Swinney calls for welfare cuts U-turn

The Chancellor should use next week’s UK Budget to revisit welfare reforms which stand to place real strain and hardship on Scottish families, Finance Secretary John Swinney said today. Writing to the Chancellor ahead of Wednesday’s Budget, the Finance Secretary has highlighted the impacts in Scotland of the UK Government’s welfare reform programmes.

The letter sets out Scottish Government analysis which shows, for example, that whilst the bedroom tax will save the UKG money, this will be outweighed by the costs imposed on the Scottish economy. Over time the policy will remove £110m from the economy, through its impact in Scotland alone. This does not capture the wider social costs of the policy nor the distress and disruption that it will cause.

The letter also highlights that the full package of welfare reforms will present significant financial and operational challenges for all layers of government in Scotland. In his letter to the Chancellor Mr Swinney urges the UK Government to:

  • Provide immediate support for investment and jobs
  • Withdraw its bedroom tax policy
  • Take action on the distribution of European Structural Funds (ESF)
  • Improve access to finance for small and medium sized enterprises
  • Devolve responsibility for Air Passenger Duty to the Scottish Parliament

Commenting on his letter Mr Swinney (pictured below)  said: “Since 2010 the UK Governments fiscal policy has been premised on the need to maintain market confidence and the UK’s AAA credit rating. The Chancellor has chosen austerity over investment in growth and jobs and the cost has been the continuing deterioration in the public finances, prolonged recession and the downgrade of the UK’s credit rating.

“That cost is increasingly borne by the most vulnerable in our society and public services in Scotland urgently seeking to mitigate the worst impacts of the UK’s disastrous welfare reform programme. Scottish Government analysis shows that based on reasonable assumptions the projected UK Government savings from the bedroom tax are significantly outstripped by the net loss to the UK of over £100 million over the long-term. This policy is unfair, is unlikely to deliver savings in real-terms and cuts across devolved policies. The Chancellor should use his forthcoming Budget to withdraw it.

“While we welcomed the Chancellor’s partial recognition of the need for urgent investment to boost growth in the Autumn Statement. we again call on the Chancellor to use this Budget to provide a real stimulus and greatly expand capital investment With colleagues from Wales and Northern Ireland, I have also called on the Chief Secretary to the Treasury to invest in growth.

“Small and medium sized businesses are the lifeblood of Scotland’s economy. Growth will be led by the private sector yet it continues to be choked by half-hearted Coalition measures. Figures released last week on bank lending again confirm that the UK Government’s action to improve access to finance for the country’s small and medium sized businesses is failing to deliver. We continue to press the Coalition Government to go further and faster in improving access to finance.

“With the powers of independence Scotland would have the economic levers and the scope to tailor welfare policies in line with Scotland’s interests, to ensure that Scotland’s businesses and people no longer have to fund the failures of a UK Government.”



Growing concerns over welfare reforms

The Church, charities and political opponents have spoken out over the imminent introduction the latest round of welfare reforms. With the controversial new ‘bedroom tax’ due to be introduced by the Westminster government in just over a fortnight, critics have united to ask the Tory/Lib Dem coalition to think again.

Justin Welby

In an open letter to Work and Pensions Minister Iain Duncan Smith, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby (pictured above) and 43 Church of England bishops wrote on open letter to Work and Pensions Minister Iain Duncan Smith last week, expressing concern that welfare reforms could push as many as 200,000 children into poverty. The churchmen said that benefits caps will hit the most vulnerable people in society and ‘a civilised society has a duty to support the most vulnerable’.

In Scotland, Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon called for the bedroom tax to be scrapped earlier this week, when announcing that extra advice and support will help those who will lose out under UK Government housing benefit cuts like the bedroom tax.

The Scottish Government is providing an extra £2.5 million to social landlords to ensure there is advice on hand for people who will lose housing benefit due to the under occupancy measures and other housing benefit changes being introduced by Westminster.


