Edinburgh-based vaping retailer to open 15 new stores across UK by end of 2023

  • VPZ, the UK’s largest vaping retailer, has announced that it will open 15 new stores by the end of 2023.
  • The new stores will offer specialist stop smoking advice will offer specialist advice to local communities throughout England, Wales and Scotland, increasing the specialist’s UK footprint to over 160 stores. 
  • The growth comes amidst VPZ’s launch of its new vape recycling service in partnership with WasteCare across all its stores in response to the rising environmental concern over disposable vapes. 
  • Doug Mutter, Director, said: “We are delighted to be continuing our brand expansion and mission of supporting adult smokers to quit whilst bringing our own innovative recycling services to tackle the negative environmental impact of disposable vaping.” 

VPZ, the UK’s largest vaping retailer, is set to open 15 new stores by the end of 2023. The new stores will expand the brand’s presence in communities throughout the nation, with key locations in Cardiff, Aberdeen and Newcastle Metrocentre set to increase the specialist’s footprint to over 160 stores.  

The growth comes amidst VPZ’s launch of its new vape recycling service in partnership with WasteCare across all its stores in response to the rising environmental concern over disposable vapes. 

The service is open to all vapers, as anyone can visit any store within the VPZ network and dispose safely of their vaping devices or e-cigarettes.  

VPZ is pushing ahead with growth at a time when the UK is moving towards ambitions to be Smoke Free by 2030. 

To date, Edinburgh-based VPZ has already helped over 700k smokers in the UK quit since it was established in 2012. 

Doug Mutter, Director, said: “As the UK’s leading vaping specialist, we are spearheading the fight against the nation’s number one killer – smoking. 

“Our plans to open fifteen new stores and the launch of our vape recycling service reflect our ambition to help more smokers take the first steps on their quit journey and properly address the environmental impact of disposable vapes. 

“There has been a rising concern of disposable vapes on our environment, as more and more devices are being discarded in our community areas. 

“Our innovative recycling service is a definitive step in cleaning up local spaces throughout the country and educating adult vapers on being responsible and using more sustainable vaping products.” 

The NHS in England recently announced its world-first innovative swap-to-stop initiative to encourage smokers to switch to vaping in its ambition to create a smoke-free nation. The scheme will provide a vape starter kit alongside behavioural support to 1 million smokers in their journey to quit and improve the nation’s health through cutting smoking rates. 

A further report from the Royal College of Physicians Tobacco Advisory Group backs vaping as an effective treatment for tobacco dependency and recommends that it should be included and encouraged in all treatment pathways. The report also found that the long-term impact of vaping is 95 per cent less harmful than smoking cigarettes. 

VPZ has already called on both the UK and Scottish Governments to introduce tighter controls and licensing for selling vaping products both in physical and online retail environments. 

Despite continued efforts during the past two years to develop positive dialogue with the Scottish Government, VPZ has been excluded from an industry-wide online roundtable event today (September 6th ) to discuss policy options to reduce the environmental impacts of single use e-cigarettes. 

Doug Mutter, however welcomed news that First Minister Humza Yousaf would hold a consultation on a single-use vape ban as he set out his priorities for the coming year. 

Doug Mutter said: “Despite all the evidence of vaping already helping the UK towards its 2030 goal, there is still a looming challenge in the industry, as many imported, unregulated, disposable vapes are readily available to underaged people at local convenience stores and other general retailers with no age verification control.  

“This issue has extended to online retailing where products are accessible and available to young people with limited or no age restrictions.  

“This is a significant problem that threatens the huge progress of vaping in transforming the health of the nation and helping the country meet its 2030 smoke-free targets. 

“We have urged the Scottish Government to act now and follow best practice from countries like New Zealand where physical and online retailers must be licensed, where stringent age verification frameworks are in place and consultation is aimed towards adult smokers and vapers. 

“As the country’s leading vaping retailer we have made sustained efforts to develop positive dialogue and support the development of a transformative smoke free strategy – however we continue to be ignored. 

“Alarmingly we have also been excluded from a roundtable event today (September 6th) which draws on insight and participation from a host of industry experts on how we tackle the impact of disposable vaping products. 

