Scotland’s International Yoga Day 2024

Scotland’s International Yoga Day was celebrated on 22/06/2024 at The Kelvin Hall Art Gallery, Argyle Street, Glasgow.

This annual celebration of Yoga is a unique event hosted by The Scottish Hindu Foundation, previous years event being held at Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh. International Yoga Day falls on the Summer solstice recognised by the United Nations as a day of health and wellbeing.

This year Scotland’s Yoga Day began with traditional Vedic recitation to bless the proceedings and participants. Maintaining tradition the attendees were then witness to a Bharatnatayam recital dedicated to Lord Shiva performed by Mrs. Manimegalai Arun invoking the spirit of rejuvenation, wellbeing and positivity for the soul.

The opening ceremony had three guest speakers Mary Morgan, Chief Executive of NHS Scotland, Dr Shalini Kakar and Shri Amit Kumar Chaudhary from the Vice Consul of the Indian Consulate in Scotland.

Mary Morgan spoke eloquently about the benefits of Yoga citing numerous studies clearly showing the holistic benefits yoga can have on both physical and mental health and wellbeing.

She went on further to expand on the request to address, prescribing yoga addering the request by stating Yoga outreach fosters community and inclusivity, especially in underserved areas. Social prescribing connects individuals to non-medical support, enhancing holistic health and well-being through community resources.

Dr Shalini Karkar’s delivered address titled “Yoga and Health” expanded on the relationship between Yoga and Health. She stated Yoga promotes holistic well-being, addressing physical, emotional, and mental health.

Articulating that Yoga effectively treats conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, anxiety, and depression. Going on to cite studies showing yoga programs reducing healthcare costs and improving health outcomes. Initiatives like the one in Edinburgh provide accessible yoga in deprived areas.

Introducing yoga in schools and as social prescriptions can enhance public health, reduce GP and A&E visits, and lower NHS workload. Sharing her own personal experience affirms yoga’s transformative health benefits.

Shri Amit Kumar Chaudhary, Vice Consul of India, commended Scotland’s International Yoga Day for its significant role in promoting health and community well-being.

He highlighted the Ministry of Ayush’s dedication to advancing yoga as a holistic health system, emphasising its numerous benefits. The Vice Consul shared that the ministry runs similar successful programs and is enthusiastic about collaborating with Scotland.

He assured that the Ministry of Ayush is ready and willing to share resources and expertise, fostering a global exchange of knowledge. This partnership aims to enhance the effectiveness of yoga initiatives, benefiting individuals and communities in Scotland and beyond.

The event featured multiple live yoga demonstrations and lessons led by trained instructors and teachers, attracting enthusiastic learners from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Participants actively engaged in learning various yoga practices, reflecting the inclusive and universal appeal of this ancient Indian tradition. The sessions highlighted the physical, mental, spiritual, and overall health benefits of yoga, making it accessible to everyone seeking its transformative power.

Yoga, as demonstrated at the event, is highly adaptable and can be suited for all ages and ability levels. This flexibility ensures that everyone, regardless of their physical condition, can benefit from yoga. Examples of the yoga styles showcased included Vinyasa Flow Yoga, known for its dynamic and fluid movements; Hatha Yoga, focusing on postural alignment and breathing; and Seasonal Yoga Flow, which adapts practices to the changing seasons.

Therapeutic Yoga was also featured, emphasising healing and recovery, while Body Clock Flow aligned practices with the body’s natural rhythms. Breathing workshops taught participants the art of pranayama for mental clarity and stress reduction. Chair Yoga made the practice accessible to those with limited mobility.

Other highlights included The Art of Living sessions, Laughter Yoga to boost mood and immunity, Kadampa Buddhist Meditation for mindfulness, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) for vitality, and Vedic and divine mantra chanting for spiritual enrichment. These diverse offerings underscored yoga’s comprehensive approach to health, uniting body, mind, and spirit, and making its benefits available to all.

This event was organised by volunteers at The Scottish Hindu Foundation and made successful by all their hard work and dedication to putting Scotland on the global Yoga map. The community came together supported by the wonderful Yoga Teachers that led their classes with professionalism and respect for the Hindu roots of Yoga. We look forward to a bigger success in our next Scotland International Yoga in 2025. 

The SHF wishes to extend their heartfelt thank you to all the sponsors and supporters that made this event successful. 


Scottish Hindu Foundation

Unit 3, Morris Park, 37 Rosyth Road

Glasgow G5 0YE




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Scottish Hindu Foundation hosts inaugural ‘Dharmocracy Works’ event

The Scottish Hindu Foundation held its inaugural ‘Dharmocracy Works’ event on May 25, 2024, at The Fred Paton Centre in Glasgow. The event aimed to engage and inspire Scottish Hindu youth to understand and actively participate in the political system.