Ms Sturgeon said: “I have made the Scottish Government’s firm opposition to the bedroom tax absolutely clear. It is a policy that will penalise some of the most vulnerable people in our society and I put the case for it to be scrapped in the strongest terms to the Deputy Prime Minister when we met in London this week – sadly there appears to be indifference to this argument at Westminster, despite strong opposition from across Scotland.

“We are determined to do everything that we reasonably can to help and as part of these efforts we are making available an extra £2.5 million to social landlords to help them ensure that people affected by housing benefit changes have the advice and support they need. This is on top of the £5.4 million we have already allocated to help those affected by benefit reforms, which will go to organisations such as Citizens Advice.

“This extra support will assist social landlords in their efforts to engage directly with affected tenants and seek to identify ways in which they can deal with the impact of the changes. We are continuing to consider all reasonable steps that we can take to mitigate welfare cuts, including the bedroom tax. However, these unjust policies show why we need the powers of independence to protect vulnerable people rather than simply trying to cushion the blows in Scotland. It would be far better to control benefits and welfare so unfair policies like the bedroom tax are not even considered, let alone implemented.”

Meanwhile North and Leith MP Mark Lazarowicz has produced figures showing that over 5200 people living in Edinburgh’s social rented sector – including nearly 20% of council tenants – will be hit by the ‘bedroom tax’, as they are considered by the government to be living in a home larger than they need or ’under-occupying’, so their housing benefit will be cut to reflect that.

According to the latest figures from Edinburgh City Council, 5,263 Council or social landlord tenants are currently live in a bigger home than the government says they need.

4,529 live in a home with one bedroom more than they are said to need and another 734 tenants live in a home with 2 or more bedrooms more than the government says they should have.


Nearly one-fifth or 3,851 of the 20,331 Council tenants in the City are likely to be affected – but there are only 27 one-bedroom flats available to rent, either in Council-or housing association property.

In a statement earlier this week, Mr Lazarowicz said: “These figures show just how severe the impact is likely to be in Edinburgh. There is a real danger that people who see their housing benefit cut will fall into either arrears or debt, and in extreme cases may even become homeless. The result of the ‘bedroom tax’ may be that people go from ‘under-occupancy’ to overcrowding, especially if they have to be rehoused in bed and breakfast accommodation.

“It will cause tremendous problems for local councils who will struggle to provide alternative accommodation and to cope with the effect on their finances if tenants fall into arrears or have to be rehoused in more expensive short term accommodation.
“It highlights the desperate shortage of affordable housing both here in Edinburgh and across the rest of the UK but the Government seems to have turned its back on the problem and the people who will be affected by this.”

The Department for Work and Pensions estimates that it will affect 80,000 social housing tenants in Scotland overall or 33% of the total number of housing benefit claimants in the social rented sector in Scotland who will lose on average £12 a week.

There aren’t enough smaller properties available to meet the demand if people have to move and so Citizens Advice Scotland and Shelter Scotland have both highlighted the danger that some people could end up homeless.

The Government has made some late concessions – armed forces personnel and foster carers have now been exempted – but other than that it’s full steam ahead.

Responding to concerns over the welfare changes this week Mr Duncan Smith told MPs the benefits system was “out of control” and simply “giving more and more money” would not help.

Speaking during Work and Pensions Questions in the House of Commons, Mr Duncan Smith said: “”I always listen to everybody who gives me advice. I don’t necessarily follow it. I have no issue with the Church of England, with the bishops, for them to say whatever they believe. It’s quite right and proper. They should try and argue with us and put pressure on us over a number of issues. I simply say that I don’t agree that the way to get children out of poverty is to simply keep transferring more and more money to keep them out of work”.

He went on: “The reality is what we’re having to do is reform a system that became completely out of control under the last government, get people back in work, for being in work is how you get your children out of poverty. The reality is that we are doing the right thing in bringing in the benefit cap. For the first time ever, people on low and average earnings will realise at last that those on benefits will not be able to be paid more in taxes than they themselves earn.”

The city council’s North Neighbourhood Team is now offering a drop-in service on Wednesdays between 10am-1pm to provide advice and support on a range of services.  Officers from the Rents, Choice, Revenue & Benefits Teams and Neighbourhood Support Service, along with Letfirst and Granton Information Centre staff, will be available.


