PDSA passes 500,000 remote appointment milestone

PDSA, the vet charity for pets in need, has carried out a remarkable 500,000 phone appointments since the start of lockdown, as demand for the charity’s services has surged due to the ongoing impact of the pandemic.

In response to the Covid-19 crisis, the charity – which provides free and low cost vet care to the pets of owners who are suffering from financial hardship – introduced a new phone appointment system back in March during the first lockdown.

Since then, the scheme has meant over half a million remote appointments have been provided to poorly pets and their owners, ensuring they could still receive the vital veterinary advice they needed, despite lockdown restrictions. 

PDSA Vet, Paul Manktelow, said: “Sadly, even during a pandemic, our pets can still become sick or get injured and need urgent veterinary treatment.

“When the first lockdown started looming, it was clear that we needed to drastically adapt the way we worked across our 48 Pet Hospitals around the UK to help keep everyone safe and help stop the spread of Covid-19, while still providing support to desperate pet owners seeking our help.

“Providing remote consults has allowed pets to access the essential veterinary care they need, while freeing up the space and time needed in our pet hospitals to treat the sickest pets and emergencies in a socially distant manner..

“Thanks to kind support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery, we were able to quickly develop new ways of working, allowing many of our dedicated vets and nurses to work from home providing vital pet advice remotely.

“Leading into the first lockdown we started offering our first remote consultations. Within weeks we were delivering around 2,000 phone appointments daily, which has now risen to over 2,300 a day.”

Remote consultations have enabled PDSA staff to help all but the most serious cases over the phone, offering advice, and posting out or delivering essential medications. This ensured the charity could keep their vet teams, owners and pets safe while continuing to provide life-saving emergency treatments at its Pet Hospitals.

Hazel Johnstone, Longterm Partnerships Manager at People’s Postcode Lottery said: “Pets have been a lifeline for so many people during the lockdowns this year – providing companionship and helping improve mental wellbeing for owners during incredibly difficult times. 

“So for those who face financial hardship causing increased worry when a pet falls ill during the pandemic, it’s vital they’re able to continue to access veterinary care. By supporting the development of these remote consults for PDSA, players of People’s Postcode Lottery have ensured that hundreds of thousands of pet owners always have somewhere to turn, even during the darkest of times.”

But PDSA is now facing a double threat – the pandemic has resulted in PDSA’s income decreasing by £3m a month in 2020 due to all fundraising events being cancelled and its charity shops temporarily closing their doors.

This is coupled with an expected increase in unprecedented demand for its services as many more pet owners fall on hard times.

PDSA Vet Paul Manktelow continued: “Delivering half a million remote appointments in eight months just shows what vital assistance PDSA provides for a huge number of pet owners. For many, we are their only emergency service – a safety net when times are tough, but we rely entirely on generous public support to keep our charitable veterinary services running.

“As we enter what is likely to be a challenging winter, we know many people are facing extremely difficult times through no fault of their own, and their pets are a lifeline, providing unconditional love and comfort during these worrying times. We greatly appreciate every donation, to help us to continue to be there for much-loved pets in need.”

To find out more about PDSA, its Pet Care Crisis Emergency Appeal and how you can help, visit www.pdsa.org.uk/whywematter

Lottery win for local neighbours

Three people in West Pilton are celebrating today after winning £1,000 each thanks to their lucky postcode.

The Ferry Road Avenue neighbours netted the windfall when EH4 4BL was announced as a Daily Prize winner with People’s Postcode Lottery on Wednesday 22nd July 2020.

People’s Postcode Lottery ambassador Danyl Johnson sent his well-wishes to the winners. He said: “What great news to start your day! Congratulations to our winners, I hope they enjoy their winnings.”

A minimum of 32% of ticket sales goes directly to charities and players of People’s Postcode Lottery have raised over £500 million to date for thousands of good causes in Britain and beyond.

This draw was promoted by Save the Children which has received over £10.1 million in funding from the players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Save the Children connects parents, teachers, and childcare experts to build a brighter future for children across the UK. It works to give children the support they need from the very start of life.

Many good causes close to the winners have also benefitted from players’ support, and local charities can next apply for funding in August.

For more information onPeople’s Postcode Lottery, please visit www.postcodelottery.co.uk or Facebook and Twitter.

Lottery win for Clermiston neighbours

Two people in Clermiston are celebrating today after winning £1,000 each thanks to their lucky postcode.

The Durar Drive neighbours netted the windfall when EH4 7JJ was announced as a Daily Prize winner with People’s Postcode Lottery yesterday.

