Women’s Winter Wellbeing: online session with PCHP

All women in the area are welcome to join us next Friday 17 Dec at 10am-12pm for a special online wellbeing event.

Learn how to treat yourself in facial reflexology and Indian head massage.

Contact Sally 07518756330 or sallyfindlay@pchp.org.uk to sign up and recieve the zoom link

Police to hold BME recruitment event online on 2nd December

Police will be hosting an online recruitment event aimed at people from all minority ethnic communities across Scotland. This event will give attendees a fantastic opportunity to hear from serving BME officers and their experiences as a police officer in Scotland as well as the opportunity to ask questions.

The event will also focus on the recruitment process and the training, with a unique insight in to life at the Scottish Police College.

The event will be hosted on Microsoft Teams on Thursday 2nd December from 6.30pm – 8pm.

To sign up, please email: recruitmentpositiveactionteam@scotland.pnn.police.uk

The consent, support and co-operation of our fellow citizens lies at the heart of the identity and legitimacy of policing in Scotland.

To ensure that bond is as strong as possible, we must fully represent and reflect the communities we serve. Inclusion is an operational necessity and morally the right thing to do. We are committed to increasing the number of officers and staff from under-represented groups.

There are well documented barriers to some people applying to join the police service. We therefore run a number of different recruitment events to answer specific questions from people from diverse communities. This is to make sure everyone has fair access to the Police Scotland recruitment process.

A Parcel of Rogues: Pandemic Profiteers

STUC Online Event

Covid-19 has had a profound impact on Scotland’s economy, but the cost of the crisis has not been shared evenly. What can we do about it?

About this event

Join us on Tuesday the 24th of August to hear from leading economists and trade unionists about the parts of Scotland’s economy that have prospered during the Covid-19 pandemic, the potential long-term economic impacts, and how trade unions and policymakers can respond.

Speakers will include:

• Laurie Macfarlane, Economics Editor at openDemocracy and Head of Finance at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose. Prior to this Laurie was Senior Economist at the New Economics Foundation.

• Christine Berry, economist, writer, and co-author of ‘People Get Ready! Preparing for a Corbyn Government’. Christine was recently appointed as Director of the thinktank IPPR North.

• Jennifer McCarey, Chair of Glasgow Trades Council.

• Richard Hardy, National Secretary of Prospect, a Commissioner on the Scottish Government’s Just Transition Commission, and sits on the STUC General Council.

Open to all, free to attend.

Online Police Recruitment Event

Our Positive Action Team are hosting a recruitment event aimed at people from minority ethnic communities with an opportunity to hear from serving officers

on Thursday 19th August 2021: 6.30 – 8pm

To sign up, contact: recruitmentpositiveactionteam@scotland.pnn.police.uk

An invitation to the first meeting of the Underground Whisky Club!

Go underground to taste the history of Scotland’s national drink

Conservation charity the National Trust for Scotland and whisky brand The Glenlivet – two organisations with a long history – have joined forces for a special online event on 1 July.

Inspired by the stories of illicit whisky production in Scotland’s past, the first ever meeting of the Underground Whisky Club will give connoisseurs a taste of the rich history and heritage of the spirit which is synonymous with Scotland.

The event is the latest element of the Pioneering Spirit project which launched last summer. Led by the Trust’s expert archaeologist team, it aims to uncover the hidden stories of whisky production at Trust properties across the Highlands and beyond. Supported by The Glenlivet, the work has, so far included drone surveys of sites in Torridon and on the Mar Lodge Estate and digs in both locations too.

Head of Archaeology Derek Alexander will give attendees the first taste of the discoveries so far at the free event which runs on Thursday 1 July from 7 – 8.30pm.

For more info and booking, visit www.nts.org.uk/pioneering-spirit .

Derek said: “We know how many people love whisky, and love our places – it’s the perfect blend and we hope lots of people will join us for the first ever meeting of the Underground Whisky Club.”

It will also be the first opportunity to see and hear new artistic commissions inspired by Scotland’s history and the illicit whisky trade.

Featured artists include Alison Irvine, a novelist and creative non-fiction writer; Kevin Andrew Morris, an Aberdeen-based ceramicist; Michael Begg, an award-winning composer and sound artist; and Natalie Feather, a photographic artist.

Action Meso Day

Action Mesothelioma Day (Action Meso Day), an annual event to raise awareness of mesothelioma and the dangers of asbestos, will this year be a virtual event hosted by broadcaster, academic, and mesothelioma patient, Kate Williams.

The UK has the world’s highest incidence of mesothelioma, a type of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, with more than 2,700 people diagnosed each year. Over 1600 schools in Scotland contain asbestos.

Hosted by the UK Mesothelioma Alliance (UKMA) as part of its ActionMeso campaign, the event will be held from 12.30pm to 1.30pm on Friday 2 July.

