Improved support on the way for Scotland’s unpaid carers


Views are being sought on plans to improve support for Scotland’s community of unpaid carers through the introduction of a new benefit.

Under Scottish Government proposals, Scottish Carer’s Assistance will replace Carer’s Allowance, currently delivered by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), and be delivered by Social Security Scotland.

It will support over 80,000 people who provide 35 hours per week or more of care to those receiving certain disability benefits. An additional payment of more than £500 a year will be made to those who care for more than one person.

A consultation published today outlines proposals aimed at improving the service that carers receive, including increased financial support and links to wider support in areas such as social care, employability, education and bereavement.

It also highlights how support could be expanded once those already in receipt of Carer’s Allowance have been transferred from DWP to Social Security Scotland.

Social Security Minister Ben Macpherson said: “Caring for a loved one can be a positive and life changing experience but also presents many challenges. We will deliver Scottish Carer’s Assistance in a compassionate and considerate way, linking carers to wider services.

“We will also create a weekly payment of £10 for those caring for more than one person, and if the person they care for is challenging a change to their disability benefits we will make support available.

“This is in addition to continuing support for young carers and maintaining the extra support from our Carer’s Allowance Supplement, providing eligible carers with an extra £460 a year.

“When we have introduced our new benefit, and safely and securely transferred people from Carer’s Allowance to Scottish Carer’s Assistance, we intend to make further improvements. We will look for opportunities to make these changes sooner if we can do so without putting carers’ existing benefits at risk.

“These further changes would help remove barriers to education, allow carers to add together hours spent caring for more than one person to qualify for support, extend support after the loss of a cared for person or when a cared for person is in hospital, and enable carers to earn more from paid work.

“We want to hear people’s views on these plans, other potential changes beyond these, and thoughts on how improvements would help address inequality and poverty.”

Fiona Collie, Policy & Public Affairs Manager at Carers Scotland, said: “Carers Scotland is very pleased to welcome the publication of this consultation on proposals for Scottish Carer’s Assistance and a new Carer Additional Person Payment to support unpaid carers. 

“This opportunity to improve the main financial support for carers in Scotland is an important one and carers have long discussed ways in which it can be changed to recognise their caring and better meet their needs. 

“I would encourage as many carers as possible to respond and bring their views and experiences to the consultation, either individually or through events and activities that are planned.”  

The Scottish Carer’s Assistance consultation is open for responses until 23 May 2022.

Nearly 82,000 carers benefit from additional double payment

£57.6 million support for carers in 2021

Over 658,000 Carer’s Allowance Supplement payments have been made to 126,055 carers since this additional payment, unique in the UK, was introduced in September 2018.

In total, £188 million has been paid to carers since launch and just under 82,000 eligible carers received a payment in December 2021.

Recognising the impacts of the pandemic on unpaid carers, these payments included an additional Coronavirus Carer’s Allowance Supplement payment, making the total December payment value  £462.80.

Carer’s Allowance Supplement is an extra payment for people in Scotland who get Carer’s Allowance on a particular date.

There are two Carer’s Allowance Supplement eligibility dates each year – one in April and one in October. The eligibility dates for 2022 will be Monday 11 April 2022 and Monday 10 October 2022.

The Minister for Social Security, Ben Macpherson said: “In recognising the vital contribution of unpaid carers in our society, Carer’s Allowance Supplement was the first payment we introduced when we established our new social security system in 2018.

“Providing this supplementary payment rights the wrong that Carer’s Allowance on its own is the lowest of all working age benefits in the UK.

“The impacts of the pandemic put additional pressure on tens of thousands of carers across the country. That is why we also paid an additional Coronavirus Carer’s Allowance Supplement Payment in 2020 and 2021.

“The Scottish Government’s additional payments meant that eligible carers in Scotland received up to £694.20 more in support last year than carers in the rest of the UK.”

  • Full details on the statistics are available to view at 
  • Carer’s Allowance Supplement is paid automatically twice a year to carers who are living in Scotland and receive Carer’s Allowance, paid by the Department for Work and Pensions, on specified qualifying dates. The qualifying date for the December 2021 double payment was 11 October 2021
  • There are two Carer’s Allowance Supplement eligibility dates each year – one in April and one in October. The eligibility dates for 2022 are Monday 11 April 2022 and Monday 10 October 2022. Payment months will be June and December 2022 which follows previous payment cycles, with exact date to be confirmed closer to the time
  • Carer’s Allowance Supplement will be uprated from April 2022. The new Carer’s Allowance Supplement rate for 2022 will be £237.90

Scottish Child Payment is one year old

Eligible parents urged to apply

Eligible parents are being urged to apply for Scottish Child Payment on the first anniversary of its roll out.

