Autumn arts festival tackles mental health stigma

striking sculpture at Summerhall
striking sculpture at Summerhall

A national festival aiming to tackle the stigma of mental health launches across Edinburgh and the Lothians this weekend.

The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival aims to challenge preconceived ideas of mental health as well as celebrate the artistic achievements of those with lived experience of mental health issues.

More than 65 events will be taking place across Edinburgh and the Lothians exploring this year’s theme of personal,  political and social power. The programme includes film, theatre, music, dance, photography, comedy, storytelling and guided walks, with many of the performances and activities free of charge.

The festival, which is celebrating its seventh year in Lothian, officially launched yesterday with Out of Sight/Out of Mind, an exhibition featuring work by artists with experience of mental health issues.

The exhibition, which is free, opens to the public at Summerhall, Edinburgh today and will also appear at Ocean Terminal, Central Library, Edinburgh University Chaplaincy Centre and Portobello Library throughout the month.

Linda Irvine, Strategic Programme Manager, Mental Health and Wellbeing, NHS Lothian, said: “One in four people in Scotland will experience mental health problems at some point in their life. We know the arts have the power to tackle the stigma associated with mental ill health and promote recovery.

“This year’s festival features a number of inspiring and provocative events, from hard-hitting theatre to family storytelling events and there really is something for everyone.”

Jane Crawford, Co-ordinator of The Consultation & Advocacy Promotion Service (CAPS), an independent advocacy organisation for people who use or have used mental health services, said: “The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival is a very powerful focus for people to convey their feelings and experiences of mental health in a creative way. Advocacy is all about giving people a voice and this can be done in many different ways – not just by speaking. Poetry, painting, sculpture, comedy, song all allow people to give expression to their experiences.”

Other highlights of the festival include: 

  • Voices of War at Edinburgh Castle, an evening of poetry and reflection   exploring the pioneering work of World War I psychiatrist Captain WHR Rivers, Thursday 9th Oct, 7.30 – 9pm
  • Lothians on Film is an exciting selection of short films made in and around the Lothians. The selection includes documentary, fiction, animation and film art and will be shown, for free, at various locations across Edinburgh and the Lothians from Thursday 2nd October to Friday 10th October.
  • Resilience: Legislative Theatre is radical, participatory theatre giving power back to the people of Edinburgh. Audience members will be invited to propose, discuss and debate new ideas for legislation. The event is free and takes place on Saturday 11 October at Out of the Blue, Edinburgh from 3 to 9pm.
  • The International Film Awards 2014 The annual film awards ceremony will honour the very best of the films submitted by filmmakers from all over the world. Expect to be moved and inspired by the stories shown in the excerpts. Thursday 16 October at the Filmhouse Cinema, Edinburgh
  • The Wellbeing Mela is a free, fun, family day to celebrate diversity and promote positive mental health and wellbeing amongst Edinburgh’s varied minority ethnic communities. Music, dance, complementary therapies, relaxation workshops and lots more will be happening on Sunday 19 October at Out of the Blue, Edinburgh

The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival is hosted by the Mental Health Foundation in association with the following national partners: the University of Strathclyde Glasgow, See Me, VOX Scotland, NHS Lothian, NHS Health Scotland, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire Recovery Network, Healthier Scotland, the Royal College of Psychiatrists and Bipolar Scotland.

A full programme of events taking place in October is available at

Building New Futures: maybe this time?

Regeneration’s back on the agenda as conference hears of ‘growing optimism’

Pic Collage Regen

It was one of Europe’s most ambitious regeneration programmes – an opportunity to clean up a massive brownfield site, create new communities and link Edinburgh’s city centre with the sea. Hotels, new homes, schools and small businesses were to be built on the old industrial waterfront, all served by a modern, efficient tram network. There was even talk of a floating island – but then came the recession … 

That was six years ago, but the economy is recovering at last and there’s growing optimism that Edinburgh’s waterfront can now fulfil it’s undoubted potential.

