New town centre plans unveiled for East Lothian’s Blindwells 

Ambitious plans to develop a mixed-use centre at the heart of East Lothian’s new town, Blindwells, including more affordable homes, have been submitted for approval.

The project proposals, led by regeneration and property development specialist Hargreaves Land, could see new shops, offices, restaurants, supermarket and business space all constructed on 5 acres at Blindwells.

Included in the plans are sixty affordable apartments overlooking the newly created Princes Loch.  Also proposed are a new wellbeing centre, care home, gym and community space as part of ambitious plans to create a sustainable and pedestrian friendly town centre.

Extra bus stops, active travel paths and electrical vehicle (EV) charge points are also proposed, supporting the principles of a ‘20-minute neighbourhood’. This approach is based around creating communities to allow residents to meet their daily requirements within a few minutes’ walk of their front doors and includes access to sustainable modes of travel.

Hargreaves Land, which is working with planning and development consultants Turley and EMA architects to bring forward its plans, expects the move will create a ‘vibrant and bustling’ new centre at the heart of Blindwells, delivering a significant economic boost for the local area in the process.

This includes hundreds of jobs in the construction, supply chain, and local services sectors, which could all follow if the latest phase of development gets the green light from East Lothian Council which is anticipated early in the new year.

Onsite construction work could start as early as mid-2024.

Jonathan Graham, senior development surveyor at Hargreaves Land, said: “Our ambitious plans mark another exciting chapter in the Blindwells story. We are investing for the future, building a town centre that will create a new destination and an exciting sense of place for residents, adding to their overall wellbeing and living experience.

“We’re also working with our partners to deliver much needed affordable homes, ensuring schemes like this one are a welcome addition to local communities and contribute towards providing high quality housing for people in places where they want to live.”

Kate Donald, director at Turley, said: “We’re proud to provide ongoing support to Hargreaves Land to help them deliver exciting plans for Blindwells. This latest application will see the creation of a vibrant town centre which will provide key amenities to the wider new community that is being created.”

Hargreaves Land is the developer behind the regeneration of Blindwells, which lies between Tranent, Cockenzie and Port Seton and has been earmarked for new housing for more than a decade as part of the regeneration of one of Scotland’s former coalfields. 

Over 150 new homes are already occupied with housebuilders Persimmon, Bellway and Ogilvie all currently active at Blindwells, with Hadden Homes and Avant Homes also proposing to commence onsite in the new year.

Fire service to change the way it responds to false fire alarm signals


Firefighters across the East of Scotland responded to almost 10,000 unwanted fire alarm signals last year – the equivalent of around 27 a day.

The figure has been revealed as the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) gets ready to change the way it responds to unwanted fire alarm signals: 

From 1 July, 2023 an alarm activation will require those with fire safety responsibility, known as dutyholders, to investigate the cause of an alarm and only call 999 once a fire has been confirmed.

This approach is already embedded across several other UK fire and rescue services, who require a confirmed fire before they send fire appliances

Fire Alarm Systems provide an early warning of fire and are one of the most effective ways to keep your business, staff and customers safe in the event of a fire.

Unfortunately, most signals from these systems are not actual fires – they are false alarms often caused by cooking fumes, dust or a lack of maintenance. These unwanted fire alarm signals (UFAS) mean our fire crews are called out unnecessarily.

From 1 July 2023, we will stop attending automatic fire alarm (AFA) call outs to commercial business and workplace premises, such as factories, offices, shops and leisure facilities – unless a fire has been confirmed.

Dutyholders with responsibility for workplace premises should safely investigate a fire alarm before calling 999, as our control room operators will now be asking for confirmation of an actual fire, or signs of fire, before sending the nearest resource.

SFRS will treat any fire alarm as a sign of fire, other than from a single smoke detector. Other signs of fire include: visual flame/smoke, smell of burning, or any other fire alarm signal. 

This change does not apply to sleeping premises, such as hospitals, care homes, hotels or domestic dwellings who will continue to get an emergency response.

This follows the SFRS public consultation in 2021 and is estimated to greatly reduce unnecessary call outs in order to free up our firefighters to attend real emergencies and to allow them to do more community safety prevention work.

What do I need to do next?