The well-attended event featured representatives from all the major political parties, including:

  • Alison Thewliss, MP and candidate from the Glasgow Central region-Scottish National Party
  • Paul Sweeney MSP from Glasgow Region-Labour
  • Pam Gosal MSP from the West of Scotland Region and Deputy of the Scottish Conservative Party
  • Susan Murray, Councillor and MP candidate for Mid Dunbartonshire from the Liberal Democrats
  • Naveed Asghar, MP candidate for Glasgow North and Chairman from the Conservatives
  • Abdul Bostani a former refugee and councillor  from the Maryhill ward from SNP

Youth Engagement and Insights

The program kicked off with introductions and an interactive session where questions by young members of the community were posed to the panel of politicians. young aspirant Shreya Deshpande [12] asked if they had always wanted to go into politics or had other career aspirations. The panellists shared how most grew into politics after time in either the private sector or through the ranks of their respective parties.

The second question posed concerned professional skills gained in their time in politics, the politicians uniformly agreed on  – listening skills and problem-solving abilities. 

The third question that was selected for the Panel requested insights for the next five years on the Scottish economy, expected to be a central issue following the recently called general election on July 4th 2024.

Alison Thewlis shared her vision on how future industries will be connected to the environment whilst Paul Sweeny offered an integrated example referencing the Beatles record label also being an investor in Medical Technology leading to breakthroughs in CT Scans.

Mr Bostani said Scotland’s inability to borrow means we can’t put money back into the economy as we should. Naveed Asghar raised his concern on rising taxes in Scotland and supporting the best of existing industries, health care etc and ensuring that higher professional earners are not de-incentivised from staying in Scotland due to punitive taxes.

This must be controlled to make Scotland more lucrative for people to move. Pam Gosal talked about how AI as an industry can fuel growth.

All the panellists concurred that Scotland had a pivotal role to play and the next generation is capable of thriving and succeeding.

Keynote Address:

Dhrishti Bhardwaj [17], the first elected Hindu MSYP (Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament) from Dumbarton and the Vale, shared her inspiring journey into politics.

Driven by a desire to explore her Hindu and Scottish roots and a passion for public service, she gained experience with more than ten organisations and charities, from food banks to youth groups and work experience with MSP Jackie Baillie.

Importance of Hindu Representation

Dhrishti emphasised the crucial need for Hindu representation to ensure their voices and needs are considered in politics.

She highlighted the difference Scottish Hindus could make by being involved and the pride they would feel through participation. She also highlighted that professional career and politics are not mutually exclusive and can be balanced efficiently.

As the only Hindu MYSP, she proved it is possible despite the underrepresentation of Hindus in the political system. Hindu youth can make strides over the coming generations and represent the best of both Scotland and the Hindu Community. 

Closing Remarks:Dharmocracy” Concept and Voter Registration Drive

Dr. Yatish Rangappa, the Scottish Hindu Foundation’s Public Relations Officer, explained the unique ‘Dharmocracy’ concept, a compound word combining ‘Dharma’ (righteousness, truth and Justice) and ‘Democracy.’

Dr Richa Sinha, Chairperson of the Scottish Hindu Foundation, shared insights on future Dharmocracy Works engagements planned across various cities due to significant community interest.

She also highlighted their “Register to Vote” campaign to ensure Hindus, including those new to Scotland from Commonwealth countries and a large number of Indian students coming to Scotland, are registered for the upcoming July 4th elections. 

The event concluded with a networking session over chai and samosas, allowing youth to interact informally with various party leaders. Some youth were even roped in for campaigning!

*Scottish Hindu Foundation is the official representative body of Hindus with All Scottish Mandirs part of it.

Scottish Hindu Foundation hosts spectacular Diwali celebration at Queen Elizabeth House

Testament to the richness of Hindu culture, brought together a diverse community to celebrate the Festival of Lights

With the establishment of SHF as the official representative body of Hindus in Scotland to the Scottish government, the foundation proudly hosted this year’s celebration with immense enthusiasm and support. A dedicated team worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the event’s success at concise notice (writes RISHAB CHOUDHARY).

The Diwali celebration served as a cultural beacon, highlighting the Hindu tradition where every day is a festival and life itself is a celebration. In a world grappling with conflicts, the message of Diwali resonates as a symbol of hope and peace.

Mr.Jonathan Darby, Head of Strategic Engagement at the Scotland Office, delivered the opening remarks to kickstart the event, setting the stage for its commencement.

