Progress in tackling child poverty

Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan report published

It is estimated that 90,000 fewer children will live in relative and absolute poverty this year as a result of Scottish Government policies.

The Scottish Government analysis is published alongside the first annual report on its Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan ‘Best Start, Bright Futures’.

The report sets out progress made on the four year plan, including that an estimated £3.03 billion was invested across a range of programmes targeted at low income households in 2022-23, with £1.25 billion directly benefiting children.

These figures represent an increase of £430 million and £150 million respectively, compared with 2021-22. As a result of that spending, poverty levels this year will be nine percentage points lower than they would have otherwise been.

The report also details key actions to help households and address the three main drivers of poverty – income from employment, cost of living and income from social security and benefits.

These include almost £83 million to help deliver employability support, introducing a rent cap to help protect tenants during the cost of living crisis and providing over £84 million to support housing costs, while increasing the Scottish Child Payment by 150% and expanding it to all eligible children under 16.

Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “The report demonstrates that we are preventing children falling into poverty and lifting people out of it. This year, 90,000 fewer children will live in poverty as a result of the concerted actions and focus we are providing, including lifting an estimated 50,000 children lifted out of hardship through the Scottish Child Payment.

“We are focused on driving forward action at the pace and scale required and the investment of around £3 billion in a range of programmes, with £1.25 billion directly benefiting children, demonstrates our commitment to taking action.

“By March this year, 303,000 children were receiving the Scottish Child Payment. Having increased the payment by 150% and by extending it to eligible children under 16, we are providing vital financial support to families worth £1300 a year.

“At the First Minister’s Anti-Poverty Summit in May our stakeholders, partners and people who have experienced poverty backed the approach we are taking. We will continue to do everything we can within the scope of our limited powers and fixed budget to help give more children the start in life they deserve.

“But it is only with the full economic and fiscal powers of an independent nation that Ministers can use all levers other governments have to tackle poverty and inequalities.”  

Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan – Annual Report

Active travel projects across the country to benefit from launch of a trio of funds

SCOTLAND’s national walking charity has launched three funds worth £7 million in a bid to encourage Edinburgh locals to choose active travel.

The new Smarter Choices, Smarter Places (SCSP) Active Nation Fund worth £1.5 million, the Ian Findlay Path Fund (£1.5 million) and the £5 million SCSP Open Fund have been announced by Paths for All this month.

Supported by Transport Scotland and backed by the government, the three funds hope to encourage Scots to drive less and to walk, wheel or cycle as part of their everyday short journeys to cut Scotland’s carbon emissions and improve air quality.

It is hoped the initiatives will help contribute to reversing the trend of inactive lifestyles by tackling health inequalities throughout the country.

Minister for Active Travel Patrick Harvie said: “I’m pleased to welcome the launch of three active travel funding opportunities delivered through Paths for All.

“This will help to support the growing ambitions of public, third and community-sector organisations to provide bigger and better active travel opportunities right across Scotland.

“As part of our record funding for active travel, this work directly supports our ambitions to build a more active nation – where more people can choose to walk, wheel and cycle for everyday journeys than ever before, and I look forward to seeing the success of new projects in action.”

The SCSP Active Nation Fund invites public, community and third-sector organisations to apply for up to £200,000 to support projects which encourage everyday travel behaviour change on a national or multi-regional level in Scotland.

To commemorate the legacy of the former Paths for All CEO, the Ian Findlay Path Fund supports projects designed to make improvements to local walkways and paths and to make them more accessible to all. Applicants can receive a grant of up to £100,000 for their project.

First launched in 2018, the SCSP Open Fund grants communities and public and third-sector organisations up to £100,000, and encourages people to change their everyday travel behaviours – such as using sustainable travel for longer journeys.

Kevin Lafferty, CEO of Paths for All, said: “These funds will increase the pace and scale of active travel delivery across the country as we collectively work together to encourage active travel for a happier, healthier and greener Scotland.

“If we all make small changes to our daily travel habits such as making walking, wheeling or cycling the natural choice for journeys to the local shop, school or pharmacy, for example, it will make a huge difference to our health and wellbeing.

“This new support will help deliver a step change in how we choose to travel in order to tackle the climate emergency and help reduce car kilometres and would only be possible with support from the Scottish Government and Transport Scotland. It means projects will be able to extend their reach and will be more effective in communicating important information and improving local assets.

