Bield is ready for the next chapter

In-person engagement events return to inform housing services of the future

ONE of Scotland’s leading housing specialists is looking to the future as it returns to an in-person AGM after a two-year hiatus.

Sustainability and the cost-of-living crisis will both sit top of the agenda at Bield’s AGM – which is due to take place this week – with over 100 employees and members in attendance.  

The AGM will be held on 22 September at Edinburgh’s Apex Grassmarket Hotel, with a mixture of staff, members and Board members in attendance to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the industry.

Long-service awards will also be presented to celebrate loyal staff and recognise their outstanding contributions.

There will also be a new addition to the AGM in the form of a staff conference. The conference will be held on the same day to bring together staff who will be overseeing and implementing changes to policy and practice over the coming years.

Dr Lynne Douglas, Chief Executive, Bield Housing and Care.

Dr. Lynne Douglas, Chief Executive at Bield Housing and Care said: “This year we have been working on setting the direction for the next five years, listening to people’s views and pulling them all together into a coherent plan that we are excited to launch in 2023.

“The industry has weathered tough storms over the past few years and we are delighted to look forward and celebrate and acknowledge the hard work of our staff in person. Both our tenants and staff continually drive us forward to achieve the best we can, and that is what helps us through periods of uncertainty.

“We’re delighted to be back hosting our AGM in person and look forward to catching up with members to hear about their experiences over the last year.

“It’s also really exciting to be adding an extra element this year in the form of our staff conference. This event will play a vital role in contributing to our next strategy and shaping the Bield of the future, while providing an opportunity for staff to network and create connections”.

One key element to be discussed at the AGM is the need to focus on sustainability. Bield recently announced the launch of its Energy and Environmental Policy which commits to reducing its carbon footprint by 90% and reaching net zero by 2045 at the latest.

In addition, Bield has also created new sustainability-focused roles in the form of a Net Carbon Manager and an Energy and Sustainability Manager.

Dr. Lynne Douglas added: “There are positive changes and policies being implemented across the organisation which present a real opportunity for tenants and staff to shape the services Bield provide.

“We’re all very much looking to the future with optimism and these events provide a vital platform to discuss the opportunities and challenges ahead.”

Bield is a registered charity dedicated to providing flexible and high quality housing solutions and support for older people.  Bield Housing and Care has around 180 developments across Scotland, providing independent living for those over 50 years old.

To find out more about Bield, visit or follow on Facebook @bieldhousingandcare and Twitter @BieldScotland.

New partnership will support local isolated older people

  • Local Aerospace Engineering company chooses LifeCare Edinburgh as its new charity partner 
  • Leonardo employees raising vital funds for isolated older people

Leonardo’s Edinburgh employees have voted to make LifeCare Edinburgh the focus of their charitable fundraising for the next two years.   

The renowned charity, which turned 80 last year, supports over 1,000 local older people every year through positive and practical care including registered outreach and day centres, help at home and meals on wheels, carers support and companionship activities.  

Through its relationship-based approach the charity supports issues including living with dementia, isolation, reduced mobilities, mental health concerns and those struggling on low-incomes.  Services enable local older people to live well and independently in their own homes for longer.  

The support from Leonardo will enable LifeCare to continue to deliver these core services at a critical time.  The charity recently reported unprecedented levels of referrals across all their care services post-pandemic, with the charity’s Help at Home service experiencing a 250% increase in enquiries.  This comes at a time when the cost of running all services is growing significantly.  

James Wells, LifeCare’s Chief Executive said: “We are absolutely delighted to have been chosen by Leonardo employees as their charity partner across the next two years.   

“Sadly, older people have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. Their health and wellbeing have suffered significantly and we are struggling to cope with demand for care and the rising costs of service delivery. None of our services are fully funded and we rely on our fundraising to support our life-affirming services.  

