Get Help or Get Caught: tackling online child sexual abuse and exploitation

Reports of online child sexual abuse and exploitation in Scotland have increased by 21 per cent, according to new data from Police Scotland.

Between 1 April, 2023 and 31 March, 2024, 2,055 cyber-enabled sexual crimes against children were recorded, an increase of 364 on the previous year. Three offence types accounted for two thirds of this total:

  • Cause or coerce to see/hear sexual images/content
  • Communicating indecently with a child
  • Possession/distribution of indecent images of children.

The scale of online child sexual abuse and exploitation (OCSAE) was highlighted in a recent study by University of Edinburgh’s Childlight initiative. It estimated that 300 million children a year worldwide were victims of online sexual abuse and exploitation.

And the National Crime Agency estimates that 1.3% – 1.6% of adults in the UK pose varying degrees of risk to children.

The scale of the threat is a recognised national risk.

Police Scotland yesterday (1 July) launched its latest #GethelpOrGetCaught campaign to prevent OCSAE, targeting individuals who may already have offended or be at risk of offending.

It signposts them to the Lucy Faithfull Foundation Scotland’s Stop It Now service which offers advice and support to prevent offending.

Detective Chief Superintendent Sam Faulds, head of Public Protection for Police Scotland, which leads on child protection, said: “More of us live our lives online and that is particularly true for children and young people. Cyber-enabled crime is on the rise, and increasingly our investigations are focused online identifying offenders and bringing them to justice.

“During the school summer holidays, many more children will be at home and online.

“We want to reduce risk, to stop young people becoming victims of online child abuse and exploitation.

“Many of our key partners provide advice to young people and their parents about keeping safe online.

“Our role is to target offenders.

“Our prevention campaigns offer them a way to stop, a route out before they offend, before a child becomes their victim, before other lives are damaged.

“We want to prevent children becoming victims of online predators and we will use all means at our disposal to identify offenders.

“Think about it – it might not be a child you are grooming or speaking to online. It might be the police. Take your chance to Get Help or you will Get Caught.”

Stuart Allardyce, director of Lucy Faithfull Foundation Scotland, said: “We have worked with hundreds of individuals who have either been arrested for online offences against children or are concerned about their thoughts or behaviours towards children.

“Through our work, we understand how difficult it is to reach out for help. We also know that those who engage in these behaviours often need support with their mental health and compulsive behaviours, feeling trapped in a cycle of harmful actions.

“The reasons for viewing sexual images of children or online grooming are complex, and many individuals recognise that what they are doing is wrong. Seeking individualised, anonymous, and non-judgmental support is absolutely the right step to take. This can help individuals stop viewing illegal images or engaging in illegal conversations online.

“By making the right choice and getting the support you need, you can move on from offending or potential criminal behaviour and help protect and keep children safe.”

The Police Scotland campaign will run for six weeks across various social media platforms including Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, and Spotify.

Last month, 61-year-old Ian Heddle, was convicted of the serious sexual assault of a child and possession of indecent images of children. Heddle was arrested and charged in Scotland in connection with possessing indecent images of children.

Following enquiries, it was established he had also sexually assaulted a young girl in Thailand. He was subsequently arrested and charged for this offence. The arrest was made under legislation which protects children anywhere in the world from sexual abuse by British nationals.

Earlier this year, serial predator, Benjamin Young, 42, was sentenced to 12 years in prison and has been given an Order of Lifelong Restriction (OLR). Young created and shared images and videos of the sexual abuse of children.

He was identified and investigated by the National Child Abuse Investigation Unit working with international law enforcement partners.

The majority of perpetrators of online sexual abuse are male (90%). Most victims are female (54%).

Rani Govender, NSPCC Regulatory Policy Manager, said: “Online sexual abuse can have a devastating impact on children and young people. This abuse can be prevented, but tech firms have not done enough to build platforms which are safe by design for children.

“These figures demonstrate the increasing scale of the problem in Scotland. We need strong implementation of the Online Safety Act by Ofcom to protect children and young people. It is vital that platforms are held accountable for tackling all forms of child sexual abuse and exploitation.

“Tech firms need to use best practice approaches to prevent, detect and disrupt abuse, including in private messaging.

“It is important that tech companies do not delay action any longer and that they make children and young people’s safety a priority.”

Changeworks activities to encourage food waste recycling in Edinburgh

Changeworks is delivering a series of food waste engagement activities in Edinburgh on behalf of the city council.  The aim of these activities is to engage Edinburgh residents in food waste recycling and increase food waste recycling participation across Edinburgh. 

The project includes a city wide social media campaign and two locality projects in Carrick Knowe and Balgreen.

Staff and volunteers from Changeworks, will engage with residents in these areas by providing advice, guidance and practical tools to support food waste recycling.  The team will also measure kerbside food waste recycling participation rates to measure success.    

If you would like find out more about this project please email us.

Thunderclap encourages cycberspace to observe Remembrance Sunday silence

Twitter and Facebook could fall silent this weekend as The Royal British Legion launches a campaign to extend Remembrance Sunday’s two-minute silence to the online community.

Facebook and Twitter users will be encouraged to observe the silence by using Thunderclap, a new ‘crowdspeaking’ social media tool that allows users to issue a message simultaneously across social media channels.

The Royal British Legion is the first UK organisation to use the new tool, and the charity is encouraging people to visit and click on the link to the Two Minute Silence Thunderclap page. They can show their support by clicking to authorise their social media accounts to send the tweet or message that reads: ‘I’ll be remembering the fallen at 11 o’clock #2MinuteSilence #LestWeForget” at 9am on Sunday 11 November.’

When they sign up, their Twitter or Facebook feed will display the message: ‘I won’t forget to Remember on 11.11.11 Will you? #2MinuteSilence.’ It is hoped that, through retweets and online “liking” and sharing of the message it will reach many more of the UK’s ten million Twitter and 33 million Facebook users.

Helen Hill, head of remembrance at the Royal British Legion said: “We hope to create the largest ever show of online remembrance by using the communicative power of social media to remind millions of Britons that they have a very personal opportunity to honour the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice.”

The act of observing a two-minute silence began in 1919 following the signing of the Armistice that brought the First World War to an end at 11am on 11 November 1918. Up to 37 million people were killed or wounded in the conflict.

See previous post We will remember them

Will you be observing the two-minute silence? Is it important to you? Let us know