Trinity CC December newsletter

Trinity Community Council met on 14 December. Here are the main points:

victoria park

Crime Down, But …

While there have been a few house break-ins this month, numbers are down on last year. Police believe this is because several known perpetrators are behind bars or subject to curfew arrangements.

But statistics are no comfort if your house is broken into – so take all reasonable precautions including those in Police Scotland’s leaflets (see below). If you have an alarm make sure its switched on and if you would like to be kept fully up to date with real time Police alerts sign up here.

A notable trend has been to break into houses in order to steal the owner’s car rather than the house contents. This is likely done to order so take extra care about where you leave your car keys.

Just outside our area, two people were arrested after an altercation on Ferry Road while investigations into an attack at Steadfastgate are ongoing. If you’re at all worried about being on the street in the dark evenings you might wish to purchase a personal alarm as a useful deterrent. A possible stocking filler at roughly £5!

Make Friends with Victoria Park!

The meeting this month to set up a Friends of Victoria Park group was well attended with presentations on what was involved and what the potential might be. After an enthusiastic and lively Q&A, a number of people volunteered for a Steering Group to complete the formalities of forming the new Friends Group.

A further public meeting, probably in February, will sign this off, whereupon all interested can then become Friends of Victoria Park (still time to join!) This is really encouraging – 2016 looks like being a great year for Victoria Park!

Trinity Academy Students Council

TCC had a further meeting with Trinity Academy Student Council which again proved lively with the students themselves eager to raise points.

These included:

 lack of litter bins in Victoria Park and on the pathway between Newhaven Road and the school,
 existing bins not being emptied sufficiently frequently
 safety on the Walkway, especially after dark,
 occasional motor/quad bike on the Walkway, (call 999 as these have almost always been stolen)
 enthusiasm for the new tennis courts in Victoria Park
 interest in engaging with a Friends of Victoria Park group.
 agreement to run a competition for the design of a logo for TCC.

We will be pursuing many of these points with CEC and look forward to a continuing constructive relationship with TASC in 2016.

Goldenacre Planters

Discussions continue concerning the placing of planters outside the old RBS branch at Goldenacre.

Second Hand Car Dealing – 144 Newhaven Road

Far less encouraging, two meetings of the Licensing Sub Committee heard but dismissed the arguments from objectors (including Trinity CC). We are deeply unhappy about how the process has been conducted which has felt very one sided including keeping (unpaid) objectors waiting for several hours and only token notice of a site visit. A licence has been granted with conditions, similar to those attached to the 6 months temporary licence in 2012/13.

We are concerned about the implications for a conservation area and that an unfortunate precedent has been set. We believe that planning permission may also be necessary in this case and will be discussing the matter with local residents before deciding whether to pursue this point.

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils

This body represents all of Edinburgh’s 45 community councils and should fill important roles in encouraging best practice and projecting a common voice to the city council on shared concerns. A new Constitution is being developed and a new Chair (Eric Dobbie) and Secretary (David Bewsey) elected. We look forward to working with Eric and David to help them fulfil this crucial role.

Denham Green

After discussions with council officials, trees have now been trimmed and – hopefully by the time you are reading this – the damaged streetlight at the north end of Denham Green Place will be back in operation. Further work on these lights and the pavements is planned for 2016.

Lower Granton Road

Run by Sustrans under the auspices of CEC, a walkabout and two workshops were held this month to discuss how Lower Granton Road and its immediate surrounds might be improved and made safer. Various suggestions were floated which will hopefully enable some improvements to be designed.

While supportive of this initiative, we highlighted to the CEC officials present that there is a wider and deteriorating east-west traffic problem in North Edinburgh and reminded them of previous council studies which could usefully be revived. Unfortunately we still have no word of any activity to review the 2008 North Edinburgh Traffic Plan.

Much more at our next meeting on Monday 11 January at 7 pm in Wardie Parish Church, Primrose Bank Road. Open to all. Come along and give us your thoughts. Or contact a Community Councillor – we need to know your views so that we can represent them!