Leith MP focuses on food bank fears

Mark Lazarowicz, MP for North and Leith, visited a ‘pop-up’ food bank outside the Houses of Parliament this week, and earlier today he at the Kirkgate collecting signatures for a petition to highlight the issue of growing poverty and the increased reliance on food parcels across the UK.

Mr Lazarowicz said: “Hundreds of thousands of people in the UK are now forced to get support from food banks. Leith is the latest area where a food bank is being set up. I have enormous respect for the dedication of staff and volunteers who are helping through food banks to meet the growing need for food aid but that need is a clear sign of Government failure.

“The depressed state of the economy combined with cuts in welfare support have led many people, both in and out of work, to turn to food banks as a last resort. The growth of food banks is stark evidence of the failure of Government economic and employment policy. Food banks show just how much people in our community care for the most vulnerable but they shouldn’t have to be a substitute for Government action. That’s why I am supporting this petition, which calls for the government to ensure there is an accurate count of the number of people using food banks in Scotland and for Government action to ensure that no families in the UK go hungry.”

Before Christmas, the North and Leith MP took part in food collection drives at local supermarkets and he recently attended a meeting at South Leith Parish Church Halls to look at setting up a food bank in Leith.

Britain’s largest network of food banks, the Trussell Trust (which is involved in the proposal to set up a food bank in Leith), estimates that they will need to support in excess of 260,000 people over the next year.


MP visits Prince’s Trust


MP for Edinburgh East Sheila Gilmore visited The Prince’s Trust Centre on Ferry Road last Friday to meet young people and discuss the impact of youth unemployment.

The meeting provided an opportunity for the MP to meet a group of under-16’s participating on The Trust’s Fairbridge programme, which focuses on developing key employability skills, as well as participating in a round-table discussion with Prince’s Trust Job Ambassadors who provided an in-depth insight into the challenges they faced whilst unemployed.

The effect unemployment has on young people is significant, according to recent research by The Prince’s Trust. The Youth Index, which gauges young people’s wellbeing across a range of areas from family life to physical health, found that around 33% of those surveyed claimed to feel down or depressed ‘always’ or ‘often’, and that one in five unemployed young people across the UK believe their confidence would never recover from their spell out of work.

Ms Gilmore also got an insight into the range of programmes offered by The Prince’s Trust as a means of engaging with unemployed young people or those struggling at school and at a risk of exclusion.
Sheila Gilmore MP said: “We know that periods of unemployment at a young age can have an adverse impact on people for the rest of their lives. The work that The Prince’s Trust does with young people to help them build up their skills and confidence is crucial in preventing this.”

Speaking after the MP’s visit, Heather Gray, Director of The Prince’s Trust, Scotland, said: “We were delighted to welcome Sheila Gilmore to our Edinburgh Centre. It provided a positive opportunity for Ms Gilmore to meet with young people and hear about the challenges they face in finding employment as well as to discuss what can be done to help young people into employment and training and towards a positive future.”

Heather Johnston, a Job Ambassador for The Prince’s Trust Scotland, was one of the young people who met the MP. She said: “I was unemployed for five years – it is demoralising and can impact heavily on self-esteem. As a Job Ambassador for The Prince’s Trust, it is important we get as much support to ensure young people, like me, get an opportunity to achieve a positive future.”


Should Scotland be an independent country? That is the question!

The Electoral Commission has published its assessment of the Scottish Government’s proposed independence referendum question and has also given its advice on what campaign spending limits in the run-up to the poll should be.

John McCormick, Electoral Commissioner for Scotland said: “Voters are entitled to a referendum which produces a result they can have confidence in. The recommendations we have made today are an important part of giving voters that confidence. But it is of course for the Scottish Parliament to have the final say.”