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership and local community councils organised a community conference at Edinburgh College on Granton’s waterfront last weekend to inform local residents about what’s happening now and what plans are in place to regenerate the waterfront area. Around sixty delegates attended the ‘Buiding New Futures’ event and heard speakers outline plans that could see North Edinburgh transformed over the coming years.

It’s well known that Edinburgh has a severe housing shortage, and with growing pressure on Edinburgh’s cherished green belt the opportunity to build new homes on brownfield sites must be seized. Speakers from National Grid and the city council outlined plans to build thousands of new homes along the waterfront, and highlighted prospects of local employment opportunities as the regeneration gathers momentum.

21 C homes landing pageA major house building initiative is already well underway in the area: as part of the 21st Century Homes programme, the Council is about to let their first new homes in a generation. Work is also underway on the former Craigroyston High School site which will form the first phase of plans to build over 700 new homes for sale and rent over the next eight to ten years in Pennywell and Muirhouse.

People living in these new homes will need services, of course, and health provision in the area is already under strain. NHS Lothian Partnership Development Manager Steven Whitton outlined the latest plans for a major new health facility, the North West Edinburgh Partnership Centre – that’s only a working title, mind, there’s got to be a catchier name than that!

o0521 3113 EDIN PART 2 (2)The £12m Centre in Pennywell (above) will focus on child health and family support services and will house a new GP surgery, community nursing and midwifery services, dentistry, podiatry, physiotherapy and child health services. The centre will also provide facilities for social work and some voluntary sector organisations and is expected to open in September 2016.

Given the sheer scale of the regeneration project – the many different elements of the area’s development and the number of partner organisations involved – it was impossible to cover all aspects in minute detail, but the conference provided a timely update to local residents and Forth Neighbourhood Partnership plans to work with the local community councils to ensure that neighbourhoods are kept informed and involved as work progresses.


Forth Neighbourhood Partnership’s chairperson Councillor Cammy Day (pictured above) said: “I was pleased to see a great turnout at the event, and the diverse groups of people who are keen to take part in shaping their new and existing neighbourhoods.

“The conference provided a fantastic opportunity for the community to get to know more about regeneration taking place and to meet with key landowners and developers.  This is not just about much-needed affordable homes, but the creation of jobs and training opportunities, leisure facilities and attracting investment into this area.

“This event isn’t a one-off either, I will be establishing a local development group where the community, council, developers and landowners in Granton Waterfront can get around the table, discuss plans at an early stage to shape and influence proposals, where possible, to meet our needs. It was a great start to what I hope will be a long-term partnership between the community and all those involved in regenerating this part of North Edinburgh.”

West Pilton & West Granton community councillor Willie Black, who was involved in organising the event, said: “The conference gave the community the opportunity to hear all the major players outline their plans for the regeneration of the waterfront and beyond – and to have their say. Everyone who was there though it was useful, but where now? A new regeneration forum group is to be set up and over the next few weeks community organisations will be invited to join and help build on the conference.”

Granton Improvement Society’s Barbara Robertson said: “Our stall attracted a lot of interest, particularly in the proposed Garden Festival and artisans’ village, and we’re pleased Cammy supports our project and wants to see it included in the area’s regeneration. The success of the conference showed the enthusiasm of the community to be involved in planning the regeneration of their area and paved the way for a new forum for the community to have their say.”

25Some cynics will say ‘we’ve heard it all before’, but what about the next generation? Members of North Edinburgh’s Young People’s Forum attended the event and their feedback was very positive. Among their comments: ‘Feels like most of us if not all of us now know more about what is happening in the area’, ‘it’d be great to have more events like this to feed back on plans and what has been done’ and ‘feel more involved in what is happening and with what is going on in the area’. One suggested: ‘it would be good to say what has been done in relation to what the community has asked for – like a ‘you said – we did’ kind of thing’. Oh, and not so many big words next time please!

