Top class! Pass marks for city pupils

Thousands of Edinburgh pupils will receive the exam results they have been waiting for this morning, and early indications show performance across the City as a whole has surpassed previous years.

Across Scotland, a record number of students have passed Higher exams – the pass rate for Highers increased from 75.2% in 2011 to 76.9% this year, a rise of 7% over the past decade. An increased number of students also passed Advanced Highers and Standard Grades.

Dr Janet Brown, chief executive of the SQA, said: “The increased number of qualifications achieved by candidates not only reflects their hard work and commitment, but also the value they place on qualifications, particularly in this difficult economic climate. I want to congratulate everyone and whether they will be returning to school or college, moving on to higher education or entering the workplace, I wish them continued success.”

Education Secretary Mike Russell also congratulated students on their results.

He said: “This has been another successful year which is testament to the hard work that pupils have put into their courses. Of course, as well as being a time of celebration for many, this is also a time of uncertainty for others. Rest assured, help is available through the exam results helpline on 0808 100 8000 for those who may not have got what they needed.”

He continued: “Behind today’s statistics are thousands of individual young people, each with their own set of results and ambitions for the future. Today is a day to celebrate their achievements.”

In Edinburgh, nine thousand six hundred and fifty-four (9,654) pupils sat 45,775 exams this year, ranging in subject matter from Accounting to Woodwork.

Welcoming today’s results, Education Convener Councillor Paul Godzik said: “We are always looking to improve on performance and the information we have put together so far shows Edinburgh as a whole is up on last year – with a 1 percentage point increase in Highers across the board at S5. It’s great to see improvements in our Standard Grade pass rates too.

“This will have been a red-circle day on many calendars across the city and I want to congratulate all those who sat exams this year.  We have been working hard to make sure all school leavers enter a positive destination of employment, training or further education.

“Initiatives such as the Edinburgh Guarantee are going a long way to making this a reality for many of our ex-pupils.  This is something we are keen to build on in the coming years and look forward to seeing many more placements and positive results.”

All candidates will receive their results by means of the traditional postal delivery today, and candidates who have activated their MySQA accounts – through which they can choose to receive their exam results by text and/or email in addition to their results certificate – will also receive these by 09:00 this morning.

Got your results but need some help or advice abut what to do next? You could start with a free call to the Skills Development Scotland (SDS) Exam Results Helpline on 0808 100 8000. Open from 8am, it offers advice and support to students and parents about what options are available.

SDS Chief Executive Damien Yeates said: “The Exam Results Helpline will be live from 8am as people begin to receive their SQA qualifications. It’s there to give advice and support to students and their parents whether they are thinking about going to college or university, getting a job or a Modern Apprenticeship.”

This year students will enjoy more support than ever before thanks to the newly launched SDS Facebook page. Offering answers to common problems, handy hints for making the best career move and practical tools and advice from the My World of Work website, it also features useful links to other relevant bodies such as UCAS, SAAS and the SQA.

Mr Yeates added: “As always, our advice is not to panic – making the call is the vital first move in finding out what options are available. Often parents or carers call on behalf of their children and that can enable family discussions on the best way ahead. The helpline is about finding the right path for the individual and we have a wide range of services to help people identify and build successful careers.”

Advisers will be on hand to give unique access to information on UCAS course vacancies at colleges and universities across the UK, Confirmation and Clearing, advice about employment, training opportunities and exam re-sits.

The Exam Results Helpline will run from 8am to 8pm on August 7 and 8, then from 9am to 5pm until August 15.

You can also visit the Scottish Qualifications Authority website for further iinformation, and the UCAS website can be found at to guide you through the higher education maze.

Good luck!

Hurry – be part of Speed of Light!

Want to get involved in something a bit out of the ordinary next month? Arts charity NVA’s Speed of Light project (part of  Edinburgh International Festival and London 2012 Festival) takes place from Thursday 9 August – Saturday 1 September, and there are still a number of free places available for schools or community groups to be part of this huge event on Arthurs Seat!e members.

You could be a runner or a walking member, or groups can also take up a range of volunteer posts to experience the dynamic, behind-the-scenes environment..

What is Speed of Light?

 Cast yourself in this year’s most extraordinary performance!

 This August Edinburgh’s Arthur’s Seat is the stage for a remarkable fusion of public art and sporting endeavour. The iconic volcano is brought to life in a mass choreographed act of walking and endurance running, as part of Edinburgh International Festival and London 2012 Festival.

 As a member of the walking audience you become part of the work, carrying portable light sources set against the dark features of the hill. A mesmerising visual display unfolds each night on your ascent to the summit as hundreds of runners wearing specially designed light suits take to the intricate path networks below.