It will include panel discussions, clinical trials updates, expert insights and patient stories for anyone affected by mesothelioma. ActionMeso supporters, including support groups and charities in Scotland, will be hosting their own activities before or after the main event.

Patients, family members, friends, carers, local dignitaries, healthcare professionals, asbestos removal companies, law firms and anyone interested in mesothelioma and the dangers of asbestos are invited to join the event.

Registration is free at www.actionmeso.org/amd21 and the hashtag #ActionMeso will be used on social media platforms.

Kate Williams, broadcaster, academic, mesothelioma patient and host for the national event, said: “I was honoured to be asked to host Action Meso Day 2021. As a peritoneal mesothelioma patient myself, I am all too aware of the importance of raising awareness of the disease and the dangers of asbestos.

“This is a chance to hear from people directly affected by this cancer and along with other patients, I will be sharing my story. We’ll also be learning about the latest in treatment and care from healthcare professionals.

“Events like this and the #ActionMeso campaign are vital if we are to see companies and the government take action and prevent other families being affected by this disease.”

Phyllis Craig MBE, Director of Action on Asbestos said, “Our charity is proud to be part of an initiative that brings people together to raise awareness that mesothelioma is a preventable condition.

“Being a charity that covers the whole of Scotland we know only too well the devastation that is caused to those diagnosed with mesothelioma and their families, especially when this condition is caused through no fault of their own.

“The fact that asbestos remains in over 1600 schools in Scotland is terrifying, because this means that we may continue to see more people being diagnosed with mesothelioma in another 20 to 30 years. If we stand united, we can eradicate asbestos from all public buildings and safeguard our future – our children.”

Statistics show that 94 per cent of mesothelioma cases in the UK are caused by workplace exposures and are preventable.

ActionMeso is campaigning to promote the Mesothelioma Patient Charter to employers, healthcare providers and politicians in all the nations of the United Kingdom, which sets out the action needed to prevent this disease and ensure more families do not suffer.

Police Scotland LGBTI-focused online recruitment event

Police Scotland’s Positive Action Team will be hosting an online information and recruitment event aimed at people from LGBTI+ communities across Scotland.

This event will give attendees and their families a fantastic opportunity to hear from serving LGBTI+ officers and their experiences as a police officer in Scotland as well as the opportunity to ask questions.

The event will also focus on the recruitment process and the training, with a unique insight in to life at the Scottish Police College at Tulliallan from a LGBTI+ perspective.

The event will be held on Thursday 24th June 2021 from 6.30 – 8pm.

To sign up, please contact the following email address:


Online Event: Put People and Planet Before Economy

Join Planning Democracy’s campaign for a National Plan that puts people and planet before economy

Planning Democracy are holding a free online event on 28th January 6-8pm

Learn about the new National Planning Framework 4: what it could contain and how together we can influence what goes in it and how we can make it a planet and people friendly plan.

Decisions on important developments (housing etc) are guided through the Scotland’s National Planning Framework (NPF).

It will decide on national developments like Dundee Waterfront, Grangemouth Investment zone, flood protection areas and new national parks. It will contain important policies on housing, renewable energy and the environment.

The latest NPF4 will last until 2050 and is being drawn up NOW.

Developments included in NPF4 will be untouchable once it’s been signed off by Parliament in 2022.

But there is lots we can do before then. Join us in to find out how:


A Green Recovery: The Future of Transport in Edinburgh

 – Online event hosted by Greenpeace Edinburgh Local Group

TUESDAY 13 OCTOBER at 7pm online

Transport accounts for around one third of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, with the vast majority coming from road transport – cars, vans and HGVs.

For the UK to achieve its 2050 target net zero target, we need a transport revolution in the UK – replacing petrol, diesel and hybrid cars and vans with electric vehicles accompanied by massive investment in walking, cycling and public transport.

We are pleased to welcome David Somervell from Transition Edinburgh and Suzanne Forup (Head of Development for Cycling UK in Scotland), to talk about the current situation and the future of transport in Edinburgh.  Our special guest, Ian Murray (MP for Edinburgh South) will also be in attendance and present at the event. 

Coronavirus has majorly impacted on the way we get about. Some key upcoming decisions by the Government will have long-lasting effects on the future of transport in Edinburgh. 

This event will be a chance to learn about current transport campaigns in Edinburgh, how this maps against the national context, and how to take action to help achieve a sustainable transport future in the UK.


5 mins Hello and welcome

10 mins Greenpeace Speaker presentation on the national transport context

10 mins Presentation by David Somervell from Transition Edinburgh

10 mins Presentation by Suzane Forup from Cycling UK

10 mins Presentation by Ian Murray (Labour MP for Edinburgh South)

30 mins Q&A

 Date: Tuesday 13 October

Time: 7PM

 WHERE Online, https://greenwire.greenpeace.org/uk/en-gb/events/green-recovery-future-transport-edinburgh