PM deploys UK military to Eastern Mediterranean to support Israel

PM Sunak also announces new support to keep British Jewish communities safe

  • Royal Air Force surveillance aircraft to begin patrols today to help partners track emerging threats to regional security. 
  • Royal Navy task group to deploy to eastern Mediterranean in coming days to help mitigate humanitarian crisis  
  • Military teams bolstered across the region as cooperation with Israel is stepped up 

The Prime Minister has directed UK military assets to be deployed to the eastern Mediterranean to support Israel, reinforce regional stability and prevent escalation. 

Maritime patrol and surveillance aircraft will begin flying in the region from Friday to track threats to regional stability such as the transfer of weapons to terrorist groups. 

Meanwhile, a Royal Navy task group will be moved to the eastern Mediterranean next week as a contingency measure to support humanitarian efforts. 

The military package, which includes P8 aircraft, surveillance assets, two Royal Navy ships – RFA Lyme Bay and RFA Argus – three merlin helicopters and a company of Royal Marines, will be on standby to deliver practical support to Israel and partners in the region, and offer deterrence and assurance. 

The Prime Minister has also asked for all military teams in Israel, Cyprus and across the region to be bolstered to support contingency planning and the efforts of neighbouring countries to deal with any spill over from instability in Israel.  

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister spoke to the Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, today to understand the wider regional picture and underscore the importance of supporting civilians to leave Gaza.

He also thanked President al-Sisi for Egypt’s assistance in helping British nationals in the area. 

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “We must be unequivocal in making sure the types of horrific scenes we have seen this week will not be repeated. Alongside our allies, the deployment of our world class military will support efforts to ensure regional stability and prevent further escalation. 

“Our military and diplomatic teams across the region will also support international partners to re-establish security and ensure humanitarian aid reaches the thousands of innocent victims of this barbaric attack from Hamas terrorists.”

The Prime Minister is due to speak to northern European leaders about the situation in Israel at the Joint Expeditionary Force summit in Sweden later today (Friday). They are expected to discuss the vital need to work with partners across the Middle East to support stability, while simultaneously remaining focussed on backing Ukraine’s defence against Russia. 

He will also visit British warship HMS Diamond while in Gotland, Sweden, which is on patrol in northern Europe to reinforce security in the region. While on board, the Prime Minister will hear about the capabilities of Diamond’s sister ship, HMS Duncan, which is deployed in the Mediterranean with NATO.  

The package of military support, which will work alongside allies already in the region, is a significant demonstration of the UK’s support for Israel’s right to self-defence and will allow the UK to adapt to the needs of partners as the situation evolves over the coming weeks. 

The step change comes after the Prime Minister spoke to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week, and the Defence Secretary discussed the situation with his NATO counterparts in Brussels.

The Foreign Secretary visited Israel to see first hand the destruction Hamas terrorists have caused (above) and to understand how the UK can support the efforts of the Israeli Government to ensure the safety and security of the Israeli people.  

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps said: “The monstrous terrorist attacks committed by Hamas in recent days have proven why the UK must support Israel’s absolute right to self-defence and deter malign external interference.

No nation should stand alone in the face of such evil and today’s deployment will ensure Israel does not. 

“The Royal Navy Task Group, RAF operations and our wider military support will be an undeniable display of the UK’s resolve to ensure Hamas’s terrorist campaign fails, whilst reminding those who seek to inflame tensions that the forces of freedom stand with the Israeli people.”

Meanwhile, the Foreign Secretary announced that the UK will facilitate commercial flights to help vulnerable British nationals wanting to leave Israel.

PM announces new support to keep British Jewish communities safe

  • £3 million of extra funding will be provided to the Community Security Trust to protect schools, synagogues and other Jewish community buildings.
  • The Community Security Trust has recorded a 400% increase in the prevalence of antisemitic incidents in the UK since Hamas’ terrorist attacks in Israel.
  • This morning the PM convened representatives from UK policing and the Jewish community with ministers in Downing Street for discussions on policing protests.
  • Specific guidance to be provided to police on the beat on where and when to intervene.

Members of the UK Jewish community, including school children, will be given more protection against antisemitic attacks in the wake of Hamas’ terrorist attacks in Israel, the Prime Minister announced yesterday.

£3 million of additional funding will be provided to the Community Security Trust (CST), an organisation established to protect British Jews from antisemitism and related threats. The CST works closely with the police to secure Jewish community buildings and events. Today’s announcement brings the total funding for Jewish Community Protection Security grant to £18 million for 2023-24.