People’s Postcode Lottery ambassador Danyl Johnson sent his well-wishes to the winners. He said: “What a fantastic surprise for our winners. Congratulations to them, I’m sure this news has made their day.”

A minimum of 32% of ticket sales goes directly to charities and players of People’s Postcode Lottery have raised over £500 million to date for thousands of good causes in Britain and beyond.

This draw was promoted by Save the Children which has received over £10.1 million in funding from the players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Save the Children connects parents, teachers, and childcare experts to build a brighter future for children across the UK. It works to give children the support they need from the very start of life.

Many good causes close to the winners have also benefitted from players’ support, and local charities can next apply for funding in August.

For more information onPeople’s Postcode Lottery, please visit www.postcodelottery.co.uk or Facebook and Twitter.

Lottery Win for Local Neighbours

Five people in Edinburgh have woken up to the news that they have scooped £1,000 each thanks to their lucky postcode.

The Wester Broom Drive neighbours netted the windfall when EH12 7RQ was announced as a Daily Prize winner with People’s Postcode Lottery today (Wednesday 29th March).

Offering her congratulations, People’s Postcode Lottery ambassador Judie McCourt said: “I’m sure this windfall will help lift the spirits of our winners in Edinburgh and I hope they’re able to treat themselves to something nice. Well done to all those who have picked up the prize.”

A minimum of 32% of ticket sales goes directly to charities and players of People’s Postcode Lottery have raised over £500 million to date for thousands of good causes in Britain and beyond.

This draw was promoted by Oxfam, which has received more than £9.6 million in funding to help support its mission to end the injustice of poverty.

Many good causes close to the winners have also benefitted from players’ support. The next opportunity for local charities to apply for funding raised by players will be in August.

For more information on People’s Postcode Lottery, please visit www.postcodelottery.co.uk or Facebook  and Twitter.

Drylaw neighbours celebrate Lottery lift

Two people in Drylaw are celebrating today after winning £1,000 each thanks to their lucky postcode.

The Easter Drylaw Drive neighbours netted the windfall when EH4 2QB was announced as a Daily Prize winner with People’s Postcode Lottery yesterday.

People’s Postcode Lottery ambassador Judie McCourt sent her well-wishes to the winners. She said: “What a great surprise to start the weekend! Congratulations to our winners!”

A minimum of 32% of ticket sales goes directly to charities and players of People’s Postcode Lottery have raised over £500 million to date for thousands of good causes in Britain and beyond.

This draw was promoted by the Wildlife Trusts which have received over £11.3 million in funding from the players of People’s Postcode Lottery. The Wildlife Trusts look after more than 2,300 nature reserves and operate more than 100 visitor and education centres across the country. The Trusts work to make life better for wildlife, people and future generations.

Many good causes close to the winners have also benefitted from players’ support, and local charities can next apply for funding in August.

For more information on People’s Postcode Lottery, please visit www.postcodelottery.co.uk or Facebook  and Twitter.

Lottery win for Clermiston neighbours

Ten people in Clermiston are celebrating after winning £1,000 each thanks to their lucky postcode.

The Rannoch Place neighbours netted the windfall when EH4 7HH was announced as a Daily Prize winner with People’s Postcode Lottery yesterday.

People’s Postcode Lottery ambassador Danyl Johnson sent his congratulations to the winners. He said: “What a fantastic way to kickstart the weekend! I’m sure our winners will be out celebrating tonight.”

A minimum of 32% of ticket sales goes directly to charities and players of People’s Postcode Lottery have raised over £500 million to date for thousands of good causes in Britain and beyond.

This draw was promoted by Woodland Trust which has received over £11.8 million in funding from the players of People’s Postcode Lottery. It is the UK’s leading woodland conservation charity, owning over 1,000 different woods across the country. These woods support a wide range of plants and wildlife and attract thousands of visitors each year.

Many good causes close to the winners have also benefitted from players’ support, and local charities can next apply for funding in August.

For more information on People’s Postcode Lottery, please visit www.postcodelottery.co.uk or Facebook  and Twitter.

Community consultation tomorrow

The Local Conversation Community Forums in Bingham and Magdalene are inviting residents of Bingham and Magdalene to have their say on what the top priorities are in their area and what action should be taken on these in 2020 and beyond. 

Local Conversations is a People’s Health Trust’s initiative which involves supporting residents to develop a shared vision for their community and take local action on issues that matter to them. 

The project, supported by Community Renewal, has been ongoing since 2016/2017 and has already made significant contributions to the two neighbourhoods.

