Local Community Plans launch 27 October

Neighbourhood Partnerships – Making it happen

Forth NP logo

INPlogoFollowing extensive consultation, the Forth and Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s new local community plans for 2014-17 will be launched on Monday 27 October!

These will be available online at www.edinburghnp.org.uk/forth or www.edinburghnp.org.uk/inverleith, from your local library or from your North Neighbourhood Office at 8 West Pilton Gardens.

Working with communities and partners, Neighbourhood Partnerships aim to tackle priority issues and make neighbourhoods a better place to live. They bring together the community, Police, Health, Fire, voluntary sector and elected members, and are supported by officers from the Council.

To find out how to get involved in your local Neighbourhood Partnership, visit one of our events, attend a Neighbourhood Partnership meeting or talk to us face to face.  Please call 529 5050 or email jim.pattison@edinburgh.gov.uk (Forth NP) or elaine.lennon@edinburgh.gov.uk (Inverleith NP) for more information.

You can also contact us online – tweet us your thoughts @north_team or @Edin_NPs

NPs – Making it Happen


How do you like your news?

newspapers (3)

How do you get your information? How do you find out what’s happening in your local area? TV, radio, newspapers, social media, newsletters, posters, emails, leaflets … there are so many different ways to be kept informed, but what works best for you?

Forth and Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnerships are supporting an initiative to improve local communications, and they need your help to get things right!

How do you currently access information and how would you prefer to receive communications? Please complete the attached online survey at:


It should only take a few minutes to complete or, if you prefer, this can also be done using the printable version (attached below).

If friends or colleagues don’t go online – and many people still don’t have access to a computer – please let them know about the survey; why not print off a copy for them?

But do it soon – the survey closes in two weeks on 31 May!

Printed Communications Questionnaire May 2014


Twitter discussion on Neighbourhood Partnerships? It’s Child’s play!

Want to know how your Neighbourhood Partnership is making a difference in your community? Or do you have thoughts and ideas that can help improve the way your local Neighbourhood Partnership works?

Then join  today’s lunchtime discussion on Twitter with Councillor Maureen Child (pictured below) and @Edin_NPs from midday to 1pm.

Questions/suggestions can be submitted in advance by email to neighbourhood.partnerships@edinburgh.gov.uk or tweet to @Edin_NPs with #askNPs

Maureen Child

Partnership event: Meet the Funders

Are you involved in a small community project or group that is looking for funding? Forth and Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnerships have organised a

‘Meet the Funders’ event

on Thursday 28 November from 12 – 3pm

at St Serf’s Parish Church Hall off Ferry Road.

The drop-in event will be an informal opportunity to meet a variety of small funders such as Big Lottery and Sports Scotland, SCVO and Bank of Scotland Foundation as well as various City of Edinburgh Council funds including Neighbourhood Partnership Community Grants Fund and Waste Aware Fund, with opportunities to find out more about what type of things these organisations will fund and what the closing dates are.

This event will be of particular interest to small groups who do not have access to major funding sources.

The following funding organisations have confirmed that they will be attending – will you? If you do plan to attend, please contact jim.pattison@edinburgh.gov.uk . Refreshments will be available.

Big Lottery Fund

The Melting Pot

Community Sports Hubs

Community Grants Fund (City of Edinburgh Council)

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership

Youth Business Scotland

Pass It On



Bank of Scotland Foundation

Royal Bank of Scotland Foundation

Waste Aware Grants (CEC)

Business Gateway

Climate Challenge Fund

Activcity Tenants Grants (CEC) In Kind Direct

The Big Lunch

Prime (Equivalent of Youth Business Scotland for over 50s)

Sported Sportscotland

Visit Forth Neighbourhood Partnership website at: http://www.edinburghnp.org.uk/page/Forth.aspx


Leith residents to allocate community cash

People in Leith will soon be asked by Leith Neighbourhood Partnership to decide how a pot of more than £20,000 in funding should be spent on projects that benefit their local community.

Now in its fourth year, £eith Decides, allows community groups to apply for grants of up to £1,000 each. Once the applications are in, local people are invited to vote on which projects they would most like to see receive the money. A special public event will take place in February, at which members of the public will get the chance to learn about applicants and their projects.

Previous successful applicants include Prospect Bank School Parents’ Association for an outdoor climbing frame, the Goosander Resident’s Association for a living garden, the Citadel Youth Centre for a young mums’ parenting course, and the North Edinburgh Dementia Care group, which ran podiatry sessions for older clients.

This year’s application period is now open and runs until November 8, when a Steering Group made up of local people will consider all applications to make sure that they meet the criteria – Advice is available on how to meet the criteria.

