Report reveals short term lets problems facing capital

A report detailing the scale of the problem with ‘short-term lets’ in Scotland’s capital has been published by Green MSP Andy Wightman.

The publication by the Scottish Greens’ housing spokesperson shows there are more than 6200 properties available in Edinburgh for short term letting and that more than half of these are entire homes where the owner is not present.

A number of key issues with short term lets are also spelled out, including anti-social behaviour, loss of community, displacing available housing, the avoidance of non-domestic business rates and property security.

Lothian MSP, Andy Wightman MSP said: “I am calling for new powers to enable councils to plan and regulate the use of residential property for short term lets. Many constituents have contacted me in recent months to raise their concerns about the widespread growth of this sector in their communities. It is clear that we need to find a simple solution and one such way is through the introduction of new Use Class Orders in the planning system.

“To stimulate debate and greater awareness of the problem, I am delighted to be publishing the first in a series of briefing papers (below) on the topic.”

20170403 – Briefing Paper on Short Term Lets v.FINAL-1


Everybody’s Edinburgh: voluntary sector produces council election manifesto

We are delighted to introduce ‘Everybody’s Edinburgh’ – A Third Sector Manifesto


This is a call to action to candidates in the upcoming local elections to prioritise the wellbeing of Edinburgh’s citizens.

Developed in consultation with Edinburgh’s Third Sector, this manifesto calls for a commitment for greater unity between political parties and across sectors to tackle the growing inequalities in our communities, and ensure the best interests of the people of Scotland, and in our Capital, are met. It highlights some of the key issues that affect Edinburgh’s citizens and provides actions and objectives that can be undertaken and achieved through better collaborative working, and by investing in Edinburgh’s communities to create a solid foundation to tackle poverty inequalities and injustice.

Our manifesto is a start to a conversation about inequality that we hope will continue beyond the council elections to improve the wellbeing of our City’s citizens for many years to come, ensuring that no one is left behind.

To further this dialogue we will be hosting hustings for each political party at EVOC’s offices from 5:30pm – 7pm on the 18th, 19th, 20th, 26th and 27th of April.

Spaces are limited so please register your interest using the booking form.

Representatives will be given the opportunity to speak about their election agenda for approximately fifteen minutes before opening up the floor for Q&As.

Download a digital copy of Everybody’s Edinburgh

City Council elections: SNP bids to become Edinburgh’s largest party



Novel solution to IndyRef2 timing tabled

A solution to the impasse over the date of a second referendum may have been resolved. Westminster and Holyrood were heading for deadlock over the timing of a second indepedence vote, but it seems that Mrs May and Ms Sturgeon may be willing to consider a radical suggestion from a very unlikely source. Continue reading Novel solution to IndyRef2 timing tabled

Holyrood says aye, but Westminster says it’s not the time

Who blinks first? Something’s got to give as governments set on collision course

The Scottish Parliament has backed SNP plans to pave the way for a second independence referendum. MSPs voted 69 – 59 in favour, with the Greens supporting the SNP against Tory, Labour and Lib Dem opposition. Continue reading Holyrood says aye, but Westminster says it’s not the time