Go ahead for new Sick Kids

Plans to build a replacement for Edinburgh’s Royal Hospital for Sick Children (RHSC ) and Department of Clinical Neurosciences (DCN) have been approved.

The new building, next to the Royal Infirmary at  Little France, will provide a replacement for the current children’s hospital at Sciennes, the Department of Clinical Neurosciences currently based at the Western General Hospital and new facilities for the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) which will move from the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.

The project is due to be completed in 2017 and is part of the NPD and hub initiative pipeline, supported by the Scottish Futures Trust, which will see £750 million of investment in health facilities across Scotland.

Negotiations over the site for the new building, currently car park B at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, have delayed the project but these were completed in August. Approval of the outline business case will see NHS Lothian take the next step in the process to select a private sector partner to design, build, finance and maintain the new facility.

Health Secretary Alex Neil made the announcement as he met young patients and staff at the current Royal Hospital for Sick Children. He also confirmed his commitment to investing over £1billion in NHS Scotland capital projects over the next two years, including £485m in 2013-14.

Mr Neil said: “I am pleased to say that the outline business case for the new RHSC and DCN has been approved meaning work to get the new hospital up and running for 2017 can move apace. “There have been delays with the new Sick Kids Hospital in the past, due to land and commercial issues with an inherited PFI contract on the proposed site. I am pleased to say that there is now a framework in place to resolve the legal and commercial issues that arose in the original contract. “This project is part of a £750 million health pipeline delivering a range of improvements to hospital and community health facilities right across Scotland.

“We have already seen £1bn being pumped into our hospitals and health centres since 2011 and I can confirm that another £1bn will be invested over the next two years. In 2013 alone we will invest nearly £500m. “I’ve been clear in the past that investing in our infrastructure is vital to growing our economy and the NHS presents huge opportunities to do this. Not only will it bring benefits to business and more jobs but it also means that patients can be treated in the best possible surroundings. “High quality health services as close to home as possible is what the people of Scotland want, and that is something this Government is determined to give them.”

Dr Charles Winstanley, Chair of NHS Lothian said: “Having the outline business case approved is a significant step forward in this important project. The benefits of having children’s, maternity and adult services on the same site are well documented. This project to re-provide services from the RHSC and DCN will create a centre of excellence at Little France, bringing paediatric care, specialist neonatal care, neurosciences and A&E together. The proximity to the University and the BioQuarter will also improve opportunities for partnership working and bring research to the bedside. We are working closely with the Scottish Futures Trust to plan the procurement process and, as required, we expect to advertise the project in the Official Journal of the European Union before the end of the year.”

The new hospital will cost around £150 million to build and brings together children’s, maternity and adult services on the same site. The new building will:

  • bring together paediatric care, specialist neonatal care, neurosciences and adult and children’s emergency departments all on one site, ensuring that that teams can share experience and expertise for the benefit of patients.
  • provide the ability to deliver paediatric and adult neurosurgery in the same theatre suite, maximising the utilisation of specialist equipment (e.g. intra-operative MRI) and expert staff, with direct internal access to age-appropriate critical care and wards
  • mental health services for children and young people on the same site as acute hospital services, supporting their physical and psychological care
  • joint-working and economies of scale in high-cost specialist clinical areas such as theatres and radiology
  • the opportunity to improve emergency access to services by incorporating a helipad on the roof of the new building


Power to the people?

A proposed bill to give more power to Scotland’s communities could see the biggest transfer of power since devolution. The proposed Community Empowerment and Renewal Bill would give more power to Scotland’s communities. The exploratory consultation on the Bill, which was debated at the Scottish Parliament yesterday, is currently seeking views on a range of ideas which could see more power in the hands of communities:

  • Urban right to buy – extending the right that currently exists for rural communities to buy land to urban communities.
  • Right to take over unused or underused public sector land and buildings – either the right to request a transfer, or possibly a presumptive right to take over a public sector asset when it can be shown it is unused or underused and the asset owner was not able to show plans for future use.
  • Right to use and access unused land – where it can be shown that land, in public or private sector ownership, is unused or underused and the asset owner is not able to show plans for future use. This could include a “community right to grow”, giving communities a right to access unused land and plant flowers, crops or trees.
  • Community compulsory purchase – communities often identify areas of land or a building in their area that are unused and causing problems and could be brought back into use. Currently local authorities have powers to compulsorily purchase property if it is in the public interest to do so; communities could be given similar powers.
  • Participatory budgeting – giving communities more direct control over how public sector money is spent in local areas.
  • Overarching duty to engage – to replace individual duties to engage with communities placed on different public sector bodies with one overarching duty.