“We are fully supportive of a disposables ban and we have also introduced a pioneering recycling scheme that leads best practice across the sector. 

“News that the Scottish Government will consult on curbing the sale or an outright ban on disposables is fully welcomed, but as the leading authority for the industry we are asking for a seat at table and the chance to help them seize this once in a lifetime public health opportunity.” 

New inserts in cigarette packs to help smokers quit?

UK Government seeks views on adding pack inserts to tobacco products to encourage smokers to quit

  • Pack inserts are used internationally including in Canada and Israel, and proven to encourage people to give up smoking
  • Initial report on the Major Conditions Strategy to be published today

The UK government will seek views on adding pack inserts into tobacco products to encourage more smokers to quit as it launches a new consultation today.

Placed inside the packaging of cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco, they would contain positive messages to encourage people to quit and signpost them to advice and support.

The messages set out the health benefits of quitting – for example, improvements to breathing within a matter of days and a 50% reduction in the risk of heart attack within a year – as well as showing smokers how much money they stand to save by giving up, with the average person likely to save over £2,000 per year if they quit.

Smoking remains the single leading preventable cause of illness and mortality in the UK. It results in nearly 4% of all hospital admissions each year – equivalent to almost 450,000 admissions. Tobacco-related harms are also estimated to cost taxpayers an estimated £21 billion every year, including over £2 billion in costs to the NHS.

Although smoking rates in the UK are at an all-time low, by taking further action, the government will seek to cut waiting lists and reduce the burden on the NHS. Introducing pack inserts into all tobacco products in the UK could lead to an additional 30,000 smokers giving up their habit – delivering health benefits worth £1.6 billion.

Health and Social Care Secretary Steve Barclay said: “Smoking places a huge burden on the NHS, economy and individuals. It directly causes a whole host of health problems – including cancers and cardiovascular disease – and costs the economy billions every year in lost productivity.

By taking action to reduce smoking rates and pursuing our ambition to be smokefree by 2030, we will reduce the pressure on the NHS and help people to live healthier lives.”

The consultation – which opens today – will seek views on the introduction and design of pack inserts.

Pack inserts are already used in other countries – including Canada and Israel, with Australia also announcing its intention to introduce them – and there is evidence that they can be an effective means of encouraging smokers to quit.

An evaluation of the policy’s impact in Canada found that almost 1 in 3 smokers had read the inserts at least once in the past month, and that those who were exposed to the inserts multiple times were significantly more likely to try to give up smoking.

The consultation builds on a recent package of measures designed to drive the government’s ambition to be smokefree by 2030 – which means reducing smoking rates to 5% or less.

These measures include:

  • Funding a new national ‘swap to stop’ scheme – the first of its kind in the world – to offer a million smokers across England a free vaping starter kit, alongside expert support
  • Launching a financial incentive scheme – in the form of vouchers alongside behavioural support – to support pregnant women to stop smoking, with an aim to reach all pregnant smokers by the end of next year
  • A new strategy to combat illicit tobacco, which will outline efforts to catch and punish those involved in the illegal market

Deborah Arnott, chief executive of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), said: “Smoking is very addictive, and it takes smokers on average thirty attempts before they succeed in stopping, so encouraging them to keep on trying is vital.

“Pack inserts do this by backing up the grim messages about death and disease on the outside with the best advice about how to quit on the inside.

“They will help deliver not just the Smokefree 2030 ambition, but also the Major Conditions Strategy, as smoking is responsible for all six major conditions from cancer to cardiovascular and respiratory disease, as well as dementia, mental ill health and musculoskeletal disorders.”

The consultation launch comes as the government publishes an initial report on its Major Conditions Strategy – which covers the six groups of conditions accounting for 60% of all ill-health and early death in England.

One in four people in England live with two or more major long-term conditions, and the initial report sets out the direction for the strategy to tackle these groups of conditions – cancers, cardiovascular diseases (including stroke and diabetes), musculoskeletal disorders, mental ill health, dementia and chronic respiratory conditions.