Councillor Maureen Child, Convener of the Communities and Neighbourhoods Committee at the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “£eith Decides has proven to be extremely popular, and many new applicants came forward last year. It was fantastic that so many worthwhile projects, all of which have made a difference to people, were given help in this way.
“The public event held as part of the process gave community groups the opportunity to raise awareness about their work too. Neighbourhood Partnership events like this  are valued by people who welcome the opportunity to make decisions about the area in which they live.”

For up-to-date information about £eith Decides please visit its Facebook page – www.facebook.com/voteforleithdecides

and the £eith decides page at www.edinburghnp.org.uk/leith.


Meet the Funders event in April

Meet The Funders 18 April

Is your community group looking for funding? Daft question, really – things have never been tougher for the voluntary sector. There are still some funding opportunities out there, however, and next month at the Assembly Rooms there’s a chance to meet potential sponsors.

The city council-organised Neighbourhood Partnership ‘Meet the Funders’ event takes place on Thursday 18 April from 1 – 4pm at the Assembly Rooms on George Street. An impressive group of funding providers will be exhibiting on the day, so if you’re a group looking for support this is an opportunity not to be missed. It’s completely informal and you can drop in any time – put the date in your diary now!


Help strengthen Neighbourhood Partnerships


As you may know, Neighbourhood Partnerships across the city are being reviewed as part of the Council Governance Review. The aim of this is to strengthen and develop their role in delivering better outcomes for communities. Please could you take a few minutes to complete the following online survey to give us your views:


If you’d prefer a paper copy, please contact saty.kaur@edinburgh.gov.uk or 0131 469 5281.

The survey is open until 2 April 2013, and it would be great to have the views on all of you who have been involved so far in the Neighbourhood Partnership.


Elaine Lennon, Partnership Development Officer

Tel: 0131 529 5270

Total Craigroyston – improving outcomes for children and families

Total Craigroyston is the latest ‘early intervention’ strategy to support families with children in North Edinburgh. Total Craigroyston Manager CHRISTINE MACKAY explains what it’s all about …

Total Craigroyston has been set up  to encourage  all the various organisation which work with Children and Families to work together to  improve outcomes for children and families in the neighbourhood around Craigroyston Community High School.

Our initial focus will be on children who are looked after by the Council to ensure that they have all the support they need to give them the best opportunity to succeed in their lives. We will also be working to reduce the need for children to go into care, and that means finding ways to  support families at an earlier stage and in a variety of ways.

The idea is to take a holistic approach – ensuring that all of the local resources in both the statutory and the voluntary sectors are on the same page, facing the same direction and contributing to the agreed outcomes. It may be that we need to change how some of our services are delivered so that we can offer support at an earlier stage and we want to involve local people as well as local staff  in helping us think what changes might be necessary.

We held a meeting in mid-March, bringing together the local Neighbourhood Partnership, the Edinburgh Partnership and the Total Craigroyston steering group (pictured below) to start the discussion and what everyone agreed on was the need to ensure that local residents, service users and local staff are completely involved in shaping the direction of Total Craigroyston.

To help us do this we have been working with an organisation called  SNOOK, and over the month of June we will be running a series of events and workshops aimed at local residents, service users and local staff so that we can  come up with a set of ideas and proposals, based on local knowledge and expertise,  that we can take forward.

A Design Workshop will be held on Monday 28 May from 9.30 – 12.30 in Craigroyston Community High  School. Come along and give your ideas for changing the way we do things. A crèche is available but places must be booked. Please contact Stephen Straiton on 469 3375 or email Stephen.straiton@edinburgh.gov.uk

On Saturday 2 June, the SNOOK team will be out and about at Muirhouse Shopping Centre, North Edinburgh Arts and Muirhouse Library  speaking  to local people and hearing views.

A Young People Speak Out  session will  be held in Pilton Youth and Children’s Project  on  Wed 6 June  from 7 – 9pm to help us gather young people’s views.

A Prototyping Lab (don’t be put off by the title!!) will be held on Monday 18 June from 10 – 4pm in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre. This will give the SNOOK team an opportunity to present the ideas that have been gathered and to have a think about the ones we want to take forward. A crèche is available but places must be booked. Please contact Stephen Straiton on 469 3375 or email Stephen.straiton@edinburgh.gov.uk

If you are interested in being involved in any way or you have ideas or a story to tell about your involvement with local services please get in touch. We are based at the Local Neighbourhood Office in West Pilton Gardens. Tel no 529 5050. email Christine.mackay@edinburgh.gov.uk. Please contact us if you’d like more information.


Christine Mackay

Manager, Total Craigroyston