The money will enable the CST to place additional guards in schools it supports throughout each school’s operating hours. They will also be able to place additional security staff at outside synagogues on Friday nights and Saturday mornings.

Today the Prime Minister gathered senior ministers, police chiefs and the CST in Downing Street for a discussion on protecting British communities and policing protests chaired by the Home Secretary Suella Braverman. The roundtable comes ahead of expected protests and marches taking place across the UK this weekend. It also follows a significant increase in antisemitic incidents since the terrorist attacks against Israel.

The CST has recorded 139 antisemitic incidents in the last four days. This represents an increase of 400% compared to the same period in 2022.

The Prime Minister said: “This is now the third deadliest terror attack in the world since 1970. The United Kingdom must and will continue to stand in solidarity with Israel.

“At moments like this, when the Jewish people are under attack in their homeland, Jewish people everywhere can feel less safe.

“That is why we must do everything in our power to protect Jewish people everywhere in our country. If anything is standing in the way of keeping the Jewish community safe, we will fix it. You have our complete backing.”

Representatives at the roundtable, who included the Home Secretary, Communities Secretary, Attorney General and Policing Minister, discussed the threat increased antisemitic attacks and the policing response to provocative protests.

Reflecting on the distressing scenes we have seen both online and on Britain’s streets in the past week, the Prime Minister asked police chiefs to ensure a consistent and clear approach is taken to tackling hate crime, policing protests and protecting Jewish communities.

He stressed that the police have the Government’s total backing in ensuring that any glorification of terrorism is met with the full force of the law.

Following the discussions, the College of Policing and the National Police Chiefs’ Council will brief all commanders clarifying guidance they should be using as they police protests over the weekend, as well as clarifying guidance around the use of face coverings to purposefully conceal identity. 

During the meeting, the Home Secretary asked police chiefs to consider using their existing Section 14 powers in in the Public Order Act where appropriate to prevent assemblies blocking roads, including outside Jewish monuments and buildings such as the Israeli Embassy. 

Earlier this week the Home Secretary wrote to police chiefs in England and Wales to urge them to step up patrols and use all available powers to prevent disorder and distress to our communities. She was clear officers should act immediately to crackdown on criminality – both in our streets and online.

The Home Secretary said: “Hamas terrorists have carried out barbaric attacks on the people of Israel. They massacred civilians, raped women and kidnapped the most vulnerable.

“This terrorism is an attack on all of our values. Whenever Israel is attacked, people use legitimate Israeli defensive measures as an excuse to stir up hatred against British Jews. The UK stands unequivocally with Israel.

“I have been clear with police chiefs in England and Wales that there can be zero tolerance for antisemitism, and that they should act immediately to crackdown on any criminality – both in our streets and online.

“I have been in close contact with the Community Security Trust whose work helps enhance the security of the British Jewish community. To further support their work, we will be providing them £3 million in funding for additional security guards at Jewish schools, synagogues and in Jewish communities. This is in addition to the £15 million of annual funding provided by the Government.”

Mark Gardner, Chief Executive of Community Security Trust said: “We are grateful to the Government for providing extra funding for security guards at Jewish community buildings, following the horrific Hamas terror attack on Israel. The support that we and the Jewish community are receiving from across government and policing is greatly reassuring and welcome at this difficult and worrying time.

“We will work with the Home Office to ensure that this extra funding is used in the most effective way to enhance the existing security that is in place and provide the Jewish community with the protection that they need and deserve.”

First Minister calls for Gaza humanitarian corridor

First Minister Humza Yousaf has written to the Foreign Secretary James Cleverly supporting the establishment of a humanitarian corridor in Gaza to allow civilian evacuation:

To: Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, James Cleverly
 First Minister Humza Yousaf

I am writing concerning the horrific terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas over the weekend, and the escalating conflict in Israel and Gaza.

The Scottish Government and I unequivocally condemn the abhorrent terrorist actions of Hamas. Israel – like any other country – has a right to protect itself and its citizens from terror.

Too many innocent people have already lost their lives as a consequence of these completely unjustifiable and illegitimate attacks by Hamas. However, innocent men, women and children cannot, and should not, pay the price for the actions of a terrorist group. Collective punishment of innocent civilians cannot be justified and will do nothing to set the conditions for peace in the region.