This includes by addressing key risk factors and lifestyle drivers of ill-health and disease, including smoking, which is a direct contributor to all six groups of conditions covered by the strategy. For example, it is the biggest cause of cancer, with one in every five cancer deaths in England connected to smoking.

A world leader in reducing smoking rates, UK levels are currently at their lowest on record at 13.3%. But across the UK, 1 in 7 adults still smoke – around 6.6 million people – and the impacts on the NHS and economy are significant.

Tobacco also costs the economy in England an estimated £14 billion in lost productivity every year, due to lost earnings, unemployment and early deaths. The average smoker stands to save approximately £2,000 per year from giving up their habit.

Healthy Heart Tip: Back to Basics

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Back to Basics

12th of July is National Simplicity Day in the UK, and in honour of the day dedicated to simple living, this healthy tip takes heart health back to the basics.

Our health, the food we eat and the exercise we do (or don’t do) are hot topics and it can feel overwhelming and far from simple.

In this week’s healthy tip, we are stripping back the noise and detailing a few easy things we can all start doing from today for a healthy heart.

Mediterranean diet

This way of eating emphasises eating lots of plant-based foods and healthy fats and can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, wholegrains (brown rice, wholemeal bread etc), nuts and seeds and extra virgin olive oil. Eat moderate amounts of fish (especially omega-3 rich fish like salmon) and dairy products. Eat little meat (opt for lean chicken and turkey), sweets, sugary drinks, and processed foods.

30 minutes of exercise

Exercise for 30 minutes at least five days a week. Adults should be active for 150 minutes a week and you can break this up however you like.

Start small if you need to. If you don’t currently have an exercise routine, a brisk walk for 30 minutes a day, five days a week will significantly impact your heart health for the better.

Alcohol & smoking

If you smoke, seek support and work with a professional to help you stop. There is support available so be sure to ask for help. Drinking small amounts of alcohol is unlikely to cause serious consequences alongside a healthy lifestyle, but heavy drinking is a big risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

The NHS recommends drinking no more than 14 units of alcohol a week spread over three or more days, but also state that there is no completely safe level of drinking so skip the alcohol where possible.

For more tips on how to stay healthy, sign up for weekly healthy tips at:


Scots want to see more done to limit tobacco sales and use

A report published yesterday by Healthcare Improvement Scotland finds that people want more to be done to limit the sales of tobacco products.

The survey, commissioned by the Scottish Government, asked questions which will form part of a refreshed plan to be published this autumn, to support a tobacco-free Scotland.

The Citizens’ Panel survey, which ran between November 2022 and February 2023, found that of the 667 people who responded to the survey, 75% want more action to be taken to further limit who can sell tobacco products, and while 63% agreed the legal age to buy them should be raised from 18 to 21, 25% were opposed.  

Some 65% agreed that Scotland should increase the legal age of the sale of nicotine vaping products from 18 to 21 years.

In addition, the survey found that 80% of respondents said that they either strongly agreed or agreed that action should be taken to further limit who can sell nicotine vaping products. Just 9% either disagreed or strongly disagreed.

In addition, 67% felt packaging, in pack information and the appearance of cigarettes should be made more unappealing. Some 64% agreed that taxes on tobacco and vaping products should be raised, but nearly a quarter of respondents (23%) disagreed with this.

There was also wide agreement that the smoking ban should be widened to create more smoke-free areas where children congregate, such as outside schools and play parks, with almost nine in ten respondents (86%) in agreement. Just 8% disagreed.

The report recommends that the Scottish Government considers including all the measures that have the strongest public support in its Tobacco Action Plan 2023.

It adds that the Scottish Government should then consider further around more punitive measures, such as raising the age of purchase and raising taxation on tobacco and vaping products. After assessing the impact of these measures, these could also be implemented following a staged approach.

Clare Morrison, Director of Community Engagement at Healthcare Improvement Scotland said: “As Scotland looks to become tobacco-free in the near future, this shows that the majority of people believe more should be done to limit access for younger people to tobacco and vaping.”

Visit our Community Engagement website to access the full report.

