in education and training, with more than 22,800 Higher Education placements, over 6,700 school placements, and more than 10,500 Further Education and Vocational Education and Training placements.

Universities, colleges and schools across the country will be awarded a share of almost £105 million to offer placements to their students, with more applications having been successful this year than ever before and a significantly higher interest in the scheme from colleges and schools, including a nearly 50% increase in the number of successful applications in the FE sector.

Minister for Skills, Apprenticeships and Higher Education Robert Halfon said: “Once again, this transformational scheme is extending the ladder of opportunity for more young people to experience other cultures and learn vital skills for life and work, regardless of their background.

“With nearly a 50% increase in the number of successful applications and around 1,800 additional learners from disadvantaged backgrounds in the FE sector compared to last year, I am delighted that this scheme is driving social mobility.

“Young people taking part will benefit from inspirational placements around the world that will build the confidence they need for their future, whilst bolstering the government’s ambition for a Global Britain.”

The scheme is open to education providers and other eligible organisations across the UK to provide international opportunities for their students.

It forms part of the government’s ambition to create a truly Global Britain. Canada, Japan and the United States are among over 160 international destinations where UK students will be funded to take up work and study placements – alongside popular European destinations like Spain and France.

A group of year 10 pupils from a school in Blackburn were offered the valuable opportunity to spend two weeks in Eswatini or Morocco in May 2022. Pupils from the Hyndburn Academy spent time in lessons with their counterparts as well as undertaking work in the local community, working with the charity All Out Africa to install drainage pipework at a care centre for local pre-school children.

Teacher Rebecca Barker-Rourke said of the experience: “The experience has developed confidence in many of the students and will give them loads of rich examples to discuss in future applications for college, university, apprenticeships and employment.

“We are in an area that is economically deprived, and the Turing Scheme funding means we can offer this opportunity to students that would otherwise never get the chance for a trip like this.”

Leeds Beckett University is one of the successful providers this year and expects students to travel to destinations such as Canada, Australia and Uganda.

Global Engagement and Relationship Manager Tom Kyle said: “We have seen growing demand for students wanting to gain some form of Global Experience during their studies, and it makes a big difference to be able to offer funding for this, particularly to those students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

“There is good evidence that students who spend some time abroad during their studies benefit in terms of graduate outcomes and employability, as well as having a fantastic time overseas.

“We look forward to building on our student mobility activity and seeing more students benefit from the opportunities this brings.”

The full list of successful organisations including higher education providers, schools, and further education, vocational education and training providers awarded funding will be available on the Turing Scheme website.

Edinburgh Napier Degree Show award winners announced

Awards have been handed out to celebrate School of Arts and Creative Industries students

A selection of outstanding projects from Edinburgh Napier University’s 2023 Degree Show have been recognised with a series of awards, including Best in Show for five different subjects.

The prizes were presented during the launch of Edinburgh Napier University’s annual celebration of work from the School of Arts and Creative Industries at its Merchiston campus, attended by students, guests and industry experts.

People have the chance to see the diverse projects – including the prize winners – until 1 June.

Dr Diane Maclean Dean of the School of Arts and Creative Industries said: “Our students should be proud of the work they have put in to prepare for this year’s Degree Show – which celebrates such a diverse range of creative skills.

“These Best in Show winners have shown outstanding talent to be recognised among an imaginative and innovative group of peers.”

Prizes were handed out to these winners across the following categories:

Interior & Spatial Design

The Form Design Award – Cloé Robson, Rapt in Awe

Cloé’s imagining of an immersive visitor experience at the Whaligoe Steps at Lybster, in the Scottish Highlands, features a cantilever waterfall walkway and suspended viewing platform. Judges at Form Design described the idea as ‘invigorating’.

Best in Show, sponsored by Bright – Jacqueline Borland, Future Moves

SACI Degree Show 2023. Graduation Show 2023 – Edinburgh Napier University – Thu 25 May 2023 (© Andy Catlin www.andycatlin.com)

Future Moves is the vision of a careers, knowledge and learning hub in the heart of Glasgow’s West End. It drew praise from judges Bright for being a strong, confident submission.