As the number of civilians displaced in Gaza increases and with supplies restricted, innocent people are being affected and conditions will worsen. The United Nations Secretary General has called for “relevant parties to allow United Nations access to deliver urgent humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians trapped and helpless in the Gaza Strip” and the international community to mobilise to provide support. I support this view.

As a close friend and ally of Israel, I therefore ask the UK Government to call on the Government of Israel to ensure innocent civilians are protected and to put in place an immediate ceasefire to allow the safe passage of civilians through the Rafah border.

Furthermore, it should open a humanitarian corridor into Gaza to allow supplies, including food, fuel, water and medical supplies, for those civilians who are trapped, helpless and cannot leave.

Finally, I call on the international community to be proactive and work towards an immediate ceasefire and a long-lasting peace that sees Israelis and Palestinians treated as equals.

I am grateful for the ongoing engagement of Lord Ahmad, who has briefed me on the situation concerning UK nationals in Israel and Gaza. The Scottish Government stands ready to assist any efforts to support those who find themselves caught up in this tragic situation.

Western leaders issue joint statement on Israel

The leaders of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States of America released the following joint statement following their call yesterday:

Today (Monday Ed.), we — President Macron of France, Chancellor Scholz of Germany, Prime Minister Meloni of Italy, Prime Minister Sunak of the United Kingdom, and President Biden of the United States — express our steadfast and united support to the State of Israel, and our unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and its appalling acts of terrorism.

‘We make clear that the terrorist actions of Hamas have no justification, no legitimacy, and must be universally condemned. There is never any justification for terrorism.  In recent days, the world has watched in horror as Hamas terrorists massacred families in their homes, slaughtered over 200 young people enjoying a music festival, and kidnapped elderly women, children, and entire families, who are now being held as hostages. 

‘Our countries will support Israel in its efforts to defend itself and its people against such atrocities. We further emphasise that this is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage.

‘All of us recognise the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people, and support equal measures of justice and freedom for Israelis and Palestinians alike. But make no mistake: Hamas does not represent those aspirations, and it offers nothing for the Palestinian people other than more terror and bloodshed.

‘Over the coming days, we will remain united and coordinated, together as allies, and as common friends of Israel, to ensure Israel is able to defend itself, and to ultimately set the conditions for a peaceful and integrated Middle East region.’

Diplomats condemn settler violence and school demolition in Palestine

Representatives from the United Kingdom, European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Finland, Belgium, Sweden, Canada and Norway visited the Palestinian community of Burqa and the site of the recently displaced community of Ras at-Tin amid accelerating rates of settler violence and following the demolition by Israeli authorities of donor-funded humanitarian structures, including a school in the nearby community of Ein Samiya. Ireland and Denmark also support this statement.

In Burqa, diplomats learned how the community have endured harassment and intimidation from settlers. They also observed the aftermath of Ras at-Tin’s displacement due to settler attacks and how these attacks intensified after the establishment of an illegal outpost near the community.

The delegation was extremely alarmed by the growth of settler violence, which alongside demolitions has displaced over 400 Palestinians this year and resulted in several casualties across the West Bank, most recently the death of 19 year-old Qusai Maatan, who was killed in Burqa earlier this month.

The diplomats strongly condemned settler violence. While they noted some steps taken by the Israeli authorities, including arrests, they urged Israel, as the occupying power, to do more to hold to account and prevent those who have made the lives of Palestinians – such as in the communities of Al Qaboun and Al Mughayyir – intolerable.

They underlined the prohibition of forcible transfers in International Humanitarian Law, in particular article 49 of Geneva Convention IV. They reaffirmed their opposition to settlements, which are illegal under international law, result in increased settler violence, and undermine the two-state solution and prospects for a lasting peace.

Additionally, diplomats strongly condemned the recent demolition of Ein Samiya school, which was funded by donors as humanitarian relief, emphasizing Israel’s breach of international humanitarian law.

They called on Israel, as the occupying power, to halt all confiscations and demolitions and to give unimpeded access to humanitarian organisations in the occupied West Bank. They reaffirmed their commitment to Palestinian rights and assisting vulnerable populations in Area C. Through official channels, the consortium of donors have called on Israel to return or compensate for all humanitarian items which they have funded.

