Protecting Scotland’s wildlife

Views sought on snare trap ban

The use of snare traps could be banned as part of new plans to protect vulnerable wildlife and promote sustainable wildlife management.

The Scottish Government is seeking the public’s views on whether an outright ban should be put in place or if any exemptions should be considered. A snare is a thin wire noose used for catching a wild animal for the purposes of wildlife management.

The consultation is also asking for opinions on extending the investigative powers of the Scottish SPCA – a new measure which will help tackle wildlife crime. This will involve giving SSPCA inspectors more authority to search, examine and seize evidence related to incidents of illegal hunting and other offences related to wildlife persecution.

Environment Minister Gillian Martin said: “Snare traps lead to unnecessary suffering for animals and these proposals are part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that wildlife management is both sustainable and humane.

“Currently, only a small number of farmers and land managers use snare traps. More effective and humane forms of managing wildlife are available and we will continue to support the industry to make use of these methods.

“Wildlife crime and the illegal killing of wild mammals continues to blight our rural communities. By extending the investigative powers of SSPCA inspectors, we can ensure that the destructive impact that these criminals have on our environment is diminished and that they are brought to justice.”

Scottish SPCA Chief Superintendent Mike Flynn said: “The Scottish SPCA strongly supports this announcement by the Scottish Government. As Scotland’s animal welfare charity, we have long called for an outright ban on the use of snares due to the level of suffering an animal is caused.

“Animals that are caught in snares can be caused unimaginable physical and mental anguish. Following reports from members of the public, we have found domestic animals, protected species and target animals that have all suffered dreadfully in both illegal and legal snares.

“A ban on all snaring is the only way to stop this unacceptable suffering. We are very pleased with the announcement of a ban, which will be a historic moment for animal welfare in Scotland.”

Subject to consultation, the new provisions would be included in the Scottish Government’s upcoming Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill which will aim to protect the environment and help end the persecution of birds of prey.

The consultation will run for 6 weeks from 22 August to 3 October 2023. 

The League Against Cruel Sports Scotland has welcomed yesterday’s (Tuesday) announcement by the Scottish Government that it will consult with a view to banning snares. 

The consultation, which will form part of the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill, will seek views on whether an outright ban should be put in place for the use of snares, or if any exemptions should be considered. 

A snare is a thin wire noose used for catching a wild animal, most commonly used for predator control on shooting estates. 

Robbie Marsland, Director of the League Against Cruel Sports, Scotland, said: “The League has been proud to join the loud and anguished call over many years for the use of cruel, primitive and indiscriminate snares to be banned.

“While we welcome and applaud the Scottish Government’s intent to consider a ban, we are under no illusions the strength of feeling among those who wish to use snares in the countryside. 

“The Government will face fierce opposition to these proposals but the arguments to outlaw their use once and for all, far outweigh any arguments to continue using this as a method of trapping and killing hundreds of thousands of wild animals, and non-target species, every year.”

The consultation is also asking for opinions on extending the investigative powers of the Scottish SPCA – a new measure which will help tackle wildlife crime. 

Robbie Marsland added: “Our field workers have had to document and photograph an appalling array of mutilated foxes, exhausted badgers and even snared cats and dogs in order to demonstrate why these devices should be consigned to history.

“But with snares gone, the killing will continue. While we welcome the removal of one cruel and inhuman method of killing, we still deeply question why hundreds of thousands of animals will continue to be killed each year to make sure there are more grouse to shoot for sport.”

The consultation will run for six weeks from late August until the beginning of October 2023. Following this, the new provisions would be included in the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill which is currently at Stage 1 in the Scottish Parliament.

Decrease in drug-related deaths

Figures show biggest year-on-year reduction since statistics series began

Drugs and Alcohol Policy Minister Elena Whitham has welcomed a record fall in the number of drug-related deaths – and has reaffirmed her commitment to continue the National Mission to reduce deaths and improve lives impacted by drugs.  

The figures, published by National Records of Scotland, found that 1,051 people died due to drug misuse in 2022, a decrease of 279 deaths (21%) compared with 2021 and the lowest annual total since 2017.

During a visit to ‘Back on the Road’ employability project which helps people in recovery from addiction issues, Ms Whitham said: “My sympathy goes out to all those affected by the loss of a loved one through drugs.