The payment of £10 per week, unique to Scotland, began in February 2021 as a direct measure to tackle poverty. It provides regular, additional financial support to parents and carers to help with the costs of caring for a child.

Since launch, the families of around 106,000 children have benefited from £520 a year and the payment will double to £20 per week from April.

By the end of this year – subject to data being made available by the DWP – the payment will extend to include all eligible children under the age of 16.

In 2019-20 the Scottish Government invested nearly £2 billion in support for low income households, including over £672 million targeted specifically at children.

Shona Robison, Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government said: “The Scottish Government is determined to deliver on our ambition to eradicate child poverty in Scotland. So this year we will be even bolder with the ambitious and transformational measures we will take.

“From April, our Scottish Child Payment will double to £20 a week – four times the amount anti-poverty campaigners originally asked for. Together with our Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods payments, this will provide a package of financial support worth £8,400 by the time an eligible family’s first child turns 6.

“The extension to 16 year olds will continue this progress with the number of eligible children increasing to 430,000. In 2023-24 we estimate the Scottish Child Payment could lift 40,000 children out of poverty.

“This is part of the national mission we have set ourselves and society to tackle child poverty and our focus must be relentless and constant.

“Because many people learn about Scottish Child Payment through word of mouth, if you think a friend or family member might qualify, please encourage them to find out more and to help to ensure that everyone eligible gets the support they are entitled too.

“This way, we can all play a part in ensuring the continued success of Scottish Child Payment, advancing our fight to eradicate child poverty and building an equal and fairer country.”

The Scottish Government committed to introducing the Scottish Child Payment in June 2019 as part of the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan.

John Dickie, the Director of the Child Poverty Action Group, said: “The Scottish Child Payment is already providing vital financial support to families, helping parents give the best possible start in life to their children.

“Doubling its value from April comes at a critical time, helping families stay afloat as food and energy prices soar. The roll out to eligible children over five is now eagerly anticipated and really can’t come soon enough.”

Holyrood approves Adult Disability Payment legislation

New benefit available in pilot areas from 21 March

The new Adult Disability Payment will open for applications in three pilot areas from 21 March 2022.

Legislation unanimously approved today by the Scottish Parliament means that working age disabled people, those with a long-term health condition and people who have a terminal illness should apply for disability assistance to the new Scottish system.

Applications will open first for those living in Dundee City, Perth and Kinross and the Western Isles council areas.

This payment will be the twelfth to be delivered by the Scottish Government and will replace Personal Independence Payment, which is currently delivered by the UK Government’s Department for Work and Pensions.

Adults of working age with a disability or health condition, who are not already in receipt of Personal Independence Payment or Disability Living Allowance, and living in the pilot areas, will be the first to be able to apply.

Further council areas will be introduced in phases until Adult Disability Payment rolls out nationwide on 29 August.

People already receiving DWP payments will not need to apply for Adult Disability Payment. Their awards will transfer to the Scottish social security system automatically, beginning in August.

This will be done safely and securely so that people will still get the same amount of money, to the same account. The date of their first payment will be confirmed in writing before they transfer.

Minister for Social Security Ben Macpherson said: “The unanimous passing of the regulations for Adult Disability Payment is a significant milestone for Scotland’s social security system. It means we can now take a very different approach to delivering disability benefits – in comparison to the current DWP system – and our focus is on providing a positive and compassionate experience for people applying for and receiving our new benefit. 

“We know people have found applying for DWP disability benefits stressful in the past. That is why we have listened to their experiences and designed our new system to work for people, not against them. We are committed to doing things differently – we are ensuring that accessing Adult Disability Payment is as straightforward as possible and we will always start from a position of trust.

“Importantly, we have abolished assessments in the form currently undertaken by the DWP. Instead, and only where required, we will hold consultations between the person and a Social Security Scotland health or social care practitioner. Our consultations will not involve functional examinations.

