Local democracy report embarrasses Scotland, says Wightman

Scottish ministers must respond to an embarrassing report that claims that Scotland is the ‘least locally democratic country in Europe’ by devolving new powers to councils, says a Green MSP.

Andy Wightman, the Scottish Greens’ local government spokesperson, says his party supports the Common Weal report’s recommendation for a new tier of councils in Scotland, insisting that two, and in many cases three tiers, are typical in other European countries.

Mr Wightman, a Green MSP for Lothian, said: “This report (see below) adds to the wealth of evidence highlighting the poor state of local democracy in Scotland. Its findings are welcome and while many will perceive its recommendation to create another tier of local democracy in Scotland to be radical, having just a single tier of councils goes against the norm across much of Europe.

“Scotland’s status as the ‘least locally democratic country in Europe’ is not one to be proud of, in fact it’s embarrassing. Ministers at Holyrood can however revive local democracy by devolving more powers to councils and require them to include local communities in decision making.

“Local government needs substantial and far-reaching reform to make it more local and more democratic and we’ll continue to honour our manifesto commitment to challenge ministers on their slow progress.”

Development Councils

Local MSP sets up shop in supermarkets

Edinburgh Northern and Leith MSP Ben Macpherson is holding a series of advice surgeries in supermarkets around the constituency. These pop-up surgeries aim to give more constituents the opportunity to talk to Ben about any issues, concerns or ideas they may have. Continue reading Local MSP sets up shop in supermarkets

ONE FULL YEAR since NHS Lothian met A & E waiting times

Briggs blames SNP for ‘workforce crisis’

According to ISD figures the last time that the A&E waiting time target of 95% of patients to be seen within four hours, was met in NHS Lothian was 29th October 2017. Continue reading ONE FULL YEAR since NHS Lothian met A & E waiting times

Ben Macpherson MSP: UK Government’s unjust budget fails to address Scotland’s needs

SNP MSP Ben Macpherson has criticised the UK Government for failing the people of Edinburgh Northern and Leith, and all of Scotland, following this year’s UK Government Budget announcement. 
Continue reading Ben Macpherson MSP: UK Government’s unjust budget fails to address Scotland’s needs

Analysing the Budget: Short-changed or delivering for Scotland?

The Budget committed £1 billion in extra money for Scotland, maintained the freeze on whisky and fuel duty, and saw a £150 million investment in the Tay City Region Deal. The Chancellor also committed to progress growth deals in Ayrshire, Moray and Borderlands. A good deal for Scotland, then? Aye, right! was the response from Holyrood. Continue reading Analysing the Budget: Short-changed or delivering for Scotland?

Scottish Tories: Budget will deliver sustainable funding boost for Scottish NHS

Nicola Sturgeon is being urged to put in place a clear long-term plan for Scotland’s NHS – with the UK budget set to smash the scaremongering claims she made prior to the Independence referendum, according to the Scottish Conservatives. Continue reading Scottish Tories: Budget will deliver sustainable funding boost for Scottish NHS

Wightman: Planning Bill changes will help tackle housing crisis

Changes agreed this week (24 Oct) to the Scottish Government’s Planning Bill will help tackle Scotland’s housing crisis by making land for house-building more affordable and by better regulating short-term lets, according to Scottish Greens housing spokesperson Andy Wightman MSP.

Scottish Greens have long campaigned for reform of the planning system, to counter the current set-up where the price of land rockets once it receives planning permission. Continue reading Wightman: Planning Bill changes will help tackle housing crisis

TERMINAL DECLINE? Auditor General calls for immediate action to save NHS in Scotland

“We cannot go on like this – patients and staff deserve so much better” – Labour MSP Neil Findlay

Immediate action is needed to shift the NHS towards long-term, fundamental change, according to a new report published today. Scottish Conservative health spokesman Miles Briggs MSP said the report should make ‘shameful reading’ for the Scottish government. Continue reading TERMINAL DECLINE? Auditor General calls for immediate action to save NHS in Scotland