Loveable swines! Royal couple to grace village Gala Day

Swinton village in Scotland gets its name from Swine-Town, marking the spot where the last wild boar was killed in Berwickshire. To celebrate the village’s history this year residents have been asked to decorate a wooden pig and display it outside their home. Entries will be judged on 2nd June at the village’s Gala Day. This is the first time in over 15 years that Swinton Gala Day has taken place.

The village is associated with the Swinton family and although Tilda Swinton is very much in support of this new initiative, she is filming overseas at the moment and so won’t be able to take part to display a pig outside her father’s house this year. Next year though!

Swinton Gala Day will start at 2.30pm on Saturday 2nd June and everyone is welcome. There will be a pipe band procession and crowning of the Gala Queen with activities in the afternoon and ‘Swinton’s Got Talent’ in the evening.

To ‘decorate a swine’ pick up a wooden pig at The Wheatsheaf pub in Swinton for £2. And the latest entry? Loveable swines, Harry and Meghan!

(Ah, well …there goes the Knighthood – Ed)

Royal Wedding invite for lifesaver Lynn

The driving force behind a life-saving project to install public access defibrillators in Edinburgh has been invited to the Royal Wedding. Lynn Cleal, who leads the St John and the City project on behalf of St John Scotland, has helped the charity install more than 135 defibrillators across the city, some of which have already saved lives. Continue reading Royal Wedding invite for lifesaver Lynn