Graphic Design

StudioLR Gutsy Graduate Award – Ben Polley, The Good People of Scotland

Dedicated to keeping ancient Scottish folklore and folk tales alive through contemporary design and streetwear, Ben Polley created The Good People as a subscription-based community – which impressed judges at StudioLR.

Best in Show – Kiera McGrory, Retrojet

SACI Degree Show 2023. Graduation Show 2023 – Edinburgh Napier University – Thu 25 May 2023 (© Andy Catlin www.andycatlin.com)

Described as ‘fun’ and ‘playful’ by judges, Kiera McGrory’s project Retrojet satirises the excesses and hypocrisies of the travel industry with bright, eye-catching designs in the style of holiday marketing.

Product Design

Best in Show, sponsored by Bright Red Triangle – Anna Hardie, Tabs

Anna Hardie’s product Tabs is a wireless organisation system for refilled ingredients, encouraging shoppers to ditch packaging. Bright Red Triangle judges praised her consideration for customers and how best to take the idea to market.

Creative Advertising

Best in Show, sponsored by Studio Something (with Innis & Gunn) – Brianna Price and Mairi Macrae, Heineken Stim

Heineken Stim takes a brief from the brewing giant to create a campaign around a bottle to make socialising more fun for people with neurodiversity. Judges Studio Something hailed the teamwork shown by Brianna Price and Mairi Macrae to come up with the idea.


Fine Art Award, sponsored by WEX Photo Video – Christy Cannon, The Death of a Princess

Inspired by stories such as those of the Brothers Grimm, The Death of a Princess subverts stereotypical depictions of women in fairy tales by eliminating their dependency to male figure.

Commercial Photography Award, sponsored by WEX Photo Video – Bethany Craig, Slow it Down

Slow It Down focuses on sustainable fashion – aiming to demonstrate the possibilities of a more ethically-conscious fashion industry which is less reliant on over-production and consumption.

Best in Show – Abi Avery, Beyond the Sport

SACI Degree Show 2023. Graduation Show 2023 – Edinburgh Napier University – Thu 25 May 2023 (© Andy Catlin www.andycatlin.com)

Abi Avery’sportrait series Beyond the Sport combines audio and imagery to celebrate women and non-binary athletes. Judges praised the project for its intimacy and connection with the subjects.

New high score: Edinburgh Napier students’ war video game concept wins nationwide contest

A team of Edinburgh Napier University students have triumphed at a UK-wide game design competition with a creative and original depiction of life in fascist-occupied Italy.

The team made up of students from ENU’s BSc in Digital Media & Interaction Design won Best Concept at the Imperial War Museum Games Jam – while claiming the highest overall score.

Drawing visual inspiration from Guillermo del Toro’s movie adaptation of Pinocchio, their game concept ‘Aging Like Buildings’ takes the player through a story narrated by a grandfather reliving his harsh experience during the 1940s. Using morally nuanced tales told to his grandchild, a player called Cielo explores ruins and works with partisans to reclaim territory taken by occupying fascist forces.

Developers Jacopo Santarossa, Jakub Mazurek, Keir Bailey, Mitchell MacPherson and Ellie Black chose their concept as a way of demonstrating the horrors of war in an empathetic way.

Jakub said: “We were drawn to the idea of creating a game based on under-explored conflict stories – which led us to the Italian partisans.

“The title ‘Aging Like Buildings’ refers to how during times of conflict, people deteriorate the way structures do after being bombed. The scars left behind by a traumatic event are a visible burden, similar to the outside of an old building.

“Even if buildings and people are injured by conflict, they always remain close by to support whoever needs assistance the most.”

Each team member seized the chance to take part in the IWM Games Jam as a way of adding to their skills, with an eye on working in areas like video game development, 3D modelling, sound design and virtual reality.