“We would like to thank them for supporting the funds and look forward to seeing the amazing work that comes off the back of this.”

Applications for this round of funding opened on June 6.

To apply for the SCSP Active Nation Fund, please visit:

To apply for the SCSP Open Fund, please visit:

To apply for the Ian Findlay Path Fund, please visit:

To read inspiring more examples of how funding has been used to further active travel in Scotland, please visit:

Recruitment campaign to boost childminding workforce in Edinburgh City extended

A campaign to recruit new childminders in targeted urban and rural areas to help establish more childminding places for families has been extended, providing more time for people living in Edinburgh City to tap into funding and support available to get started in a new career.

Led by the Scottish Childminding Association, and funded by Scottish Government and participating local authorities including Edinburgh City Council, the ‘Scottish Childminding Partnership’ aims to increase the number of childminding businesses in areas where there are currently not enough childminders to meet the level of demand from families seeking local, high-quality, nurturing and flexible childcare.

A fantastic package of fully funded support and training available to successful applicants, providing everything needed to establish a new childminding business.

The campaign has seen almost 60 new childminders complete or apply for registration with the Care Inspectorate to establish new childminding businesses throughout Scotland but more are needed throughout target areas, including Edinburgh City, to help address the need for more high-quality childcare for families.

Skye Jolly has started her own childminding business in Moray after accessing support and funding available through the recruitment campaign and is delighted with her new career.

“When I first decided to become a childminder I didn’t have a clue where to start so I did some research online and quickly found this new childminder recruitment campaign.

“I think this is a brilliant way for anyone thinking about becoming a childminder to get started because you’re very supported every step of the way. I’m so glad I decided to take the leap, I really love my new career!”

No previous childcare experience is required to become a childminder but applicants do need to be passionate about working with children. It’s an extremely rewarding career option – contributing to children’s development, learning and wellbeing and providing a valuable childcare service within the local community.

Often, people who are looking to get back into work, or who want to switch career into professional childminding, do so to enable them to combine caring for their own children whilst running their own business from home and earning an income.

Those who apply and are accepted on to the pilot will be supported every step of the way by a dedicated member of the SCMA team, from induction training and support through the registration process to establishing their new business.

On completion of registration, new childminders have access to a start-up grant so that they can be reimbursed for some of the initial costs associated with setting up their new business from home*. They will also receive a unique package of childminding-specific training courses.

Graeme McAlister, Chief Executive, Scottish Childminding Association, said: “Whether in rural areas, towns or cities, this form of high-quality childcare is a vital asset to families and the recruitment of more childminders is another important step towards addressing the urgent demand for high-quality childcare from parents and carers.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for people who may be considering getting back into work, or looking for a change of career which supports a better work / life balance, to access a wealth of support in setting up their own sustainable childminding business and to begin a new, rewarding career working with children.”

More information and how to get started by visiting :

  • *£750 minimum business start-up. The value of start-up grant may vary across local authority areas
  • SCMA is a national charity and is the only organisation dedicated to supporting all aspects of childminding in Scotland. We provide a wide range of support and professional services including training and events as well as delivering local services for childminders, children and families.
  • More childminders are needed across the whole of Scotland. This unique pilot is helping to address the specific and urgent need for childcare in particularly remote and rural areas as well as specific urban areas.
  • Childminding settings provide low child-adult ratios. This means a childminder can provide tailored one-to-one care for each child.  Evidence has shown this form of childcare can enhance a child’s early learning, confidence and their social development and is particularly helpful in supporting children with additional support needs, or for children who may struggle in a larger childcare setting such as nursery. 

Launch of new guardianship service for children seeking asylum

There will be more support for unaccompanied asylum seeking and trafficked children arriving in Scotland, thanks to a new statutory guardianship service.

The Scottish Government has provided £1 million for the Guardianship Scotland service in 2022-23, and a further £1 million annually for the next two years initially.  

The service will support children who have arrived in Scotland alone and help guide them through the asylum process.