Local Government Minister Derek Mackay said: “The Community Empowerment and Renewal bill is potentially the biggest transfer of power since devolution, transferring power from central and local Government to Scotland’s communities. We believe that the people of Scotland are best placed to take decisions about their future – both at a national and a local level.

“Scotland’s people are its greatest asset and are a rich source of creativity and talent. The Scottish Government wants to see all Scots having a greater say in shaping and deciding their own futures. This exploratory consultation sets out a range of ideas to support Scotland’s communities to take independent action to achieve their goals and aspirations and to have their voices heard in the decisions that affect them.

“Travelling across Scotland I have seen at first hand the strong foundation of active communities we already have, and I want this proposed legislation to build on this. The ideas in this consultation are designed to strengthen community participation, unlock enterprising community development and renew our communities. These ideas were developed following discussions with the wider public, private, third and community sectors.

“We want to explore these ideas and see how we can remove bureaucratic barriers and develop a meaningful and effective legislative framework to support community activity. We are determined that we develop effective legislation that will make a difference in practice.

“Working with our partners in Local Government, we will listen carefully to people’s views and ideas to help meet our shared goal of empowering more of Scotland’s communities.  The views we hear will help determine what we take forward in our draft Community Empowerment and Renewal Bill.”

Drive to end the waste of empty properties

The shortage of good quality housing is a challenge for both national and local government but initiatives are under way to try to meet the shortfall and cut waiting lists …

Housing and empty property rates reform will aim to regenerate Scotland’s communities, Local Government Derek Mackay said ahead of a stage one debate on the Unoccupied Properties Bill yesterday.

The Bill will allow councils to remove existing discounts and increase council tax on certain long-term empty homes, which often fall into disrepair and can become a focus for antisocial behaviour such as vandalism or fly tipping. There are 25,000 long-term empty homes across Scotland and these new powers could assist councils to work with home owners to provide homes for people who need them.

The reforms also include measures to incentivise owners of vacant business premises to  bring up to 5,500 properties back into commercial use.

Under the current system of Empty Property Relief the Scottish Government would have provided approximately £757m of business rates subsidies, over the period 2010-15, to owners of business premises who have failed to find occupants. The new reforms will reduce this subsidy by £36m and aims to encourage maximum occupancy of Scotland’s town centres, linking to the Regeneration and Town Centre Strategies.

Speaking ahead of the debate, Mr Mackay said: “The Unoccupied Properties Bill is an important step in regenerating and revitalising communities across Scotland. At a time where there are over 140,000 families and individuals on social housing waiting lists and 25,000 long-term empty properties across Scotland, these reforms could play a significant role in providing homes for people who need them.

“The Bill will assist councils to remove discounts and increase council tax on certain empty homes and should be a strong incentive to owners to sell or let the property to someone who needs it.  The Scottish Government is focused on retaining Scotland’s reputation as the most supportive environment for business in the UK and the review of business rates reflects the current economic challenges and opportunities.  The total relief package offered by Scottish Government now exceeds £0.5 billion per year.

“The current system of empty property relief is not working for our communities and we recognise there is a need to incentivise owners of business premises to find occupants. We are working with stakeholders across the business community and we plan to introduce new incentives which will potentially bring up to 5,500 vacant business properties back into use.

“This Government is focused on supporting Scotland’s business community. We have retained the small business bonus scheme, which has either eliminated or substantially reduced business rates for two out of every five commercial properties in Scotland, and even after proposed reform, empty property relief will remain significantly more generous than that offered in England and Wales.

“As part of the Town Centre Strategy, this Government wants to see Scotland’s high streets thriving. I have listened to, and will continue to listen to, a wide range of stakeholders on these reforms and I have emphasised that there is flexibility on our approach.

“We are open to ideas on how we can maximise opportunities to regenerate our town centres and the planned town centre review will build on this and look to tackle some of the long-standing issues facing communities, through working with local authorities and others to deliver innovative solutions.”