Judges praised their creative and original approach to storytelling around conflict – as well as twists and complexities that set it apart from the field.

Over the course of a week, competing teams were tasked with basing their entry around an IWM item, with a violin carved from trees growing on former Western Front battlefields inspiring the makers of Ageing Like Buildings.

Fiona Stewart, Lecturer at Edinburgh Napier University’s School of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment, said: “Game Jams are a great opportunity for our students to gain experience working in teams and learning new skills.  

“We’re very proud that the team have produced such a strong piece of work and know they will go on to even greater things in the future.”

Fellow lecturer Iain Donald, who helped judge the competition, said: “I was thrilled to see teams from across the country creating novel and engaging ways of exploring the IWM objects and how these were used to challenge our expectations of war and conflict.

“I think all the judges were impressed by how so many entries embraced their creativity, evoked empathy and encouraged diverse stories that you wouldn’t necessarily expect of when you think of war games. It was incredibly difficult to judge!”

Another team of ENU students, from the BSc in Games Development, placed 10th in the Best Playable category with their demo entitled Prisoners Dilemma.

Multi service exercise to train new staff to deal with road accidents

The Scottish Ambulance Service, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and Police Scotland held a training exercise in the Borders recently for students and new recruits to practice responding to a road traffic collision (RTC).

The Scottish Ambulance Service, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and Police Scotland held a training exercise in the Borders recently for students and new recruits to practice responding to a road traffic collision (RTC).

The exercise was held at Galashiels Fire Station on the 7th March and Hawick Fire Station on Tuesday the 14th March , with the aim of teaching participants  from each emergency service how to deal with a collision.

The mock exercise – held on the two nights with different groups of attendees – involved a two vehicle, high-speed, head-on collision, and saw different levels of responses.

Paramedic Lee Myers, SAS’s lead for the exercise, said: “This training has been designed around student and new recruit development, as we continue to welcome new staff into the Service.

“The exercise involved dealing with a serious RTC, with Police Scotland, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service attending alongside the Scottish Ambulance Service.

“The participants from all the services did a fantastic job dealing with the incident which included casualties with potentially serious injuries.  We also had approximately 20 Queen Margaret University student paramedics attend on the night and crews dealing with a traumatic cardiac arrest, a roof off extrication, patients being fully immobilised, and much, much more.  

“The three services share an excellent working relationship and this has been a great opportunity to work on improving communication and joint agency working.   I would like to say a huge thank you to all involved for making this training exercise such a success.”

Area Commander Hilary Sangster is the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s Local Senior Officer for Midlothian, East Lothian and Scottish Borders.

She said: “Exercises such as this are important and hugely worthwhile for our firefighters to train to protect our communities alongside emergency service colleagues in a unique and dynamic environment – and also follow several months of planning.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved and especially Station Commanders Grant Fraser and Roy Bradley, and our partners for their continued commitment to this multi-agency training.”

52% of students have skipped a meal because of lack of money

NUS Scotland’s latest Cost of Survival report found that: 

  • 37% of students have considered dropping out for financial reasons (a rise from 36% in February 2022). The most common reason is not having enough money in their loan or bursary (34%) but the cost-of-living was cited by 1 in 5 considering dropping out (19%). 
  • 52% have skipped a meal because of lack of money and 11% have used a foodbank (up from 8%) 
  • 45% have gone without heating because of lack of money  
  • 35% have been unable to pay their rent in full 
  • 21% have missed a class due to travel costs and a further 7% missed a placement. 
  • 13% of all students have either been unable to find somewhere to live by the time their classes began in September 2023 (11%) or still hadn’t found somewhere (2%). 
  • 12% of students had experienced homelessness (10%) or were currently homeless (2%) 

The research is based on a survey of over 5,300 college and university students and apprentices. The report covers a wide range of issues including: homelessness, housing, student finances, and mental health and wellbeing.  

The results show that student poverty is more widespread than was previously thought. 