“We look forward to working with the team at Leonardo to help them to raise funds for our positive and practical support that older people need to live their lives with extra zest. Also we can help the staff learn more about living with dementia and how then can actively support their affected family members. 

“Over 85% of the people we help across the city live alone and without LifeCare, many older people would be left critically isolated.  Our services provide the earlier help people need to keep them well in body and mind; helping when things are getting more difficult to manage, centred on the unique needs of each individual.  

“We are extremely grateful for every pound raised.”   

Mark Stead, SVP, Radar and Advanced Targeting for Leonardo in Edinburgh said: “The relationship-based approach taken by LifeCare to offer holistic support to older people is so vital.

“Our employees will be proud to support their efforts, which deal so attentively not only with each individual’s practical needs, but also with their sense of confidence, independence and quality of life.

“So many factors are affecting older people and their families in today’s challenging post pandemic climate and we will be striving to raise as much as we can for this important charity.” 

LifeCare is a registered charity and relies on the support of its generous funders.  In addition to Leonardo’s support, LifeCare receives funding from The Bank of Scotland Foundation, The Wolfson Foundation and The Stafford Trust.

LifeCare also runs a busy community hub and café on Cheyne Street in Stockbridge with all proceeds going towards the organisation’s core services. 

For more information about LifeCare’s services visit or call 0131 343 0940 to chat with the friendly team.  

Letters of Friendship initiative

Lisa Maynard from Care Inspectorate’s improvement team shares a great new initiative that is being rolled out in Fife to combat loneliness among people living in care homes:

During the pandemic Carol Hands, Care Home Liaison Nurse, reflected on how isolated people were feeling so she began a pen pal service called Letters of Friendship, Loneliness is not an option.

The poster has been distributed to care homes across the region and the team of care home liaison nurses to promote it when they are out on their visits or during their support calls.

There has already been a good interest in the scheme with around 50 residents starting to write letters. This communication tool can not only stimulate new conversations with new people but tackle loneliness and improve mental health.

If you would like to find out more about this initiative or share any initiatives of your own with us please contact Lisa Maynard, Interim Senior Improvement Adviser:

Care Home residents prove you’re never too old to learn

Local care home partners with a further education leaders

AN EDINBURGH care home is encouraging lifelong learning for its residents as it partners with the Open University to form an in-house college.

Cramond Residence will be launching ‘Cramond college’, offering its residents an opportunity to strengthen their cognitive function by giving them the option to enrol in a variety of courses offered by the online university.

Courses will range from one to four hours, and residents will receive a diploma for their efforts in a planned monthly graduation ceremony at the care home.

The partnership is part of Cramond’s aim to provide its residents with a richer and more satisfying lifestyle and hope the courses will allow for its residents to learn new skills and dive deep into subject areas of their choice.

Garylee Rushforth, lead lifestyle coordinator said: “I was determined to think of a way to develop our approach to activities that challenged the residents, and offered them a chance to learn a new skill.

“The Open University ticked all the boxes in terms of a meaningful activity while allowing residents to pick from a wide range of subject areas.”

The opportunity has proven to be very popular with a large number of the residents at the care home expressing their interest in achieving a diploma.

Garylee also said: “When we initially suggested the idea of Cramond College to our residents, there was great interest with over half of them being eager to take part with a lot having a keen interest in courses which focus on arts and history.

We have also seen a number of residents who are living with mild to moderate dementia eager to take up some of the courses on offer. At the end of each month, we plan to hold a graduation ceremony for those who have achieved their diploma.”

Cramond Residence is also offering support to those keen to take on more lengthy and challenging courses.

The residents will take a blended learning approach to the courses through videos and other interactive elements by using technology available at the home.  

Established in 2018 at a cost of £8m and spread across three floors, Cramond Residence provides a range of activities specially designed with specialist facilities and trained staff on hand to provide support and relief.

Aside from its tailored activity programme, the home also provides bespoke physiotherapy sessions with boutique experts, as well as specialist dementia care which is delivered in an environment that combines luxury hotel living with the reassuring feeling of being in your own home.