The Commission was asked to test the following question by the Scottish Government:

“Do you agree that Scotland should be an independent country? Yes/No”

The Commission’s established question assessment process involved talking to people across Scotland, asking for advice from accessibility and plain language experts, and writing to people and organisations, including the main political parties represented in the Scottish Parliament and campaigners to seek their views.

We found that the language in the proposed question is clear, simple and easy to understand. However, we also concluded that the words ‘Do you agree’ potentially encouraged people to vote ‘yes’ and should be replaced by more neutral wording.

The Electoral Commission recommends the question should be altered to:

“Should Scotland be an independent country? Yes / No”

The research also showed that voters want factual information ahead of the referendum. In the event of a “Yes” vote there would be a range of issues to be resolved within the UK and internationally about the terms of independence.

Although we would not expect the terms of independence to be agreed before the vote, clarity about how the terms of independence will be decided would help voters understand how the competing claims made by campaigners before the referendum will be resolved.

The Commission has therefore recommended that the UK and Scottish Governments should clarify what process will follow the referendum, for either outcome, so that people have that information before they vote. To avoid confusion we have asked the Governments to agree a joint position if possible.

John McCormick, Electoral Commissioner for Scotland said: “We have rigorously tested the proposed question, speaking to a wide range of people across Scotland. Any referendum question must be, and be seen to be, neutral. People told us that they felt the words ‘Do you agree’ could lead voters towards voting ‘yes’.

“People had a clear understanding that ‘independent country’ meant being separate from the UK. But they did want factual information in advance about what will happen after the referendum. We’re asking the UK and Scottish Government to provide that clarity and we’ll then make sure it gets to voters as part of our public awareness campaign.”

The Scottish Government has welcomed the announcement, and confirmed it will accept all of the Electoral Commission recommendations on the referendum question and campaign spending limits.

Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she was delighted with the recommended question – ’Should Scotland be an independent country? Yes/No’ – and confirmed that it will be this question that is put before the Scottish Parliament. The Deputy First Minister also said she was satisfied with the recommended spending limits as they provide a level playing field for both sides of the debate.

In line with established practice in referendums throughout the UK, the Scottish Parliament will take the final decision on the wording of the question and campaign spending limits as part of its consideration of the Referendum Bill, which will be introduced in March.

Ms Sturgeon also welcomed the Electoral Commission’s calls for clarity around what a ‘No’ vote will mean for Scotland and its recommendation that the Scottish and UK governments work together to give clarity to the process that will follow a ‘Yes’ vote. She called on the UK government to accept these recommendations.

Ms Sturgeon said: “I would like to thank the Electoral Commission for the work they have done on testing our proposed referendum question and giving advice on campaign spending limits. I am pleased to confirm we will accept their recommendations in full.

“I am particularly delighted with the conclusion the Electoral Commission has reached on the question. While its view is that our proposed question was clear, simple and easy to understand, I am nevertheless happy to accept their recommended change.

“Their advice is based on rigorous testing and we will submit the Electoral Commission’s recommended question – ‘Should Scotland be an independent country?’ – to the Scottish Parliament as part of the Referendum Bill.

“I am also pleased with the spending limits proposed by the Electoral Commission – they deliver a level playing field and will allow a fair and balanced debate on both sides.  I am also pleased that the Commission has modified the position set out in their response to our consultation in March, as this would have resulted in an imbalance between the two sides of the campaign.

“We have always said that Scotland’s referendum will be run to the highest international standards of fairness and transparency, and the Electoral Commission plays a vital role in that.

“The Scottish Parliament will take the final decision on the wording of the question and campaign spending limits as part of its consideration of the Referendum Bill which reinforces that this is truly a referendum made in Scotland.

“I also welcome the Electoral Commission calls for both the Scottish and UK Governments to clarify what process will follow the referendum if most voters vote ‘Yes’ or most voters vote ‘No’ vote.  The Electoral Commission rightly point out this is in line with the Edinburgh Agreement.

“I have been calling for the UK Government to enter discussions to allow the voters to be better informed, but so far they have refused.  This would not be pre-negotiation on the terms of independence but vital information for voters that will allow them to make an informed choice in autumn 2014.  Given the Scottish Government is accepting all recommendations from the Electoral Commission I would hope that the UK Government is prepared to do the same.”

