Power to the People!

North Edinburgh Social History Group and Community Learning and Development have developed a new training course looking at the history of protest in Scotland. ‘Power to the People’ will run on Tuesday mornings from 9.45 – 12 noon at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre in Pilton Drive North.

The free course, which is supported by Workers Education Association and North Edinburgh Arts, is for anyone who has an interest in Scotland’s history and the fight for social justice.

The course will use film, literature, photography, song and theatre to explore many of the struggles waged by ordinary people – from the Highland Clearances and Red Clydeside to the Poll Tax and the road to the Scottish Parliament.

If you’d like to find out more about the course and meet some people who will be involved, why not attend an Information Session on Tuesday 28 August from 9.45 at the Centre?

Alternatively, call CLD worker Lynn McCabe at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on 552 5700 or email lynn.mccabe@ea.edin.sch.uk


Time Banking: time to give and take

Can you lend a hand to someone in your community? Do you need a helping hand every now and then? If so, you’re a perfect recruit to North Edinburgh’s growing team of Time Bank members! Julie Smith recently took up a new post as Timebroker with North Edinburgh Time Bank, and she explains what it’s all about:

What is Time Banking?

Its’ a really simple idea designed to support people who help others and to offer support ro those that need it. For every hour you spend doing something for somebody, you get a time credit. You can then use that to get an hour of somebody else’s time to help you.

Isn’t that just being a good neighbour?

Yes it is! But we’ve all seen our communities change over time. We don’t all know our neighbours now, or where to go to ask for a favour. A time bank is a way of getting to know each other in the community, in order to give and receive help from each other.

What kind of help is on offer?

All sorts of different services are on offer – depending on the individual members involved. It can be anything from giving someone a lift to an appointment, to teaching them how to play guitar. It can be offering a bit of company to someone who is isolated, or doing the garden for someone who’s broken their arm … anything really, except babysitting and personal care.

I don’t have any skills to offer

Yes, you do!  TIme Banking recognises all the talents, experiences and knowledge people have. You might be a good listener and available to be company for someone for an hour or so. You might be able to help them so their garden, or put up shelves. maybe you’re good at knitting or you can give folk a lift to an appointment. Everyone has something to offer.

How Does It Work?

You become a member of North Edinburgh Time Bank. Contact Julie Smith, your local Time Bank Broker – details below.

You can then start offering help to folk and receiving your time credits. You can ‘cash’ your credits in when you want to use someone else’s skills or knowledge.

Who’s in charge of the bank?

The TIme Bank Broker keeps a record of what you’ve done and keeps you informed of all the time credits you have. The Broker also organises social events so the members of the Time Bank can get to know each other.

How much time do I have to give?

As much or as little as you want. You decide what you want to offer and if you see if you’re available when someone wants your service. It may only be a couple of hours a month – or more or less. It’s really up to you – you’re in control and you can get involved as much – or as little – as you like, As a member, you can come to all the social events too!

Isn’t this just volunteering?

Time Banking is NOT volunteering of charity. It is all about the members offering their skills, abilities and expertise to help others to a level that you can expect from a friend or neighbour. You do not need to be an expert – on anything!

Who Can Join?

Everyone is welcome, as long as you’re 18 or over. Everyone is treated equally – everyone’s time is worth exactly the same and everyone has something worthwhile to contribute.

Interested, or want to find out more?

Contact Jule Smith on 07807 002 591, email north.timebank@volunteeredinburgh.org.uk

You can visit the website at www.edinburghtimebank.org or call in to North Edinburgh Arts cafe on Wednesdays from 10.30 – 11.30am

Let’s hear it for CORE’s Soundkidz!

On Saturday 31 March, a group of children took to the stage in the theatre of North Edinburgh Arts Centre to perform songs and lyrics that they had written.  You would be forgiven for thinking that these children must have been from one of the capital’s specialist music schools…but these mini composers were showcasing music which they had been working on for just 14 weeks at Soundkidz music group. Organised by CORE and funded by Creative Scotland with in-kind support from North Edinburgh Arts and Edinburgh Mela , the group let the children explore their musical creativity every Saturday afternoon at North Edinburgh Arts.

With the help of youth workers Tamsin Dearnley and Kirsty Miguda, the group worked with a variety of musicians from a range of musical backgrounds. From conducting and African drumming to jazz singing and lyric writing, the children got a taste of the diverse directions in which music could take them. They also began writing their own lyrics and songs, creating individual pieces and group performances. After a few weeks, the children were ready to compose a whole song as a group. They chose the guitar chords, wrote the lyrics and a melody and rehearsed until they knew their song inside out.

At the performance, the audience first heard members of the group recite lyrics which they had written. From lions and horses to video games and city life, the audience gained an insight into where the children’s imaginations had taken them. The children then showcased group pieces that they had composed during a session in which they had been given a word, a rhythm, a percussion instrument and just 30 minutes to create a piece.

The show’s finale arrived. Gathered together on the stage, with guitarist Stuart Taylor to accompany them, the children launched into the catchy chorus of the song that they had written. At the end the audience clapped and cheered as the children took their bows and received their certificates (along with a copy of the CD which they had recorded the previous week). A brilliant performance by North Edinburgh’s budding musicians!

Let's hear it for CORE's Soundkidz!

On Saturday 31 March, a group of children took to the stage in the theatre of North Edinburgh Arts Centre to perform songs and lyrics that they had written.  You would be forgiven for thinking that these children must have been from one of the capital’s specialist music schools…but these mini composers were showcasing music which they had been working on for just 14 weeks at Soundkidz music group. Organised by CORE and funded by Creative Scotland with in-kind support from North Edinburgh Arts and Edinburgh Mela , the group let the children explore their musical creativity every Saturday afternoon at North Edinburgh Arts.

With the help of youth workers Tamsin Dearnley and Kirsty Miguda, the group worked with a variety of musicians from a range of musical backgrounds. From conducting and African drumming to jazz singing and lyric writing, the children got a taste of the diverse directions in which music could take them. They also began writing their own lyrics and songs, creating individual pieces and group performances. After a few weeks, the children were ready to compose a whole song as a group. They chose the guitar chords, wrote the lyrics and a melody and rehearsed until they knew their song inside out.

At the performance, the audience first heard members of the group recite lyrics which they had written. From lions and horses to video games and city life, the audience gained an insight into where the children’s imaginations had taken them. The children then showcased group pieces that they had composed during a session in which they had been given a word, a rhythm, a percussion instrument and just 30 minutes to create a piece.

The show’s finale arrived. Gathered together on the stage, with guitarist Stuart Taylor to accompany them, the children launched into the catchy chorus of the song that they had written. At the end the audience clapped and cheered as the children took their bows and received their certificates (along with a copy of the CD which they had recorded the previous week). A brilliant performance by North Edinburgh’s budding musicians!

Friday date for theatre group

North Edinburgh Arts Theatre Group meets this Friday from 6 – 8pm, with the session focusing on theatre skills development.

If you’d like to be part of the company who produced last year’s acclaimed ‘Yes we Can Can’ community cabaret, go along to North Edinburgh Arts Centre on Friday evening or contact theatre project’s Stephanie Knight by email at stephaniejaneknight@gmail.com