Building New Futures? Maybe this time …

Speak up, speak out: giving our children the best possible start

Partnership approach to support children affected by substance misuse


Happy, healthy children from Cowgate Under 5’s Centre in Edinburgh today helped launch a campaign to raise awareness of the misery caused when adults misuse alcohol or drugs.

Speak Up Speak Out has been launched by the City of Edinburgh Council, NHS Lothian and Police Scotland to offer help, support and advice to youngsters whose lives are being affected by addiction.

The latest strand of the awareness campaign was unveiled to coincide with national Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day.

Scottish Government figures for 2013 reveal that:

  • 22% of all concerns recorded at child protection case conferences were for parental alcohol misuse or drug misuse
  • 53% of all concerns recorded for children on the Child Protection Register were for parental alcohol misuse or drug misuse
  • 51% of children on the Child Protection Register had either one or both of the concerns for drug or alcohol misuse recorded.

Examples of people who have raised concerns about these issues include: “I’m worried about the family next door, the adults drink and take drugs and the kids seem to look after themselves,” and “my mum forgets about me when she drinks.”

As well as offering support to children who have problems at home, Speak Up Speak Out is aimed at pregnant women, advising them to avoid drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Parents and carers can also get advice about talking to children, while teenagers who are either worried about being pressured to take drugs, or are worried about friends, can also seek help.

Councillor Paul Godzik, Children and Families Convener, said: “The children we see here in this nursery today are happy and healthy, but others don’t enjoy as good a start in their lives.

“The aim of this campaign is to reduce the impact of alcohol and drug use on youngsters, see fewer young people using drugs, and also choosing to start drinking alcohol later in life. We also want to make sure that those in need, whether they are the adult or the child, get appropriate support for their problems.

We will continue to work closely with NHS Lothian and Police Scotland on Speak Up Speak Out to ensure that children have the best start in life and are protected from harm.”

Sarah Ballard-Smith, Nurse Director, NHS Lothian, said: “We need to ensure that all children whose families are affected by alcohol and substance misuse are protected and are given the support and help they need.

“We provide a range of services to make sure that children get the best possible start in life and that adults are able to access the support and help they require.

“This campaign is vitally important for the next generation and aims to raise awareness and the importance of seeking help. By speaking up and speaking out, it will help ensure thatunborn babies, children and young people are kept safe and healthy.”

Police Scotland Divisional Commander, Chief Superintendent Mark Williams said: “Drugs and alcohol are, sadly, a blight on many families and communities, and by working together through ‘Speak Up Speak Out’ we can identify those children and young people who are affected and offer them targeted help and support.

“Police Scotland recently began a campaign to tackle New Psychoactive Substances, sometimes known as Legal Highs, which will see local community officers visiting schools, youth groups and community events to help raise awareness and educate young people on their dangers, alongside enforcement action with partners at premises found to be selling these unregulated and potentially lethal substances.”

Speak Up Speak Out was launched last August by the Council, NHS Lothian and Police Scotland to encourage those who are affected by abuse to come forward and find out about the wide range of support that is available to them. Today’s launch was the fifth so far in a series of topics.

One of the key messages is that anyone can suffer from abuse, regardless of their age, gender or the colour of their skin. It can happen anywhere and be caused by friends, relatives, colleagues or strangers. By encouraging people to be open about their concerns and talk to care professionals, it is hoped that more adults and children can be protected from harm.

Contact details:

  • Police Scotland 101 (or in an emergency call 999)
  • ChildLine 0800 1111
  • NHS Inform 0800 22 44 88 (for health information)
  • Social Care Direct – The City of Edinburgh Council’s social work service: 0131 200 2324, email


Nominate your Health Hero

The sixth annual Celebrating Success Awards have now launched and NHS Lothian is calling on the public to nominate their local ‘Health Hero’ for recognition in its staff awards.

