EACC Meeting
Thursday 28 Sep 2023: 18.50 for 19.00 on Microsoft Teams

Item 1: Low Carbon Heating in Edinburgh; here, and now.
Bill Roger, Trinity Community Council, and Antoine Reguis from Edinburgh Napier University, members of the Clean Heat Edinburgh Forum (CHEF).
Low carbon energy and heat technologies are a central part of Scot Gov’s energy transition programme. This is change that is going to happen. Community councils need to be up-to-speed.
Item 2: Open Floor
a] The Community Council Scheme Review; b] Locality Improvememt Plans; c] Struggling community councils; d] The big development programme for West Edinburgh; e] Energy-saving residential housing retrofits; f] The move towards a Scottish Forum of Community Councils; g] How to strengthen EACC; h] The upcoming 23 November AGM.
Got an opinion to share on anything there? Something else on your mind?
Here’s the 28 Sep Teams link:
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 392 751 403 775
Passcode: TNiksf
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I. Remember: The West Lothian Joint Forum of Community Councils (WLJFCC) is moving forward with its initiative to establish a Scottish Forum of Community Councils.
You’ll find the full background and a subscription-of-interest form on this link to the first Scottish Forum Newsletter: https://gem.godaddy.com/p/eb6537
The Steering Group met on 20 September and has offered this report
Here is the pitch, directed by WLJFCC to every community council in the country:
“We would be grateful if you could discuss this at your next meeting and decide if your Community Council would like to be involved”.
II. Locality Improvement Plans (LIP) 2024-2029: CEC’s Helen spoke to EACC on 31 August about the new LIP programme. Tommy McLean from Corstorphine CC has had a long involvement on this area. In the attachment to this email, he offers his thoughts on how community councils can best respond to the invitation they have to participate in this programme.
It’s about helping to improve the community in which we live. It’s not about having all the answers or about doing all the work. It’s about taking part. Please read what Tommy has to say.
III. EACC will meet again on Thursday 26 October. By way of Queensferry & District CC, Jane Iannarelli, CEC Senior Planning Officer, has asked to talk to us about the development of Local Place Plans in the context of the current 20 Minute Neighbourhood Strategy.
To refresh the context, go to the EACC site Front Page and to the 16 August reference to the Planning Democracy Blog. There is a very interesting piece there on Local Place Plans. If your local community is seeing big development, big change, on its doorstep, then time perhaps for some place planning by locals. Could your community council do something here?
Ken Robertson, Secretary.
Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC) _______________________________________________
The EACC website homepage is:
Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (edinburghcommunitycouncils.org.uk)