Funding will continue into 2020/2021 and Community Renewal and People’s Health Trust are inviting the residents to share their views on what has been achieved and set the priorities for the year ahead.

Community Renewal’s Project Lead Cris Thacker reflects: “The community has achieved so much since the Local Conversations began in 2016. Together we have refreshed the area, supporting the development of two community gardens, reviving a local newsletter, creating a mural in the bridge that connects Bingham with Niddrie and establishing a community cafe

“We have also established a community chest which has funded activities and events that have brought the community together. We are now ready to build on those successes and can’t wait to hear what the community want to do next.”

Alex Kearney, who supports the Local Conversations at People’s Health Trust’s added: The Local Conversation in Bingham and the Local Conversation in Magdalene are at an exciting point; ready to build on the achievements residents in both communities have made so far.

“This event will be a great opportunity to check in with local people about what their top priorities are for their neighbourhood, and discuss how they can work together in 2020 to make Bingham and Magdalene an even better place to live.”

The event will take place on Saturday 1 February 10am – 1:30pm at the Jewel Miners Welfare Club. 

All are welcome and refreshments and a creche will be provided. Attendance is free but per-booking is required.

Local Choir Announces Scottish Lottery Prize

A local Gaelic Choir was in the spotlight this week as they took part in People’s Postcode Lottery’s £3 million prize reveal on Facebook.

Còisir Dhùn Èideann (The Edinburgh Gaelic Choir) were invited to help reveal that the North Uist and Berneray sector, HS6 5, has been drawn as the winner of the lottery’s Postcode Millions prize.

Choir members were interviewed as part of the reveal before closing the show with a live performance of ‘An teid thu leam, a ribhinn og.’

Paul Chilver, 52, has been with the choir for almost five years. Originally from London, he fell in love with the Gaelic language after a trip to the Western Isles.

Paul said: “I just got curious about the language, I saw it on road signs and heard it from locals and just got curious. I love the music, the songs are really beautiful.”

Katie Cullen, 32, and her mother Fiona are new to the choir having joined last year.

Katie said: “I joined on impulse with my Mum and I love it, it’s really such a lot of fun. I’d tell people who are interested in joining the Gaelic choir to just do it!”

Choir Committee President Nora, 74, also sang at the event. She said: “Gaelic has a huge variety of songs, lots of which were written by women, these days Gaelic singing is my main hobby!”

The choir is always looking for new members. Nora said: “People can be involved as much as they want, they can sing, learn the language, and it’s a really fun evening each week.”

People’s Postcode Lottery ambassador Danyl Johnson announced the winning postcode sector along with the local singers. He said: “What a great performance! It was amazing to a hear a song in Gaelic performed live. What better way to announce that People’s Postcode Lottery is going to be heading to the Outer Hebrides.”

Players on the island will share £3 million in prizes and will find out exactly how much they have won at an event held on the island on Friday 31st January 2020.

A minimum of 32% of ticket sales goes directly to charities and players of People’s Postcode Lottery have raised over £500 million to date for thousands of good causes in Britain and beyond.

This month’s Postcode Millions draw was promoted by the Postcode Animal Trust which supports charities and good causes that are educating, supporting and promoting animal welfare and conservation.

Many local causes have also benefitted from players’ support, and local charities can apply for funding now.

Còisir Dhùn Èideann meets every Wednesday between 7.30pm and 9.30pm in Broughton St Mary’s Parish Church, 12 Bellevue Crescent, EH3 6NE.

For more information on People’s Postcode Lottery, please visit www.postcodelottery.co.uk or Facebook  and Twitter.

Letters: People’s Postcode Lottery players raise £2.2m for cats

Dear Editor,

I would like to thank players of People’s Postcode Lottery, who have raised over £2.2 million for Cats Protection to date.

This has helped us find loving new homes for more cats throughout England, Scotland and Wales by funding essential Cat Care Assistant and Volunteer Team Leaders roles.

Players will be further supporting our homing work in 2020 by funding two behaviour posts, which provide advice and support to our branches and centres, and providing 10,000 microchips, helping to ensure that every cat leaves our care with a safe and permanent means of identification.

We were also delighted to be included in the recent TV advert announcing that People’s Postcode Lottery players have now raised over £500 million for charities and good causes, which starred two kittens from one of our centres.

I’m happy to report that both kittens have since found loving homes and have settled in well with their new families.

Anyone wishing to adopt a cat or support Cats Protection can find out more at www.cats.org.uk

Kind regards,

Mark Beazley, Cats Protection’s Director of Operations