“To ensure we don’t create a two tiered system as we complete safe and secure transfer, we are largely keeping the eligibility criteria for Adult Disability Payment the same, ahead of a two stage independent review of Adult Disability Benefit.

“This review will begin later in the year, to consider what further changes and improvements could, and should, be made in the future.”

Families urged to apply for Best Start Grant payments

SOCIAL Security Scotland is urging families to apply for Best Start Grant School Age Payment before the deadline and to apply for help with early learning costs.

Eligible families with children born between 1 March 2016 – 28 February 2017, are being encouraged to apply for the School Age Payment before applications close on 28 February 2022.

Parents or carers enrolling children in nursery this year have also been urged to check whether they are eligible for a one-off payment to help with early learning costs.

For Early Years Payment, eligible families who are in receipt of certain benefits or tax credits with a child who is aged between 2-3 and a half years old. Parents or carers who are eligible for the Early Learning Payment receive a one-off grant of £252.50

The money can be used to help pay for clothes, equipment, bags, books or anything else which is helpful for people caring for children in that age range. 

Eligible families for School Age Payment may be parents or carers who are in receipt of certain benefits or tax credits with a child who is old enough to start school.

School Age Payment is a payment of £252.50 per child and is designed to support children at a key stage in their life.

It is not directly linked to taking up a school place. As such, even if the child’s school start has been deferred until next year, or if the child is not going to start school at all, parents or carers should still apply for the payment by 28 February 2022. If they do not apply by this time, they will not be able to receive the payment.

Social Security Scotland wants to ensure that everyone who is entitled to money for Early Learning or School Age Payment receive it and we would welcome support from our stakeholders  to make sure people don’t miss out on these payments.

Please encourage any clients in your networks to apply for School Age Payment before the 28 February deadline and for Early Years Payment when enrolling their child into nursery.

New independent advocacy service for disabled people opens

Disabled people are now able to access a new advocacy service to get help applying for Scottish social security benefits. 

The support is available to disabled people applying for any of Social Security Scotland’s current and future benefits including Child Disability Payment and Adult Disability Payment.

It also covers advocacy support for disabled people to access payments for families with children, people who need help to pay for a funeral, carers and young people entering the workplace.

This service will be delivered by the charity VoiceAbility and is entirely independent of the Scottish Government and Social Security Scotland. 

The Scottish Government has committed up to £20.4 million over the next four years to the provision of the new Independent Advocacy Service. 

To enable them to deliver this service, VoiceAbility will create up to 100 new advocacy jobs across the country over the next four years, with a head office and dedicated training centre in Glasgow. 

Minister for Social Security Ben Macpherson said: “Accessing social security is a human right and we have an obligation to do what we can to make sure disabled people are able to get the help they need to access financial support they are entitled to. 

“This is why we are investing in an independent and free advocacy service for disabled people who need support to engage with us. This new service will help disabled people be aware of their rights, express themselves and feel understood when applying for Scottish social security benefits. 

“The service, which is unique to Scotland, is just one of the ways that we’ve responded to what people have told us they want from our new social security system. It is all part of our work to make sure people applying for benefits have a positive experience and find it straightforward and simple no matter what their individual circumstances are.  

“Our system is designed to adapt to an individual’s needs rather than expecting them to adapt to access it and we start from a position of trust. I am delighted this new independent service is available to disabled people, it highlights how we are ensuring our social security system is based on dignity, fairness and respect.”

Chief Executive of VoiceAbility Jonathan Senker said: “We are proud to have established a new base in Scotland to provide this Independent Advocacy Service. Our team of skilled advocates will cover the length and breadth of Scotland to provide bespoke support to disabled people to apply for benefits from Social Security Scotland. 

“The advocacy we provide will support disabled people to make sure their voices are heard when it matters most and will mean that more people know and understand their rights when applying for Social Security Scotland benefits. We are excited about the difference this service will make to disabled people.”

  • VoiceAbility is a charity with 40 years’ experience in delivering independent advocacy services
  • the service will provide free and independent advocacy to anyone who identifies as disabled and requires support to communicate. This may include people with a sensory disability, mental health condition or learning disability
  • people can access this support by contacting VoiceAbility directly for free on 0300 303 1660 or by visiting
  • people can also access this support by calling Social Security Scotland for free on 0800 182 2222 and asking to be referred to the Independent Advocacy Service.