The abovementioned representatives condemned the killing of Palestinians and Israelis alike, while stressing the record high number of individuals killed this year in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Scotland’s Trade Minister highlights human rights concerns over trade deal with Israel

The UK Government’s intended approach to current free trade agreement negotiations with Israel raises concerns over human rights issues, according to Trade Minister Ivan McKee.

In a letter to Penny Mordaunt, Minister of State for Trade Policy, Mr McKee said the Scottish Government has specific concerns in relation to the human rights record and ongoing conflict in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

The Minister also raised that the UK Government has not included a full impact assessment on a potential new deal and how it would impact the UK nations. Mr McKee’s response also states that it is clear no potential benefits from a new agreement would mitigate the negative effects of Brexit.

The letter reads:

Dear Penny

Launch of UK-Isreal Free Trade Agreement negotiations

Thank you for your letter of 20 July announcing the launch of free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations with Israel.

The Scottish Government welcomes opportunities for Scottish businesses and our economy to grow, in particular in trade in services, where the coverage of the existing trade agreement with Israel is limited. However, we must be sure that any new agreement is in the best interests of Scotland and consistent with the principles in Scotland’s Vision for Trade. I wrote to you recently setting out in detail Scotland’s interests in this FTA.

The scoping analysis that you have now published does not give any detail on the likely economic impact of this deal on Scotland. However, any benefits from increased trade will not make up for the loss in trade as a result of Brexit. Given that your own modelling shows the recent deals with Australia and New Zealand are likely to have a detrimental impact on the agriculture and semi-processed food sectors, it is important to see the impact of all proposed FTAs on Scotland and our economy in advance of negotiations.

I have called on the UK Government to ensure that current and future trading partners comply with their human rights and international law obligations. We have specific concerns in relation to the human rights record and ongoing conflict in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs). In particular, we are concerned about reported labour rights violations of Palestinian and migrant workers under Israeli working practices.

It is vital that you ensure that that goods and services sourced from illegal settlements in the OPTs are excluded from this agreement in a way that can be reliably enforced. It is also important that any expansion of trade in architectural and construction services within Israel does not lead to involvement in the punitive demolition and destruction of Palestinian public and private property in the OPTs, which is a violation of international law.

It is disappointing that you have not undertaken a human rights impact assessment in advance of negotiations, as we have consistently called for, but urge you to fully consider these important issues and use the trade negotiations to progress human rights objectives.

I would also welcome further information on what plans you may have to similarly develop the current trade agreement with the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

As you know, I have repeatedly made the case for a full role for the Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament in the development of trade agreements. I welcome the engagement that has taken place so far but will continue to press for the Scottish Government to be fully involved in these negotiations to ensure they achieve the best outcome for Scotland and promote human rights.

Ivan Mckee

Campaigners to hold protest against war-profiteers in Edinburgh tomorrow

At 12pm tomorrow (Saturday 28 May), Edinburgh Campaign Against Arms Trade (Edinburgh CAAT), alongside several other groups, will be holding a demonstration outside the Leonardo offices on 2 Crewe Rd North. 

Leonardo is one of the world’s biggest arms companies and has a long and shameful history of arming and supporting human rights abusing regimes across the world. In 2021 it posted revenues of €14.1bn, which included a year-on-year net profit increase over 142%. 

It is one of the main manufacturers of the Typhoon jet that has been used by Saudi Arabian forces in the bombardment of Yemen. 

Likewise, the T-129 attack helicopter – which was jointly developed by Leonardo and Turkish Aerospace Industries – has been extensively used by Turkish forces in its military operations against Kurdish groups. 

Leonardo has provided arms and support for the Israeli government, despite the decades of abuses that it has inflicted on Palestinians. Only last month the company secured a $29 million contract to provide military helicopters to Israel. 

Protesters will gather for speeches and performances by the San-Ghanny choir, which has been to Palestine, and the ZarifAtToul dance troupe who will be teaching Palestinian dances. 

Melanie Scott, a spokesperson for Edinburgh CAAT, said: “Leonardo is one of the biggest arms companies in the world and has armed, supported and profited from human rights abuses around the world.

“It has backed dictatorships like the one in Saudi Arabia and fuelled repression against people in Palestine and beyond. 

“Despite its devastating global impact, a lot of people in Edinburgh pass Leonardo’s arms factory every day and are totally unaware of the weapons that are being made inside or who those weapons are being sold to.

“That is why we are bringing people together in unity to shine a light on Leonardo’s complicity in these abuses.”

