Cole-Hamilton Seeks Walk-In Vaccine Centres for Constituency Hot Spots

Edinburgh Western MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton is seeking walk in coronavirus vaccination centres in the Lothians today, after an outbreak in his constituency which forced the temporary closure of a local primary school.

Last week, Mr Cole- Hamilton, raised concerns over the temporary closure of Davidsons Main Primary School within his constituency, after 12 out of the 19 classes were required to self-isolate. Health Secretary Humza Yousaf responded to Mr Cole-Hamilton with the assurance that an extra effort would be made to ensure appropriate testing measures would be in place to keep the virus under control.

Mr Cole-Hamilton believes that more immediate action must be taken, using an opportunity in the Holyrood chamber to ask if the Health Secretary would make drop-in vaccination clinics available for constituents over the age of 18 who have yet to have their first jag or face a long wait for their second in local hotspot areas across Edinburgh, as he had done in Glasgow over the weekend.

Unable to give a definitive answer, Mr Yousaf did promise to raise the merits of walk in centres during a meeting with NHS Lothian that will take place tomorrow.

Mr Cole-Hamilton said: “I am pleased that the Cabinet Secretary understands the value of walk in vaccination centres, and there are many examples of the appetite for them across the United Kingdom.

“If we have learned anything from this pandemic it is the tragedy of being slow to take action. If the city of Edinburgh is to avoid a situation like the one Glasgow has been facing for the last eight months, then walk in vaccination clinics must be set up as soon as possible.

“It is of the utmost importance that local outbreaks, just like the ones in Davidsons Mains and Silverknowes, are dealt with swiftly, to avoid further harm to our to both our health and economy.”

‘Far from Over’: Cole-Hamilton presses Health Secretary over Davidsons Mains Covid outbreak

Liberal Democrats Health Spokesperson Alex Cole-Hamilton has used a Scottish Parliament debate on Covid-19 to highlight the need for caution as Scotland begins to move out of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mr Cole- Hamilton, who represents the Edinburgh Western constituency, raised concerns over the temporary closure of Davidsons Main Primary School within his constituency. He said that events at the school were a stark reminder that the pandemic was far from over.

The School has been forced to temporarily close on Tuesday, after over half of the after 12 classes were forced to self-isolate.

Mr Cole-Hamilton seized an opportunity to ask the Cabinet Secretary for Health Humza Yousaf, for reassurance that the Scottish Government will work to tackle the appearance of Covid hotspots across the Lothians.

Although unable to give a specific answer, Mr Yousaf assured Mr Cole-Hamilton that he will look at the data in the community of Davidsons Mains to ensure that accurate and appropriate testing measures were in place to keep the covid-19 virus under control.

Mr Cole-Hamilton said: “I am pleased that the Cabinet Secretary has appreciated the seriousness of the outbreak at Davidsons Mains Primary, and I am grateful that he plans to take action to ensure our community is kept safe and faces as little disruption as possible.

“The situation in Davidsons Mains is a stark reminder that our communities are by no means rid of this virus. But I hope that the willingness of the Cabinet Secretary to treat this outbreak seriously will be of some comfort to worried pupils and members of the school community.

“Tributes must be paid to the school staff, who have worked quickly and efficiently to respond to this challenging set of circumstances. They’ve applied every infection control protocol to the letter since this first started but community transmission of this very virulent strain has seen cases increase.

“I look forward to seeing the school gates reopen at the start of next month.”

‘Unashamedly Ambitious’

First Minister sets out priorities for Government

Scotland’s recovery from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will be driven by an ambitious programme to build a modern, high-tech economy while staying true to enduring values of fairness and compassion, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said yesterday.

Outlining her priorities for Government to Parliament, she added that tackling the pandemic remained the immediate priority but people in Scotland should have the right to decide their future when the current crisis has passed.

In addition to vaccinating all adults in Scotland, the Government’s plan for its first hundred days includes publishing a NHS Recovery Plan to achieve a 10% increase in inpatient, day case, and outpatient activity for those who had treatment or care postponed due to COVID-19.

The First Minister also announced the completion of a £12 million investment to take the East Ayrshire Community Hospital into full NHS ownership, as part of the Government’s plan to invest £10 billion in the NHS estate over the next five years.