The ‘Health Hero’ category allows the people of Lothian to recognise a healthcare worker who has delivered exceptional service as well as the best patient care.

gayleLast year’s winner was Gayle McRobert (pictured above), a diabetes nurse at the Western General Hospital. Gayle won the award after providing ‘incredible support’ to cancer patient David Murray, whose diabetes spiralled out of control after starting treatment, and his wife Eileen.

Tim Davison, Chief Executive, NHS Lothian, said: “The Celebrating Success Awards mark the inspiring and truly amazing work that takes place across health services in Lothian every day.

We have recently adopted a common set of values across NHS Lothian and we have been encouraging all of our staff to embrace them.

Many of our staff go above and beyond their duties every day, put the values at the heart of every day working life and demonstrate our commitment to providing high quality patient-centred care.

The ‘Health Hero’ Award is a way of saying thank you to those staff who provide the standards of care that NHS Lothian is so proud of.”

The public are invited to nominate anyone who has made a real difference to them or a loved one, or who they feel deserves recognition for their work and their care.

Help us to ensure our shining stars across Lothian receive the recognition they deserve by nominating them for the Celebrating Success Awards this year!

To nominate your Health Hero, fill out the nomination form below:

and email it to:

or telephone 0131 465 5645.


Football tournament kicks off World Suicide Prevention Week

Choose-Life-TournamentTHE recent suicide of the much-loved actor Robin Williams highlighted how suicide can affect anyone. Sport can have a positive impact on mental health and wellbeing, so a five-a-side football tournament will kick off World Suicide Prevention Week in Edinburgh next Saturday (6 September). 

The Choose Life Challenge Cup will run from 9.30am until 12.30pm at Gracemount Leisure Centre on 2 Gracemount Drive with sixteen teams from Edinburgh, Midlothian, West Lothian and Dundee taking part. Among this particpants are two ladies teams from Edinburgh who will be copeting in the tournament for the first time.

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill will be there to present the trophy and other prizes.

Choose-Life-Tournament2Event organiser John Murphy, a project worker with Scottish charity Health in Mind, believes the Choose Life Challenge Cup is a fantastic event as it offers a comfortable space for guys to get together, reduces isolation and promotes a sense of belonging.

John said: “So many young men find it hard to talk about their feelings and in 2013, there were 795 suicides recorded in Scotland, with the rate for men more than three times that of women.”

John said the event provides a great opportunity for people to find out about the issues and the services available locally. “If there’s someone you know who you think might be considering suicide; ask them and be willing to listen and encourage them to get help – you could help save their life. Alternatively if you are feeling suicidal, don’t hide it; find someone you trust and talk to them.”

The Choose Life Campaign is part of the national strategy and action plan to prevent suicide in Scotland.

The partners supporting the Choose Life Challenge Cup – Lothian Five-a-Side Football Tournament are NHS Lothian, East Lothian Council, The City of Edinburgh Council, Midlothian and West Lothian Councils.



NHS Lothian to consult on Victoria Hospital plans

Royal Victoria Hospital

NHS Lothian’s plans to develop the Royal Victoria Hospital site off Craigleith Road have been submitted, and members of the public can see what is being proposed at a session in Comely Bank early next month.

NHS Lothian plans to develop the site to provide a range of accommodation – both residential and non-residential – to meet the health and social care needs of older people, but also to market the remainder of the site as a ‘residential development opportunity’.

The public consultation session will be held at St Ninian’s Church, Comely Bank from midday – 8pm on Thursday 4 September.



NHS Lothian: Looking after our visitors

Western’s Minor Injuries Clinic: help for holidaymakers

WesternGeneralThey say Edinburgh’s population more than doubles at this time of year, and NHS Lothian is in the middle of another busy August as thousands of tourists have arrived in the city for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

The Festival Practice has been created to treat the influx of tourists who are not registered with a GP in the city and is designed to ensure they receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time.

