Scottish community groups celebrate after winning public vote for National Lottery funding


Nine hard-working Scottish community groups have won up to £70,000 each of National Lottery funding in this year’s The People’s Projects. The vital funding was awarded after they won the public over with their plans to make a life-changing difference in their local communities.

The groups were among 95 worthwhile projects across the UK in the running to share over £4 million in National Lottery funding as part of this year’s The People’s Projects.

The People’s Projects sees The National Lottery Community Fund, ITV, UTV and the Sunday Mail (in Scotland) working together to give the public a unique say in how National Lottery funding should be invested in their local area.  

One of the winners was The Open Door Edinburgh’s Music for Health and Wellbeing project.

The Morningside project will use the power of music – songs, sounds and rhythms – to improve the health and well-being of older people with dementia and other support needs. They will also provide a range of Daycare services that helps the elderly, and the most vulnerable in the community, to age well.

Visit to see a full list of winning projects across the UK.

Since The People’s Projects started in 2005, it has awarded around £45 million to over 1,000 good causes, delivering vital grants to the heart of UK communities.

Kate Still, Scotland Chair, The National Lottery Community Fund, said: “The People’s Projects highlights the incredible work of inspiring community groups in Scotland and throughout the UK. We are proud to have given local people throughout the country a say in where over £4 million of vital National Lottery funding will go.

“We congratulate this year’s winners and look forward to seeing them make a life-changing difference in their communities.”

The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the UK, distributes money raised by National Lottery players, who raise over £30 million each week across the UK for good causes.

Last year, it awarded over half a billion pounds (£579.8 million) of life-changing funding to communities across the UK, supporting over 14,500 projects. Over the last three years, its funding has reached every constituency and every local authority in the UK.

To find out more visit  

Residents celebrate Easter in style

Staff and residents at Barchester’s Strachan House care home in Blackhall celebrated Easter with a whole host of different activities including an Easter Egg Hunt, hatching duck eggs, afternoon Easter tea for the residents and local community and Easter baking sessions.

Good Friday saw residents at Strachan House enjoy an eggs-tensive range of Easter activities, from an Easter Bonnet parade, egg painting and rolling, to enjoying live entertainment.

Easter Sunday saw residents also tuck in to a delicious tradional Easter lunch prepared by the home’s head chef Paul Gow after hosting a wonderful Easter egg hunt in the beautiful gardens of Strachan House. And if there was any more room from all that chocolate then there was an afternoon tea to relax with amongst family and friends!

General Manager Gordon Philp said “As always, we’ve all been looking forward to Easter. It’s such a lovely time of year – the residents love all the colourful Easter eggs and huge selection of Easter themed activities we had on offer.

“It’s really been an eggs-cellent few days!” 

Muriel who is 102 years old and a resident at Strachan House said: “It has been so lovely to spend time with our families and friends this Easter, though like every Easter, I think I’ve eaten too much chocolate!

” It was so wonderful to see everyone go to so much effort. I have really enjoyed having the ducks hatch and spending time playing with them”

Our varied life enrichment programme keeps residents active, and provides a daily choice of engaging physical, mental and spiritual activities tailored to residents’ interests and abilities. 

Strachan House is run by Barchester Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is committed to delivering high-quality care across its care homes and hospitals. Strachan House provides nursing care, residential care, respite care.

UK State Pension age timetable will remain unchanged … for now 

The UK Government has announced that the State Pension age (SPa) timetable will, for the time being, remain unchanged from the current legislated timetable:

  • SPa will increase from 66 to 67 – between April 2026 and April 2028
  • SPa will increase from 67 to 68 – between April 2044 and April 2046

The government’s second periodic review of the State Pension age sets out plans for a further SPa review within 2 years of the next Parliament. That review will reconsider the rise of the SPa to age 68. The government remains committed to the principle of providing 10 years’ notice of changes to the SPa.

The government’s review was informed by reports from the Government Actuary and Baroness Neville-Rolfe GAD’s Technical Bulletin summarises the findings and recommendations of these 3 reports.

Uncertainty in future life expectancy trends

The Government Actuary’s report sets out the results of calculations illustrating when SPa would increase under different scenarios.

The report considers what the timetable may look like for different target proportions of adult life being spent in retirement and different projections of life expectancy. Other assumptions were prescribed by the Secretary of State, such as the age someone starts their working life and the life expectancy tables to be considered.

The calculated SPa timetables are shown to be highly sensitive to the proportion of adult life in retirement and to the life expectancy assumptions adopted.

