Protecting and enhancing nature

More funding for local nature restoration projects

Projects that support biodiversity and improve the health and wellbeing of local communities are set to benefit from further funding.

All local authorities, plus Scotland’s two National Parks, will receive a share of £6.5 million directly from the Scottish Government’s Edinburgh Process Fund – the second stream of the £65 million annual Nature Restoration Fund.

£5 million has been allocated to local authorities to deliver projects that support the priority aims of the Fund: habitat and species restoration, freshwater restoration, coastal and marine protection and eradication of non-native species.

Councils can also apply to top up their direct allocation from a £1.5 million pot  to deliver larger scale, multi-year nature restoration projects.

Biodiversity Minister Lorna Slater visited Howden Park in West Lothian to see how previous allocations from the Nature Restoration Fund have helped the local council to improve the biodiversity, connectivity and climate resilience of the popular park.

Ms Slater said: “The Scottish Government is committed to tackling the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change, both at home and abroad.

“Connecting people with nature, in urban and rural areas, brings so many benefits in terms of health and wellbeing. Improving our more green spaces will enable people to enjoy spending time outdoors and care for the natural environment on their doorstep.

“The Edinburgh Process Fund will play a critical role in supporting local authorities to restore nature in their area, through things like creating wildflower habitats in parks to restoring floodplains around rivers and expanding native woodland. Projects will be delivered by local government and their partners, who are well placed to direct investment to the projects that will make the most difference for nature and benefit communities”

“The Fund builds on the Edinburgh Process which has established our commitment and reputation as leaders on the natural environment. It has provided a platform establishing the central role of subnational governments, cities and local authorities in delivering for biodiversity. We will continue to drive the Edinburgh Process forward through to COP15 later this year.

NatureScot’s Head of Biodiversity and Geodiversity Dr Katherine Leys said: “We are delighted that the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund has been able to allocate funding to local authorities through the Edinburgh Process Fund.

“Local authorities have an important role to play in tackling the nature and climate crises, and are very well placed to identify nature restoration priorities at a local scale.”

More Scots are walking the walk to healthier lives

More Scots are walking the walk and not just talking the talk when it comes to keeping active by heading out for a stroll.

Scottish walking charity Paths for All, which champions everyday walking in pursuit of happier and healthier lives, has been encouraged by the findings of a major Scottish Government study.

The Scottish Household Survey, which shapes the Scottish Government’s approach to policy, found that 86% of adults had participated in physical activity in the four weeks leading up to the survey – and of that large cohort the most common activity was walking – with 82% of adults having walked for at least 30 minutes.

Disabled adults also opted for walking with 61% saying this was their most common activity, while women were just as likely to pull on trainers or walking shoes than men – 85% compared to 87%.

Not surprisingly taking part in physical activity varied by age group. Younger adults – aged 16 to 24 – were more likely to take part in recreational walking (89%) than those aged over 75, and the survey found 36% of this older cohort did not participate in any physical activity.

Paths for All chief executive, Kevin Lafferty, said: “Scots of all ages are putting their best foot forward in large numbers and as the Scottish Household Survey demonstrates, walking remains one of the healthiest and easy-to-access activities which can enable people to enjoy healthier and happier lives.

“Our objective is to get Scotland walking, and while it is encouraging to see that more than 80% of those surveyed had walked for at least 30 minutes in the weeks before the study, that still means there is room for significant improvement.”

Paths for All launched their “Step it Up” strategy in January which places walking and physical activity at the heart of the response to tackling some of Scotland’s biggest issues, including physical, mental and social health and wellbeing.

Based on the WHO Global Action Plan for Physical Activity, Step it Up promotes walking, by foot or with a wheelchair or mobility aid, as the natural choice in improving health.

The Scottish Household Survey also revealed that walking as a physical activity dropped dramatically in the 20% most deprived areas to just 66%, compared to 89% in the 20% least deprived areas, and in those deprived areas 29% of adults did not participate in any physical activity.

A separate report by Nature Scot – Enjoying the Outdoors – supported by Paths for All highlighted the increasing importance of nature to people’s health and wellbeing and spending time outdoors to de-stress, relax and unwind.

The report established that local parks and spaces were the most visited sites and that 79% of those surveyed took part in walking (August to September 2021), with more than half enjoying walks of two miles or less, while 41% enjoyed longer walks of between two and eight miles.

Kevin Lafferty added: “Both reports underline the importance of getting off the sofa and out into the fresh Scottish air to make the most of our local environments, paths, tracks, and green spaces.

“We are lucky to be spoiled for choice in Scotland when it comes to wonderful places where we can stretch our legs and unwind our minds, both urban and rural, and we hope that when the next Scottish Household Survey takes place that the popularity of walking as a healthy activity will be even higher.”

