WIG to host Women’s Health Day event

North Edinburgh Women’s International Group (WIG) invite you to our very first Women’s Health Day on Thursday (4 October) from 10am – 3pm in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, Pilton Drive North.

Come along and try out gentle exercise, Zumba, relaxation techniques, pamper sessions and much more – and all activities are free!

The Centre cafe will be serving a cheap, healthy lunch between 12 noon – 1pm.

Give yourself a break for a couple of hours, try out something new, meet other local women and help us raise some money for Macmillan Cancer Trust (there will be a raffle, ‘nearly new’ table and a guess the weight of the cake competition).

For more information call Lynn or Lydia on 552 5700 or email Lynn at lynn.mccabe@ea.edin.sch.uk

Womens International Group



Stepping Stones annual general meeting

Stepping Stones (North Edinburgh) will be holding their AGM on Thursday 20 September at 12.30pm in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, Pilton Drive North. All welcome.

Stepping Stones is one of North Edinburgh’s longest established and most succesful community-led organisations, and has worked with young parents (up to 25) and pregnant teenagers from across the Greater Pilton Area of Edinburgh since 1986.

Stepping Stones provides structured but flexible support to young parent families and pregnant teenagers, providing centres where parents can relax, enjoy themselves and their children. The varied group work programmes include leisure recreational and educational activities and is designed to offer a wide range of learning opportunities to the family.

Individual support is also available to complement the group work sessions. Individual support includes counselling, help with parenting, play therapy, relationship advice, career and training advice, housing and debt management, etc. A designated worker provides individual and group support to very young pregnant teenagers.

For further information about Stepping Stones (North Edinburgh) telephone 551 1632, email ststnorthed@hotmail.com or visit their website at www.steppingstonesnorthedinburgh.co.uk  Then again, you could find out all the latest Stepping Stones news by attending the AGM!


Reminder – Power to the People on Tuesday!

A reminder – if you’d like to find out more about the new CLD/ North Edinburgh Social History Group ‘Power to the People’ course, the group is holding an information session at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre in Pilton Drive North next Tuesday (28 August) from 9.45am.

The free course, which is supported by Workers Education Association and North Edinburgh Arts, will use film, literature, photography, song and theatre to explore many of the struggles waged by ordinary people – from the Highland Clearances and Red Clydeside to the Poll Tax and the road to the Scottish Parliament -, and is for anyone who has an interest in Scotland’s history and the fight for social justice.

If you can’t make Tuesday’s information session but you’d like to find out more, call CLD worker Lynn McCabe at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on 552 5700 or email lynn.mccabe@ea.edin.sch.uk

Royston Wardieburn women go global!

WIG (Women’s International Group) is a new group for local women interested in issues affecting women. The group was established in March this year after a successful event organised by local women to celebrate International Womens’ Day.

Since then the group has organised a number of local events including a hustings before the Council elections in May, a public meeting on housing issues and a film show. The group meets every second Thursday from 1.30 – 3pm in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on Pilton Drive North.

First meeting this term will be on Thursday 6 September – new members welcome. For more information, contact CLD worker Lynn McCabe on 552 5700 or email Lynn at lynn.mccabe@ea.edin.sch.uk.

CORE to close

The Pilton-based Community Organisation for Racial Equality (CORE) is to close. Formerly the BCDP (Black Community Development Project), the project which grew out of the Muirhouse Anti-Racism campaign of the early 1990s will be formally wound up at an extraordinary general meeting in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on 29 August.

At it’s height CORE was one of the most influential community-led equality organisations in the country – growing from humble beginnings in a room in Craigroyston HIgh School to staging prestigious conferences in Edinburgh’s International Conference Centre – but funding issues and financial struggles over recent years has forced directors to seek closure of the organisation.

Chairperson Dr Fernando Almeira Diniz confirmed that CORE has been experiencing financial problems for some months, but said that the Board will not be making any statements at this stage. “I am sure that you will see that  we cannot do anything which could be regarded as pre-empting what might happen  at the EGM”, he said.

CORE’s EGM will be held at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on Wednesday 29 August at 6pm. Following the formal business procedures it’s planned to have a general discussion – ‘an opportunity to reflect on the achievements of CORE /BCDP, followed by a Community-led discussion about ways of engaging BME Communities in developing future provision of public services in North Edinburgh.’

For further information, or if you plan to attend, please contact Adil Ibrahim at CORE, email adil@coregb.org.uk by 25 August.

Happier times: Director Tesfu Gessesse addresses CORE’s 2007 AGM

Call in and meet your community cops

Community police officers will be holding a drop-in session at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on Thursday (5 July) from 7 – 8pm.

PC Sarah Hall of Drylaw’s Safer Neighbourhood Team explained: “Myself and Constable Tony Lawrence are holding regular Police Drop-In sessions at the new Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre. We hope this will be a chance for residents to informally meet their local community Police Officers and raise any questions or concerns they may have.”

Dates set after next Thursday are Thursday 2 August, Thursday 30 August, Thursday 27 September, Thursday 25 October and Thursday 22 November. All  sessions are from 7 – 8pm.


Yahoo! A new group at Royston Wardieburn!

YAHOO! (Young At Heart Open Outlook) meets every Friday at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre  from 1.30  –  3.30pm.

Thanks to Forth Neighbourhood Partnership, who provided a grant to start this club, we have produced an interesting programme which local people are enjoying. We have had outings to museums and day trips and have organised several Singalongs and Tea Dances which have been well attended – we hope to continue to provide a social connection that older people can enjoy and benefit from.

We welcome the opportunity to meet and enjoy the company of everyone who cares to come along.  The new Centre has brought a much-needed facility to the area and we need to make full use of the classes being introduced there.

Joan Turner 

WIG to tackle housing issues at public meeting

Women’s International Group (WIG) is holding a public meeting to discuss housing issues next Thursday evening (17 May) at 6.15pm in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. All welcome. 
A spokesperson for WIG said: “A number of housing officials, local councillors and reps from the Tenants Federation will be in attendance to respond to questions/issues from the floor.  One of the aims of the meeting is to raise awareness about some of the changes which are going to affect  local people currently claiming benefits (e.g. the bedroom tax/under occupancy penalty which will result in any working household with an extra bedroom losing part of their housing benefit; and the benefit cap  which will be deducted via people’s housing benefit and universal credit. These are important issues and we hope to see a lot of people attend the meeting”.
The Women’s International Group (WIG) was established at a succesful event organised to celebrate International Women’s Day in March (pictured below).