Aberlour Children’s Charity and the Scottish Refugee Council have been awarded the contract to the run the service. Professionals employed by the service, known as Guardians, will:

  • accompany children and young people when they claim asylum and support them with expert advice
  • empower children and young people in the decision making process
  • listen to the experiences of affected children and young people and explain what is happening to them

Launching the service, Minister for Children and Young People Natalie Don said: “It is a privilege to help launch this new guardianship service, which is another example of how Scotland is offering a welcoming environment to people arriving in our country.

“Arriving alone can have a devastating and lasting impact on the lives of children and young people – so it is vitally important for them to be given access to the care and support they need to help them adjust to their new life here.

“I look forward to working with the Scottish Refugee Council and Aberlour to ensure that we are getting it right for all of the young people in need of our support.”

Catriona MacSween, Head of Guardianship Scotland, said: “It is wonderful that we can continue to deliver the excellent service. It is testament to the commitment and fantastic work of our guardians who work closely with local authorities and many other organisations to support unaccompanied children and young people.

“Asylum seeking children and victims of trafficking arrive in Scotland alone, confused and scared, having been through unimaginable trauma. We are so pleased that our work has been recognised and we can continue to help them.”

SallyAnn Kelly OBE, Chief Executive of Aberlour Children’s Charity, said: “We are thrilled to have been awarded the contract to run Guardianship Scotland.

“Aberlour has worked alongside the Scottish Government, Home Office and local authorities to ensure every unaccompanied asylum seeking child who is a victim of trafficking or potential victim of trafficking has the support of a guardian over the past 12 years. Recently, we have seen a significant rise in the numbers of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and there is an even greater need for the service.

“We are delighted to build on this successful partnership with the Scottish Refugee Council and provide support to more unaccompanied children.”

Sabir Zazai OBE, Chief Executive of Scottish Refugee Council said: “We are delighted to be delivering Guardianship Scotland with Aberlour and look forward to continuing our work together to develop this essential service.

“The young people we work with have been through things no child should have to endure. Many have survived human trafficking or fled countries torn apart by war, arriving in Scotland traumatised and alone with no friends or family to take care of them.  

“We are committed to ensuring that every unaccompanied child in Scotland gets a dedicated guardian to support them, speak up for them and be by their side as they rebuild their lives.”

New £1.5m Scottish Ambulance Service training facility opens at Newbridge

A new £1.5 million Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) special operations training and logistics facility was opened in Newbridge, Edinburgh yesterday (June 12).

Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care Michael Matheson  visited the base to see the expansion and learn about what type of training will be carried out at the facility, which is the first of its kind in the UK.

He spoke with Scottish Ambulance Service Chief Executive Pauline Howie, SAS Chair Tom Steele, incoming CEO Michael Dickson and General Manager of the National Risk and Resilience Department (NRRD) John Burnham, along with other staff from NRRD.

As part of SAS’s Civil Contingencies Response Programme, the training facility – which is an expansion to the ambulance service’s existing NRRD east base – will be used as a centralised training location and a dedicated equipment logistics hub.

The facility will be used for a range of training exercises, including how to respond to major incidents, and also Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) incidents.

It also includes a 360, fully interactive, immersive training suite which can be used to simulate a range of incidents in different environments including emergency departments, night clubs, industrial sites.

The suite enables not only the practice of clinical skills but subjects staff to a variety of stimuli including lighting and sound effects which may impact on performance.

SAS Chief Executive Pauline Howie said: “We are delighted to open this new training facility today and I’d like to thank all the staff involved. It has been an incredible effort and our NRRD department is a vital part of the Scottish Ambulance Service.

“This training facility will be invaluable for our staff who respond to both large and challenging incidents.  This can include treating and conveying patents from challenging inaccessible and confined location including water, chemical accidents and incidents involving a large number of people.

“This facility will help us prepare to respond to these large-scale and complex incidents safely and provide the best care to our patients.”

Health Secretary Michael Matheson said: “This facility will be a valuable asset in allowing staff to train in a realistic but safe environment.

“Giving them the chance to experience different scenarios which could be out of the usual confines of their daily routine is so important as it will give them the confidence, resilience and knowledge of how to respond.

“Our ambulance staff run to help those in times of need and it is right that we give them the tools to allow them to do that and this training facility will do that.”

Dermatology: Funding to bring down outpatient waiting list

£1.8 million for new national service

A new national digital dermatology programme will be launched to help speed up treatment and reduce waiting lists.