Recent slowing improvements in life expectancy and the unknown long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic makes projecting future trends even more uncertain.

Person's hands typing on a laptop which shows a graph in grey.

Sustainability of the State Pension

Baroness Neville-Rolfe’s report explains that there are many factors to take account of when setting the SPa timetable. These include sustainability and affordability, as well as intergenerational fairness.

Her recommendations included 2 metrics:

  • the proportion of adult life that people should, on average, expect to spend in retirement should be up to 31%
  • the government should set a limit on State Pension-related expenditure of up to 6% of Gross Domestic Product

Based on these metrics, SPa would increase to 68 between 2041 and 2043.

Government report

The government welcomed the findings from the Government Actuary and Baroness Neville-Rolfe. It also noted a level of uncertainty in relation to the longer-term data on life expectancy, labour markets and the public finances.

Due to this uncertainty, the government concluded that the current rules for the rise to 68 remain appropriate. It does not intend to change the existing legislation prior to the conclusion of the next review which is planned to be within 2 years of the next Parliament.

Proposed reforms to state pension provision in France has caused major public protests across the country.

Strachan House residents paint their Gratitude to an iconic artist

Staff and residents at Barchester’s Strachan House care home in Blackhall got creative celebrating the birthday of one of the greatest post-impressionist artists of all time, Vincent Van Gogh, on 30 March. 

Van Gogh was born in 1853 Groot-Zundert in the Netherlands and he created some of the most famous paintings in the world.  

A prolific artist, Van Gogh’s work was notable for its beauty, emotion and colour.  His paintings have been hugely influential since his death, however during his lifetime Van Gogh struggled with poor mental health, he was virtually unknown and remained poor.  He completed more than 2,100 works consisting of 860 oil paintings and more than 1,300 watercolours, drawings and sketches.

Staff and residents spent the afternoon learning about Van Gogh’s life and his distinct style of painting, then tried their hand at recreating his famous sunflowers in a vase painting. Strachan House thought this was an important piece as Van Gogh himself called the piece “GRATITUDE”

Jimmy a resident at the local care home said “what an amazing day learning some facts I never knew about the artist. The art session in the afternoon was a time for me to be able to be expressive through attempting to recreate the famous sunflower picture”

General Manager, Gordon Philp said: “We have had a fascinating day finding out all about Van Gogh, he was such a talent and created some absolutely beautiful paintings

“Many of our residents love to paint and they really enjoyed discussing their favourites amongst his works and trying to recreate his techniques.”

Marion Cooper, a resident, said: “We have had such a lovely day recreating one of his works. You don’t know how relaxing it is and I never thought I was much of an artist until today”

Our varied life enrichment programme keeps residents active, and provides a daily choice of engaging physical, mental and spiritual activities tailored to residents’ interests and abilities.

 Strachan House is run by Barchester Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is committed to delivering high-quality care across its care homes and hospitals. Strachan House provides nursing care, residential care, respite care.

Research highlights the challenges for unpaid carers aged 65 and above across Scotland

Carers Trust Scotland today is releasing research about the lived experiences of older adult unpaid carers in Scotland. Over 450 participants shared their experiences and the unique challenges they face as an unpaid carer.

The impact of caring unpaid on one’s health and wellbeing was highlighted in the report, with 80% of participants stating that their physical health, and 87% of respondents stating their mental health and wellbeing, had been affected by their caring role. 

65% of respondents said that they experience feelings of loneliness some of the time, and a further 19% said they often felt lonely.

“My health is deteriorating quite rapidly and I am afraid as to what may happen to loved ones should I die.”

The report also explores the support available for older adult unpaid carers. 18% of respondents feel as though they have no time for themselves.

Furthermore, a quarter of respondents (25%) reported having difficulty being able to find the support they need as an unpaid carer. By not having the adequate support in place to support their caring role, it prevents many from being able to have break. Our research found that in the past 12 months, 18% reported that they had tried to take a break but had not been able to.  

As well as an impact on health, many older adult unpaid carers experience financial difficulty, with 82% of respondents feeling as though their caring role has financially impacted them.

Challenges in retaining employment and developing a career alongside a caring role were highlighted by unpaid carers. Also, older adult unpaid carers with an underlying entitlement to Carer’s Allowance but no longer in receipt of the benefit due to receiving a full State Pension expressed their anger and frustration, with many feeling they are financially penalised due to their age whilst maintaining a substantial caring role.