RICS Scotland Director, Sarah Speirs:   “RICS Scotland wishes to see all land and property to have a purpose and be used efficiently. Empty property does not make valid contributions to the Scottish economy, environment or, generally, the sociability of places. Therefore, RICS Scotland agrees with the Scottish Government that the issue of unused and vacant properties needs be addressed, and would welcome positive measures that revitalise Scotland’s high streets and town centres.   “From a commercial point of view, we would hope that a balanced, collaborative approach – where public and private sectors can come together to find sensible solutions that provide access to property for those wishing to produce and trade – can be struck to ensure the consequential impact of any policy does not generate negative perceptions and reduce confidence.”

The Bill has been welcomed in Edinburgh, where a drive is already underway to get empty houses occupied. A task force to bring privately-owned empty homes back into use in the capital is being set up by the City of Edinburgh Council.

The membership of the group  will include representatives from the Scottish Empty  Homes Partnership, private landlords and housing associations.

Some of the key actions for  the task force will be to:

  • put together a bid for  funding from the Scottish Government’s new Empty  Homes Loan Fund
  • consider the need for  advice to owners of empty homes and
  • look at implementing new  legislation which allows local authorities to charge higher council tax for  empty homes.

Latest  figures from the Council show that at December 2011 there were 1,486 private  sector properties empty for more than six months which is 0.8% of all private  sector homes. Of these 967 had been vacant for more than a year.

The Empty Homes Task Force  is one the commitments made by the Capital  Coalition which was formed back in May.

Councillor Cammy Day,  Housing Leader for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “Even though Edinburgh  has a relatively low level of empty homes in both the social and private sectors  this Council has a duty to look at all the avenues open to us to deliver more  homes.

“The Capital Coalition made  a commitment in May to set up this task force and I’m delighted that we have  taken what is undoubtedly a major step forward in tackling this pressing issue.

“Everyone knows there is a  desperate need for more housing in the capital and we hope the task force will  be able to find ways of bringing more empty homes back into use.”

Kristen Hubert of Shelter  Scotland, who run the Scottish Government funded Scottish Empty Homes  Partnership, said: “The Council should be praised for setting up this task force  and their commitment to bringing empty homes back into use.

“There are many reasons why  a home might be left empty. Owners can have sentimental attachment to it or they  don’t have the finances, the time or the skills to complete their plans for the  property.

“Whatever the reason,  bringing empty homes back into use has many benefits – it adds to the housing  supply, contributes to local regeneration and supports community  safety.

“We look forward to working  with the taskforce in tackling the problem of empty homes across  Edinburgh.”

A report  on the Empty Homes Task Force is set to be discussed at a meeting of the  Health, Social Care and Housing Committee on Tuesday 11 September.

The percentage of empty  homes in Edinburgh has been steadily decreasing since 2008 from 2.4% to 2% in  2011 – less than the Scottish average of 2.8%.

The Council has already  taken steps to reduce the potential for a greater number of empty homes during  the recession by working with builders and housing associations to buy unsold  new properties and convert them to affordable homes. This has resulted in a  total of 76 newly built unsold properties being purchased since  2010/11.

Earlier this year the  Council used Council Tax data to contact over 1,000 owners of homes that had  been empty for more than six months. They were sent a leaflet outlining the  benefits of bringing their homes back into use.

Criminal profits from communities – no more!

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill joined the Proclaimers and young musicians who are developing their career skills thanks to cash seized from crime.

North Edinburgh Arts Centre is one of eighteen studios from across Scotland to have received investment to allow 12 to 25 year-old musicians to record their first demo tracks and allow them access to professional standard recording and rehearsal facilities.

It’s part of Creative Scotland’s Cashback for Creativity project which uses crooks’ cash to benefit young people of Scotland through a series of cultural diversionary activities. Over three years £2.25 million is being invested into dance, film and music programmes.

During 2012 in the Year of Creative Scotland, the CashBack for Creativity programme will create opportunities for over 8,000 budding young film-makers, dancers and musicians to develop their skills.

The CashBack for Communities Programme takes funds recovered from the proceeds of crime and invests them in back into communities, putting young people on a positive path in life by providing opportunities for them to take part in thousands of free activities and projects – over £46 million has been reinvested to benefit over 600,000 young people since CashBack began.

Mr MacAskill (pictured above) said: “CashBack gives young people the chance to get creative and broaden their horizons. I was delighted to meet Jack Hincks and his Band from Biggar who have been given the chance to record professional music at CP Productions in Edinburgh and develop their personal, social and career skills. And who better than the Proclaimers – one of the most successful and popular Scottish bands of all time – to be on hand to share their skills and some of the secrets of their success.