“While I am pleased to see that hundreds of families have been spared this agony and lives have been saved, every life lost is a tragedy and the number of deaths is still too high.

“I will never underestimate the scale of the challenge we continue to face, including responding to new threats such as synthetic opioids and stimulant use. I can see that our work across Scotland, where we have already supported 300 grass-roots projects, including ‘Back on the Road’, is gathering pace, and I’m grateful to all those delivering vital services.

“As part of our £250 million National Mission on drugs, we’ll continue to focus on getting more people into the form of treatment and support they need, expand access to residential rehabilitation and drive the rollout of life-saving Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards where we are making significant progress.

“As we highlighted in our recent Drug Law Reform proposals, the UK Government could do more to work with us to help introduce harm reduction measures.”

Back on the Road is based in Bridgeton Bus Garage in Glasgow’s East End and is one of hundreds of grassroots projects across Scotland helping save and improve lives.

Its delivery of training in the restoration of vintage vehicles has now returned to pre-pandemic operating level thanks to £244,000 funding over five years from the Scottish Government’s Local Support Fund, administered by the CORRA Foundation.

Back on the Road and Glasgow Vintage Vehicle Trust chair Steven Booth said: “Our aim is to do our best to ensure our participants go on to lead a more fulfilling life, taking advantage of opportunities that might lie ahead for them.

Drug related deaths decrease | National Records of Scotland (

More support for Edinburgh’s Ukrainian community

Funding announced ahead of Independence Day of Ukraine

Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations’ Council (EVOC), Volunteer Edinburgh, The Welcoming Project, Feniks and the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain’s (AUGB) Edinburgh branch are sharing in more than £200,000 from the Scottish Government’s Ukraine Programme funding pot.

Migration Minister Emma Roddick said: “People all over Scotland, and particularly in Edinburgh, have welcomed those fleeing the war in Ukraine into their communities, their schools and workplaces and their homes.

“Third sector organisations have been at the heart of this warm welcome, supporting Ukrainians every step of the way. They have hosted English lessons, created social hubs and helped people to access local services.

“They have also showcased what can be achieved when national and local government, and the third sector work together, and this funding will help make sure this important partnership working continues.

“As we look ahead to the Independence Day of Ukraine, our message to Ukrainians remains clear: we stand with you, and we want Scotland to be your home for as long as you need it.”   

The City of Edinburgh Council Leader Cammy Day said: “Third sector organisations here in Edinburgh have been a cornerstone of the partnership effort to support displaced Ukrainians over the last 18 months.

“I’m sure I speak on behalf of all colleagues when I say that they have made a real and tangible difference to the lives of the people who have fled their country following Russia’s illegal war against Ukraine.

“It is right and proper that these organisations are set to benefit from the Scottish Government’s Ukraine Programme funding.

“I have seen firsthand the difference that these organisations make in our communities across a wealth of different areas. From language classes to support with health and wellbeing to helping people into work and education and so much more their impact cannot be understated.

“I look forward to working closely with our third sector partners as we move forward in supporting our Ukrainian friends in the capital.”

Details of organisations outside Edinburgh receiving funding will be confirmed in due course.

Support for Scotland’s museums

£500,000 fund towards capital costs and resilience

In recognition of the important contribution museums make to our communities, the sector is to benefit from a new fund for crucial repair and maintenance work.

The Scottish Government is to give an additional £500,000 to Museums Galleries Scotland to enable organisations across the country to reduce their running costs and increase resilience.

Culture Minister Christina McKelvie said: “Given the current cost of living challenges and their impact on the ability of museums to run their services for the public, this £500,000 in funding will enable the museum sector to be more energy efficient.

“In particular the fund will prioritise projects that will directly reduce carbon use or have a positive environmental impact.

“As well as encouraging the sector to be more sustainable, the aims of the fund align with our national priorities and will contribute to Scotland’s target of net zero emissions by 2045.”

CEO of Museums Galleries Scotland Lucy Casot said: “We welcome this additional funding from the Scottish Government to support the resilience of museums and galleries to continue their important work engaging with communities and telling the stories of their places and people.

