Free summer sport and games with Edinburgh Leisure 0107

City’s young people encouraged to ‘Join In’

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With the Olympics just around the corner, Edinburgh Leisure will be inspiring the young people of Edinburgh to try out a variety of sports and games in the Meadows on Friday 1 July – plus there’s a free summer sports programme running from 4 July at various venues across the city.

At the free ‘Join In’ event, children can kick off their summer with American Football, or get into the swing of things with tennis. Old favourites like football, gymnastics and cycling will also be available for youngsters to try as well as football speed shot, tug of war, volleyball and much more. Sport experts will also be present to help them get the most out of their day in the beautiful green setting of the Meadows.

Children’s sedentary lifestyles are a ‘ticking time-bomb’ for the NHS. A recent poll of 1,039 parents conducted by ComRes, found 75 per cent of parents agree that it is more difficult for parents today to encourage children to become physically active than for previous generations, and just 47 per cent of parents thing there are enough affordable opportunities for children to be active in their local areas during school holidays.

Edinburgh Leisure’s Weight Management Development Officer, Conor McLean, said, “We all know about the positive health and mental benefits of getting active. Edinburgh Leisure is passionate about making sport accessible to young people. Last year, over 300 children turned up to experience our taster sessions.

“We run a variety of projects and classes for this age group, and this is a great chance to provide a way in to a healthy and active lifestyle for Edinburgh’s children, as well as a fun day out. And what’s even better is the day is free.”

Children are welcome to come and go as they please at the ‘Join In’ event, which runs from 1pm – 4pm on Friday, 1 July. Children under the age of 9 years must be accompanied by an adult. Children and young people aged 9 and over can attend on their own or with friends. There is no pre-registration or booking required but all young people must register at the sign-in desk on the day.

Edinburgh Leisure will also be running a free summer sports programme at different venues. Events will take place at the Meadows every Wednesday and Friday from 2 – 4 pm, starting 6 and 8 July respectively to 10 and 12 August.

There will also be sports at Saughton from Monday, 4 July – 8 August from 2 – 4pm. Younger children (primary school children, aged 5 and up) will be catered for with outdoor play sessions at Hunters Hall, by Jack Kane Sports Centre, every Tuesday from 2-4pm, which will run from 5 July.

There will be spaces for 60 children at the Meadows, 44 at Saughton and 20 at Hunter’s Hall to get involved in the free sessions. No pre-booking is required but everyone must register at the sign-in desk on the day and it will be on a first come, first served basis.

Andy McIntosh, Youth Development Officer continued: “Giving children a balanced play diet is as beneficial for their development as a balanced nutritional diet and we want to encourage all children to get active and stay active. So let’s get them off their screens and down to Saughton, The Meadows or Hunters Hall for some active fun this summer. Who knows, we may even encourage the future generation of Olympians.”

Participants enrolled in Edinburgh Leisure’s ‘2 Your Future’ project, will be helping to deliver the activities. ‘2 Your Future’, a 16 week programme, provides a combination of sports based activities and tailored employment support for young people not currently engaged in education, employment or training.

Living in Harmony: Upcoming events


Summer Community BBQ Saturday 18th June

Our welcoming events volunteers are organising a summer BBQ with international food, music, dance and children’s activities at North Edinburgh Arts Centre, 5-9pm on 18th June.

It should be a great opportunity for anyone in the area to meet new people and have fun. Tickets are £1 from North Edinburgh Arts or Pilton Community Health Project. 

Addressing Inequality in Employment forum meeting

Wednesday 29th June 1.30-4pm

at Spartans Community Football Academy

Employment is a big issue for many people in our area. Research in the recent Framework for Racial Equality highlighted that BME people are underrepresented in many areas. How should organisations address this?

We will have a guest speaker from the Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights giving an overview of the current inequalities and how these could be addressed. We will also hear from organisations that have reviewed their recruitment practices to try to make them more accessible or to reach out to specific groups.

Local BME residents who have been supported by Community Renewal to find work or start businesses will share their experiences, as well as LINK Mentoring which runs a mentoring scheme for BME people looking for specific types of work.

There will be a chance to exchange ideas and discuss ways of moving forward both collectively and as individual organisations or residents. Lunch and crèche included. Please RSVP.

I hope you can make either or both of these events!