By capturing quality digital images of a patient’s skin concern when they visit their GP or primary care provider the programme will, where clinically appropriate, allow a senior dermatologist to triage, diagnose and assess some skin conditions without the need for patients to attend an appointment.

People will then either be treated by their GP, directed to a more suitable service for their skin concern like an acne clinic or be offered a face-to-face appointment at a dermatology clinic, with those who need it directly scheduled for treatment or surgery.

Dermatology is one of the biggest outpatient specialties with over 46,000 patients on the waiting list for a first appointment at the end of March 2023. This new programme, backed by £1.8 million of funding, could potentially reduce demand for outpatient dermatology appointments by up to 50 per cent with the potential for up to 90 percent of referrals across Scotland to include a digital image.

Health Secretary Michael Matheson said: “The Scottish Government is determined to reduce waiting times across all specialities, and we know that dermatology is one of the busiest when it comes to demand for outpatient appointments. This new programme will lead to a better and quicker service for patients – allowing clinicians to see patients in the right place sooner. It has the potential to significantly reduce waiting times.  

“Innovation like this is vital for the future of our healthcare service and I am excited to see the real benefits that will come from programmes like this in the years to come.”

Fiona Macdonald, Consultant Dermatologist and Centre for Sustainable Delivery (CfSD) Clinical Lead for Dermatology said: “Managing referrals during the pandemic highlighted to Dermatologists how important a good quality image is to a Dermatology referral.

“It can help us prioritise the most urgent referrals, choose the right treatment pathway or offer advice to support care provided in Primary care”.

Dr Stuart Sutton, GP and clinical lead for primary and secondary care interface working, said: “Having a fast, effective and secure way for Primary Care teams to send images of our patient’s skin conditions to specialist colleagues will ensure more rapid and most appropriate advice and treatment is available – a picture provides a level of detail that cannot be conveyed in a traditional referral letter.”

Strategy to drive innovation and growth published

A strategy to make Scotland one of the most innovative small countries in the world has been published.

The National Innovation Strategy sets out plans to align Scotland with European leaders such as Denmark, Finland and Norway over the next decade by placing innovation at the heart of the economy.

It outlines new approaches to develop world leading excellence in key sectors – turning research into successful products and businesses, encouraging more businesses to innovate, and improve productivity while maximising targeted investment from Government and industry.  

Key proposals include:

  • encouraging European-style clusters of similar businesses by focusing on developing key strengths in advanced manufacturing, health and life sciences, net zero, and data and digital technologies
  • adopting a new approach to investing in innovative companies by reviewing existing public sector funds and improving signposting towards other sources of finance
  • supporting Scotland’s world class universities to become better at turning research into successful products and businesses
  • taking a new approach to monitoring Scotland’s performance and benchmarking this against similar nations

The strategy has been developed in consultation and close collaboration with business and academia, including a steering group chaired by Sir Jim McDonald, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Strathclyde.

Unveiling the strategy during a visit to the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre in Glasgow, Innovation Minister Richard Lochhead said: “This strategy sets out our vision to become one of the most innovative small nations in the world over the next decade. This is key to our efforts to transform the economy and drive a lasting improvement in Scotland’s economic performance.

“It also sends out a wider message – that we are determined to become a world leader in entrepreneurship and innovation. Scotland will use all the powers we have to create an economy which supports businesses to thrive. We will do this by harnessing the skills and ingenuity of our people and seizing the economic and social opportunities provided.

“Scotland is famous the world over for invention and innovation and today we have many strengths, including emerging and potentially game changing advances in areas like biotechnology and data. So we build from strong foundations.

“I am very grateful to Sir Jim and to all those from business, academia and across the public sector who contributed to the development, and will be key partners in the delivery of this strategy.”

Sir Jim said: It has been a privilege to have co-chaired the Steering Group of entrepreneurs, industry experts, academics, business leaders and investors that has played a key role in shaping this strategy.

“Scotland is already home to a number of globally competitive research intensive universities and some of the most exciting and innovative companies in the world and this strategy focuses on actions required to scale, accelerate and further unleash the potential of innovation across the country.

“Countries that can show agility and harness the power of new ideas and new technologies will thrive and become magnets for talent and investment over the next decade and beyond.