“Focusing on lowering running costs and increasing energy efficiency will safeguard these spaces for years to come. and better support our ambitions to become sustainable organisations that aspire to reach net zero.”

Scottish revenue increases by £15 billion

Strong growth in income tax and energy sector

Scotland’s notional deficit has continued to fall at a faster pace than the UK’s, driven by record energy sector revenues and strong growth in the tax take, figures for the 2022-23 financial year show.

Total revenue for Scotland increased by 20.7% (£15 billion) compared with 11.3% for the UK as a whole. This includes a £1.9 billion increase in revenue from Scottish income tax and £6.9 billion increase in North Sea revenue. These increases have partially been offset by a rise in spending on cost of living measures and interest payments on UK Government debt.

To mark publication of the 30th Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) statistics, the Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy, Neil Gray, visited the University of Glasgow’s Mazumdar-Shaw Advanced Research Centre to learn about the significant economic potential of quantum technology to Scotland’s economy. Recent research has suggested the sector could be worth £1 billion to Scotland by 2030.

Mr Gray said: “I am pleased that Scotland’s finances are improving at a faster rate than the UK as a whole, with revenue driven by Scotland’s progressive approach to income tax and our vibrant energy sector.

“While the record revenues from the North Sea show the extent that the UK continues to benefit from Scotland’s natural wealth, these statistics do not reflect the full benefits of the green economy, with hundreds of millions of pounds in revenue not yet captured.

“It is important to remember that GERS reflects the current constitutional position, with 41% of public expenditure and 64% of tax revenue the responsibility of the UK Government. Indeed, a full £1 billion of our deficit is the direct result of the UK Government’s mismanagement of the public finances.

“An independent Scotland would have the powers to make different choices, with different budgetary results, to best serve Scotland’s interests.

“While we are bound to the UK’s economic model and do not hold all the financial levers needed, we will continue to use all the powers we do have to grow a green wellbeing economy, while making the case that we need independence to enable Scotland to match the economic success of our European neighbours.

“I’m grateful to the University of Glasgow for showing me their world-leading quantum technology research, which could be worth £1 billion to our economy within seven years, highlighting just how bright Scotland’s future could be outside of the UK.”

Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland 2022-23

Government Expenditure & Revenue Scotland figures ‘show Scotland benefits from being part of a strong United Kingdom with a sharing and pooling of resources’

The Scottish Government has published their annual Government Expenditure & Revenue Scotland report, which shows the difference between total revenue and total public sector spending in Scotland.

The figures for 2022-2023 showed that people in Scotland are continuing to benefit from levels of public spending substantially above the United Kingdom average.

And even in a year of exceptional North Sea Revenues, Scotland’s deficit is still more than £19 billion, demonstrating how the country continues to benefit from being part of a strong United Kingdom, with the vital pooling and sharing of resources that the Union brings.

Commenting on the figures, Scottish Secretary Alister Jack said: “The Scottish Government’s own figures show yet again how people in Scotland benefit hugely from being part of a strong United Kingdom.

“Scotland’s deficit is more than £19billion – even in a year of exceptional North Sea Revenues. Without oil and gas, that figure soars to more than £28billion.

“People in Scotland benefit to the tune of £1,521 per person thanks to higher levels of public spending.

“As we face cost of living pressures and unprecedented global challenges it is clear Scotland is better off as part of a strong United Kingdom.”

GERS 2023 – Uptick in oil revenues narrows the gap between Scottish and UK Deficit

Fraser of Allander Institute’s MAIRI SPOWAGE, JOAO SOUSA and CIARA CRUMMEY unpick the latest statistics:

This morning sees the publication of Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland 2022-23.

These statistics set out three main things:

  • The revenues raised from Scotland, from both devolved and reserved taxation;
  • Public expenditure for and on behalf of Scotland, again for both devolved and reserved expenditure;
  • The difference between these two figures, which is called in the publication the “net fiscal balance” – but as you may well hear colloquially referred to as the “deficit”.

These statistics form the backdrop to a key battleground in the constitutional debate, particularly when it is focussed on the fiscal sustainability of an independent Scotland and what different choices Scotland could make in terms of taxation and spending.

So what do the latest statistics show?

