Holyrood’s Social Security Committee visited Wester Hailes Education Centre yesterday as they continued their inquiry into benefit uptake. The Committee met with various organisations and individuals to try to uncover why a huge number of benefits remain unclaimed. Continue reading Benefits take-up: Holyrood comes to Wester Hailes
Tag: Poverty
State of Hunger: new report reveals desperate struggle to survive
Commissioned by the Trussell Trust and conducted by Heriot-Watt University, State of Hunger 2019 is the most authoritative piece of independent research into hunger in the UK to date. It reveals the average weekly income of people at food banks is only £50 after paying rent, and almost one in five have no money coming in at all in the month before being referred for emergency food.
- 94% of people at food banks are destitute
- Almost three-quarters of people at food banks live in households affected by ill-health or disability
- 22% of people at food banks are single parents – compared to 5% in the UK population
- More than three-quarters of people referred to food banks were in arrears
The first annual report of a three-year long research project, it shows definitively for the first time the three drivers hitting people simultaneously and leaving no protection from hunger and poverty. These drivers are problems with the benefits system, ill health and challenging life experiences, and a lack of local support.
The most common source of income for people at food banks is the benefits system. Problems with benefits are widespread, affecting two-thirds of people at food banks in the last year. Key benefits problems highlighted by the research are: a reduction in the value of benefit payments, being turned down for disability benefits, being sanctioned, and delays in payments like the five week wait for Universal Credit.
Statistical modelling shows the positive impact an increase in the value of benefits could have, estimating that a £1 increase in the weekly value of main benefits could lead to 84 fewer food parcels a year in a typical local authority.
The majority of people referred to food banks also experienced a challenging life event, such as an eviction or household breakdown, in the year prior to using the food bank. Such events may increase living costs and make it harder to maintain paid work or to successfully claim benefits.
Particular groups of people are more likely to need a food bank. One risk factor is being a single mother – 22% of people at food banks are single parents, the majority of which are women.
Almost three-quarters of people at food banks have a health issue, or live with someone who does. More than half of people at food banks live in households affected by a mental health problem, with anxiety and depression the most common.
A quarter of people live in households where someone has a long-term physical condition; one in six has a physical disability; and one in 10 has a learning disability, or live with someone who does. Ill health often increases living costs and may be a barrier to doing paid work.
Amanda explained to researchers that £130 of her £138 fortnightly benefit payment for a health condition goes to paying arrears, leaving her with only £8:
“If I don’t pay my bills, then I’ll get the house taken off me. After paying arrears, I’ve got £8 a fortnight and that’s to pay for gas, electric, water. So it’s just impossible, it really is. I go to bed at night wishing I never wake up in the morning.”
The study also found that the vast majority of people at food banks have either exhausted support from family or friends, were socially isolated, or had family and friends who were not in a financial position to help.
Chief Executive Emma Revie said: “People are being locked into extreme poverty and pushed to the doors of food banks. Hunger in the UK isn’t about food – it’s about people not having enough money. People are trying to get by on £50 a week and that’s just not enough for the essentials, let alone a decent standard of living.
“Any of us could be hit by a health issue or job loss – the difference is what happens when that hits. We created a benefits system because we’re a country that believes in making sure financial support is there for each other if it’s needed. The question that naturally arises, then, is why the incomes of people at food banks are so low, despite being supported by that benefits system?
“Many of us are being left without enough money to cover the most basic costs. We cannot let this continue in our country. This can change – our benefits system could be the key to unlocking people from poverty if our government steps up and makes the changes needed. How we treat each other when life is hard speaks volumes about us as a nation. We can do better than this.”
The Trussell Trust is calling for three key changes as a priority to protect people from hunger:
- As an urgent priority, end the five week wait for Universal Credit
- Benefit payments must cover the true cost of living
- Funding for councils to provide local crisis support should be ring-fenced and increased
Scottish Welfare Fund has helped more than 347,000 ‘struggling’ Scottish households
Nearly £210 million has been paid to 347,045 low income households by the Scottish Welfare Fund since it was established in 2013, latest figures show.
