£8bn spent on integration – but what’s been delivered? asks Holyrood Committee

In a report intended to influence the Scottish Government’s health and sport budget, the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee are critical about lack of progress by Integration Authorities (IAs). Between them IAs are responsible for spending over £8bn yet the Committee reports they are unable to identify what that money has achieved. Continue reading £8bn spent on integration – but what’s been delivered? asks Holyrood Committee

Government must focus on preventative health measures, say Greens

The Scottish Government must give a greater focus to preventative public health measures in order to improve the National Health Service, the Scottish Greens will say during a Holyrood debate later today.  Speaking in an opposition debate on the NHS in Scotland 2017 report, Green MSP Alison Johnstone will say the report’s findings prove there’s a greater need for early intervention and for general practice funding to be reformed to help support GP retention. Continue reading Government must focus on preventative health measures, say Greens

Deirdre Brock: “City of Edinburgh Music School must stay open”

Following reports that the City of Edinburgh Music School faces an uncertain future, Deidre Brock MP has written to the Council’s Education Committee calling for a rethink and assurances that the specialist service will remain open. The school is based in Flora Stevenson Primary and in Broughton High, in Deidre’s Edinburgh North and Leith constituency. Continue reading Deirdre Brock: “City of Edinburgh Music School must stay open”

Local MSP goes on patrol and hails Operation Myriad success

Impressive results following two week crime blitz

Edinburgh Northern and Leith MSP went on patrol with North West area commander Chief Inspector Stevie Sutherland on Friday to see first-hand the efforts being made to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour in North Edinburgh through the Operation Myriad initiative. Fifty-three people were arrested during the crime crackdown, and both the police officer and the local politician thanked the local community for their support throughout the campaign. Continue reading Local MSP goes on patrol and hails Operation Myriad success

Harvie: Greens ‘leading the change’ in Scotland

“A vision of what’s possible”

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Patrick Harvie MSP will tell his party’s autumn conference today that Greens are ‘leading the change’ in Scotland, with other parties playing ‘catch up’ in proposing policies for a fairer and greener country. Continue reading Harvie: Greens ‘leading the change’ in Scotland

First Minister launches consultation on Scottish National Investment Bank


Work to establish a Scottish National Investment Bank took a step forward today with the launch of a public consultation on the details of the Bank’s operation. Continue reading First Minister launches consultation on Scottish National Investment Bank