The latest figures show that the net fiscal balance for 2022-23 was -£19.1 bn, which represents -9.0% of GDP. This is a fall from the 2021-22 figure of -12.8% of GDP and is down significantly from 2020-21 which was inflated hugely by COVID-related spending.

The comparable UK figure for 2022-23 is -5.2% of GDP. The UK figure is unchanged from 2021-22. The reason for the differential trend for Scotland and the UK as a whole has been driven by North Sea revenue, which contributed £9.4 billion to Scottish revenue in 2022-23.

Chart 1: Scottish and UK net fiscal balance, 1998-99 to 2022-23

Source: Scottish Government

In this year of record North Sea revenue (at least in cash terms), the difference between the Scottish and UK deficit is driven by the expenditure side of the net fiscal balance equation.

Chart 2: Spending and revenue per head, Scotland-UK, 1998-99 to 2022-23

Source: Scottish Government

On revenues, including the North Sea, Scotland raised £696 more per head than the UK, whilst on expenditure, Scotland spent £2,217 more per head than the UK average.

So what do these statistics really tell us?

These statistics reflect the situation of Scotland as part of the current constitutional situation. That is, Scotland as a devolved government as part of the UK. The majority of spending that is carried out to deliver services for the people of Scotland are provided by devolved government (either Scottish Government or Local Government).

To a certain extent therefore, the higher per head spending levels are driven by the way that the funding for devolved services is calculated through the Barnett formula.  Add on top of that the higher than population share of reserved social security expenditure, and we have identified the two main reasons for higher public expenditure in Scotland.

Let’s go over some of the main points that may come up today when folks are analysing these statistics.

Scotland isn’t unusual in the UK in running a negative net fiscal balance

This is absolutely right. ONS produce figures for all regions and nations of the UK, and these have shown consistently (in normal years, so excluding COVID times) that outside of London and surrounding areas, most parts of the UK are estimated to raise less revenue than is spent on their behalf.

In 2021, we discussed the differences between parts of the UK in an episode of BBC Radio 4’s More or Less programme.

The Scottish Government doesn’t have a deficit as it has to run a balanced budget

This statement isn’t quite true (the SG now has limited capital borrowing powers and resource borrowing powers to cover forecast error). The Scottish Government’s Budget is funded through the Barnett determined Block Grant, with some adjustments to reflect the devolution of taxes and social security responsibilities (most significantly, income tax).

The SG do not have the flexibility to borrow for discretionary resource spending.

However, to focus on this around the publication of GERS somewhat misses the point of the publication. It looks at money spent on services for the benefit of Scotland, whoever spends it, and compares that to taxes raised, whoever collects them. As touched on above, the Barnett-determined block grant funds services at a higher level per head in Scotland than in England in aggregate.

What does this tell us about independence?

Setting aside the noise that will no doubt accompany GERS today, there are essentially two key issues, that need to be considered together.

GERS takes the current constitutional settlement as given. If the very purpose of independence is to take different choices about the type of economy and society that we live in, then it is possible that these a set of accounts based upon the world today could look different, over the long term, in an independent Scotland.

That said, GERS does provide an accurate picture of where Scotland is in 2023. In doing so it sets the starting point for a discussion about the immediate choices, opportunities and challenges that need to be addressed by those advocating new fiscal arrangements. And here the challenge is stark, with a likely deficit far in excess of the UK as a whole, other comparable countries or that which is deemed to be sustainable in the long-term. It is not enough to say ‘everything will be fine’ or ‘look at this country, they can run a sensible fiscal balance so why can’t Scotland?’. Concrete proposals and ideas are needed.

And please guys… dodge the myths!

We have produced a detailed guide to GERS which goes through the background of the publication and all of the main issues around its production, including some of the odd theories that emerge around it. A few years ago, we also produced a podcast which you can enjoy at your leisure.

In summary though, to go through the main claims usually made about GERS:

  1. GERS is an accredited National Statistics produced by statisticians in the Scottish Government (so is not produced by the UK Government) and is a serious attempt to understand the key fiscal facts under the current constitutional arrangement
  2. Some people look to discredit the veracity of GERS because it relies – in part – on estimation. Estimation is a part of all economic statistics and is not a reason to dismiss the figures as “made up”.
  3. Will the numbers change if you make different reasonable assumptions about the bits of GERS that are estimated? In short, not to any great extent.
  4. If you have any more questions about how revenues and spending are compiled in GERS, the SG publish a very helpful FAQs page, including dealing with issues around company headquarters and the whisky industry.