2022 will be biggest year yet for benefits in Scotland

The introduction of Adult Disability Payment and extension of Scottish Child Payment to children under 16 will see a major increase in the number of people eligible to receive Sottish benefits in 2022.

The Scottish Child Payment will increase to £20 from April, giving increased support to 111,000 children under the age of six. Its extension to children under 16 by the end of 2022, subject to the DWP making data available, will see the number of eligible children more than double to 400,000.

Adult Disability Payment, the twelfth benefit and most complex to be introduced so far, will replace the UK Government’s Personal Independence Payment. It will be phased in from March, with nationwide rollout at the end of August.

To support this, Social Security Scotland is in the process of recruiting up to 2,000 people by autumn 2022 with the first new recruits set to start early in the New Year – the biggest expansion since its formation in 2018, creating jobs and a boost to local economies.

Minister for Social Security Ben Macpherson said: “2022 will be our biggest year yet in building a new social security system for Scotland with the powers we have. The major milestones of introducing Adult Disability Payment and extending Scottish Child Payment will be transformative for many people with a disability or health condition and for families on low incomes.

“By the end of 2022 we aim to have extended the Scottish Child Payment to all those under the age of 16 – subject to the DWP making data available – increasing eligibility to around 400,000 children.

“From April the doubling of our Scottish Child Payment will significantly help us to reduce child poverty and build a fairer society.

“The £20 payment per child per week will be four times what was originally asked for by anti-poverty campaigners and we hope to lift 40,000 Scottish children out of poverty in 2023/24.

“Applying for Adult Disability Payment from Social Security Scotland will be different to applying to the DWP, as we will deliver a much improved experience.

“There will be no private sector involvement, we have removed DWP-style assessments and any consultations that are necessary will be person centred and won’t include functional examinations.

“We’ll start from a position of trust. Also, we are offering a range of ways to make an application, including online, by post, over the phone or face-to-face; and, in contrast to the current DWP system, we’re removing the burden from individuals to provide supporting information – instead the onus will be on Social Security Scotland to collect the information we require.

“We’ll also fast-track clients who are facing a terminal illness and we will follow the judgement of clinicians instead of being tied to fixed periods of life expectancy.

“As well as the positive impact of paying benefits, Social Security Scotland is also growing as an employer. This rapid development is not only making a difference in our communities but is also creating long-term secure employment across the country, and a £280 million contribution to our wider economy – something we can all welcome.

“Scotland’s social security system is built on the values of dignity, fairness and respect, and these are the principles which will always guide us as we develop this important public service.”

Citizens Advice Scotland Chief Executive Derek Mitchell said: “Citizens Advice Scotland supported the introduction and then doubling of the Scottish Child Payment because we know the difference it can make to families across the country.

“We’d encourage everyone eligible for the payment to apply and claim, that’s how our welfare state works – we all pay in and get the support we are entitled to when we need it. 

“With the cost of living starting to really bite people can get help and advice from the Citizens Advice network to see what support they are entitled to. We’ve been helping people for over 80 years and unlocked £147 million for people last year.”

£1.4 million in Young Carer Grants paid out since launch of benefit

More than 4500 payments have been made to young carers across Scotland since the benefit launched in October 2019.

Figures released today reveal a total of £1.4 million in Young Carer Grant payments have been made up to 31 October 2021.

Applications were received from young people living in all local authorities. The highest number of applications were from Glasgow City, which accounts for 15% of all applications received to the end of October 2021. The next highest areas were from North Lanarkshire, Fife and South Lanarkshire.

The first benefit of its kind in the UK, Young Carer Grant is a payment that can be applied for once a year by young carers aged 16, 17, and 18 who care for someone who is normally paid a qualifying disability benefit.

The payment is a flat rate of £308.15 and acknowledges the young person’s carer role helping them take part in opportunities that are the norm for many other young people.

Carers can decide how to spend the money, for example, on new clothes, a music or TV streaming service or anything else that helps them take a break from their day to day caring responsibilities.

Young carers who previously received the grant and still meet the eligibility criteria can re-apply 12 months from the date of their previous successful application.

To check eligibility and apply visit or call free on 0800 182 2222.

Adult Disability Payment launch dates announced

The Scottish Government’s next benefit, Adult Disability Payment (ADP), will open for new applications in pilot areas from 21 March 2022.