Hannah Kitchen

Development Worker, Living in Harmony

Living In Harmony

Edinburgh Compact: last chance to book your space

Compact Third Sector Forum 2016



10 June 9.15am-3.30pm
Edinburgh City Chambers

The Edinburgh Compact Partnership brings together key Public Sector partners and a range of Third Sector partners under the overarching principle: In Equal Respect.

Many third sector organisations working across the City will be aware of substantial changes taking place across our communities. Key demographic and financial pressures mean that both public and third sector organisations are now required to think differently about the way services are delivered.

This year’s Forum is based upon the twin themes of transformation and maximising assets. The forum will provide an opportunity to consider the issues affecting the City and how we, in partnership, can respond to and effectively deal with these challenges in a sustainable balanced way while continuing to provide good quality and valued services to our citizens.

The Forum will be highly interactive and will take the form of a ‘conversation-cafe’ to consider:

  • Session 1: Citizens at the Centre – Transforming public services in the City;

  • Session 2: Citizens at the Centre – Maximising assets for community benefit.

Product from the event will be included within the annual report to the Council’s Communities and Neighbourhoods Committee on the social and economic contribution to the city. The Forum will also launch the Compact Voice 2015/16 Report based on the most recent Compact Voice Survey.

For those that can attend, I look forward to seeing you at the Forum. A draft programme for the Forum has been developed and is available using the following link.

Cllr Maureen Child, Convenor of the Communities and Neighbourhoods Committee and Political Third Sector Champion

Booking your place – LIMITED SPACES LEFT!

For each session, there are 100 spaces available for third sector leaders and board members and these will be allocated on a first-come basis and limited to two attendees per organisation (one senior staff and one board member) only. While there is no charge for attending the event, organisations will need to directly consider any related costs for sending representatives to the Forum.

For organisations that wish to send representatives, please complete the following:

Organisation Name
 Attender 1 (staff)  Attender 2 (board)
Session 1
 Attender 1 (staff) Attender 2 (board)
Session 2

Please send details of your nominated representatives to Korstiaan Allan at or call 0131 469 3847.

Reminder: Stockbridge & Inverleith community meeting tonight

I am writing on behalf of Stockbridge and Inverleith Community Council (SICC) to invite you to come along to a community meeting on Wednesday 8 June 2016 at 7 pm at Stockbridge Parish Church, 7b Saxe Coburg Street, Edinburgh, EH3 5BNContinue reading Reminder: Stockbridge & Inverleith community meeting tonight

All welcome at Community Summer BBQ


North Edinburgh Arts

Saturday 18 June 5 – 9pm


A community event celebrating all of the interesting food, music, dance and people who live in our area. There will be children’s activities in the beautiful North Edinburgh Garden, performances from local musicians, dancers and poets. A BBQ with lots of side dishes from around the world. All for £1 per person (a higher donation is very welcome if you want to contribute more!)

A bar will be available.

You are welcome to come in national dress (kilts, saris etc) if you want to!

Tickets £1 from North Edinburgh Arts or Pilton Community Health Project

TRIM May minutes

martello court through tyre

Please find attached the latest TRIM Minutes – This meeting was held @ 7pm within Muirhouse Millennium centre on 31st May 2016

We would appreciate you passing these to your colleagues and sharing them where possible

These are not approved at this time

May 2016 Minutes

TRIM Tenants and Residents in Muirhouse

Website –
Find us on Facebook
New “TRIM Freebies Group” –
Also on Twitter –

Spartans CFA Girls Football Fun Day

spartans girls

Spartans Community Football Academy are hosting a Girls Football Fun Day for local primary schools on Friday 10 June. This will be the second year of this annual event and Craigroyston, Ferryhill, Trinity, Pirniehall, St Davids and Wardie P6 & 7 girls will be taking part.

Continue reading Spartans CFA Girls Football Fun Day

Sixty of the Best: Lord Provost to recognise city’s inspiring volunteers

North Edinburgh’s volunteers prominent once again


Over sixty of Edinburgh’s most Inspiring Volunteers will be honoured by Edinburgh’s Lord Provost – and city Volunteering Ambassador – Councillor Donald Wilson at a special awards ceremony on Tuesday 7 June during #VolunteerWeekScot. Continue reading Sixty of the Best: Lord Provost to recognise city’s inspiring volunteers