The leader of the Labour Party in Scotland Johann Lamont MSP has also welcomed the EC’s findings. Responding to the Electoral Commission report on the proposed referendum question and campaign financing, she said: “We welcome the Electoral Commission’s findings and will, of course, vote for them to e accepted in full. We did not get everything we asked for, but the most important people in this process are the people of Scotland and we believe that in the interests of clarity and certainty all parties should agree to these proposals which have been arrived at independently.

“We also welcome the suggestion that both sides of this debate clarify what will happen after the referendum. The Scottish Labour Party plans to set out before autumn 2014 proposals for how devolution can be developed and extended after Scotland has reaffirmed our place in the United Kingdom in the referendum. I believe it is only right that we set out the process by which such a development of devolution can be achieved after the referendum in which I am confident Scotland will vote to remain in the UK.

“I hope that the Scottish and UK governments, civic Scotland and all interested parties can at least outline how this can be achieved before we go to the polls. The people of Scotland deserve to have as much clarity and certainty in this process as possible.”

Campaign spending limits

As part of the Edinburgh Agreement the Electoral Commission was asked to provide advice on the spending limits for the referendum campaign.

In deciding what advice to give the Commission has applied its established principles for well-run referendums, taking into account the specific circumstances of this referendum, including the Edinburgh Agreement and information we now have about the likely shape and scale of campaigning.

The Commission invited views from campaigners and political parties on what the limits should be, and has considered what campaigners will need in order to put their arguments to voters.

John McCormick, Electoral Commissioner for Scotland said: “The campaign spending limits we have recommended are designed to ensure there are no barriers to voters hearing from campaigners in what will be a historic vote for the people of Scotland.

“We have listened carefully to the views of the Scottish Government and to campaigners, and have set out proposals based on our principles that spending limits should allow effective campaigning for all outcomes, deter excessive spending and encourage transparency.”

The Electoral Commission recommends that campaign spending limits for the independence referendum should be:

Designated lead campaigners: £1,500,000

Political parties represented in the Scottish Parliament:

Scottish National Party: £1,344,000
Scottish Labour: £834,000
Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party: £396,000
Scottish Liberal Democrats: £201,000
Scottish Green Party: £150,000

Other registered campaigners: £150,000

Threshold for registration: £10,000


Government ‘caught red-handed’ over pension reforms

Hundreds of local women will lose out as a result of the latest pension reforms, according to North and Leith MP Mark Lazarowicz.

House of Commons Library research has revealed the true cost of last week’s pension reforms to 500 women in Edinburgh North and Leith and 2,900 women in Edinburgh as a whole who are set to lose out. Five hundred local women born in 1952 and 1953 will not be eligible for the single tier pension since they are due to retire in 2017, before the state pension reforms come into effect. Men born during the same period, however, will qualify.

The news comes after the Government claimed that “we have to be absolutely transparent [about who will lose]” yet it has failed to make clear the full consequences of the planned reforms.

The unravelling of this latest pension announcement is the second time this government has been caught trying to hide the full impact of its changes for pensioners following the Granny Tax, according to Mr Lazarowicz.

He added: “Ministers have been caught red-handed hiding the truth on pension reforms. This government’s pension changes have hit hardworking women in Edinburgh time and again and these reforms are no different. 500 women will be nearly £2,000 worse off compared to men, but instead of being honest with the women that will lose out this government tried to bury the truth. Once again Ministers have been caught with their hands in pensioners’ pockets – it’s about time this government had the decency to be honest about who will lose out under their plans.”


The Bedroom Tax – a Poll Tax for the 21st century?

DSCN0647It could become the most hated piece of legislation to be inflicted on British people since the infamous Poll Tax. And it’s now only weeks away … 

In April, a new measure is to be introduced that will apply to all tenants of working age – welfare reforms will cut the amount of benefit that people can get if they are deemed to have a spare bedroom in their council or housing association home.

