New partnership offers hope to people with experience of homelessness and addiction

A new partnership has paved the way to Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) leasing a two-bedroom property to Steps to Hope, a charity which supports people experiencing homelessness and addiction. This will give Steps to Hope service users who, having achieved sobriety, are ready for a fresh start in a home of their own.

Two new tenants have already been identified by Steps to Hope, who having previously been homeless and had recent experience of addiction, have demonstrated that they are ready for this next step, alongside continuing with regular recovery meetings and contact with experienced support workers.

Heather Kiteley, Group Chief Executive of Port of Leith Housing Association, (above) said: “We are proud to be the first housing association to pilot providing accommodation support for Steps to Hope.

“Through the scheme, people who have clearly demonstrated that they are well on the path to full recovery will have the stability of a high-quality place to call home. Having a home is something many of us take for granted, and it’s fantastic to be able to work with Steps to Hope to give this security to their service users.”

Richard Roncero, Founder and Operations Manager of Steps to Hope, said: “We are absolutely delighted Port of Leith Housing Association have leased us this aftercare property. It will provide continued support to those who have engaged with Steps to Hope and achieved sobriety.

“This homely environment will give them the opportunity to continue to maintain their recovery whilst having somewhere safe and secure as a base. We aim to get those living in this property their own tenancy down the line which will complete the picture of homeless/addiction to housed/recovered.”

We will walk 500 miles!

A team of 25 tenants from Port of Leith Housing Association’s sheltered housing developments are collectively walking 500 miles to raise money for their social activity fund.

Due to the impact of the pandemic, the tenants have not been able to hold their usual summer fayres or coffee mornings to raise funds, so they are trying something a little different this month.

Any donations received will help provide meaningful activities for our sheltered tenants including exercise classes, lunch clubs, outings and more. You may have already heard about our inventive warden call bingo!

The North Coast 500 virtual trek

Photo of a road in the Scottish Highlands.

The virtual trek around the North Coast 500 (NC500) route began on Monday 20 July, with some walkers tackling the challenge outdoors while others are count their steps indoors along the corridors.

A PoLHA spokesperson said: “We will map their journey and share progress and pictures as we travel along the majestic coastline of the stunning highlands of Scotland. Did you know 500 miles equates to one million and fifty six thousand steps? What an amazing achievement this will be for our tenants!

“We would be very grateful if you could support our walkers with this challenge by making a donation. They have a target of £1 for every mile walked – can you help them reach £500?”


Good luck to PoLHA’s walkers – and mind those midgies!

Port of Leith allocates vital funding to tackle COVID

Charities and community organisations with practical solutions to tackle the urgent social and economic effects of the COVID crisis in Leith and north Edinburgh have shared additional financial support worth £150,000, Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) has announced.

PoLHA was selected by the Scottish Government to act as a community anchor organisation to identify and support 11 local organisations delivering COVID responses to receive much-needed funding from the national Supporting Communities Fund within a short timescale.

With a remit to fast track flexible access to funding where it is needed most, the programme built on the success of PoLHA’s COVID Response Fund, which distributed awards totalling £50,000 during April and May for community-led interventions ranging from emergency food provision for isolated or vulnerable people to boosting access to vital online services and education during lock down.

PoLHA Group Chief Executive, Heather Kiteley, said: “I am delighted that PoLHA has been able to collaborate with the Scottish Government to administer the Supporting Communities Fund locally here in Leith and north Edinburgh.

“Demand for support from organisations has been very high, reflecting the significant levels of need that exist, particularly among vulnerable people in the local area.

“It has been inspiring to see how organisations have been able to create imaginative and impactful responses to the difficult circumstances presented by the coronavirus crisis. They have shown they can adapt quickly to new ways of working, often in very challenging circumstances, and it’s great that additional funding has been made available for them to keep on making a difference.”

Eleven organisations and projects have been awarded a shared of the £150k funding. These include:

The Edinburgh Remakery which will refurbish 100 computers for distribution to households in Leith and north Edinburgh.  The computers will come with prepaid dongles to support ongoing access to the internet.  Households will be identified via a network of local organisations.

Out of the BluePrint which will make design and print services available to local community organisations to promote services on offer to those not on the internet or who might be in difficulty for the first time and unsure how to access support.

