Positive report for Ferryfield House

Ferryfield House

North Edinburgh’s Ferryfield House, one of NHS Lothian’s community hospitals which specialises in short-term and respite care, has received a very positive inspection report. Continue reading Positive report for Ferryfield House

To Leith from Leith Walk: Malcolm opens new surgery

Former health minister Malcolm Chisholm was on hand to help open the new £1.17m Leith Surgery on Thursday. Malcolm was an obvious choice – as well as representing North and Leith at both Holyrood and Westminster, Malcolm has also been registered at the Leith Walk surgery for forty years!

Up to 2,000 more patients will be added to the surgery list as a result of the move which will provide a modern and fit-for-purpose facility. Continue reading To Leith from Leith Walk: Malcolm opens new surgery

NHS Lothian hits four hour A & E target

The most recent data for NHS Scotland reveals that 96.5% of patients in NHS Lothian’s emergency departments were seen, admitted or discharged within four hours – beating the 95% target. Scottish hospitals have now had the best performing emergency departments in the UK for more than two years.

Ben Macpherson, SNP MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith, has welcomed the latest figures. He said: “Scotland has had the best performing emergency departments in the UK for more than two years – which is testament to the hard work of our NHS and social care workers.

“It is extremely encouraging that Emergency Departments in NHS Lothian are frequently meeting the four hour waiting times target, with the latest figures published showing that 96.5% of patients are being seen within four hours.

“We will always value the vital work done by our NHS staff – and we should always celebrate their success and continue to support their efforts.”

Children’s ward at St John’s: Questions and Answers

NHS Lothian announced last week that is making changes to the children’s inpatient services at St John’s Hospital, Livingston.
Patients will not be admitted to the children’s inpatient ward at St John’s Hospital, from Friday 7 July 2017. The children’s ward will continue to operate as an assessment and programmed investigation unit from Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am and 8pm.
NHS Lothian says it is ‘committed to reinstating the full service as soon as possible after the summer.’

Continue reading Children’s ward at St John’s: Questions and Answers

Concerns as children’s ward at St John’s to close to in-patients

“We are committed to reinstating the full service as soon as possible after the summer.”

The children’s ward at St John’s Hospital in Livingston is to close to in-patients from 7 July due to staffing problems. NHS Lothian insists the closure is not permanent, but say that a reduction in opening hours ‘is the safest option for the children of West Lothian’ over summer. The children’s ward has been closed before due to staff shortages. Continue reading Concerns as children’s ward at St John’s to close to in-patients

Study cuts time young patients spend in intensive care

Changing the way hospital staff respond to changes in the clinical condition of young patients could help to avoid a trip to intensive care, an Edinburgh study has revealed. Most children admitted to hospital recover on hospital wards, however, some may become more unwell, at times quite rapidly – but training staff to react to early symptoms could save lives and improve patient outcomes, says the study’s lead Dr Ulf Theilen. Continue reading Study cuts time young patients spend in intensive care

Health and social care inspection report ‘pulls no punches’

A report following a joint inspection of health and social work services for older people in Edinburgh has been published. Of nine ‘quality indicators’ five were found to be weak or unsatisfactory and the report makes 17 recommendations for improvement. Continue reading Health and social care inspection report ‘pulls no punches’

Minister visits Mental Health Information Station

The Mental Health Information Station (MHIS)  in Palmerston Place played host to Mental Health Minister Maureen Watt recently. Lead Occupational Therapist, Community Mental Health Services Jane Sutherland guided the Minister round the service, where she met with some of the project’s partners and Ms Watt went on to speak with a number of people who have benefited from using the service. Continue reading Minister visits Mental Health Information Station