“We must also support the development of a much more diverse and inclusive community of entrepreneurs, researchers and business leaders which in itself will create a more innovation-led ecosystem.

“I believe that this strategy will help Scotland regain its position as an international innovation leader.”   

Scotland’s National Innovation Strategy is available on the Scottish Government website. 

Rural education charity RHET secures Scottish Government funding to inspire young people about food and farming

The Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET) has secured £200k of funding from the Scottish Government to provide a farming and rural learning experience for a minimum of 80,000 pupils across Scotland. 

The funding secures the future of rural education events for children and young people, covering core costs such as infrastructure, bus transport, coordination and safety requirements. 

Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands, Mairi Gougeon MSP, went to see for herself how funds awarded to the Scottish rural education charity The Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET) spend award funding to education Scotland’s young people. 

Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon joined over 100 P5 and P6 pupils from the Brechin schools cluster, who were meeting local farmers, growers and rural businesses running a variety of sessions to learn about how Scottish food is produced.

At today’s event pupils were learning about dairy and making butter, see seeds, sheaves and growing crops, grinding wheat seed into flour, pressing oil seed rape into oil, beekeepers demonstrating how they look after their bees as well as hedge demonstrations, getting up close to John Deere machinery – all linking to the learning outcomes of the curriculum. 

Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands, Mairi Gougeon MSP, said: “I am delighted to be here to see first-hand the benefits of the Royal Highland Education Trust’s Food and Farming education programme. 

“Since 2017 the Scottish Government has given over £700k to the Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET) in order to support their programme of school farm visits and associated educational resources for schools. This has allowed them to educate and inspire thousands of children and young people on how Scottish food is produced. 

“This fresh support will allow RHET to reach even more children, many of whom are from deprived areas. The programme provides an opportunity for young people to visit a farm and offers a hands-on educational experience which highlights the importance of farming and food production to our society. 

“One of the aims of our Good Food Nation Act is to improve access to, and understanding of, the benefits of healthy local foods for everyone in Scotland. It is clear that this ambitious project is contributing massively to this wider vision.” 

RHET Chairman Alistair Marshall said:  “We are very grateful to the Scottish Government for this award which helps support our aim of getting pupils and their teachers out into the working countryside, to get wellies on the ground and ignite their curiosity.  

“We offer all our visits, talks and events for free and this is important to us all in the RHET national network, to make food and farming fun and accessible for all. 

“Through using event spaces creatively, and working in collaboration with Angus Show, as we have today, we can offer more schools the chance to get hands. Brechin show is open tomorrow for the public so today we are using the big marquee for workshops, keeping us out the rain or sun!”  

RHET Angus chairman Bruce Christie said: “Every one of Ms Gougeon’s constituents need a farmer three times a day. The support from the award from Scottish Government means we can keep events like this in the school calendar, helping Scotland’s young people get better connections with their local food and farming industries. 

“Listening to their questions and seeing the penny drop as they see seeds ground into flour is part of the reason I love volunteering with RHET. 

 “I’m an arable farmer and visit many schools during the year, explaining how we grow crops, how we care from them, the machinery and science we use and link it straight back to the food they eat on their plate.  

“Helping them to see Scottish agriculture, like the event here today, gives them a chance to ask questions and provides unbiased information so they can make their own food choices as they grow up.”

Scotland to mark Coronation of The King and Queen

One lavish Coronation ceremony just isn’t quite enough

Scotland will mark the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty Queen Camilla during Royal Week in Edinburgh on Wednesday 5 July. 

The King will be presented with the Honours of Scotland at a National Service of Thanksgiving at St Giles’ Cathedral following processions on the Royal Mile. Their Royal Highnesses, The Duke and Duchess of Rothesay will also attend events.

The Honours will be collected from Edinburgh Castle by a ‘People’s Procession’, involving around 100 people representing aspects of Scottish life. 

It will be escorted by The Royal Regiment of Scotland , Shetland pony mascot Corporal Cruachan IV and supported by  cadet musicians from the Combined Cadet Force Pipes and Drums, 51 Brigade Cadet Military Band.

The Royal Procession will travel from the Palace of Holyroodhouse to the Cathedral. There will be opportunities for the public to view the People’s Procession and the Royal Procession along the Royal Mile.