“Not getting Carer’s Allowance is shocking. I care 24/7 non-stop. I would get State Pension anyway caring or not. Pension is not a benefit. When one needs the funds for caring, it stops. State Pension is there for me, not to supplement the caring role. I have not had Carer’s Allowance in 15 years.”

The report also explores the impact of the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, with many older adult unpaid carers sharing ways in which they have tried to save money over the past 12 months.

  • 37% have used less gas/electricity in their homes.
  • 35% have cut back on essentials.
  • 19% have skipped meals, and 16% have used a food bank.
  • 27% have used their pension pot for everyday expenses.

In addition to publishing the lived experiences of older adult unpaid carers in Scotland, the research report also puts forward recommendations for support for unpaid carers and carer services and staff.

Among its recommendations, Carers Trust Scotland is calling for:

  • Scottish Government extend Carer Support Payment to older adult unpaid carers with underlying entitlement who are receiving State Pension.
  • Health and Social Care Partnerships and local authorities provide ringfenced funding to local carer organisations dedicated to providing physical and mental health support for older adult unpaid carers. Additionally, develop specific programmes aimed at combatting social isolation and loneliness amongst older adult unpaid carers.
  • Scottish Government creates a dedicated section in the Older Adult Framework on older adult unpaid carers.
  • Scottish Government ensures there is a dedicated section on unpaid carers in the upcoming Dementia Strategy, with particular focus on where to turn to for support.

Jim Guyan, an unpaid carer from Shetland, said: “This report highlights the continuing lack of recognition and support given to elderly unpaid carers by the establishment. 

“It also makes recommendations that require action immediately.”

Becky Duff, Director of Carers Trust Scotland, comments: “The changes in demographic trends in Scotland has seen our population begin to age over recent decades. It is therefore vital that we understand the challenges facing unpaid carers aged 65 and above which will be key in helping us support them.

“The research report highlights that older adult unpaid carers across Scotland experience numerous impacts to their everyday lives, including in health, finances and support in their caring role.

“Many older unpaid carers have also faced challenges with employment, whether that is throughout their career and not having the same opportunities as those who don’t have caring roles, or in having to give up employment early due to their caring role.

“We are pleased to publish this report and believe every effort should be made to support the implementation of the report’s recommendations, which we believe will support older adult unpaid carers across Scotland.”

SNP Leadership contenders asked to commit to Safer Ageing in Scotland

Hourglass (Safer Ageing) calls on the SNP leadership contenders to support safer ageing

Hourglass has asked the three contenders for the Scottish National Party leadership to commit to safer ageing and to support older victim-survivors of abuse.

Older people are at risk of becoming victims of physical, financial, sexual or psychological abuse. Many others suffer abuse due to simple neglect. Older people are much less likely to report abuse and when they do the experience can be traumatic.

At present, insufficient data is collected on abuse of older people in Scotland. This lack of information is one reason this issue does not get the attention or resources it desperately needs.

Hourglass have called on the three leadership contenders Kate Forbes, Ash Regan and Humza Yousaf to commit to the following actions if they become the Scottish First Minister:

1.            Collecting all relevant data on the abuse of older people.
2.            Develop a safer ageing strategy for Scotland
3.            Host a Safer Ageing forum with Hourglass at Holyrood later this year. 

Richard Robinson, CEO of Hourglass said: “The Scottish Government need to take action to prevent abuse of older people.

“The first step is to collect the data on reported abuse. The second is to develop a safer ageing strategy which will outline how the Scottish Government intend to tackle this problem. Thirdly, this is an issue that is seldom talked about. We need the Scottish Government to work with us to raise awareness of this issue.

“Hourglass (Safer Ageing) is the only charity in Scotland that specialises in supporting older victims of abuse. We have nearly 30 years of working in Scotland and throughout the UK and Ireland, where we have continued to see an increase in demand for our services.”

George Foulkes, Hourglass Patron said: “We have an ageing population and the next First Minister of Scotland needs to be to take this seriously.

“The Scottish Government need a safer ageing strategy to protect older people from abuse and neglect.”

The charity is urging those keen to support the charity to make a donation by visiting or Text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10.

Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS.

If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications text SAFERNOINFO to 70460.

Pensioner play dates bring intergenerational joy

Toddlers from local nursery visit Edinburgh care home

INTERGENERATIONAL visits at an Edinburgh care home have brought some of the city’s oldest and youngest residents together.