Edinburgh Community Food, already offering a significant number of free or subsidised food parcels, will be able to better cater for BAME families by offering 50 BAME families free appropriate food parcels.  The families will be identified via a network of local organisations.

Other organisations to have received funding include Building Bridges, Citadel Youth Centre, Dr Bells Family Centre, Edinburgh Volunteer Centre, MultiCultural Family Base, Pilmeny Development Project, The Ripple Project and YMCA Edinburgh.

Out of the Blueprint Project Manager Johnny Gailey welcomed the funding, saying: “The community eco-print service is a really timely driver for the Out of the Blueprint studio to reopen, providing our social enterprise with print jobs and income. 

“But more importantly, we hope that through the service, over 120 local projects will be able to get the message out about the local recovery services they are offering to support the most vulnerable in our society over the summer.”

Mike Kerracher, Manager at YMCA Edinburgh added: “Since lockdown began we have seen a continued increase over the impact of restrictions on the many isolated women and vulnerable children who engage in our services.

“Funding will allow us to further expand our provision to give those we connect with meaningful, regular contact and support through 1:1 sessions and online groups, as well providing essential items and resources to manage mental health.”

PoLHA expects to be able to distribute further funds to local organisations that are delivering COVID response services to households in Leith and north Edinburgh during the months ahead.

Port of Leith says farewell to retiring Chief Executive

After 11 years leading the organisation, Keith Anderson, Chief Executive of Port of Leith Housing Association, will begin his retirement tomorrow.

Keith said: “I feel very fortunate and proud to have enjoyed a highly rewarding career in housing spanning four decades.

“During my time at Port of Leith Housing Association, it has been a privilege to help make a positive impact on people’s lives by providing excellent affordable homes in attractive neighbourhoods, providing welfare and money advice, and supporting people with employment and training opportunities.

“I will greatly miss working with our highly skilled and dedicated staff team and Board members, who I know are very well placed to continue this important work.”

Caitlin McCorry, Chairperson of Port of Leith Housing Association, said: “It has been a pleasure to work with Keith whose unwavering dedication to making Leith the best place to be will have a lasting impact on communities in Leith and north Edinburgh.

“I, along with the rest of the Board, would like to thank him for the vast array of achievements which have been delivered under his leadership. Fresh and innovative approaches to developing the culture, diversity and leadership of the organisation, and to the design of excellent affordable homes, have attracted recognition and an impressive collection of awards. We wish him a very happy retirement.”

Heather Kiteley (previously Director of Finance & Corporate Services at Port of Leith Housing Association) was named as Keith’s successor in January.

Heather said: “I, and the rest of the staff team, will miss Keith and we are grateful that he has led our organisation to such a strong position. We look forward to being able to mark his retirement after lockdown.

“As we respond to the challenges presented by the Coronavirus pandemic, it can be difficult to think beyond the present. However, I’m thinking about the future of the Port of Leith Housing Association Group.

“I feel very excited about working with our excellent staff, customers and members of the community to build on Keith’s work through our new five-year strategic plan which will see us provide excellent affordable homes and life-changing services in brilliant communities.”

Port of Leith acquires T B Mackay

Following successful negotiations with the owners, Port of Leith Housing Association has acquired TB Mackay Energy Services (TB Mackay).

This experienced all trades energy services, repairs, and maintenance specialist has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Association and will continue to trade under the TB Mackay name. Continue reading Port of Leith acquires T B Mackay

Funding deal to create hundreds of affordable homes across Leith and north Edinburgh

Port of Leith Housing Association has attracted investment of £40 million from Scottish Widows, bolstering its plans to create more than 650 social and mid market rent homes by 2025. The funding will be drawn in stages at a low 30-year fixed rate of 2.84%. Continue reading Funding deal to create hundreds of affordable homes across Leith and north Edinburgh

Port of Leith Housing Association: Shaping the Next Five Years – community consultation

Do you live in Leith? Join Port of Leith Housing Association’s community consultation ‘Shaping the next 5 years’ for a chance to see our 2020 – 2025 draft plan in progress . 

You can  take part online at or visit one of the pop-up consultations (see below). Continue reading Port of Leith Housing Association: Shaping the Next Five Years – community consultation