This new payment, to be administered by Social Security Scotland, will replace Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Disability Living Allowance (DLA), which are currently delivered by the UK Government’s Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Adults of working age with a disability or health condition, who are not already in receipt of PIP or DLA, and living in Dundee City, Perth and Kinross and the Western Isles local authority areas, will be the first to be able to apply from this date.

Further council areas will be introduced in phases until Adult Disability Payment rolls out nationwide from August 2022.

Individuals with ongoing awards of PIP or DLA do not need to apply for Adult Disability Payment. Their awards will be transferred automatically to the new Scottish system from August 2022, with no break in entitlement or payment.

Legislation to introduce the new benefit was laid before the Scottish Parliament on Friday.

Minister for Social Security Ben Macpherson said: “Adult Disability Payment will be the twelfth Scottish benefit to be delivered by the Scottish Government, since we gained limited powers over social security and created Social Security Scotland in 2018.

“ADP will also be the most complex and largescale Scottish benefit yet, reaching up to a forecasted 339,000 people once the entitlements of all Scottish PIP and DLA recipients are transferred from the DWP.

“We know people have found applying for DWP disability benefits stressful in the past. That is why we have listened to their experiences as we have designed our new system, and we are committed to doing things differently.

“We are introducing an improved application process and, in contrast to the DWP system, we are removing the burden from individuals to provide supporting information, so that the onus will instead be on Social Security Scotland to collect the information we require. Our new, person-centred decision making process will ensure everyone is treated with dignity, fairness and respect.

“Importantly, we have abolished assessments in the form currently undertaken by the DWP. Instead, and only where required, we will hold person-centred consultations between the person and a Social Security Scotland health or social care practitioner, starting from a position of trust. Our consultations will not involve functional examinations.

“Another key difference in our new system will be around the definition of terminal illness. We will follow the judgement of clinicians instead of being tied to fixed periods of life expectancy, and anyone with a terminal illness will be fast tracked.

“From the outset, the eligibility criteria for ADP applicants will remain mostly the same as existing DWP disability benefits, as will payment values for awards, so that we do not create a two-tier system with varying rules whilst Scottish PIP and DLA recipients are transferred to Social Security Scotland.

“We are committed to undertaking an independent review of ADP within a year of its full introduction, to consider the eligibility criteria, gather feedback from people who’ve applied and collect data to inform any proposed changes.

“We have also worked with people with lived experience and relevant organisations to develop all aspects of the application process, and make it easy and inclusive for people to access support they are entitled to. We are offering a range of ways to make an application, including online, by post, over the phone or face-to-face. Social Security Scotland local delivery teams will also be available to provide assistance.

“People in Scotland with existing DWP awards do not need to be concerned about reapplying or going through an application process again. They will be transferred automatically to Social Security Scotland and we will write in advance, so people know what to expect. Our focus on safe and secure delivery will ensure that everyone continues to get the payments they receive, when they expect to.”

Child Disability Payment opens for applications

Financial support for families of children with a disability now available nationwide

Child Disability Payment opens for new applications across the country from today. For the first time anywhere in the UK, disability benefit applicants can apply online, as well as by phone, post or face-to-face.

This is the first of three complex disability benefits to be introduced nationwide by the Scottish Government. This new payment replaces the UK Government’s Disability Living Allowance for children.

Those already receiving Disability Living Allowance for children do not need to apply. These approximately 52,000 current cases are being automatically transferred in phases from the Department for Work and Pensions to Social Security Scotland. This will be completed by spring 2023.

Child Disability Payment, which will be administered by Social Security Scotland, provides families with support for extra costs that a disabled child might have.

The national roll out to all local authority areas follows successful pilots in Dundee City, Perth & Kinross and the Western Isles.

Minister for Social Security Ben Macpherson said: “I’m really pleased that Child Disability Payment is now available to eligible families all over Scotland.

“This is a significant milestone in the introduction of our new social security system. Families who find themselves in need of support will be able to access this help in a way that suits them best.

“Those who currently receive Disability Living Allowance for children from the DWP will also be transferred to Social Security Scotland. They will be told when this is happening and will find their payments transferred safely and securely within the next 18 months. Payments will be made at the same rate and there will be no break in entitlement.

“In the months and years ahead thousands of families will benefit from our simplified and much less stressful system, which will treat everyone with dignity, fairness and respect.

“Social security is a shared investment in building a fairer Scotland and we encourage those who are eligible for support to apply.”