Dr Sian Tucker, Clinical Director, Lothian Unscheduled Care Service, said: “Visitors should contact NHS 24 on 111 if they feel unwell. This phone number is available 24 hours a day. Patients will be directed to the most appropriate place for their medical needs. The NHS Inform website also provides advice and information on a range of medical conditions.

“Patients may be directed to a pharmacy, dentist, the out of hours GP service or a local GP practice and can treat a range of non-emergency conditions. This will help to relieve some of the pressure on our A&E departments which are normally busier at this time of year.”

NHS Lothian is also encouraging more people to visit the Minor Injuries Clinic, rather than attending the Emergency Department.

The clinic, based at the Western General Hospital, offers assessment and treatment as required and patients with less serious injuries can often be seen quicker, without an appointment.

If patients require non-emergency medical treatment, such as a sprain, cut or burn then they can receive swift treatment in the clinic, which is open seven days at week from 8.00am to 9.00pm.


Festival focus for mouth cancer campaign

Health professionals took to the Fringe to raise mouth cancer awareness at the weekend … 

nhs_lothian_logoDental and oral health experts gathered in Edinburgh at the weekend as part of the campaign to raise awareness of mouth cancer.

The “Let’s Talk About Mouth Cancer” campaign has been set up to provide information and support to tackle the oral disease, which is increasing in the UK. The main goal of the campaign is to improve survival through early diagnosis of disease.

The team raised awareness among festival-goers, holiday makers and locals at the Meadows over the weekend, offering a 24 hours screening service from a marquee on Middle Meadoww Walk.

NHS postgraduate trainees from the Edinburgh Dental Institute also delivered oral health messages at various sites in Edinburgh and used social media and their website to make sure they get their point across – and one daring duo even braved the elements for 24 hours on a tandem to raise awareness of mouth cancer symptoms!

The campaign is a collaborative project between NHS Lothian and Edinburgh University and urges people:  ‘If in doubt, check it out’.

Professor Victor Lopes, Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, NHS Lothian, said: “Early detection and timely treatment of mouth cancer is vital and can lead to a significantly improved survival rate. It cannot be stressed enough – the earlier a cancer is detected, the better the treatment options and outcome.

“Remember, most mouth conditions are not cancerous. If you are in any doubt, check it out with a dentist, doctor or pharmacist – also make sure you have regular dental checks and look after your health.”

Mouth cancer affects all age groups – with a significant rise among people under 45 years – and there are now more cases of mouth cancer in the UK each year than cases of cervical cancer in women and testicular cancer in men put together.

The campaign has important messages for people of all ages, but organisers are keen to target specific groups, including young people and people from ethnic minorities.

​Common risk factors include:

  • Regular high alcohol intake
  • Smoking
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. World-wide, HPV is the most widespread sexually transmitted virus
  • Poor diet
  • Poor oral hygiene.

People who combine smoking and regular high alcohol intake increase by 40 times their risk of developing mouth cancer. But some younger patients with the disease have none of these risk factors, which is why it’s important to check regularly for signs of mouth cancer.

Signs to look out for include:

  • Oral lumps that grow
  • Oral ulcers that do not heal after two weeks
  • Red, white or mixed patches in the mouth
  • Persistent soreness in the mouth
  • Bleeding in the mouth
  • Lump in your neck.

Edible Edinburgh food plan served up in Muirhouse

commfoodLocal growers, food groups, community gardeners and volunteers fashioned up a feast to celebrate the unveiling of the Edible Edinburgh Sustainable Food City Plan at Muirhouse Community Shop on Pennywell Road yesterday.

Developed in consultation with the public, the food plan aims to motivate Edinburgh to develop a healthy and sustainable approach to food, one which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits to the whole community – latest figures show that over two thirds of people across the Lothians eat less than the recommended five portions of fruit and veg a day.