Heads of all Hindu temples of Scotland from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, and Aberdeen commenced the program by lighting the diyas. Hindu priests from Edinburgh Hindu Mandir Pt. Hinal Bhogyata, Dr. Sreevas Sahasranamam from Hindu temple Scotland Rutherglen, and Acharya Medini Prasad Mishra from Hindu Mandir Glasgow recited Vedic prayers for Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi for auspiciousness, grace, material, and spiritual wealth for all.

Amongst others, MSP Sandesh Gulhane – the only Hindu MSP, and MSP Alex-Cole Hamilton – leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats graced the celebration, sharing insights and wisdom that added tremendous value to the event.

Mr. Alex-Cole Hamilton hailed Lord Ram by saying “Jai Shree Ram” and shared the inspiring story of India’s Moon Mission of Landing on the Dark Side.

Dr. Sandesh Gulhane shared an emotional story of him and his mother and what it meant to them when they saw PM Rishi Sunak lighting diyas in Downing Street. He also emphasized that he is proud of his Hindu identity and how Hinduism teaches universal acceptance.

Dr. Richa Sinha, elected chair for SHF, gave the opening remarks, taking the audience through the remarkable journey of the Hindu community over the past century. Dr. Richa also announced the flagship project of SHF, “Dharmocracy Works,” aimed at inspiring Hindus to contribute to the political spectrum for societal betterment.

Other initiatives include the “SHF Youth Group” and the “Hindu Parent Council,” guiding young individuals in making better life decisions and providing parents with a guidebook for participating in key decisions regarding their children’s education.

The Scottish Hindu Foundation proudly presented Mr. Narayan Sood with the esteemed ‘Guiding Star Jeevan Sewa Award,’ recognizing his six decades of remarkable contributions and steadfast dedication to serving the Hindu Community of Scotland.

In the notable journey of Mr. Sood’s life, several achievements stand out. His outstanding leadership as the President of Edinburgh Hindu Mandir And Cultural Centre for six years, tenure as the General Secretary of the Association of Indian Organisations for eight years, and his role as the General Secretary of the Scot Asian Action Committee for Welfare and Campaign exemplify his steadfast dedication to the enhancement of our society.

Simultaneously, Ms. Rajasiri Iyengar received the ‘Rising Star Yuva Award,’ acknowledging her outstanding commitment and budding leadership. Notably, she played a pivotal role in establishing the Hindu Society at the University of Dundee, creating a support network for Hindu students transitioning to Scotland.

The evening also featured an incredible dance performance by Ms. Spoorthi Kannepadi, showcasing the eight divine forms of Goddess Lakshmi, captivating the audience with mesmerising displays of beauty and grace.

The closing remark was made by Mr. Puneet Dwivedi, thanking all the guests, the events team of SHF, and the venue staff who worked tirelessly to make the event a success. SHF extends profound gratitude to supporters from Indian by Nature, Kumon Crostorphine, and Cidsin.

The event was attended by Christine Jardine (Liberal Democrat MP for Edinburgh West), Sue Webber (MSP for Lothian Region), Mary Morgan (Cheif Executive NHS Scotland), Susan Murray (Councillor East Dunbartonshire), Jacinta Braker (CEMVO), Lorraine Glass (Respect Me) Brian Jones (Make a Point Scotland), Lara Cook (Scottish Government  Faith and Belief Team), Matt Cormack (Scottish Pegan Federation), Shabir Beg (Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society), Carrie Varjavandi (Dundee and Tayside Interfaith), Joe Goldblatt (Edinburgh Interfaith Association), John Stuart (Anglican Communion, Scottish Episcopal Church), Beverly Bergman (The Royal Scottish Society of Arts), Dr. Srinivas Sriramula (University of Aberdeen), Prof. Pankaj (Edinburgh India Institute), Prerana Kaushik (Divine Healing Hut), Minakshi Pathak (Medhavi Learning Hub), Sujeet Singh (Rajasthan Association of Scotland), Sowbhagya Munishankar (Scottish Karnataka Sangh), Adarsh Khullar (Ekta Group), Cheryl Pyott (Scottish Ambulance Service) and many more. 

Mr Amit Kumar Chaudhary, Vice Consul of India, also graced his presence for this occasion.

As we bid farewell to this year’s Diwali celebration, SHF looks forward to many more such events, fostering unity, diversity, and cultural exchange within the community.

About the Scottish Hindu Foundation (SHF)

The Scottish Hindu Foundation (SHF) is a non-profit organization that aims to promote and preserve Hindu culture and heritage in Scotland.

SHF serves as a platform for Hindus to actively engage with the Scottish government and other stakeholders on crucial matters, such as the Hate Crime Bill, with potential impacts reaching every individual across various sectors of society. 