A group of toddlers aged between three and five from Cramond Early Learning and Childcare visited residents at Cramond Residence for a day of activities and games, including art and craft projects and singing nursery rhymes.

Since opening in 2018, the home has worked to integrate younger and older generations. The benefits are endless – it reduces social isolation, loneliness and helps residents reminisce about their own childhoods.

Lorraine Mossie, Manager of Cramond Early Learning and Childcare said: “Once the ice had been broken between the children and residents, there was no stopping the fun!

“We’ve had amazing feedback from both the children and their families about our visit. The children were so excited to share their stories with their peers at nursery and with their families at home.

“We feel very passionately about intergenerational working in Cramond Early Learning and Childcare as it helps build confidence, challenges prejudices and assumptions.”

Cramond Residence prides itself on the vast array of activities offered to residents on a daily basis, with the visit from Cramond Early Learning and Childcare being one of the latest additions to the home’s bustling monthly rota.

Christian Daraio, Client Liaison Manager and registered nurse at the 74-bedroom care home, said: “The residents were very enthusiastic about the visit as they always look forward to interacting with young people – especially where singing or music is involved!

“Activities included lots of games with tennis rackets, bubbles, drawing and balloons, as well as both generations singing nursery rhymes together – it was really lovely to see. Almost 30 eager residents took part in the activities, each excited to spend some quality time with the youngsters.

“Relationships between young people and our older residents help to bring a new energy to the day.”

The visit follows recent company from Cargilfield School, Fettes College and Holyrood High School. The partnerships have enabled a host of students of all ages to visit the home, as well as providing the pupils with volunteering opportunities.

Christian continued: “These sorts of intergenerational activities allow our residents to appreciate the simple joys of seeing children and young people playing and performing, which promotes a positive mindset and most importantly, it’s great fun for everyone involved!

“We’re looking to continue regular visits from the nursery, alongside our existing relationships with other local schools.”

Cramond Residence is always on the look out for volunteers. If you would like to make a real difference to the quality of residents’ lives, visit:

Residential life is full of activities, freshly prepared meals and top-class facilities, ensuring that all residents enjoy a rich and satisfying life at the care home. The facilities provided include a cinema and function room, a games room and also a sensory experience which offers therapeutic activities for those with dementia.

To find out more information on Cramond Residence, visit:

Vintage Vibes: Looking for lovely people in North Edinburgh to volunteer

Did you know that Edinburgh is the loneliest city in the UK for older people?

@Vintage Vibes Edinburgh is a charity project that matches you with a wonderful older person who is local to you and has a shared interest, to create a fantastic friendship that meets once a week. It’s flexible, fun and fulfilling.

“You couldn’t have picked a better person, she is a great friend.” – Doreen

Interested? Email or go to and sign up online

On Yer Bike! Book onto the new Ageing Well Bike Course

For those older adults looking to get back in the saddle again, Ageing Well, will be starting a new 11-week cycling course, where participants can develop those dormant skills in a relaxed and social atmosphere with like-minded companions.

Ryan Dignan, Edinburgh Leisure’s Community Development Officer for Older Adults explained: “Cycling is a great way to keep fit, active and mobile and enjoy the outdoors and countryside on the amazing network of dedicated cycle paths in the Edinburgh area.

“Perhaps you’d like to join grandchildren on family rides or just to meet some new people?  And don’t worry if you haven’t been on a bike for ages or don’t currently own one, we even provide bikes, helmets, and Hi-Viz vests, so all you need to bring is yourself! The courses are led by experienced, fully trained volunteers who are passionate about cycling and supporting those who would like to get back in the saddle.”

The initial level 1 course, based on Cycling Scotland’s Bikeability material is an 11-week course, which will get participants comfortable again on a bike, developing skills, at a pace that suits them, in a dedicated area at Saughton. This part of the course will begin on Monday, 27th February at 10am-12noon. 

Level 2 lasts 8-weeks and gives participants the opportunity to explore Edinburgh’s extensive cycle path network, from the leisure centres at Ainslie Park and Meggetland.

For more information and to book a place on the cycle course, contact a member of Edinburgh Leisure’s Active Communities team on: Tel: 0131 458 2260 or email:

The Ageing Well project promotes healthy lifestyles for older adults (typically 50+) in Edinburgh. The project is a partnership with NHS Lothian, Edinburgh Leisure and Pilmeny Development Project and is part of the UK Ageing Well network, which aims to increase the expectation of good health in later life.