 Each individual performance is created by collective action, landscape and weather, offering a rare perspective on the cityscape, night skies and the sea and hills beyond.  NVA’s Speed of Light is one of only four national projects, commissioned as part of Legacy Trust UK’s Community Celebrations programme, which aims to build a lasting legacy from the UK’s hosting of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The wider programme extends across eight of Edinburgh’s festivals throughout 2012 with a series of blogs, lectures, events and discussions investigating environmental art, human endurance and the interior experience of running.

 How can you get involved?

 There are a variety of ways in which your group can get involved with Speed of Light. A number of free places are available for schools and community groups to take part as runners or as walking audience members. Your group could also take up volunteer posts to experience the dynamic behind-the-scenes environment of this large-scale event.
This is an excellent chance for everyone to participate in an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see Arthur’s Seat illuminated at night, and to be part of Scotland’s official artistic contribution to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games celebrations.
Details of all the opportunities as well as registration forms – to be completed and returned to us – are available to download below on the Speed of Life website at If you would like to discuss your requirements, please just get in touch with the Speed of Light team.

Dates available for groups to run and walk:

 • Wed 22 August 2012
• Thu 23 August 2012
• Wed 29 August 2012
• Thu 30 August 2012

 Dates for volunteers:

Volunteers will be required to commit to several dates in August depending on the role undertaken. For full details subscribe to the Speed of Light mailing list and visit the Volunteer page.

 Audience tickets are now on sale at

Olympic Reflections


The North Neighbourhood Olympic Torch Project came to a dramatic finale on the 30 May when participants took part in a Mini Olympians final event at Bangholm (writes Ricky Karoyan). Pupils were split into countries before taking part in various Olympic sports – from athletics to martial arts – and competing to win gold!  Pupils were awarded prizes based on effort and being a good player in keeping with the Olympic values.

The torch started it’s journey at Craigroyston Primary on Tuesday 21 February.  The torch was then delivered to St Davids and ended up at Lorne Primary on the 21 May.   As the torch travelled from school to school the pupils got to experience one of the Olympic sports, whilst also sharing the experience with a neighbouring school.  They even got to meet some Team GB Olympians, such as hockey player Graham Moodey) and athlete Lynsey Sharp, who visited schools in their Olympic Games kit!  This project involved P3’s from 11 schools from across North Edinburgh.

The activities experienced were hockey, basketball, judo, athletics, Paralympics events, handball, taekwondo, seated volleyball, fencing and boccia.

The pupils had a great time and learned lots of exciting new sports and skills with neighbouring schools.  Active Schools were really impressed with the effort that the classes put into their class presentations and their flag and mini torch making.

A special thanks to all the schools who supported this project and for their enthusiasm and energy.  Also a big thanks to Telford College who delivered our final festival, bringing lots of energy and excitement to the event. Lets hope our mini Olympians are future Olympic athletes in the making!

Ricky Karoyan

Active Schools Coordinator, Craigroyston Cluster

Oaklands MOVEs to space!

Oaklands was transformed into a strange new galaxy last month when the school celebrated National MOVE Day. Pupils, staff and visitors boldly went to search out new worlds – and raised over £140 in the process!

Oaklands introduced the Move curriculum in July 2009. It’s a movement-based programme which combines therapy and education to develop the individual’s mobility skills. Each individual programme is set by the physiotherapist, the pupil and their family and the school staff. Using a goal-based approach, the pupil works towards agreed targets; these range from being able to raise and hold their head independently enabling them to view and interact with the world around them, to being able to walk using walking frames.

Oaklands has supported National MOVE Day – a nationwide day celebrating the achievements of children with complex disabilities and health needs – since then, and the theme this year was ‘MOVE in Space’. The school was transformed into a strange and wonderful new universe where children and visitors could take part in a magical space voyage, stopping off at various points to enjoy exciting new experiences. Cosmic!

Flora Stevenson’s update

Comely Bank’s Flora Stevenson Primary School was evacuated yesterday when asbestos was discovered during building maintenance work.

Speaking last night, Head of  Schools Mike Rosendale said: “Pupils at Flora Stevenson’s  Primary School were relocated to a local high school on Thursday morning as a  precaution, after a small amount of asbestos was disturbed. An independent  inspection was carried out on Thurdsay afternoon and has indicated  that the building  is safe. A full clean will now take place with  the aim of reopening the school on  Monday. We  would like to thank all parents and staff for their cooperation and  assistance.”

Flora Stevenson's update

Comely Bank’s Flora Stevenson Primary School was evacuated yesterday when asbestos was discovered during building maintenance work.

Speaking last night, Head of  Schools Mike Rosendale said: “Pupils at Flora Stevenson’s  Primary School were relocated to a local high school on Thursday morning as a  precaution, after a small amount of asbestos was disturbed. An independent  inspection was carried out on Thurdsay afternoon and has indicated  that the building  is safe. A full clean will now take place with  the aim of reopening the school on  Monday. We  would like to thank all parents and staff for their cooperation and  assistance.”