“Jack Hincks and his Band are some of scores of young musicians from across Scotland who will benefit from professional standard recording facilities – and some might follow the likes of the Proclaimers in making a successful career in the music industry.

“Providing opportunities for young people to get involved in the arts, theatre and cultural activities can help improve confidence and give them a sense of achievement whilst also demonstrating that there is more to life than petty crime. Investment in our young people and their communities will always be money well spent.”

David McDonald, Youth Arts Manager at Creative Scotland, said: ‘The CashBack for Creativity programme has allowed recording studios across the country to open their doors to over 161 young bands and acts. The experience of recording in a professional recording studio with experienced producers at such an early stage in their development will hopefully inspire them to achieve their potential in their future careers, perhaps even the music industry.

“The CashBack programme has also given thousands of young film makers and dancers the opportunity to shine and express themselves creatively. Taking part in creative activities can make a real difference to the lives of our children and young people, it can help build confidence, enable them to make friends and teach them how to work as part of a group.”

The Proclaimers’ Charlie and Craig Reid (below) added: “We are delighted to continue to support the Scottish Government’s imaginative policy on community based funding for worthwhile projects, using the confiscated funds from criminal activity.”

Top class! Pass marks for city pupils

Thousands of Edinburgh pupils will receive the exam results they have been waiting for this morning, and early indications show performance across the City as a whole has surpassed previous years.

Across Scotland, a record number of students have passed Higher exams – the pass rate for Highers increased from 75.2% in 2011 to 76.9% this year, a rise of 7% over the past decade. An increased number of students also passed Advanced Highers and Standard Grades.

Dr Janet Brown, chief executive of the SQA, said: “The increased number of qualifications achieved by candidates not only reflects their hard work and commitment, but also the value they place on qualifications, particularly in this difficult economic climate. I want to congratulate everyone and whether they will be returning to school or college, moving on to higher education or entering the workplace, I wish them continued success.”

Education Secretary Mike Russell also congratulated students on their results.

He said: “This has been another successful year which is testament to the hard work that pupils have put into their courses. Of course, as well as being a time of celebration for many, this is also a time of uncertainty for others. Rest assured, help is available through the exam results helpline on 0808 100 8000 for those who may not have got what they needed.”

He continued: “Behind today’s statistics are thousands of individual young people, each with their own set of results and ambitions for the future. Today is a day to celebrate their achievements.”

In Edinburgh, nine thousand six hundred and fifty-four (9,654) pupils sat 45,775 exams this year, ranging in subject matter from Accounting to Woodwork.

Welcoming today’s results, Education Convener Councillor Paul Godzik said: “We are always looking to improve on performance and the information we have put together so far shows Edinburgh as a whole is up on last year – with a 1 percentage point increase in Highers across the board at S5. It’s great to see improvements in our Standard Grade pass rates too.

“This will have been a red-circle day on many calendars across the city and I want to congratulate all those who sat exams this year.  We have been working hard to make sure all school leavers enter a positive destination of employment, training or further education.

“Initiatives such as the Edinburgh Guarantee are going a long way to making this a reality for many of our ex-pupils.  This is something we are keen to build on in the coming years and look forward to seeing many more placements and positive results.”

All candidates will receive their results by means of the traditional postal delivery today, and candidates who have activated their MySQA accounts – through which they can choose to receive their exam results by text and/or email in addition to their results certificate – will also receive these by 09:00 this morning.

Got your results but need some help or advice abut what to do next? You could start with a free call to the Skills Development Scotland (SDS) Exam Results Helpline on 0808 100 8000. Open from 8am, it offers advice and support to students and parents about what options are available.

SDS Chief Executive Damien Yeates said: “The Exam Results Helpline will be live from 8am as people begin to receive their SQA qualifications. It’s there to give advice and support to students and their parents whether they are thinking about going to college or university, getting a job or a Modern Apprenticeship.”

This year students will enjoy more support than ever before thanks to the newly launched SDS Facebook page. Offering answers to common problems, handy hints for making the best career move and practical tools and advice from the My World of Work website, it also features useful links to other relevant bodies such as UCAS, SAAS and the SQA.