Under the legislation, size criteria will restrict housing benefit to allow for one bedroom for each person or couple living as part of the household. Children under sixteen years old will be expected to share with others of the same gender, while children under ten will be expected to share regardless of gender.

Under the new legislation – labelled the bedroom tax – all claimants who are then deemed to have at least one spare bedroom will be affected and face an ‘under occupation’ penalty: a cut to their housing benefit.

The cut will be a fixed percentage of the Housing Benefit eligible rent, which the Westminster government has stated will be set at 14% for one extra bedroom and 25% for two or more extra bedrooms.

Those affected – around 660,000 working-age social housing tenants (over 30% of existing Housing Benefit claimants in the social sector) in the UK – will lose an average of £14 per week, with Housing Association tenants expected to lose around £16 per week.

The architect of the scheme is investment banker and Welfare Reform Minister Baron Freud of Eastry – who incidentally lives in an eight-bedroom Kent mansion when he is not staying in his four-bedroom townhouse in London’s Highgate. The noble Lord believes that ‘spare council house bedrooms are a luxury the country can no longer afford: “It’s not fair or affordable for people to continue to live in homes that are too large for their needs when, in England alone, there are around five million people on the social housing waiting list and over a quarter of a million tenants are living in overcrowded conditions. It’s only right that we bring fairness back to the system and make better use of the social housing stock.”

He went on: “Nearly a third of working-age social housing tenants on housing benefit are living in accommodation which is too big for their needs, in spite of the fact of severe overcrowding. We are stopping the practice of the state paying for rooms beyond claimant needs, and that should go in some way to help tackle the social housing shortage that has been blighting too many lives.”

Baron Freud
Baron Freud

Lord Freud and his ministerial chums hope that more households will chose to ‘downsize’ to smaller, more affordable properties – and in the process slash £500 million from the Housing Benefit bill.  So the government reduces the national debt and tenants get suitably-sized homes: a win, win situation, then – everybody’s happy?

Sadly not. There’s a desperate shortage of suitable, smaller accommodation, as Shelter Scotland Director Graeme Brown explained: “The UK Government is simply failing to listen to the voice of reason being put forward by housing professionals, social landlords, MSPs and individuals. Penalizing low-income people for having an extra room assumes that there is a ready supply of smaller properties for them to move to. This is simply not the case. So the only consequence will be people stuck in homes with mounting rent arrears and a further descent into debt. Even at this late stage, we urge the UK Government to modify its proposals.”

According to the latest Scottish government figures, there are 586,000 households in the social rented sector in Scotland, and 105,000 of these – roughly one in five – will be affected by the Bedroom Tax, each losing an average of around £50 per month.


Advice organisations have already seen a significant increase in demand for their services, and the imminent welfare reforms will inevitably lead to even more desperate cries for help.

Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) Chief Executive Margaret Lynch gave evidence about the impact of welfare changes on advice services at the Scottish Parliament earlier this month.

She said: “We expect demand for benefit advice, to increase even further along with an increased need for other areas of advice such as debt, housing, and budgeting due to changes in benefits. This increase in casework, as well as the increasing complexity and time-consuming nature or many issues, is of course having a knock-on effect on the ability of our service to help our clients.

“We are already at breaking point so desperately need to be adequately resourced to enable us to help those who need it most as we aim to mitigate the impact of welfare reform as much as possible. The recent benefits uprating bill debate highlighted the statistics showing how the poorest are paying the price for cuts. The evidence we are publishing today is not just statistics but is based on the real lives of real people. It is not just about the numbers of people affected, but the severity of the individual cases. We have seen a big rise in the number of people in crisis situations, either because of the direct impact of a benefit cut or because they have fallen through the gaps in the safety net that is meant to protect them.

“The evidence we are publishing shows who is really being hit hardest by current policies and it includes thousands of people who are genuinely sick, disabled, and vulnerable and deserve support. The impact of current policies don’t just hit the individual claimant but can also have a huge effect on children and others being cared for. Pushing people further into poverty and financial difficulties will lead to an increase in other problems such as homelessness, health inequalities, and family breakdown, as well as lead to rising debt and an increase for food hand-outs. Tackling these issues in future years will only add to the overall public spending bill, not reduce it. The UK government must heed this evidence and question whether they really want to continue on a track of devastating reforms which can only damage more lives.”