Crisis grant applications to the fund for basic essentials such as food and heating increased by 12% from April to June compared to the same period last year.
In addition, for the first time exceptional pressure is the main reason for Community Care Grant applications. Previously, the biggest reason for these applications was helping people to stay in their community.
The fund, which enables local authorities to provide grants for people on low incomes, is part of the Scottish Government’s mitigation efforts for UK Government welfare cuts. Estimates suggest social security spending in Scotland is set to reduce by £3.7 billion per year by 2021.
Social Security Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “These are yet more signals of how much families are struggling.
“In the face of UK Government cuts and with the threat of a ‘no deal’ Brexit still alive – the risk is real that tens of thousands more people could be pushed into poverty in Scotland.
“The Scottish Government will not stand by and let people who are already struggling continue to face a reliance on food banks and the stress of debt and rent arrears.
“We will continue to spend at least £100 million each year to mitigate the worst effects of the UK government welfare cuts – part of the £1.4 billion we spent last year to support low income households.
“This is money we should be able to invest elsewhere to help pull people out of poverty but we instead we need to use to protect the poorest and most vulnerable in our country.
“And we are introducing the Scottish Child Payment to tackle child poverty head on. But there is no doubt that without the cuts inflicted on families by the UK Government this could go so much further.”
The new Scottish social security system has fairness, dignity and respect designed in from the start.
Our person-centred approach has been given strong public support in our consultation.
Find out more ➡️ https://t.co/6uk8C4iqor pic.twitter.com/A6qoRdMzm0
— Scottish Government (@scotgov) October 29, 2019
Battling poverty is the focus for plans to change Capital, says Finance Convener
Councillor Alasdair Rankin, the city council’s Finance and Resources Convener, highlights how the Council is “embracing opportunities despite budget constraints“:
All over the country, in support of Climate Week Scotland and Challenge Poverty Week, citizens, agencies and other groups are raising their voices and speaking out about the very real impact of poverty and climate change. How fitting, then, that we’re taking action in Edinburgh to prioritise poverty and sustainability in all of the budget decisions we make. Continue reading Battling poverty is the focus for plans to change Capital, says Finance Convener
Scotland needs ‘game-changer’ policies to meet child poverty targets, says JRF
Scotland needs new “game-changer” social policies if it is to meet the government’s child poverty targets, according to new research published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation during Challenge Poverty Week. Continue reading Scotland needs ‘game-changer’ policies to meet child poverty targets, says JRF
BREXIT: Tens of thousands of Scots at risk of being pushed into poverty, says Communities Secretary.
New research finds Scotland’s poorest are three times more likely to die young
New research commissioned by Aberlour Child Care Trust has found that people from Scotland’s most deprived communities are three times more likely to die before they reach their 25th birthday. Continue reading New research finds Scotland’s poorest are three times more likely to die young
Challenge Poverty Week: lunchtime seminar at Scottish Community Development Centre
Challenge Poverty Week 2019
SCDC lunchtime session, 8th October 2019
As part of Challenge Poverty week 2019, Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) is holding a lunchtime seminar exploring the role of community development in solving poverty. Continue reading Challenge Poverty Week: lunchtime seminar at Scottish Community Development Centre
New funding for childcare and employability to cut child poverty
Low-income Scottish families will benefit from improved access to learning, advice and employment support with a multi-million pound package of measures.
Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell has set out the next steps of an ambitious plan to help lift parents and families out of poverty, backed by the £50 million Tackling Child Poverty Fund. Continue reading New funding for childcare and employability to cut child poverty
Scottish Book Trust launches anti-poverty campaign
As Scottish Book Trust marks its 21st anniversary, the independent national charity transforming lives through reading and writing has launched a new fundraising campaign to provide crucial support to vulnerable families and help fight the effects of living in poverty through reading and books. Continue reading Scottish Book Trust launches anti-poverty campaign