Consultation on legislation to establish a National Care Service will also begin in the first hundred days with the aim of introducing legislation in the first year of Parliament, and the service to be operational by the end of this parliament, as one of its most important and enduring legacies.

Continuing the Government’s focus on education and young people, from August all three and four-year-olds, and many two-year-olds, will be eligible for more than 1,100 hours of free childcare a year and free healthy breakfasts and lunches will also be made available to all primary 4 children in Scotland as a further step towards extension to all primary school children.

Recognising the importance of economic recovery, the First Minister said that the Government would continue its support for specific business sectors such as food and tourism, and establish a Rural Entrepreneur Fund to support Scotland’s rural economy.

Ahead of COP26 this year in Glasgow the Government will publish an indicative national defined contribution – setting out how Scotland will become a net-zero nation by 2045 – and introduce legislation to make bus travel free for people under the age of 22.

The First Minister said that that she looked forward to working across the Chamber, and believed this Parliament would be “the most important in our devolved history”.

Speaking in the Chamber the First Minister said: “The plans I have set out today are unashamedly ambitious. We will tackle the COVID crisis as our immediate priority. We will lead by example in addressing the climate crisis. We will create a National Care Service, to match the post-war National Health Service. We will widen opportunities for young people.

“We will build a modern, high-tech economy, while staying true to enduring values of fairness and compassion. We will seek a better politics. And we will put Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands.

“Our programme is rooted in today’s reality. But it also shows the way to a brighter tomorrow.”

Priorities of Government statement – 26 May 2021

Actions to be taken in the first 100 days include:

• completing the vaccination of all adults, subject to supply

• establishing a cross-party steering group on COVID recovery to bring people together in pursuit of the strongest possible recovery

• implementing a 4% average pay rise for NHS workers, including full back pay

• opening three fast track cancer diagnostic centres in Ayrshire & Arran, Fife, and Dumfries & Galloway

• publishing an NHS Recovery plan to meet the Government’s ambition of increasing inpatient, day case, and outpatient activity by 10%

• investing £45 million through local partnerships to provide training and employer recruitment incentives

• funding colleges to deliver around 5,000 more short, industry-focussed courses to help young people train for jobs in key industries

• launching the £10 million ‘Scotland Loves Local’ programme to support local businesses and back Scotland Loves Local loyalty card schemes

• funding councils to increase teacher numbers by 1,000 and classroom assistants by 500 – as part of a commitment to 3,500 additional teachers and classroom assistants over the Parliamentary term

• completing the roll-out of 1,140 hours of free, high quality early learning and childcare, and beginning work on extending wrap around childcare

• publishing Scotland’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) towards the global goal of delivering the Paris Agreement

• paying £100 as part of the £520 support for low-income families – the equivalent of the Scottish Child Payment

• legislating to give carers an extra Coronavirus payment of £460 – a double payment of their Carer’s Allowance Supplement in December 2021.

Lib Dems Celebrate Eye Pavilion Victory

Edinburgh Western MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton has welcomed an announcement from the First Minister that the Scottish Government will save Edinburgh’s historic Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion.

This U-turn comes after a hard fought community and cross party campaign and after the Lib Dems secured a vital commitment towards a replacement facility from the Scottish Government, as part exchange for Liberal Democrat votes for the Scottish budget, earlier this year.

In those negotiations, the Lib Dems persuaded the Government to protect specialist eye services within the City of Edinburgh as well as securing a massive boost to mental health funding. In this afternoon’s announcement, the First Minister made good on that commitment and promised “the renewal and replacement of health facilities across Scotland – including the Edinburgh Eye Pavilion.”

Commenting, Mr Cole-Hamilton said: “This is a huge victory today, not just for the cross party MSPs who worked to save the Eye Pavilion, but also for everyone across Edinburgh and the Lothians who fought to see the promise of a replacement facility in the capital made real.

“The First Minister’s announcement is welcome, but it should have come much sooner. Even after securing the protection of specialist eye services, the Scottish Government was attempting to rail road a more casual set up, with different treatments and services dispersed across the Lothian region.”

“I know from both constituency correspondence, and conversations on the doorsteps throughout the recent election campaign that this was a major issue for local communities. The thought of losing the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion was genuinely upsetting for people, especially those who are affected by full or partial sight loss.”

