People in poverty must not pay the price for Brexit, say charities

poverty family JRF

A coalition of charities have urged the Government to take urgent steps to protect people and places in poverty from the financial consequences of Brexit, including no-deal. Continue reading People in poverty must not pay the price for Brexit, say charities

“Not fit for purpose”: Holyrood Committee calls for changes in census legislation

A Scottish Parliament Committee has found serious deficiencies in the way consultation was carried out around planned changes to the 2021 census.  In a report published today, they recommend wider consultation and propose amendments to avoid the perception that sex is being conflated with gender identity.

The Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Affairs Committee has been scrutinising the Census (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill in preparation for the next census which will take place in 2021. 

The bill proposes that new questions on sexual orientation and transgender identity should be voluntary. In its guidance for the bill, National Records of Scotland also proposed that the mandatory sex question should include a non-binary response option as well as male and female.

In its stage one report, MSPs found the lack of consultation with a range of organisations including a broad range of women’s groups, to be a serious deficiency in the process when considering issues of sex and transgender status. The Committee concluded that many of these issues, particularly in relation to the perceived conflation of sex and gender identity, could have been avoided if there had been an adequate process of consultation.

The Committee also recommended by a majority that the next census should continue to offer a binary male/female question in order to maximise response rates and maintain consistency with previous censuses.

Under current legislation, all census questions are compulsory apart from questions on religion. The Committee agreed that a voluntary approach to new questions on sexual orientation and gender identity/trans-status is appropriate.

Joan McAlpine MSP, Convener of the Committee said: “The purpose of the census is to accurately reflect our society and gather vital information for the provision of public services and the development of policy. However, there has been a serious lack of consultation with a range of women’s groups which has led to legislation being published which is not fit for purpose. Had a proper, robust consultation been undertaken in the first place a lot of these issues could have been avoided.

“The Committee also found that some of the language within the legislation has created confusion and a perception that the Bill conflates issues around sex and gender identity. We have recommended that the Scottish Government addresses this issue through a range of measures including amendment of the Bill at stage two.

“To maximise response rates and ensure consistency, a majority of the Committee concluded that the sex question should remain binary. People who identify as transgender or non-binary will still have the option of a separate question on their identity, which the Committee agreed should be voluntary.”

The report can be found here.

Mundell: “Devolution is working well”

The UK Government today handed over the last of the powers which the Scotland Act 2016 transfers to the Scottish Parliament.

Scottish Secretary David Mundell welcomed the significant landmark which means Holyrood can now legislate in every area where the Scotland Act 2016 has given it power to do so – reinforcing its standing as ‘one of the most powerful devolved parliaments in the world’. Continue reading Mundell: “Devolution is working well”

Lib Dems select Jack Caldwell to contest Leith Walk

  • Experienced local community activist with a strong record.
  • A community councillor and volunteer local youth group leader.
  • Passionate about using positive politics to reduce inequalities.

Experienced local community activist Jack Caldwell will be the Scottish Liberal Democrat candidate for the upcoming City of Edinburgh Council by-election in Leith Walk (Ward 12). Continue reading Lib Dems select Jack Caldwell to contest Leith Walk

First Minister appointed UN Women Global Advocate

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has been appointed the inaugural #HeForShe Global Advocate by UN Women, with the Scottish Government becoming signatories to the UN Women’s global solidarity movement for gender equality which engages men and boys as advocates for equality.

As a Global Advocate, the First Minister has pledged to make concrete commitments to advancing gender equality around the world and support UN Women in their work to end global gender inequality.

The announcement was made during a meeting with the Executive Director of UN Women, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, in New York.

The First Minister also announced a new pilot project to reduce rates of early and child marriage in rural areas of Malawi as part of a further Scottish Government partnership with UN Women.

She confirmed funding of £113,000 for the UN Women Malawi project ‘WeLearn – A Virtual Skills School Pilot’ as part of her North America programme.

The project will empower young women and girls with information, skills and support networks to reduce social and economic isolation. It will also educate the wider community, and members of both sexes, about gender inequalities and the damaging impact child marriage has on a young person’s education.

The First Minister said: “Progressing gender equality supports a basic human right and will help people flourish and reach their full potential, which will ultimately create a wealthier and fairer society.”

“Gender equality and a commitment to education are fundamental shared values. I want to ensure Scotland is a good global citizen, supporting the UN’s Goals both at home and in our partner countries, including Malawi.

“Malawi has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world, mostly affecting girls with less education and in rural areas. The Scottish Government will do everything we can to tackle the injustices and hardships faced by many young girls and women around the globe.

“The Scottish Government has signed up to the UN’s #HeForShe campaign because it is vital we continue to make progress with gender equality. I am honoured to have been asked to be their first Global Advocate.”

UN Under-Secretary-General and UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka said: “It is my honour to announce today Her Excellency Ms. Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, as an inaugural HeForShe Global Advocate for Gender Equality. The First Minister is already leading the way in her own government with a gender balanced cabinet. 

“So, she is in a unique position to now galvanize the men and boys of Scotland to further advance gender equality, with a strong focus on youth. UN Women is delighted to partner with the First Minister to drive meaningful, lasting change and a more equal world for all.”

Holyrood’s Social Security Committee expresses ‘deep concerns’ over Universal Credit

Holyrood’s Social Security Committee has raised deep concerns with Universal Credit in its latest report into in-work poverty. The report warns that people due to move from Tax Credits to Universal Credit face significant issues and a dramatic culture change. Continue reading Holyrood’s Social Security Committee expresses ‘deep concerns’ over Universal Credit

Brexit: Joint statement by the First Ministers of Scotland and Wales


The First Ministers of Scotland and Wales have issued the following joint statement on Brexit. A meeting of the JMC (EN) will take place in London today, where Cabinet Secretary for Government Business and Constitutional Relations, Michael Russell, will represent the Scottish Government. Continue reading Brexit: Joint statement by the First Ministers of Scotland and Wales

UK “not remotely ready for Brexit”, says Sturgeon

Chaos, confusion and Uncertainty: Troubles at home – but First Minister flies the flag in the US and Canada

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will today outline her position on Brexit and Scotland’s future as she addresses an audience at Georgetown University in Washington DC at the start of her visit to the United States and Canada. Continue reading UK “not remotely ready for Brexit”, says Sturgeon