Gaza ceasefire welcomed

The Foreign Secretary has welcomed the ceasefire reached in Israel and Gaza yesterday. Dominic Raab said: “The UK welcomes the announcement of a ceasefire in Israel and Gaza, an important step to ending the cycle of violence and loss of civilian life.

“Hamas must end all attacks on Israel. It is also now important for Israel to facilitate rapid humanitarian access in and out of Gaza.”

The UK will provide new funding to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees UNRWA to help provide food, water, and emergency shelter to Palestinians affected by the recent escalation in violence in Gaza, the UK’s Minister for the Middle East James Cleverly announced yesterday.

The UK support comes as UNRWA launches an emergency appeal calling for urgent support to meet immediate humanitarian needs. Existing UK aid to UNRWA is already helping the Agency to provide food supplies to more than one million refugees in Gaza this year.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza was already concerning, with the percentage of the population living in poverty expected to increase this year from 53 per cent to 64 per cent. COVID is still spreading in Gaza and 2 million Palestinians have been living under severe movement and access restrictions.

Minister for the Middle East and North Africa, James Cleverly, said: “Palestinian and Israeli civilians should not face the brunt of this conflict, and no child or family should go without food, water or shelter. Today’s UK support will help UNRWA deliver life-saving humanitarian aid to those that need it most.

“The international community needs to ensure UNRWA is able to save lives and reduce the suffering.

“The escalation of violence and loss of life in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories has shocked all of us. Both sides must work towards an immediate ceasefire, to prevent the further loss of life and a worsening humanitarian situation.”

Members of the Edinburgh Action for Palestine campaign will continue to stage their weekly protest on Princes Street this Saturday from 11am – 12pm.

EA4P strongly opposes all forms of racism, including anti-semitism.

Stop Israeli Government Violence Against Palestinians


The planned eviction and forced displacement of Palestinian families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah in occupied East Jerusalem to make way for settler families – could amount to a war crime under the Fourth Geneva Cpnvention, according to the UN, and must not be allowed to go ahead.

We condemn the excessive use of force by Israeli security forces against Palestinians protesting against the evictions in Jerusalem, and the Israeli air strikes on the Gaza strip, which have reportedly killed over 20 Palestinians. The storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem and violence inflicted on worshippers is equally condemned.

Palestinians have the right to peaceful protest – to protest against being forcibly evicted from their homes, to protest against being under occupation, to protest for their rights.   

It is time for the UK government and international community to take firm action and hold the Israeli government account – to stop the persistent violations of international law, to stop the excessive use of force against Palestinians, and to end the illegal occupation.

The TUC has long-standing policy in support of Palestinian rights and justice for Palestine. We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah and all the victims of the violence of recent days.

STUC calls on UK and Scottish Governments to condemn Israeli action in Palestine

The STUC has called on the UK and Scottish Governments to condemn the action of the Israeli Government in occupied East Jerusalem, including forced relocation through the demolition of Palestinian homes in Sheikh Jarrah to create new settlements.

Pointing to the criticism of the actions from the United Nations, STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “The whole world is watching events in Israel and Palestine. Most of the world is clear that the actions of the Israeli state are both wrong and a breach of human rights.

“It is time for our governments, and political leaders, to speak out. The historic Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and its encouragement of illegal and often violent settler activity is a disgrace.

“We have an international duty both to our Palestinian trade union sisters and brothers, and to peace and justice more generally, to offer solidarity and campaign against the repressive actions of the Israeli state.”

Israeli Settlements: Let’s talk

The governments of France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK have issued a statement on Israeli Settlements

The statement reads:

We urge the Government of Israel to reverse its decision to advance the construction of 540 settlement units in the Har Homa E area of the occupied West Bank, and to cease its policy of settlement expansion across the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Settlements are illegal under international law, and threaten prospects for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

If implemented, the decision to advance settlements in Har Homa, between East Jerusalem and Bethlehem, will cause further damage to the prospects for a viable Palestinian State, with Jerusalem as the capital of both Israel and a Palestinian State.

This move, alongside settlement advancement in Givat HaMatos and continued evictions in East Jerusalem, including in Sheikh Jarrah, also undermines efforts to rebuild trust between the parties, following the positive resumption of Israeli-Palestinian cooperation.

We call on both sides to refrain from any unilateral action and resume a credible and meaningful dialogue, to advance efforts for the two state solution and an end to the conflict.