Look out for more analysis

It’ll be interesting to see the coverage of these statistics today and the talking points that are generated given where we are in the constitutional debate.

If you have any questions about GERS for us, then why not get in touch? Submit them to and we’ll try to cover them in our weekly update later this week!

Pay offer to Junior Doctors accepted

Agreement will see largest Junior Doctor pay investment for 20 years

A record 12.4% pay increase for junior doctors and dentists in training for 2023–24 has been accepted British Medical Association (BMA) Scotland members.

Together with the pay raise of 4.5% awarded in 2022–23, this amounts to a total increase of 17.5% over two years.

The deal also includes a commitment to future years pay, contract and pay bargaining modernisation and it brings to an end the threat of industrial action.

Health Secretary Michael Matheson said: “I am very pleased that BMA members have overwhelmingly voted to accept this record pay deal for Junior Doctors.  This is the single biggest investment in Junior Doctor pay since devolution, and maintains our commitment to make Scotland the best place in the UK for Junior Doctors to work and train. 

“Due to the meaningful engagement we have had with trade unions, we have avoided any industrial action in Scotland – the only part of the UK to avoid NHS strikes.

“We will now implement this pay uplift, and will work with BMA to take forward the other aspects of the deal including contract and pay bargaining reform.”

This pay deal represents a £61.3 million investment in Junior Doctor pay – the largest in the last 20 years and the best offer in the UK – and means a doctor at the beginning of their career would receive a salary increase of £3,429 in 2023–24.

For those at the end of their training the rise would be £7,111 over the same period. 

New fisheries measures announced

Next steps to ensure sustainable fisheries in Scotland

Proposals to introduce electronic tracking and monitoring technology for small fishing vessels will be consulted on as part of package of new fisheries measures announced this week.

The consultation proposes that vessel tracking devices will be required by Scottish commercial fishing vessels under 12 metres in length wherever they operate, and by all vessels of the that size when they operate in Scottish waters. It also asks whether Remote Electric Monitoring systems (REM) – which are more sophisticated than vessel tracking – should be required on some inshore vessels.

Rolling out such technology across Scotland’s fishing fleet would show that vessels are operating sustainably and within the law, increasing consumer confidence in Scottish seafood. They would also provide valuable data which would help fisheries to be managed more sustainably and informing marine planning, benefiting Scotland’s fishing industry and the marine environment.

Environment Minister Gillian Martin, who met with fishing industry representatives in Peterhead this week, said: “These proposals will support the sustainable management and development of our marine environment – the next step in delivering a blue economy that benefits our communities, economy and environment.

“I encourage the inshore sector and others with an interest to continue to engage with us and to take part in the consultation on vessel monitoring.

“Government, industry and communities all have a shared interest and commitment to a healthy marine environment. Open dialogue and constructive working of the sort that has helped to develop these proposals will ensure that we benefit from the expertise of the fishing industry. Cooperation and co-management will ensure that both Scotland’s fishing industry and our marine environment can thrive sustainably.”

The Scottish Government has also published the outcome of two consultations:

  • Remote Electric Monitoring (REM) will become mandatory on large pelagic vessels and all scallop dredge vessels in Scottish waters. Further rollout of REM will be considering alongside the Future Catching Policy development.
  • Future Catching Policy will take concrete action to increase the sustainability of our fishing activity, supporting fishers to avoid catching fish and other sensitive marine species which they don’t want to land, or catch in the first place

These announcements represent the next steps in Scotland’s Fisheries Management Strategy – which has been developed in partnership with the fishing industry and other stakeholders. The package of measures within the Strategy helps place Scotland in a leading international position to deliver sustainable fishing.

The inshore vessel tracking and monitoring consultation is open until 7 November 2023 and can be completed on the Scottish Government consultation hub.

Independent Age: “Struggling older people can’t wait any longer”

The upcoming Programme for Government must include plans for a pensioner poverty strategy, says older people’s financial hardship charity Independent Age. 

