Cutting edge drama at North Edinburgh Arts

North Edinburgh Theatre Group is offering performance without barriers in an innovative piece of Theatre Uncut later this month. And what exactly is Theatre Uncut, I hear you cry? North Edinburgh Theatre Project’s Stephanie Knight explains all:

“Theatre Uncut was established last year in response to cuts in UK public spending outlined by the coalition government. For one week in March over 800 people performed Theatre Uncut plays simultaneously in more than 80 venues across the UK, USA, Germany and Ireland: the plays were performed in theatres, universities, community centres, schools, on the streets, in living rooms – anywhere and everywhere!

This year playwrights from Greece, Syria, Spain, the US, Iceland and the UK have penned short dramatic responses tackling a range of issues including the Eurozone crisis, the state of global capitalism and the Occupy movement – so uncut also takes on the meaning of uncensored in this exciting 2012 season of brand new work.”

North Edinburgh Theatre project will be presenting a rehearsed reading of

         Spine by Clara Brennan (UK)

         A tender musing on the real cost of closing our libraries

and some improvised scenes based on

        The Breakout by Anders Lustgarten (UK)

        Abrickfallsoutofacellwall,offeringitsinmatesaviewof thepotentialoftheworldbeyondthebars

The performance takes place on Friday 16 November at 7pm

in North Edinburgh Arts Centre.

Stephanie adds: “The participants are really excited to be part of this international initiative and it would be great to see a lot of people here. The World Café is also selling some wonderful food until 7pm on Friday 16, so if you come earlier you can have something yummy to eat before watching Theatre Uncut!”

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