Shelter Scotland has issued advice to tenants likely to be hit by the imminent benefit cuts, and urge them to ACT NOW:

If you’re going to be affected by a deduction to your housing benefit then it’s very important that you prepare for the change before April 2013.

 There are several things you can do:  

  • take in a lodgerrenting out a spare room      would bring in extra income, but make sure you get the agreement of your      landlord first and check whether this will affect any other benefits that      you’re currently receiving
  • ask for a contribution to your rent – your family members      may be able to pay more towards your rent
  • move to a smaller property – you may be able to transfer to a smaller property, speak to your council or the housing association you’re      renting from to see if you can apply to do this
  • apply for a discretionary housing payment – your local council may be able to give you temporary support to      help you stay in your home through a discretionary housing payment 

If you can’t pay all your rent after the reduction you may have to think about finding somewhere else to live or you will risk falling behind with your rent and possibly being evicted. Speak to an adviser in your area as soon as possible if you’re worried that this may happen to you.  

For Local advice:

Granton Information Centre 134-138 West Granton Road. Telephone 552 0458 Email info@gic.org.uk

Pilton CAB, Drylaw Shopping Centre: Telephone 202 1153 Email pilton@caed.org.uk


(More) power to the people!

‘Power to the People’, an introduction to the history of protest in Scotland, restarted at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre this morning but a few spaces for new faces are available for the new session.

Community Learning and Development worker Lynn McCabe, who devised and supports the course, said: “The Power to the People course started back this morning (Tuesday 29 January) at 9.45 in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, the first session of the second term which will cover the period 1800 – 1900.  From now until the end of March we will be looking at  the Radical War, Chartism, the Great Disruption, the Campaign for Home Rule and the birth of the Labour and Trade Union Movement.  We have regular visits and have a few outside speakers each term – next  week our guest speaker will be  Alex Wood.  We have a few spaces on the course at the moment and new people can join  at any time.”

The first term proved to be very popular (pictures below), so if you’d like to learn more about the history of Scottish activism drop in to Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on Pilton Drive North (telephone 552 5700) on Tuesday mornings for a 9.45 start, or email  lynn.mccabe@ea.edin.sch.uk for further information. It’s free – all welcome.





Mixed views on latest employment figures

Unemployment in Scotland fell over the last three months, but opinion is divided on just how robust the economic recovery is looking in Scotland. The Scottish government has welcomed the latest figures, but trade union leaders believe that, with a continued rise in long-term unemployment, the lessons of past recessions have not been learnt.

According to official figures released today, unemployment in Scotland has fallen by 14,000 over the three month period from September to November 2012. The Office of National Statistics figures also show that the youth unemployment rate saw the largest annual drop since the time series began in 2006, and is now the lowest level since March to May 2011.

Youth unemployment has fallen by 23,000 over the year to September to November with the rate decreasing by 4.8 percentage points to 19.9 per cent. The UK rate decreased by 1.7 percentage points to 21.0 per cent. This is the largest annual decrease in the youth unemployment rate in Scotland since the data series began in 2006. The youth employment rate in Scotland is 55.1 per cent compared to the UK rate of 51.8 per cent.

Scotland’s headline employment rate (for those aged 16 to 64) fell by 0.6 percentage points over the three months from September to November to 70.6 per cent, but the headline employment level (for those aged 16 and over) increased by 1,000 over the year. Scotland continues to have the fifth highest employment rate of all 12 UK countries and regions.

The claimant count in Scotland decreased by 1,400 over the month of December 2012, the second consecutive monthly fall. Over the year, the number of people claiming Jobseekers allowance fell by 4,400 to 137,500.