Mr Yeates added: “As always, our advice is not to panic – making the call is the vital first move in finding out what options are available. Often parents or carers call on behalf of their children and that can enable family discussions on the best way ahead. The helpline is about finding the right path for the individual and we have a wide range of services to help people identify and build successful careers.”

Advisers will be on hand to give unique access to information on UCAS course vacancies at colleges and universities across the UK, Confirmation and Clearing, advice about employment, training opportunities and exam re-sits.

The Exam Results Helpline will run from 8am to 8pm on August 7 and 8, then from 9am to 5pm until August 15.

You can also visit the Scottish Qualifications Authority website sqa.org.uk for further iinformation, and the UCAS website can be found at www.ucas.ac.uk to guide you through the higher education maze.

Good luck!

Robison hails Scots sporting success

Scots at the Olympics are inspiring the next generation of Scots to go for gold, according to Scotland’s Sport Minister Shona Robison. Ms Robison, who has been in London supporting Scottish athletes all week, said yesterday: “I have been lucky enough to see some outstanding Team GB performances and see Scottish athletes bring in medals day after day. These Olympics have been a success story for Scottish sport with a medal haul so far of four golds, two silvers and a bronze by Scottish athletes and Andy Murray will add to that tally with two medals today. Already the number of Scottish medals achieved over the whole of the Beijing Olympics in 2008 has been bettered.

“And from what I have seen in the reaction of the crowds and the images making the news, I these golden moments are firing even more young minds to be the best they can be in their sports. We are building world-class sporting infrastructure in Scotland, and alongside quality teaching and coaching for young people of all ages and abilities, we want to keep that passion as we look ahead to the next week of the Olympics and onto the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2014.”

Legionnaires’ outbreak officially ‘over’

The Edinburgh Legionnaires’ disease outbreak is officially ‘over’. The outbreak, which struck in May and has so far taken the lives of three people, was declared over following a review meeting of the Incident Management Team (IMT) on Tuesday.

To date, there are a total of 101 confirmed and suspected cases. All of these cases have links to the south west of Edinburgh and fit the timescales of exposure and the incubation period for developing Legionella-related illness.

Detailed investigations into the source of the outbreak continue with further testing and analysis of the environmental samples taken from potential sources being carried out.

Lothian and Borders Police and the Health and Safety Executive are jointly investigating the circumstances of the deaths under the direction of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) Health and Safety Division, and research is also underway to better understand the full extent of the outbreak.

Dr Alison McCallum, Director of Public Health and Health Policy, NHS Lothian said: “As we have seen over the last week, we can expect further cases who have been ill for some time to continue to come forward and our increased surveillance will continue.

“However, all the evidence is suggesting that the action taken when the outbreak was first identified was effective and all cases fall within the expected incubation period, so the decision has been made to declare the outbreak over.

“Laboratory work is ongoing to try and identify the source conclusively but, as we have said from the start, it may not be possible to do so.

“There is also more work to be done to gain a better understanding of the scale of the outbreak and how to manage outbreaks in the future. We hope that people who are approached to participate in these studies will come forward and help us with this significant piece of research.”

A full report into the outbreak detailing the epidemiological, environmental, meteorological and microbiological investigations and recommendations for the prevention and control of future outbreaks will now be produced.

Welcoming the announcement, Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon said: “It is good news that the outbreak has been declared over, and as we have already seen, the number of new cases has been dropping off over recent weeks.

“We have worked closely with NHS Lothian to ensure the outbreak was well managed, and I would like to pay tribute to NHS staff who have coped extremely well with this situation.

“However, we have to remember that there are some patients who remain extremely ill, and NHS staff are maintaining high quality care for those patients.

“The Health and Safety Executive and Edinburgh City Council are continuing their investigations into the source of the outbreak.”

Legionnaires' outbreak officially 'over'

The Edinburgh Legionnaires’ disease outbreak is officially ‘over’. The outbreak, which struck in May and has so far taken the lives of three people, was declared over following a review meeting of the Incident Management Team (IMT) on Tuesday.

To date, there are a total of 101 confirmed and suspected cases. All of these cases have links to the south west of Edinburgh and fit the timescales of exposure and the incubation period for developing Legionella-related illness.

Detailed investigations into the source of the outbreak continue with further testing and analysis of the environmental samples taken from potential sources being carried out.

Lothian and Borders Police and the Health and Safety Executive are jointly investigating the circumstances of the deaths under the direction of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) Health and Safety Division, and research is also underway to better understand the full extent of the outbreak.