The six-year plan is based on feedback from the public and outlines six distinct themes which need to be addressed in order to achieve its vision of Edinburgh as a sustainable food city. These are: Health and wellbeing, Land use, Environment, Buying food, Economy and Cultural change.

A series of actions have been set out within each theme in order to work towards key outcomes, including more fresh and healthy food eaten, fewer people living in food poverty, the protection of our natural environment and a thriving local food economy.

Efforts will be coordinated by Edible Edinburgh, a cross-sector steering group from the public, private and third sectors, including City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian.

City of Edinburgh Council’s Environment Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds, who chairs the Edible Edinburgh steering group, welcomed the launch of the plan.

She said: “We are proud to be launching this plan in collaboration with our partners, who have worked with the public to ensure our vision and targets are realistic and relevant for achieving a sustainable food city for all.

“Food is central for everyone in Edinburgh, and there are a great many groups who work tirelessly towards a greener, fairer and healthier city. By building on their efforts we are determined to expand this enthusiasm to residents across the capital.”

commfood2Dr Margaret Douglas, consultant in public health medicine with NHS Lothian, added: “Edible Edinburgh’s vision is of ‘a city where good food is available for all.’ Healthy affordable food is essential for good health but for too many this is not yet a reality. Projects like Pilton Community Gardeners are showing the way by involving local people in growing healthy food and improving the local environment.

“We need change at many levels if the causes of diet-related ill health are to be tackled. Partnerships like Edible Edinburgh can help coordinate public, private, voluntary and community sector action to push for a fairer food city.”

Iain Stewart, Chief Executive of Edinburgh Community Food, said: “Community food groups play a vital role in addressing inequalities by getting local people involved in making good food available locally. At Edinburgh Community Food we support this effort by providing food and health promotion sessions and supplying food projects throughout the city with a range of healthy affordable food products.”

Community gardeners

What’s the latest on the Partnership Centre?


It’s been talked about for so long, but there’s still no sign of the Neighbourhood Hub, or Partnership Centre as it’s now called, opening any time soon  – so what’s happening? You can find out tomorrow (Wednesday 2 April) at an informal drop-in session at North Edinburgh Arts Centre from 3 – 7pm.

The public information and engagement event has been planned to give people the chance to find out more about plans for the proposed new North West Edinburgh Partnership Centre.
NHS Lothian is leading on the development of the new £12-million Centre and members of the project team will be available to explain the latest designs and answer any questions from the public.
Peter Gabbitas, Joint Director, Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership said: “The plans for the proposed new North West Edinburgh Partnership centre are progressing well and we anticipate submitting the planning application in the next few months.
“I’d like to welcome the local public along to this open session in order to see the latest designs and have any questions answered by our project team. The Centre will enable NHS Lothian to work much more closely with the Council and in doing so put children’s health and welfare at the forefront of our services.”
The Centre will bring increased health and social care services to the local community, including new GP accommodation and additional physiotherapy, podiatry, dentistry and child health services.
The City of Edinburgh Council is currently developing the existing masterplan for the area surrounding the proposed North West Edinburgh Partnership Centre including the library, the mall, arts centre and Pennywell Road. In addition, through the Council’s 21st Century Homes programme, 34 homes are due to be completed at West Pilton Crescent by Autumn 2014.
A site start is expected during late spring/early summer 2014 on the first phase of the Pennywell regeneration, which will eventually provide a total of 719 homes for rent and sale with 356 for Council rent.
Hub South East Scotland Ltd, the Council and NHS Lothian’s development partner, has been involved in the regeneration planning for North West Edinburgh.
Paul McGirk, Chief Executive, said: “The Hub initiative is all about enabling the delivery of better, joined up services for communities. I would encourage as many people as possible to attend the event to find out more about this important development for their area.”
All welcome – there’s a free buffet and prize draw and you can also find out about regeneration progress across the wider area, too. Go on, get involved!

For further information email or