The home is looking for applications from lifestyle coordinators, qualified nurses and catering assistants, with particularly high demand for nursing staff and care assistants.

Cramond Residence offers high quality care for up to 74 residents offering a small-group living concept in nine houses, with all residents enjoying an exceptional range of amenities and activities, delicious food and bespoke care from a highly-trained team.

Prices at the home start from £1,950 per week. To find out more about Cramond Residence, visit: 

or contact

Care home residents make the most of Edinburgh’s glorious summer

Elderly residents at Glencairn Care Home in Edinburgh have been out enjoying the wonders of the capital this summer, with a programme of fun activities including rickshaw rides, theatre visits and musical performances.  

The care home residents, located at Marchmont, have a busy calendar of socialising and events to see them through the summer months as part of the home’s ongoing commitment to being a ‘people-first’ home that centres decisions around the needs of its residents.  

Exploring the streets of Edinburgh on pedal-powered rickshaw vehicles, the group have been experiencing the capital city at a much more leisurely pace while taking in the sites of the Meadows, Bruntsfield and Morningside.  

To ensure that the residents feel part of Edinburgh’s Fringe celebrations, the activities coordinators also arranged visits to shows throughout the month, while visits from a historian and a cello player have also been scheduled into the calendar of events.  

At Glencairn, as part of its people-first approach, residents are regularly consulted on the activities programme, asked for input and asked for reviews to determine what to plan and book next.  

The activity schedule has recently been awarded plaudits as part of the Care Inspectorate’s ongoing review programme. The home was awarded a rating of 5 which is considered ‘Very Good,’ scoring highly across areas including; care and wellbeing, leadership and meaningful contact.  

Debra Husband, Activities Coordinator, Glencairn Care Home, said: “We’ve had packed calendar of activities this summer which has been fantastic for the residents here at Glencairn. 

“The sun has been shining and it’s been fantastic to get out and about to enjoy the city. We’re so lucky to be located in the heart of Edinburgh and the rickshaw rides in particular have meant that we can take the residents out to enjoy and explore our surroundings on a regular basis.”  

Jozi Stables, Manager, Glencairn Care Home said: “Providing the residents of Glencairn with a full and enjoyable social calendar provides so much more than just a break from the daily routine of the home but it helps our residents to retain a sense of their identity, adventure and provides a rich and enjoyable life.  

“We pride ourselves on bringing unique experiences to the home and also creating fun and adventurous excursion for our residents. The activities feed into the overall care ethos we have here at Glencairn which is ensuring the needs of our residents come first and we work closely with them to design plans that suit their recreation, care and wellbeing needs.”  

The home, managed by Renaissance Care Homes, is one of sixteen homes located across Scotland and currently provides care provision for 26 residents.  

The care group which runs 16 homes across Scotland is known for its fun and inventive campaigns that engage residents and focus on bettering their health and wellbeing, as well as encouraging fun and physical activity, some of which includes hosting the Renaissance Care Olympic Games and an upcoming Foodies Festival.  

Enter Luminate’s Creative Ageing Awards – nominations now open

Nominations are now open for Scotland’s Creative Ageing Awards.  These are run by Luminate, Scotland’s organisation for the development of creative ageing and this year’s awards are part of their 10th anniversary celebrations. 

They will recognise arts, crafts, film and creative media projects and activities which target older audiences and participants, or target cross-generational participants – or projects aimed at a wider audience which have a theme related to ageing.   

The definition of “creative ageing” is very wide. Older people engage with the arts and creativity in many ways, and all of them are important.  Activities can be led by professional artists, teachers, community workers, social care and healthcare staff, and/or community volunteers. 

Some projects will be led by a mix of these groups.  Individual awards will recognise an older person who creates their own artistic work, and someone who plays an inspirational role in the field of creative ageing. 