Dr Alison McCallum, Director of Public Health and Health Policy, NHS Lothian said: “As we have seen over the last week, we can expect further cases who have been ill for some time to continue to come forward and our increased surveillance will continue.

“However, all the evidence is suggesting that the action taken when the outbreak was first identified was effective and all cases fall within the expected incubation period, so the decision has been made to declare the outbreak over.

“Laboratory work is ongoing to try and identify the source conclusively but, as we have said from the start, it may not be possible to do so.

“There is also more work to be done to gain a better understanding of the scale of the outbreak and how to manage outbreaks in the future. We hope that people who are approached to participate in these studies will come forward and help us with this significant piece of research.”

A full report into the outbreak detailing the epidemiological, environmental, meteorological and microbiological investigations and recommendations for the prevention and control of future outbreaks will now be produced.

Welcoming the announcement, Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon said: “It is good news that the outbreak has been declared over, and as we have already seen, the number of new cases has been dropping off over recent weeks.

“We have worked closely with NHS Lothian to ensure the outbreak was well managed, and I would like to pay tribute to NHS staff who have coped extremely well with this situation.

“However, we have to remember that there are some patients who remain extremely ill, and NHS staff are maintaining high quality care for those patients.

“The Health and Safety Executive and Edinburgh City Council are continuing their investigations into the source of the outbreak.”

Green cash boost for Botanic Gardens

The Botanic Gardens is to receive £1.5 million to replace ageing glasshouses, Finance Secretary John Swinney announced today. The money is part of a £26 million investment package of which will lead to a greener Scotland.

The money supports renewable energy and low-carbon projects, as well as projects which will help people enjoy Natural Scotland, and comes as part of an overall £105 million package of economic stimulus announced by Mr Swinney last month.

The Scottish Government has repeatedly called on the UK Government to provide resources for capital investment in order to support economic recovery. The projects funded can be taken forward quickly and will support jobs and investment.

The £26 million will go to the following projects which will support Scotland’s environment:

  • £2.8 million to the Green Bus Fund, to further support the wider roll out of low-carbon buses across Scotland.
  • £800,000 to the Rutherglen Low Carbon Zone.
  • £2 million for plant and estate improvements at Arnish Yard.
  • £16 million for other renewable energy projects.
  • £700,000 to accelerate the upgrade of visitor facilities at David Marshall Lodge, Aberfoyle.
  • £500,000 to upgrade visitor facilities at Queen’s View, Perthshire (pictured below).
  • £1.8 million to improve visitor facilities within the National Parks.
  • £1.5 million to commence replacement of ageing glasshouses at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh (above).

Finance Secretary John Swinney said: “Scotland’s astounding natural resources are recognised throughout the world, and I am pleased that this funding will support a suite of projects which will help us to take proper advantage of these resources to deliver economic growth for the Scottish people.

“Careful stewardship of Scotland’s resources has allowed us both to identify funding for these capital projects, and to ensure that Scotland’s environment will continue to be an economic and natural asset to be enjoyed for generations to come. The funding for renewable energy and low-carbon projects will help us to capitalise on our world-leading expertise in this area to support jobs and attract further investment. And as we look ahead to next year’s Year of Natural Scotland we will support a number of projects in our National Parks and through the Forestry Commission and Botanic Gardens which will enhance facilities for visitors.”


Legionella latest

No new cases have been confirmed in the Edinburgh Legionnaires’ outbreak for the sixth day in a row. The total number of confirmed cases remains at 50, the number of suspected cases is 49 and the total number of overall cases remains at 99.

At noon yesterday, of those cases being treated in hospital, there were two patients in intensive care and seven on general wards. Twenty cases are being treated in the community, 59 have been discharged from hospital and three people have sadly died.

Ten cases are being treated outwith the NHS Lothian area. The ages of the confirmed cases ranges between 32 and 85, with more males than females affected.

Investigations into the source and cause of the outbreak continue.  Lothian and Borders Police and the Health and Safety Executive are jointly investigating the circumstances of the deaths under the direction of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) Health and Safety Division.

Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon said: “I am pleased to see that no further cases have emerged for the sixth day in a row, and the evidence continues to suggest that the outbreak has peaked. NHS Lothian are maintaining high quality care for patients who remain unwell and work to identify and deal with the source of the outbreak continues.”

NHS Lothian