ASH Scotland: Sign up and support the Charter for a Tobacco-free Generation


What do we want?


Reduce the harms caused by smoking!


How can we achieve this?


Support Scotland’s Charter for a Tobacco-free Generation.

Sign up, make 3 pledges and we’ll help you to carry them out.

Find out more here https://bit.ly/3McxIkL

England’s smokers urged to swap cigarettes for vapes in world first scheme

Pregnant women will also be offered financial incentives to help them quit as part of a sweeping package of measures to cut smoking rates in England

One million smokers will be encouraged to swap cigarettes for vapes under a pioneering new “swap to stop” scheme designed to improve the health of the nation and cut smoking rates.

As part of the world-first national scheme, almost one in five of all smokers in England will be provided with a vape starter kit alongside behavioural support to help them quit the habit as part of a series of new measures to help the government meet its ambition of being smokefree by 2030 – reducing smoking rates to 5% or less. Local authorities will be invited to take part in the scheme later this year and will design a scheme which suits its needs, including deciding which populations to prioritise.

In a speech today, Health Minister Neil O’Brien will also announce that following the success of local schemes, pregnant women will be offered financial incentives to help them stop smoking. This will involve offering vouchers, alongside behavioural support, to all pregnant women who smoke by the end of next year.

The government will also consult on introducing mandatory cigarette pack inserts with positive messages and information to help people to quit smoking.

Additionally, there will be a crackdown on illicit vape sales as part of measures to stop children and non-smokers take up the habit – which is growing in popularity among young people.

Health Minister Neil O’Brien will say: “Up to two out of three lifelong smokers will die from smoking. Cigarettes are the only product on sale which will kill you if used correctly.

“We will offer a million smokers new help to quit. We will be funding a new national ‘swap to stop’ scheme – the first of its kind in the world. We will work with councils and others to offer a million smokers across England a free vaping starter kit.”

The new policies will deliver the UK Government’s three aims to help more adults quit smoking, stop children and non-smokers from taking up vaping, and using vaping as a tool for established adult smokers to quit.

For those who quit, the risk of heart attack is halved after one year of quitting, ultimately halving the likelihood of ending up in a hospital bed or worse.

Supporting more women to have a smokefree pregnancy will reduce the number of babies born underweight or underdeveloped with health problems requiring neonatal and ongoing care. It will also reduce the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth.

Cutting smoking rates reduces the number of smoking-related illnesses needing to be treated, in turn reducing the pressure on the NHS, helping to deliver on our priority to cut NHS waiting lists.

NHS figures for 2021 showed that 9% of 11- to 15-year-old children used e-cigarettes, up from 6% in 2018.

In recognition of the sharp increase, Minister O’Brien will launch a Call for Evidence on youth vaping to identify opportunities to reduce the number of children accessing and using vape products – and explore where government can go further.

Working with enforcement agencies and learning from the government’s work with Trading Standards on illicit tobacco, £3 million of new funding will also be provided to create a specialised ‘illicit vapes enforcement squad’ to enforce the rules on vaping and tackle illicit vapes and underage sales.

As part of the measures, HMRC and Border Force will also be publishing an updated strategy this year to tackle illicit tobacco. It will lay out strategically how we continue to target, catch and punish those involved in the illicit tobacco market.

Smoking prevalence in England in 2021 was 13% – the lowest on record thanks to measures such as doubling duty on cigarettes since 2010 and continued funding to local stop smoking services

In 2021-22, £68 million of public health grant funded was spent on stop smoking services by local authorities and nearly 100,000 people quit with the support of a stop smoking service.

In addition, £35 million has been committed to the NHS this year so that all smokers admitted to hospital will be offered NHS-funded tobacco treatment services.

However, 5.4 million people in England smoke tobacco which remains the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death. Up to two out of three lifelong smokers will die from smoking and recent data shows one in four deaths from all cancers were estimated to be from smoking.

Last year an independent smoking review led by Javed Khan proposed a range of measures to help people stub out the addiction, which has informed the measures set out today.