1 in 7 pensioners in Scotland are in poverty, a number that has risen by a quarter in the last decade, and the current cost of living crisis means that many more are at risk of being pulled into financial hardship.

Polling by Independent Age shows that almost half (45%) of over 65s living on a low income (£15,000 per year or less) in Scotland are cutting back on their food spending. Well over a third (42%) of the same group are concerned about covering their food bills for the next 6 months.

With energy prices remaining high, Independent Age polling found that in Scotland, over half (54%) of over 65s on a low income are worried about how they will afford the cost of heating their home.

The charity also found that inadequate incomes coupled with rising costs is causing some older people to disconnect from digital technology. Without this it’s often harder to access information, stay in touch with friends and family and save money by shopping around for the best deals.

Polling showed that 39% of older people on a low income are already cutting back on their phone usage to save money. Over a third (35%) of the same group are fearful of not being able to afford their broadband bill during the next 6 months.

Independent Age is calling on the Scottish Government to urgently produce a pensioner poverty strategy. Whilst the charity continues to call on the UK Government to do more to support older people facing financial hardship across the country, there are actions the Scottish Government can take to support older people living in poverty in Scotland.

Debbie Horne, Scotland Policy and Public Affairs Manager at Independent Age said: “Older people struggling financially can’t wait any longer for the Government to step in. The First Minister must include a pensioner poverty strategy in next month’s Programme for Government.

“Every day, we hear from older people across Scotland who are cutting back to dangerous levels. We’ve heard stories of those in later life risking falls by not turning on the lights at night, terminally ill older people not using the heating during winter and those who only eat one meal a day, all to save money. They are crying out for a plan to help them.

“If the Scottish Government wants to make Scotland the best place in the world to grow old, they can start now by committing to introducing a pensioner poverty strategy. We’ve heard positive words on the Government’s commitment to tackling poverty, but now older people need to see action.

“The Programme for Government must include a strategy to tackle pensioner poverty, or we risk seeing thousands more fall into financial hardship.”

Independent Age launched its powerful report “Not enough to live on”: Pensioner poverty in Scotland in February this year. It set out the devastating experience of poverty for those aged over 65.

The charity interviewed 38 people across the nation and these in-depth conversations uncovered struggles around managing on a low, fixed income, battling high costs and living in unaffordable and inadequate housing.

June, 67, Glasgow, is currently struggling financially. She said: “I’m very cautious with money. I’m careful to make sure I’ve got enough to get my food. You’ve got to be careful because you can still run out at the end of the month, then you end up needing to go to the food bank.

“If something big was to come up that was needed, say my fridge, God forbid, or my cooker or washing machine, it would be a worry. I would have to get help. I can’t go out and buy big things. I cannot go for a cup of tea or buy a wee meal for my friends, it’s irritating because you want to do more. But I’m restricted, I’ve not got the money for that. So you just forget it. I live a quiet life.”

Financial advice where people need it


People struggling to manage their household finances can now benefit from increased support in a range of community settings thanks to a new accessible advice fund.

Almost £1 million has been distributed to partnerships between advice agencies and other local services such as schools, charities, hospitals and mental health services.

The fund will build on the success of the Welfare Advice and Health Partnerships initiative that put dedicated advisers into 180 GP practices in some of Scotland’s most deprived and rural areas – helping to reach those most in need.

Granton Information Centre launched the very first pilot in Scotland when they partnered with Muirhouse Medical Centre. Since that first successful partnership the outreach service has been expanded and GIC now delivers advice at GP practices across the city in Crewe Medical Centre, Ladywell, Barclays Medical Practice at East Craigs and Restalrig Park.

The new funding will enable Granton Information Centre to deliver new services in partnership with Pilton Community Health Project, The Ripple Project and Saheliya.

Two other Edinburgh projects have also received accessible advice funding. CHAI Edinburgh will partner with Rock Trust, and Harbour Homes (formerly Port of Leith Housing Association) with YMCA Edinburgh.

There will be a particular emphasis on providing advice to those who are traditionally hardest to help or who have not sought advice before.