“I am delighted that Edinburgh no longer risks being the only capital city in Europe without a dedicated eye care centre. This demonstrates what can be achieved when politicians seek to work productively, on a cross party basis, for meaningful change.”

Running Scotland: SNP and Greens to discuss formal agreement

Talks on Co-operation Agreement announced

Scottish Ministers will enter structured talks with the Scottish Green Party, supported by the civil service, with a view to reaching a formal Co-operation Agreement.

The initiative is part of a refreshed pledge to change politics in Scotland for the better by working with opposition parties to find the best solutions to the toughest of problems, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said.

In the weeks leading up to the next Parliamentary Recess talks will be ongoing and focus on agreeing policy areas which the government and the Scottish Green Party will co-operate on.

During a statement to Parliament this afternoon the First Minister told the Chamber that she is committed to compromise and constructive conversations as she extended an open offer to collaborate with all of the elected parties.

A cross-party steering group on Covid Recovery has already been established by the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Covid Recovery to welcome all contributions to secure a strong recovery from the pandemic.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “In Scotland and across the world we have massive challenges to confront and overcome: a global pandemic, the climate emergency, and the need to build an economic recovery that is strong, sustainable and fair.

“In the face of all of that, people across Scotland expect – indeed, demand – a grown-up and co-operative approach to politics that puts the interests of the country first.

“We want to reach out and find the best solutions to the toughest of problems. Our duty is to co-operate and not to find the lowest common denominator, but as a way of raising the bar higher.

“I can confirm that the Scottish Government and the Scottish Green Party will enter structured talks, supported by the civil service, with a view to reaching, if we can, a formal Co-operation Agreement.

“Exactly what the content, extent and scope of any Agreement will be is what the talks will focus on but what we hope to achieve is potentially groundbreaking.

“The key point for today is that we are both agreeing to come out of our comfort zones to find new ways of working for the common good to change the dynamic of our politics for the better, and give meaning to the founding principles of our Parliament.

“What we are embarking on will require compromise on both sides but it will also require us to be bold and given the challenges we face, that is a good thing, in fact it is the whole point. By working together we can help build a better future for Scotland.”

Responding, Scottish Greens Co-Leader Lorna Slater MSP said: “Scotland desperately needs a green recovery from the pandemic that leaves no-one behind, while time is running out for meaningful action on the climate emergency. 

“The Scottish Greens have always worked constructively with other parties, delivering meaningful change like free bus travel for young people, and earlier this month the public returned the largest ever Green group to parliament to take that work further and faster. We hope that through these talks we can deliver real change.”

The Greens have drawn from the experience of their colleagues in Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand, and have held discussions between the two-parties’ Co-Leaders in recent weeks. 

Patrick Harvie MSP said: “Politics does not have to be about point-scoring and short-termism. Green parties across Europe and in countries like New Zealand have in recent years rolled up their sleeves and worked with other parties to deliver a better future.

“But they have also shown that there is more than one way for government and opposition parties to work together, without losing the ability to challenge one another. We believe the people of Scotland want to see grown-up politics like this, and will approach the forthcoming talks in this spirit”

Talks between the Scottish Government and the Scottish Green Party are expected to conclude before the next Parliamentary Recess.

Covid: 705 care home deaths in Lothian, official figures reveal

COVID-19 related deaths in care homes, 2020/21

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “These figures show the devastating affect that Covid-19 has had on Care Homes in Scotland.

“My thoughts are with all the families whose loved ones have died from Covid-19 throughout the last year.

“SNP Ministers were completely unprepared for Covid-19, with a lack of PPE and unclear guidance for care homes.

“The decision by SNP Ministers to move Covid-19 positive hospital patients to care homes, without being tested, is the single biggest failure throughout the pandemic.

“The Scottish Conservatives have called for a full public inquiry into care home deaths in Scotland and these figures reinforce the need for that inquiry.”  

Covid recovery: Scottish and Welsh FMs urge Boris Johnson to ensure “meaningful” summit

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and her Welsh counterpart Mark Drakeford have written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson calling for greater clarity and substance around a proposed four-nations Covid recovery summit currently scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday).  

The full text of the letter is below:

Dear Prime Minister,  

We are writing about the proposed 4-nations summit on Covid recovery, which you have suggested should take place this Thursday afternoon. 