Details of what they are looking for in each of six categories are outlined separately here

To be eligible for consideration for a Luminate Creative Ageing Award, each nomination should relate to projects or programmes that: 

  • Focus on the visual arts, performing arts, crafts, film or creative media  
  • Offer an opportunity for people to get involved in, attend or engage with a creative or cultural activity that 
  • either targets older audiences and participants 
  • or targets intergenerational participants 
  • or is aimed at a wider audience and has a theme related to ageing 

They define intergenerational projects as those that bring younger and older people together in creative activities that are mutually beneficial and enjoyable, promoting greater understanding and respect between the generations. 

The closing date for nominations is Sunday 11 September.  

Full details on how to enter a nomination and a link to the form are available here.

Tackling dementia, depression and loneliness through the power of sport

Sporting Memories Foundation Scotland in partnership with Edinburgh Leisure will be running a weekly club, supporting older adults to stay active, connected within their local community, and build amazing friendships through their common love of sport. 

Starting on Tuesday, 16th August 2022, the weekly, free drop-in sessions will take place every Tuesday, from 10.30am to 12.00 at the Royal Commonwealth Pool.   The sessions are the perfect forum to reminisce about local sporting heroes, share stories about past playing days and show off your knowledge over a quiz or fun game. Everyone is welcome and a cuppa will be available too.

Donna Mackey, Partnership Manager, SMFS, “We are really excited to launch our newest Sporting Memories partnership at the Royal Commonwealth Pool, a venue at the real heart of Edinburgh’s sporting heritage. 

“We believe there are lots of older adults in the area who have a passion for talking about sport and who will benefit from attending a weekly group with like-minded people.  The clubs are a great opportunity to build new friendships and become more active by taking part in some of our indoor games. We can’t wait to get started.”

Sam Scott, Health Development Officer (Dementia) at Edinburgh Leisure said: “These sessions were originally due to start in April 2020 but for obvious reasons, they had to be put on hold.  

“However, Edinburgh Leisure’s partnership with Sporting Memories Foundation Scotland makes perfect sense, as does hosting these clubs at the Royal Commonwealth Pool, a building steeped in its own sporting history.  These clubs will support the work we are already doing working with people living with dementia through our Movement for Memories programme.

“Using the rich history and heritage of sport, the Sporting Memories clubs are open to older adults who enjoy reminiscing about their experiences of watching or playing it. We just want anyone, with a love of sport, to come along and refreshments are provided.”

The clubs are run by trained by Sporting Memories volunteers who use a wide range of Sporting Memories reminiscence resources developed specifically to help prompt conversation and discussion. There is always great fun and laughter, friendships are forged, and some remarkable sporting stories often emerge.

Sporting Memories has developed an innovative and engaging approach to tackling the challenges of our ageing society.  Their work focuses on:  reducing loneliness and isolation; getting older people physically active; and helping people to live well with dementia.

Edinburgh Leisure’s Active Communities team launched Movement for Memories in September 2018. This programme supports people living with dementia and their carers to become or remain physically active in Edinburgh.

This work is supported with funding from the Life Changes Trust.  The Trust is funded by the Big Lottery.

For further information, contact Donna Mackey

Edinburgh’s golden oldies enjoy their own summer music festival!

Care home residents in Edinburgh were boogying on down to silent discos, live performances and an ABBA tribute act last week as part of Music Festival Week in the homes.

Residents and staff in both Renaissance Care’s Letham and Milford Care Home’s were working together to give TRNSMT a run for its money with a week-long Music Festival initiative. From ice-cream vans and transfer tattoos, to glitter and bucket hats, staff pulled out all the stops to give the residents a summer to remember.

The care group which runs 16 homes across Scotland is known for its fun and inventive campaigns that engage residents and focus on bettering their health and wellbeing, as well as encouraging fun and physical activity.

Each home had its own bespoke musical line up throughout the week, all taking place around the homes and gardens which were especially decorated in a festival theme, as well as playing a range of games and enjoying festival style grub.