Housing Minister Paul McLennan said: “The cost of living crisis is putting many households across Scotland under huge strain. Advice services play an increasingly critical role across Scotland’s communities by helping people to access support and benefits they may be entitled to, as well as helping them to understand their rights.

“This funding is part of more than £12.3 million that the Scottish Government is providing this year to support income maximisation, welfare and debt advice services. It will ensure we provide people with advice in places where they are more likely to already be, and we will focus particularly on reaching families.

“We know that early access to advice can make a dramatic difference to people’s financial situation and prevent issues – including debt – escalating.”

Grants are being distributed on behalf of the Scottish Government by Advice UK, the largest support network for independent advice organisations in the UK.

Projects with a focus on families, including disabled or single parents, those caring for a disabled person and parents from minority ethnic communities are among those which have been successful in securing funding.

The scheme is funded in part through the Scottish allocation from the Debt Advice Levy, which is raised by the UK Financial Conduct Authority by applying a levy to UK Clearing banks and consumer credit businesses.

Evidence from the Glasgow Centre for Population Health has highlighted the success of embedding welfare advice in GP surgeries. Initial findings from an interim report, conducted by the Improvement Service and covering the period between January 2022 and March 2023, showed that 89% of the almost 10,000 Welfare Advice and Health Partnership service users were ‘new’ users of advice – highlighting that the provision of welfare advice in accessible and trusted settings is allowing wider populations to engage with vital services.

The Scottish Government estimates that more than 60,000 people were supported by Scottish Government-funded debt advice services in 2022-23.

Scottish Government: Placing diverse communities at the heart of events

Against the backdrop of the world’s biggest cycling event in history, discussions are taking place which aim to further boost equality, diversity and inclusion across Scotland’s world-renowned events sector.

The 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships has seen competitions for disabled and non-disabled athletes taking place alongside each other. This inclusive approach has helped to showcase and raise awareness of Para sport.

Yesterday in Glasgow Culture Secretary Angus Robertson hosted a roundtable with partners representing people with protected characteristics, such as race and young people, to explore ways to strengthen the approach to the planning, delivery and legacy of major events.

Along with a public consultation and stakeholder workshops held earlier in 2023, this will inform the refreshed National Events Strategy for 2025-2035.

Mr Robertson said: “It’s important that collectively we make most of the many benefits events can bring to the lives of diverse communities right across Scotland.   

“The UCI Cycling World Championships are a great example of how mega events like this can showcase our cultural diversity, boost accessibility and extend a warm welcome to all communities.

“The inclusion of Para sports in the Cycling World Championships has contributed significantly to the atmosphere. The competitive spirit and level of skill and dedication demonstrated by all athletes taking part side by side has been inspirational and an important part of the success of the event.

“We want our portfolio of world-class events to deliver positive economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits for everyone in Scotland.”

The 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships runs until 13 August. The event has a focus on equality, diversity and inclusion, including through signing a Ride Together Pledge.

Scottish Labour’s Shadow Minister for Culture Foysol Choudhury MSP said that championships as such are an excellent opportunity to get more people into sports and showcase all that Scotland has to offer to the world.

The Lothians list MSP said: “With our fantastic landscape and cities as backdrops for the event, it’s been great to show the world exactly why so many of us are proud to call Scotland our home.

“Not only that, but it’s really helped to encourage sport, amongst young people and adults alike.

“We not only have breath-taking scenery if you want to cycle outdoors, but we also have excellent velodromes for indoor cycling.

“This is a great opportunity to embrace active travel as part of a healthy lifestyle and start cycling again-I know I’ve definitely been inspired to get back into the habit!”

As part of the build-up to the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships, an £8 million Cycling Facilities Fund has been jointly invested by the Scottish Government and Sportscotland to support cycling communities and club facilities across Scotland.

Mr Choudhury continued: “To encourage active travel and sport, we need to make sure that everybody has access to the equipment and facilities needed to participate. That’s why funding to community and club facilities is so important.

“I would like to congratulate two projects from West Lothian – Balbardie Park Pump Track and West Lothian Cycle Circuit, Linlithgow – who have received awards of £45,433 and £636,011, respectively.

“I hope that my constituents can make use of the benefits that these funds can bring.

“Let’s all get inspired by the Championships this summer and join in to feel the Power Of The Bike! “