  • As a dutyholder you must ensure that your premises are safe for staff, visitors and occupants in the event of a fire. You have a responsibility under the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 to maintain the facilities and equipment provided. Failure to do this could lead to prosecution.
  • Staff and occupants should be made aware of how to respond safely to AFA activations in each premises. It is recommended that you read the guidance Investigating Fire Alarms prepared by the Fire Industry Association.  Ignoring them or assuming the fire and rescue service has been notified could put people at risk. 
  • You should contact your insurance company to discuss the changes in response to AFA activations, but please note that SFRS will always attend a confirmed fire.
  • If there is a fire you should always call 999 immediately and follow other specific strategies, such as evacuation and assembly points.

How you can help to reduce false or unwanted alarms

As a dutyholder, you have a responsibility under the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 to maintain the facilities and equipment provided. Failure to do this could lead to prosecution.

We fully support the installation of automatic fire alarm systems, but these systems must be fully managed and maintained to reduce false alarms and ensure that they activate at the right time and achieve the correct response.

You must work with your fire risk assessor and update your fire risk assessment with any changes.

We have two initiatives in place to assist with reducing instances of UFAS. ‘TAKE5’ and ‘BE AWARE’ are simple and effective ways of delivering key information to staff and guests, allowing them to consider their actions in buildings.

Other key steps include:

  • Reviewing your Fire Safety Risk Assessment and keeping a log of all false alarms to identify any trends which should be raised with your alarm engineers.
  • Creating an action plan to reduce the chance of any false alarm occurring
  • Check detector types and their locations – would moving detectors or changing the type used reduce activations? Seek advice from your alarm engineer.
  • Upgrading automatic fire detection (AFD) systems that are obsolete with more modern technology e.g. ‘multi-sensing’ detectors
  • Fitting manual call points with protective plastic covers in problem, vulnerable or high traffic areas
  • Ascertaining whether any false alarms are a result of activating the wrong call points such as green emergency door release points
  • Keeping AFD systems appropriately maintained
  • Considering whether a link to an Alarm Receiving Centre is necessary or if it is appropriate to suspend the automatic dialling function whilst buildings are occupied or at certain times of the day
  • Seeking further guidance and advice from their alarm system provider or servicing agent as well as their local legislative fire safety officer.

Deputy Assistant Chief Officer Stewart Nicholson is the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Head of Service Delivery for the East of Scotland. He said: “We will continue to work with dutyholders to help them better understand their obligations, but I must stress the importance of having adequate training in place for staff and in ensuring appropriate fire safety provisions are in place within your premises. 

“By changing our response to these types of incidents, we can potentially free up 64,000 hours every year giving firefighters more time for other activities, such as training and fire safety prevention work.  

“However, there are benefits to businesses too by preventing these incidents from happening in the first place. On average, every unwanted fire alarm signal interrupts business for around 27 minutes each time.” 

Forth Ports unveils plans for new waterfront development in Leith

Forth Ports has submitted a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) to The City of Edinburgh Council for Harbour 31, an exciting mixed-use development on a 10-acre waterfront site at Leith.

The development has the aspiration to create a vibrant new neighbourhood for Leith. The plans for the waterside location include: 700 – 800 residential apartments, a hotel, local retail, flexible workspaces and offices and leisure facilities. The site sits on a dockside location and fits well with the Council’s Local Development Plan as being housing-led, mixed use development.

The development will see the regeneration of land adjacent to the newly opened FirstStage Studios, providing a place to live and work, for both creative and green jobs, as the Port of Leith transitions to become Scotland’s premier renewables hub. The site will also benefit from the new tram extension due to open in mid-2023.

Carole Cran, Chief Financial Officer of landowners Forth Ports Group, said: “At Harbour 31 we plan to create a vibrant new quarter to live and work, as new creative and green jobs come to Leith.

“With the option to walk to work or an easy tram ride into the city centre, this new neighbourhood will be a focal point of Leith’s continued regeneration.”

An online public consultation will take place on 23 June 2022 from 3.00pm – 7.00pm via, where further details of the proposed development can be found.

Following the outcome of the public consultation, a full planning application will be submitted.

Planning permission secured for redevelopment of Edinburgh One

  • Permission granted for 88,000 sqft of Grade A offices in Edinburgh city centre
  • Joint agents JLL and Dobson Scotland support Edinburgh-based developers on new project
  • The development is set to be the Capital’s first targeted net zero office scheme

Odysseus Capital Management has secured planning permission for the redevelopment of Edinburgh One, 60 Morrison Street.