Did you find this bulletin useful or informative? If so, why not show it to a neighbour? Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin simply by emailing

Or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better.

1512 ebulletin

Christmas precaution

Your Voluntary Sector Forum: let’s talk

What with ongoing funding uncertainty and major council reorganisation, there’s lots to talk about. The local Voluntary Sector Forum offers third sectors groups a chance to join together to discuss the challenges and opportunities ahead (writes EVOC’s June Dickson):EVOClogo

EVOC works directly with Voluntary Sector Forums. These groups link to the Neighbourhood Partnerships, & facilitate communication and planning among the voluntary sector organisations that operate within each local area. They fit within and feed back into the Neighbourhood Partnership structure.

However, the Forums are invaluable to third Sector representatives as they also:

  • Provide a Forum for Peer Support
  • Share issues of concern, information and knowledge
  • Take a collective approach to challenges and opportunities
  • Promote Third Sector Engagement with Neighbourhood Partnerships

and Community Planning

An example of how the Forums are a vehicle to work co-productively with partners, especially in terms of Community Planning, has been the schedule of meetings through the various Forums in Edinburgh where the CEC Transformation Team have attended and presented the Plans for Transformation and Localities to Third Sector organisations within each Locality.  These meetings have proved invaluable in terms of informing the Third Sector and other partners, as to the changes being planned whilst also providing a consultation opportunity with Third Sector and a line of communication providing feedback on concerns and challenges as well as opportunities.

The Agendas of each Forum are driven and decided by Forum members to ensure topics pertinent to a particular area are being addressed and discussed.

Find upcoming meeting dates and meeting papers for the Forth and Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum page:

If you require any further information please contact June Dickson: or call 0131 555 9114.

Edinburgh teenagers chosen for national writing project


Two Edinburgh teenagers have been selected by Scottish Book Trust to work on a project aimed at increasing opportunities for young people to access and contribute to literary culture across Scotland. Continue reading Edinburgh teenagers chosen for national writing project

Scottish Youth Parliament wants to hear from YOU

Lead the Way campaign consultation ends soon

lead the way

This is the last chance to tell us what issues are important to you!

We’re creating a 2016-2021 Youth Manifesto, so we can lead‪#‎thewayto2021‬.

Time is running out, so give us your views on education, rights, the environment and more today! Your response will make it into our manifesto, so we can campaign on the issues that matter to you.

Take a minute to fill out our survey now:

A Book of Ideas for Scotland

‘Scotland is crying out for some big, transformative ideas’ – Common Weal’s Robin McAlpine

A book of ideas

Common Weal Director Robin McAlpine will join over 100 Common Weal supporters from across Edinburgh and The Lothians to launch the Common Weal ‘A Book of Ideas’ at City of Edinburgh Methodist Church on Friday evening. Continue reading A Book of Ideas for Scotland

Festive crafts with the Centipede project

And there’s a free festive lunch too!


Looking for a free Christmas activity? Centipede Project is getting all festive on Friday 11 December in the Old Kirk and Muirhouse Church!
Join in from 1pm and learn to make your own Christmas gifts, take what you make home with you and enjoy a FREE festive buffet lunch too.
You need to collect a ticket to take part in a workshop, but if you just fancy some lunch or a mince pie then just turn up from 1pm.
Tickets are available from North Edinburgh Arts reception and are limited, so get yours now before they’re gone! 
Any questions? Call 0131 315 2151.

If you want to make anything for the buffet, let Jo know by calling 0131 315 2151 or email

Continue reading Festive crafts with the Centipede project

Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre AGM tomorrow

Wednesday 2 December 7pm


Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre AGM

Are you interested in being more active in your local community and shaping the future of your Neighbourhood Centre?

Drylaw Telford Community Association is looking for local people to join the Centre’s management committee.

Come along to the meeting tomorrow evening to find out more – and there are refreshments and bingo after the meeting too!