A 21-Gun Salute will fire from Edinburgh Castle at the end of the St Giles’ Service, before the Royal Procession travels back to the Palace of Holyroodhouse. 

King Charles III receives the First Minister of Scotland Humza Yousaf during an audience at Buckingham Palace, London. Picture date: Wednesday May 17, 2023.

First Minister Humza Yousaf said: “Scotland will welcome the new King and Queen in July with a series of events to mark the Coronation. A People’s Procession, a Royal Procession, a National Service of Thanksgiving and a Gun Salute will take place in Edinburgh. 

“Representatives from many different communities and organisations in Scotland will take part in these historic events.

“People who wish to mark this historic occasion can get involved by watching broadcast coverage or viewing events in person. We will issue more information confirming how members of the public can access events in the coming weeks.”

Background Information

The Stone of Destiny will be in St Giles’ Cathedral for the service. There will also be a fly past by the Red Arrows following the event.

The People’s Procession will include representatives from a wide range of organisations in Scotland including:

  • Corporal Cruachan IV (a Shetland pony) the mascot of The Royal Regiment of Scotland
  • The Robert Gordon’s College Combined Cadet Force (CCF) Pipes and Drums and the Army Cadet Force Military Band
  • The High Constables (Edinburgh & Leith)
  • Scottish Youth Parliament
  • Guide Dogs
  • Enable Scotland
  • Scottish Wildlife Trust
  • The College of Master Kilt Makers
  • Duke of Edinburgh Awards
  • Botanic Gardens of Edinburgh
  • Royal Zoological Society of Edinburgh
  • Robert Burns Federation
  • Royal and Ancient Golf Course in St Andrews
  • The Scottish Tartans Authority
  • The Royal Scottish Highland Games Association
  • The Royal Scottish Official Board of Highland Dance
  • The Princes Foundation 
  • The Princes Trust
  • CHAS
  • RNLI
  • Samaritans
  • Girl Guides
  • Scouts
  • Boys and Girls Brigade

The Royal Procession will include musical accompaniment from the Royal Marine Band (Scotland) and the Pipes, Drums and Bugles of the 2nd Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland (2 SCOTS).

The Honours of Scotland will be escorted from Edinburgh Castle by The King’s Body Guard for Scotland, the Royal Company of Archers (known as the Royal Company) and a Guard of Honour formed by contingents of the Navy, Army and Royal Air Force. The 21 Gun Saluting troop will be 12 Regiment Royal Artillery.

There will be public viewing opportunities along the pavements of the Royal Mile and outside the Palace of Holyroodhouse.

Details of the Order of Service and further information of exact locations and timings will be issued in the coming weeks.

Call for responsible water use as resilience room meets

People and businesses are being urged to use water carefully as dry weather conditions are expected to persist and water demand is rising.

First Minister Humza Yousaf chaired a meeting of the Scottish Government’s Resilience Room (SGoRR) this afternoon, attended by Deputy First Minister Shona Robison, Justice and Home Affairs Secretary Angela Constance and partners including SEPA, Scottish Water and the Met Office, to consider preparations and mitigations in the event of further water scarcity. 

Following a drier than normal winter and spring, water levels in reservoirs are lower than would be expected for this time of year. Scottish Water reports that consumer demand has increased sharply since last weekend putting pressure on reservoirs, treatment works and water mains.

SEPA reports that, in the north of Scotland, the Loch Maree area has been raised to the Significant Water Scarcity level – the highest level – and the Ness area has increased to Moderate Water Scarcity. The Esk area in Dumfriesshire has also increased to Moderate Water Scarcity.

The First Minister said: “While there is no immediate risk to public water supplies, water levels are much lower than usual for the time of year, particularly in parts of north and southern Scotland. With little significant rain forecast, shortages could become more likely and potentially more widespread.

“Everyone needs to use water responsibly. I urge businesses and the public to follow the guidance provided by SEPA and Scottish Water on the measures that need to be taken.

“The Scottish Government has reopened the emergency scheme to provide bottled water to any homes on private water supplies that need it. Householders should contact their local council if required.

“Businesses extracting water directly from the environment are also being urged to put their water scarcity plans into action now to reduce pressure on the environment.

“The Scottish Government and partners are monitoring the situation closely and considering appropriate measures to mitigate potential future impacts.”