In almost all cases, the students struggling the most were from widening-access backgrounds, including estranged, disabled, and care-experienced students, as well as students who are carers and come from low-income households. 

This comes just a day after the stage three budget debate ignored students’ asks including for an increase in grants and bursaries and rent controls on student housing.

Commenting, NUS Scotland President, Ellie Gomersall said: “These figures should be deeply troubling for the Scottish Government. It is a shocking indictment of their governance that over half of all students have skipped meals because they could not afford to eat. If more is not done to support students through the cost-of-living crisis, we risk all but the richest people being unable to access education. 

“Further and higher education is free in Scotland because we want our education system to be accessible to all, but if students cannot afford to live whilst accessing that free education, we have failed to make it so. Students are already missing classes and even considering dropping out because they cannot afford to learn. 

“Though the figures keep getting worse, student poverty is not a new problem; it did not originate with the cost-of-living crisis and solutions to the cost-of-living crisis will not make it go away. The Scottish Government need to develop bespoke solutions for students that include increased grants and bursaries, rent controls on student housing, and half price bus and rail fares for all students.” 

Lydia Rohmer is the Principal Designate, UHI North, West and Hebrides, and a joint Lead Principal for poverty with Colleges Scotland. She said: “The figures published today are incredibly stark. I know as a college Principal many of our students are really struggling with the cost of living, which is closely linked to poor mental health, stress and anxiety. 

“Choosing college is a route out of poverty, but students have to be able to afford to come to class and complete their course so that they can move into good careers. 

“Many colleges are using their own budgets to provide free breakfast or soup to students alongside other mitigations like referral to foodbanks and money advice. However, college budgets are falling and student support is being cut in real terms as well, so there does need to be a much more sustainable way to help our students. 

“Colleges would welcome a real debate about the impact of student poverty, especially around housing and energy costs. This research is an alarming insight into the day-to-day financial pressures students are facing.” 

Responding to the NUS Scotland’s ‘The Cost of Survival’ Report released in February, Foysol Choudhury MSP said: “The National Union of Students (NUS) Scotland’s shocking recent report addresses a number of issues facing students. Housing and a lack of money for food and bills were cited at an alarming rate. 

“This is putting pressure on students who are already dealing with the typical stresses of university. It is affecting performance and many more students are needing to take on more hours at work. Students’ mental health is suffering as a result. 

“The report cited students from low-income households and those that are estranged, disabled, or carers being most effected.  We need to get rid of financial barriers within the system because educational success should not be reserved for the wealthy.

“The NUS Scotland have made it clear that there needs to be an increase in grants and bursaries. Affordable and appropriate housing needs to be made widespread.  

“This is why I have submitted a motion in the Scottish Parliament to bring attention to this student housing crisis.  

“I have also hosted a roundtable with students in Lothian to understand what issues they are facing and how is best to solve them.  

“Having university educated young people could help Scotland to grow and expand economically.  By not facilitating certain sections of society to access a higher education, we are reducing their ability to achieve their goals.

“If Scotland wants a strong future, we must invest in our students and we must do it before it is too late.” 

Students encouraged to get vaccinations as semesters resume

Students are being encouraged to get protected against infectious diseases such as meningitis, measles and HPV (human papilloma virus) as they return to campus. 

As schools, colleges and universities return after the festive break and students begin to mix closely, it is a time when we can see increased spread of infectious diseases. 

Being vaccinated offers the best protection and we would encourage those eligible to get their most up to date jags to protect both themselves and their peers. 

Dr Iain Kennedy, of NHS GGC Public Health, said: “Student health is vitally important and that is why we are encouraging everyone to ensure they have their vaccinations up to date.

“Diseases can spread easily and quickly through schools, colleges and universities and being vaccinated ensures the best possible protection.

“If you are unsure of your vaccination status, please get in contact with your local GP practice who should be able to advise you on this.

 “All our routine immunisation programmes are available on the NHS.

“For more information about getting your vaccines, please speak to your GP or log on to NHS Inform where you can read further information on vaccinations.”