Councillor Lesley Hinds gives an update on refuse collection issues:
Like all residents in Edinburgh , I am sure those living in North Edinburgh aspire to live in an area with clean streets and open spaces, efficient rubbish uplift and the opportunity to recycle. As the Convener of Transport and Environment Committee and a local Councillor for Inverleith that is exactly what I have been striving for since taking over this role in May 2012.
Following the article in October’s edition of the NEN I would like to clarify a number of important issues about the city’s Refuse Collection Service and dispel a few myths which seem to have arisen about this important issue.
My personal view, and the one shared by the Labour Group on the Council, is that we fully support the in-house refuse collection service. Over the past couple of years we had campaigned to oppose the privatisation of services like cleansing and in November 2011, while in opposition, we voted unanimously as a Group against the proposal to outsource Refuse Collection. Our position on this helped defeat the proposal and led to the Council abandoning the Alternative Business Model programme which would have resulted in a private contractor taking over refuse collection and other services in Edinburgh. Therefore for there to be a suggestion that my group or I would want to privatise the cleansing service could not be further from the truth.
As a Council we are required to meet challenging Scottish Government recycling targets and we have introduced managed weekly collections as well as expanding our recycling services throughout the city. The plan is that these measures will leave us in a good position to reach our 40% recycling target by 2013. All political groups on the Council have supported this policy. Also, all groups put the savings which will result from this service change into their budget proposals. This year and the following years the Council will achieve substantial savings. Instead of paying increasing landfill charges we will be preserving services in our schools, care for the elderly and other important services.
The massive change in the Refuse Collection Service is intended to make sure that we provide a top quality service for residents while also making best use of our vehicles. As everybody is aware there have been some problems with missed collections since the new arrangements were introduced but these have reduced significantly. To allow us to deal with these challenges; Agency staff have been employed as a contingency measures.
I have instructed the Director of Services for Communities to take steps to make sure that all work carried out by Agency staff should be looked at and where it is possible, permanent staff are employed to carry out the duties involved. There will be occasions where Agency staff are used but these should only be in circumstances such as sickness cover or during extreme weather. I have asked for the action described above to be carried out by January 2013 at the latest.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff for their efforts in recent months and can assure them and city residents alike that this Administration is determined that Edinburgh has a modern and efficient refuse collection service which will serve the city well in future years. In order to achieve this, Management, staff and Councillors have to work together and as part of this process I have already had a number of positive meetings with the Trades Unions.
I would also like to thank residents for their forbearance during this massive change and if you have any issues regarding the cleansing service in your area please get in touch at
Councillor Lesley Hinds