We are both deeply committed to taking part in such a summit and to working appropriately together on Covid Recovery – but, as we are sure you do, we want the meeting to be a meaningful discussion with substantive outcomes, and not just a PR exercise.

Our view is that this will be best achieved if further detailed preparation is done in advance.

In particular, we would propose early discussion to reach agreement on the following –

  1. A detailed agenda. Your office sent a very rough proposed agenda only yesterday morning and our view is that further work is needed to agree key issues for discussion and any supporting papers to be prepared;
  2. What outcomes/further process we are seeking to achieve as a result of the summit discussion.

Further discussion between our officials – leading to the summit taking place on an agreed date, perhaps as early as next week – would allow for a much more meaningful exercise, and avoid the risk of it being just a PR or box-ticking exercise.  We are sure that is what we all want. 

We are copying this letter to Arlene Foster and Michelle O’Neill.

Children’s Commissioners appeal to UK Government to end ‘discriminatory’ two-child limit on benefits

poverty family JRF

The Children’s Commissioners of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have today published a letter they have sent to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions calling for an end to the two-child limit on Universal Credit and Child Tax Credit. 

In the letter, the Commissioners state that the policy, which disallows benefits payments to the third and subsequent children born after April 2017 in most circumstances, is ‘a clear breach of children’s human rights’ that “is inconsistent with the commitments made by the UK through the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

The UK Parliament’s Work and Pensions Committee will today hear evidence from Bruce Adamson, Children and Young People’s Commissioner for Scotland who will present the collective views of the Commissioners in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, that the efforts of their devolved governments to tackle child poverty are being restricted by UK benefits rules. 

He will talk about the impact of current welfare benefits on child poverty in Scotland and explain that even before Covid-19, poverty represented the greatest human rights issues facing children.  

Children and Young People’s Commissioner for Scotland,  Bruce Adamson, said: “With more than a quarter of a million children affected, poverty is the most significant human rights issue facing children in Scotland. Living in poverty affects every aspect of a child’s life, including their educational attainment and mental and physical health.  

“The UK’s approach to poverty was examined in 2019 by the United Nations’ top expert on poverty and human rights who highlighted that it is political decisions by government that are leading to disastrous levels of poverty.

“When Professor Alston came to Scotland to meet with children and their families he heard from them about the serious impact that poverty is having on their human rights. Now after over a year of the Covid-19 pandemic, the situation for children in Scotland has become much worse.” 

The open letter from the Commissioners to the Right Honourable Thérèse Coffey, MP states that the two-child limit breaches children’s rights to an adequate standard of living and is contributing to a rising gap in poverty levels between families with three or more children and smaller households.

The Commissioners note that the policy also has disproportionate impacts on social groups where larger families are more common, such as some minority faith and ethnic groups and in Northern Ireland where families are larger than the rest of the UK. 

Bruce Adamson added: “The Scottish Government has taken some action to reduce the number of children in poverty including rolling out the Scottish Child Payment during the pandemic, however I remain concerned that children’s rights are continuing to be breached in Scotland by the two-child limit on child tax credit and universal credit. That is why we have taken the step of writing to the UK Government to urge that this policy is reversed. 

“We will continue to hold our devolved governments to account in relation to their obligations to respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights, but these governments can only go so far in their efforts to ensure children and their families get the support they are entitled to while this discriminatory policy also remains in force at a UK level.” 

The Commissioners conclude their letter by stating that the ‘levelling up’ agenda signalled in the Queen’s Speech earlier this month must start by discontinuing the two-child policy: ‘With the focus in the Queen’s speech in May 2021 on ‘levelling up’, there can be no excuse for continuing to breach children’s rights through this discriminatory policy that will continue to harm and prevent children and families from moving beyond the impact of the global pandemic.’


Letters: The Coming Attack

Dear Editor

At the end of the war in 1945 the population, including the armed forces, were exhausted, many having also lived through the 1930s of unemployment and poor living conditions. The population were determined to change things after six years of war.

The main thing to tackle was the formation if a National Health Service. In 1948 this would tackle the poor state of the nation and provide an example of how the nation could be organised for the people.

Now, more than seventy years on, the foresight of setting up the NHS has been experienced and it is paying off, particularly in the circumstances of the Covid 19 epidemic.