ASH Scotland urges more cessation support following dramatic drop in quit attempts

Health charity urges Scottish Government to increase cessation support for Scotland’s 730,000 smokers

ASH Scotland is urging the Scottish Government to boost specialist cessation services for the estimated 730,000 Scots who smoke, after it emerged that quit smoking attempts have dropped by more than a third compared to the year before the COVID-19 pandemic started.

The latest annual NHS Stop Smoking Services Scotland report (April 2021 to March 2022) published by Public Health Scotland today (Tuesday 21 February 2023) reveals there were 31,359 quit smoking attempts, around 17,000 fewer than the 48,749 in 2019/20.

With smoking continuing to cause 100,000 hospitalisations and 9,000 deaths in Scotland each year, and the 2034 target for the country to be tobacco-free on track to be missed by an estimated 16 years, ASH Scotland says it is vitally important that the Scottish Government and health boards consider the promotion and expansion of the country’s smoking cessation services as top priorities.

Sheila Duffy, Chief Executive of the health charity ASH Scotland, said: “It is alarming that these latest figures show stop smoking attempts with NHS support have fallen for the 10th consecutive year and by almost 75% since the peak of 121,385 attempts in 2011/12.

“At a time when the health service is under considerable pressure and smoking continues to be the biggest preventable cause of illness and death, swift action is required by the Scottish Government and health boards to ensure NHS Quit Your Way services are promoted and better resourced to reach more of the two-thirds of Scots who smoke and want to quit.

“Quit Your Way services, which provide specialist person-centred smoking cessation support, must be boosted as a matter of urgency to continue their critical role helping people who have the highest smoking rates, such as those living in our most deprived communities, and experiencing mental health problems, to leave tobacco behind.”

ASH Scotland research suggests that smoking prevalence for people experiencing mental health problems in Scotland’s poorest communities is between 40 to 50 per cent, comparable to the country’s general population smoking rates of the mid-1970s.

People aiming to give up smoking can call Quit Your Way’s free helpline on 0800 84 84 84 or create a quit plan at www.QuitYourWay.scot

Public Health Scotland’s 2021/22 Annual Stop Smoking publication can be found at https://beta.isdscotland.org/find-publications-and-data/lifestyle-and-behaviours/smoking

ASH Scotland’s Closing the Inequality Gap: Smoking and Mental Health report, published in 2022, can be downloaded at www.ashscotland.org.uk/mentalhealth

Smoking banned outside hospitals

New legislation comes into force from tomorrow

Patients and healthcare staff will no longer face second-hand smoke at hospital doors as a nationwide ban comes into effect tomorrow (Monday 5 September).

The new legislation means anyone found lighting up within fifteen metres of a hospital building could face a fixed penalty notice of £50 or a fine of up to £1,000 if the case goes to court.

This is the latest step in the Scottish Government’s plan to create a tobacco free Scotland by 2034 and supports the voluntary smoke-free hospital grounds policy introduced in 2015.    

The new law will apply to NHS hospital settings used for the treatment and care of patients and includes a ban on lighting up beneath overhanging structures.

Public Health Minister Maree Todd said: “Everyone knows that smoking is bad for our health and hospital patients in particular should be protected from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke.

“This new law is the latest step in our bold plan to make Scotland tobacco-free by 2034 – building on our dedicated stop-smoking services and early intervention measures to stop youngsters picking up the habit altogether.

“Anyone looking to quit can contact the NHS QuitYourWay Helpline or speak to their local pharmacy to discuss the range of help available.”

ASH Scotland Chief Executive Sheila Duffy said: “Extending current legislation to include outdoor areas will have the positive impact of protecting people from the harmful effects of breathing in toxic tobacco smoke through vents, windows or doorways while they are being treated and recovering in hospital. 

“We urge people who smoke to be considerate in remaining outside the 15-metre perimeter, ensuring hospital patients do not face unnecessary additional risks to their health caused by inhaling harmful substances.

“This is particularly important as Scotland challenges the normalisation of smoking on our journey towards becoming tobacco-free.” 