The Edinburgh-based developers and asset managers will deliver the 88,000 sqft Grade A offices over seven floors in what was the former Scottish Widows Investment Partnership’s headquarters.

The building, which is due for completion by the third quarter of 2023, is anticipated to be the first targeted net zero carbon office scheme in Edinburgh city centre.

Richard Edlmann, managing director of Odysseus Capital Management, said: “We are excited to be delivering this exemplar development, which will be one of the first post-COP 26 designed office buildings in Edinburgh city centre.

“Architect CDA’s design creates a new generous double height reception, while adding two further floors and a unique roof terrace with stunning views of the Castle. Edinburgh One is targeted to be net zero carbon, incorporating significant carbon embodiment along with core principles of Circular Development.”

JLL and Dobson Scotland are the joint letting agents on the redevelopment of Edinburgh One, while Montagu Evans advised Odysseus on planning.

Cameron Stott, lead director at JLL in Edinburgh, said: “Edinburgh One will be delivered at a time when there’s a predicted critical shortage of grade A offices in the city centre.

“The design and specification of the redevelopment has been future proofed to attract corporate and public sector organisations that have ambitious targets to become net zero by 2030. We believe Edinburgh One will attract financial, corporate and technology companies who value sustainability as part of their agenda.”

Keith Dobson, managing director of Dobson Scotland, added: “Odysseus is targeting the highest ESG credentials including BREEAM Excellent and EPC A whilst achieving a net zero carbon building in operation through utilising fully electric power.”

Two-thirds of Scots worried they will catch COVID at work

Two-thirds of Scottish employees (66 per cent) are worried about contracting Coronavirus when they return to their place of work, a new survey has found. 

The findings follow a UK-wide survey, carried out by JD Cooling Group, the UK’s leading independent supplier of environmental control systems with offices in Kelty, which revealed that despite the extensive vaccine roll out, many people across Scotland and the rest of the UK remain cautious about the prospect of a return to the office.

Lack of space and ventilation

Almost half (47 per cent) of all respondents cited the possibility of catching Coronavirus through airborne transmission indoors as their biggest concern, followed by 40 per cent who said poor air quality is a worry for them about returning to their workplace.

Two in five said they are concerned their co-workers might not be vigilant enough with handwashing, while 37 per cent of people admitted to being concerned about others not wearing masks. Lack of space is also an issue, with 35 per cent concerned about meetings in smaller rooms with limited ventilation, and a third (33 per cent) concerned about social distancing not being possible.

Providing reassurance

Despite these worries, there are a number of solutions that would help reassure employees about returning to work, with three in five (62 per cent) saying they would like a ventilation system installed to improve air quality, circulation and flow.

Social distancing measures being in place and enforced would reassure two in five (42 per cent), while a third (33 per cent) would be reassured by regular cleaning of surfaces. Two in five (39 per cent) would be reassured if the majority of the company had been given a coronavirus vaccine – slightly higher than the 32 per cent who would be reassured if they had been given the coronavirus vaccine themselves.

Changes to the workplace would also help to provide reassurance, as three in ten (31 per cent) support changes to allow them to have their own office or workspace, 26 per cent supporting Perspex screens being added to their workspace, and a fifth (18 per cent) feeling reassured if gloves and PPE was provided.

Mike Gould, HVAC Manager at JD Cooling Group said: “This data clearly shows that while there are measures in place, such as face masks and social distancing, people remain concerned when it comes to the next stage of restrictions lifting, and it won’t be enough to simply open doors and windows to encourage better air flow.

“Even with the vaccine roll out, proper ventilation is coming out as the top way to help employees feel comfortable about returning to the office.

“Good ventilation can rid a workplace of contaminated and stale air. As people are still clearly concerned about catching the virus at work, it’s important that employers do what they can in order to protect, reassure and ultimately keep their workforce safe.”

The study also found a significant minority (42 per cent) said that they would be likely to consider looking for another job if their employer did not put in adequate measures to minimise the spread of Coronavirus before they returned to their normal workplace. This highlights the importance of employers taking steps to protect their workforce.

Beyond this, the pandemic will undoubtedly have far-reaching long-term impacts on workers’ attitudes, as a third (35 per cent) say that they will be more concerned about catching common colds and flu viruses at work than they were before the pandemic, even after the vaccination programme has been fully rolled out.

For more information, tips and advice on good ventilation go to