Commenting on the latest figures, Finance Secretary John Swinney said: “These figures show that unemployment in Scotland has continued to fall for the second monthly release. The strong performance in youth unemployment over the year is particularly welcome. We have lower youth unemployment, higher youth employment and lower youth inactivity than the UK. What’s more, this month’s release sees the largest annual drop in the youth unemployment rate since the data series began in 2006.

“However, we must continue to work to boost employment and the Scottish Government is taking direct action by investing in our infrastructure and maintaining the most competitive business environment anywhere in the UK. Our budget includes a tax relief package for business worth over £540m this year and bring forward a further £385 million package of economic stimulus.

“We are also targeting growth markets and growth industries and our efforts are paying off with today’s Global Connections survey showing that Scottish exports increased by by £1.6 billion to £23.9 billion in 2011. With the full fiscal and economic powers of independence the Scottish Government could do even more to strengthen our economy and create jobs.”

Youth Employment Minister Angela Constance said: “Today’s figures show that youth unemployment in Scotland is at its lowest level since March to May 2011 after falling for the second monthly release in a row. Our actions to improve youth employment rates have included a guarantee of a place in education or training for every 16-19 year old through Opportunities for All, funding 25,000 Modern Apprenticeships in each year of the current parliament and £8.5 million to create 1,400 jobs in the third sector through Community Jobs Scotland.

“This year we will continue our efforts by launching an Employer Recruitment Incentive which will give financial support to small companies willing to give young people a job. This is backed by £15 million of Scottish Government funding and by £10 million European Structural funding. Our young people’s fresh and modern thinking in the workplace will help drive our economy forward and we will continue to work hard to ensure they have the opportunity to do that.”

However Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) General Secretary Grahame Smith said: “For the second month in a row, the reported fall in unemployment has been exceeded by the fall in employment and economic activity. Quite simply it is no cause for celebration if people are leaving the labour force altogether rather than looking actively for work.

“These statistics show a very weak labour market which continues to be characterised by significant falls in full-time permanent positions, rising underemployment and worrying increases in inactivity. The fall in youth unemployment over the year is encouraging although the rate has hardly shifted. The rise in very long-term unemployment across all ages confirms the STUC’s consistently expressed fears that the errors of past recessions are being repeated.”

The Scottish Greens are also warning the Scottish government against complacency. Green MSP Alison Johnstone, a member of Holyrood’s Economy committee, said: “The government’s efforts to date on training and apprenticeships are welcome but much more needs to be done to ensure young people and women in particular are not shut out of the jobs market. It is also a concern that we’re continuing to see part-time work replace full-time jobs, and that many people feel the need to take a second job to make ends meet.

“The evidence I’ve been hearing as the economy committee examines underemployment clearly shows this is a serious problem. I urge the Scottish Government to do more to help small and medium sized businesses expand so they can offer their staff more hours. I also want to see more done to provide good quality, affordable childcare, the lack of which forces many women to stay out of work. It’s also appalling that Scotland has the second most expensive childcare in Europe yet those providing it are often on very low wages.”



Don’t be fooled by sweet talk, warns Green MSP

Scottish Greens are warning that yesterday’s ‘pledge’ by soft drinks firms to reduce the amount of sugar in their products is a diversion from the real issue.

The Public Health Responsibility Deal includes AG Barr, who produce IrnBru. However, Barr say they have no plans to reduce the sugar content of their regular IrnBru product. The deal has previously been criticised as being industry-led and does not have the support of organisations such as Alcohol Concern, the British Heart Foundation, the British Medical Association and Diabetes UK.

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian (pictured below), said: “The issue of what’s in our food has returned to the top of people’s agendas with the supermarket value burgers scandal. Today’s incredibly weak fizzy drink deal is a diversion from the real problem of secret sugar. People know full well fizzy drinks are bad for their health but many will be unaware of the hidden sugar they’re consuming in common foods like crisps, pizzas, burger buns and ready meals. Even baby foods and rusks are bloated with sugar.

“If we are serious about tackling the growing obesity and diabetes crisis in Scotland we must keep up with the processed food industry and big retailers. It’s not just drinks firms who know how addictive sugars and sweeteners are.”