NHS QuitYourWay Helpline  0800 84 84 84

Quitting smoking for good could save you over £40,000, new study finds

  • Giving up a pack of cigarettes a day could save you up to £4,197 a year – the price of a family holiday abroad.
  • Cutting out that weekly pack of cigarettes could save you £598 a year, or £2,990 over five years.
  • Quitting for good could save you up to £41,975 over ten years – equivalent to a 20% deposit on a new home.

You could be saving up to £4,197 a year by giving up a pack of cigarettes a day according to new research, with savings of £598 a year for less frequent smokers.

Vaping experts over at IndeJuice calculated how much money you could be saving based on the average UK cost for a pack of 20 cigarettes over various timespans. They broke down how much you would save throughout your lifetime if you kicked the habit for good, as well as comparing what you could be spending the money on instead.

The research reveals that if you are smoking one pack of cigarettes per day at the average UK cost of £11.50 per pack, you would save £349.79 per month or £4,197 over the course of a year by quitting – the cost of a family holiday abroad for four people, the cost of running your car for ten years or paying for 11 years’ worth of gym memberships.

Someone who regularly smokes a full pack of cigarettes a day can expect to see staggering savings in the long run – banking up to £41,975 over ten years from quitting smoking. This is the equivalent of a 20% deposit on a £200,000 property, the price of a Porsche Cayman or nearly a kilogram of 24 carat gold.

For people who are only smoking a couple of cigarettes a day, the cost can still quickly add up. If you are smoking just one pack of cigarettes a week at the same average cost, you could still make savings of £598 a year, or £2,990 in your pocket over the next five years.

The money saved by quitting for one year, could cover the cost of a three-course meal for you and your significant other 11 times a year, the cost of nine weekly food shops or seven annual Netflix subscriptions.

A spokesperson from IndeJuice added: “Many smokers are already aware of the harm imposed on their body by regularly smoking, but it is easy to overlook the financial savings that could be made by choosing to quit for good.

“When looking at Google Trends data over the past five years, there has been a significant increase in people searching the term ‘quit smoking’ year on year, with the exception of 2021 where there was a 2.3% decrease in searches from the previous year.

“As we emerge out of the pandemic, it is important that we continue to reflect on the health benefits of quitting for good, and the long-term savings offer an additional incentive to do so.”

Gordon Macdonald MSP urges Edinburgh smokers to ‘Quit Your Way’

Gordon MacdonaldMSP has backed national No Smoking Day by urging Edinburgh residents to consider giving up smoking to improve both mental and physical health.

The MSP is supporting a campaign led by health charity, ASH Scotland, which is encouraging people to ‘Quit Your Way’ in ways which work best for individual circumstances by seeking advice and support from stop smoking services, community pharmacies or the national Quit Your Way Scotland service run by NHS 24.

Although smoking rates in NHS Lothian health board area dropped to 18 per cent in 2018, more progress is required if the Scottish Government’s ambitious target of reducing the rate to five per cent or less by 2034 is to be met.

Gordon MacdonaldMSP said: “I am pleased to be supporting ASH Scotland’s No Smoking Day campaign and urge my constituents in Edinburgh Pentlands who smoke to reach out to stop smoking services and community pharmacies who provide free support and can help develop a personalised quit plan.

“I encourage people to try quitting again, if a previous attempt did not work. ASH Scotland advises me that some people find giving up cigarettes or tobacco easier than they had thought but, for others, it can take a number of attempts. It is worth giving quitting smoking another go for the benefits to both mental and physical health.”

Sheila Duffy, Chief Executive of ASH Scotland, said: “We are delighted to have Gordon Macdonald MSP’s support for our No Smoking Day campaign encouraging herconstituents in Edinburgh Pentlands.

“Nicotine is highly addictive but, with the right support to meet individual needs, quitting smoking your way can quickly improve mental health and, within a year of stopping, the risk of coronary heart disease reduces by half compared to someone who smokes.”

Anyone in Lothian who has the goal of giving up smoking can get in touch with Lothian’s Quit Your Way team on Facebook or phone the Quit Your Way Scotland’s national helpline on 0800 848484. More information is also available at www.quityourway.scot.