Music has proven to be an effective tool in boosting mood and memory, especially for those living with dementia and Alzheimer’s. The number of people living with dementia and Alzheimer’s has increased substantially over the past two decades, and  this initiative offered a fun way for residents of all abilities to enjoy some time together and let loose their inner-ravers.

Norma Liston (90), resident at Renaissance Letham Care Home, said: “I’ve been hearing a lot about the summer festivals from Glastonbury to TRNSMT, then of course The Fringe coming up too, so it was great that we could have our own celebration and enjoy a song and a dance together this summer.

“Renaissance Care never does anything by halves, the staff did a fantastic job at making this as much like a real festival as it could be without actually going to one – and thankfully there’s no camping involved!”

Yvonne Mackenzie, Operations Director at Renaissance Care, said: “Music has universal appeal, and we know from experience how much our residents enjoy a bit of a boogie and a song. This concept has been another brilliant way to get everyone involved, up and active in whichever way they feel comfortable.

“We have recently introduced a new danceSing platform across the homes for staff and residents to use to stay fit and healthy, so this has been the perfect complement to its launch which is part of a wider effort to further improve the culture within the business.

“Bucket hats and glow-sticks were in full swing and it was great to see everyone up and having a good time this July.”

Renaissance Care recently introduced a range of new benefits as part of its culture review including danceSing, a flexible approach to working and free period products in all staff bathrooms.

Edinburgh care homes’ Sweet Caroline rendition welcomes Music Festival

GOOD TIMES never seemed so good for elderly residents at Renaissance Care Group as homes across Scotland sang a touching version of Neil Diamond’s ‘Sweet Caroline’ to launch their Music Festival Month.

The month long initiative will encourage residents and staff to use song and dance to improve their health and wellbeing.

Residents will be getting their festive gear on and boogying on down to silent discos, live performances and some golden oldies in their homes which will be turned into the ultimate festival experience.”

Bield marks Pride Month with launch of Rainbow Network

Bield Housing and Care, a specialist provider for older people, has launched a new volunteer initiative to bring together its diverse community.

Coinciding with Pride Day, Bield‘s ‘Rainbow Network’ initiative will see tenants invited to join a volunteer-led group focused on inclusivity and fostering a safe and social environment for members of the LGBT community.   

It is hoped that bringing together like-minded tenants will not only create a social space but also actively engage and encourage tenants to share ideas for enhancing inclusivity.  

The group is part of Bield’s efforts to highlight the importance of the nine legally protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

Zhan McIntyre, Head of Policy and Customer Standards at Bield, said: “The Rainbow Network has been set up to create an inclusive space for our diverse community to come together.

“We’re delighted to be launching during Pride Month and to host the first meeting on 28th June – Pride Day.  Tenant opinions and feedback form the baseline for our entire business, so we are always looking for ways to improve communication and engagement with our customers.”

One of the tenants already involved in the Rainbow Network said: “The LGBT scene is very oriented around younger folk but many of us older ones have been active and ‘out’ for decades, it’s just as we get older we can become marginalised and lonely.”

Anyone interested in attending the virtual group should contact in order to receive a link to the meeting.

The Rainbow Network is one of many initiatives recently introduced to get feedback from the people who know and use Bield’s services.

It comes just days after Bield held its first major customer engagement event since the pandemic, which saw the important annual fixture on hold for more than two years, enabling the organisation’s CEO and Directors to meet face-to-face with customers.

The engagement event gave tenants the opportunity to influence Bield’s strategy for the next five years at a time when the sector faces numerous challenges including soaring energy prices, the introduction of new legislation and climate change.

Bield is a registered charity dedicated to providing flexible housing solutions and support for older people with around 180 developments and over 5000 customers across Scotland.

To find out more about Bield, visit or follow on Facebook @bieldhousingandcare and Twitter @BieldScotland.