Millions of people have expressed their gratitude for the NHS, for it’s originators and for all the people who work within it.

But now, a danger looms over our NHS. The Conservatives, who voted AGAINST the formation of the NHS, feel they are able to start ‘reorganising’ the service to allow the private sector a controlling role in it.

This infiltration is the first step by the Tories in a plan to kill off the NHS as a service for all.


Scottish Cabinet announced

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced her new Cabinet line-up following the recent election.

Following the reappointment yesterday (18 May) of John Swinney as Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Covid Recovery, taking responsibility for driving cross-government action on Covid Recovery, the rest of the top tier ministerial appointments have been confirmed.

The First Minister said: “I’m delighted to announce the Scottish Government’s new Cabinet team. Scotland needs a serious Government for the serious times we face as a nation, and in the top level ministerial line-up I have announced today we have exactly that.

“It is a Government which will drive Scotland forward, as we look to build a just, fair and sustainable recovery from the Covid pandemic.

“My Cabinet team combines experience with new arrivals and fresh faces, giving us the range and depth of talent we need to tackle the pressing issues we need to tackle, from covid to climate change.

“This term of office is unquestionably the most important one the nation has faced since devolution, more than 20 years ago. We are dealing with the joint challenges of a global pandemic and recovery from it, the ongoing tests posed by Brexit and the urgent, pressing need to take forward our net zero agenda as part of the global efforts to secure a greener future.

“The magnitude of these challenges is clear, but now is not a moment to shirk from those tasks but to embrace them. In the next five years, we have a chance to shape Scotland permanently for the better, creating a healthier, happier, fairer, more prosperous and more sustainable country for everyone who calls Scotland home, establishing a positive legacy for future generations.

“The immediate challenge is the focus on recovery and the part that all policy portfolios can play in that. But, as I have made clear, when the crisis is over and the time is right, Scotland must and will have the chance to choose its future in line with the unquestionable democratic mandate for that choice.”  

Kate Forbes takes on an expanded brief as Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy, including responsibility for the Scottish Budget, fiscal policy and taxation, economic strategy, the wellbeing economy, trade and inward investment, city and regional growth deals, enterprise and the digital economy.

Humza Yousaf becomes Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, with responsibility for the NHS, including ongoing health service remobilisation as we move out of the pandemic. Mr Yousaf’s portfolio will also cover the establishment of the National Care Service.

Shirley-Anne Somerville becomes Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, taking forward work on Covid recovery within the education system, as well as continuing the Government’s mission to further close the attainment gap.

Michael Matheson takes on a new role as Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport. The portfolio brings together cross government responsibility for coordination of Net Zero policy, encompassing transport, environmental protection, energy and COP26 delivery.

Keith Brown becomes the new Cabinet Secretary for Justice, with responsibility for reform of the justice system as well as work to reduce reoffending.

Shona Robison is appointed as Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government, tasked with reducing child poverty as well as work to deliver 100,000 affordable homes.  

Mairi Gougeon becomes Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands. The post includes responsibility for agriculture, food and drink policy, fisheries and aquaculture as well as cross-government coordination of policies for island communities.

Angus Robertson is appointed as Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, External Affairs and Culture. The portfolio covers constitutional policy, cross-government coordination of European and wider external relations, including post-Brexit relations.

The First Minister completed the line-up of the refreshed Government team when appointments to junior ministerial roles were announced.

The remaining junior appointments were as follows:

  • Richard Lochhead, who was minister for further and higher education, is minister for just transition, employment and fair work
  • Maree Todd, who was children’s minister, becomes minister for public health, women’s health and sport
  • Kevin Stewart is moved from housing to minister for mental wellbeing and social care
  • Clare Haughey, previously mental health minister, is minister for children and young people
  • Jamie Hepburn is moved from business minister to further and higher education
  • Graeme Dey, who had been veterans minister and parliamentary business minister, is transport minister
  • Ben MacPherson, who was rural affairs and environment minister, is social security and local government
  • Angela Constance remains as drugs minister
  • Ivan McKee remains as trade minister
  • Ash Denham remains community safety minister
  • Christina McKelvie remains minister for equalities and older people
  • Jenny Gilruth remains minister for Europe and international development.