For more information on Paths for All, visit:

A nature-rich future for all?

NatureScot publishes four year ‘vision’

Scotland’s nature agency NatureScot has published its vision for the next four years, setting out an ambitious plan to protect, restore and value nature.

The plan commits to bold action and renewed focus in tackling the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change.

It sets out a route-map to halt nature loss by 2030 and deliver nature restoration at scale across Scotland by 2045.

Priority areas for Scotland’s nature agency over the next four years include:

  • Leading the delivery of 30% of land and sea being protected by 2030
  • Scaling up peatland restoration through the Peatland ACTION project to substantially exceed Scotland’s goal of 250,000 ha of restored peatland by 2030
  • Delivering a major Nature Restoration Fund targeted at high impact and landscape-scale nature recovery and climate projects
  • Substantially reducing deer numbers to enable our woodlands and peatlands to naturally grow and capture carbon.

Biodiversity Minister Lorna Slater said: “The Scottish Government has been working closely with NatureScot to develop this plan, which presents a sharp focus on restoring and protecting Scotland’s natural environment to deliver ‘a nature rich future for all’.

“This autumn we will publish a new biodiversity strategy with ambitious targets to protect at least 30% of Scotland’s land and sea for nature, and highly protect 10%. I look forward to working with NatureScot to achieve our goals both at home and abroad.

“2022 will be a crucial year for nature – at COP15 a new global framework for halting biodiversity loss will be agreed. Scotland has been leading the Edinburgh process, mobilising other sub-national governments, cities, states and regions around the world to agree shared goals for nature.”

NatureScot Chair Dr Mike Cantlay said: “Nature is in crisis and we face a climate emergency. Much has been achieved but we know that greater urgency is needed to meet these colossal challenges.

“This plan sets out the bold action NatureScot will lead to protect, restore and value nature. By doing so, nature can contribute more than 40% of Scotland’s drive for net-zero carbon emissions by 2045.

“Success will require a radical change in how we use and value the land and sea. It’s vital that this transition is just and fair, with investment in nature delivering for people as well as planet through green jobs and investment.

“We know that we cannot deliver this vision on our own. As Scotland’s nature agency, we will continue to work closely with partners, communities and businesses towards our shared goal of a nature-rich, net zero Scotland.”

Search on for top green businesses as entries open for VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards

Entries are now open for VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards, and companies across Scotland of all sizes with a green ethos that have demonstrated significant business benefits from good environmental practice are being encouraged to enter.

The VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards are a partnership between the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), The Scottish Government, Energy Saving Trust, Highland & Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise, Scottish Water, Zero Waste Scotland and NatureScot.

This year’s award categories include: Leadership Scotland, Innovating Scotland, Product Scotland, Service Scotland, Hydro Nation Scotland, Circular Scotland, Moving Scotland, Adapting Scotland, Engaging Scotland, Partnership Scotland, Small Business Scotland.

Businesses in Scotland have already felt the impact of the risks associated with climate change, and food producers and whisky distillers were faced with water scarcity last summer furthering the drive for positive and radical environmental action.

Organisations are being encouraged to follow the example of firms such as Vegware and Paterson Arran Ltd. who have shown that environmental best practice can also bring economic benefits including financial savings, an engaged workforce, positive working culture and improved competitiveness as well as contributing towards a better economy and society as a whole.

Since its inception in 1999, the VIBES Scottish Business Awards, have recognised and rewarded businesses that have championed sustainability by identifying ways to tackle the impact on the planet by reducing consumption on its resources.

This has included everything from increasing recycling and facilitating active travel to reducing consumption of raw materials by adopting a more circular approach.

Bob Downes, chair of SEPA and head of the VIBES judging panel, said: “Scotland is a leader in climate change action and successful businesses recognise the economic benefit from driving environmental innovation and best practice. 

“Every business in the country has a role to play in leading Scotland to Net Zero. The VIBES awards recognise those businesses that are developing sustainable solutions and helping to achieve net zero of all greenhouse gases by 2045. 

“We are looking for entries from businesses who are taking the lead in the transition to a net zero emissions economy through innovation, partnerships, circular economy, adaptation and a commitment to making the environment a key factor in decision making.

“These creative and pioneering organisations will be those who champion best practice and create sustainable goods, products and services through leadership, innovation and ambition, making a positive environmental impact protecting our plant for future generations.”

Finalists will be announced in June.

To obtain an application form please contact

Businesses have until 5pm on 29 April 2022 to submit their free application.

For more informant on VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards, please visit

Big ambitions for Wee Forests … and West Pilton leads the way

Communities and schools are set to benefit from a new network of “Wee Forests” in towns and cities across Scotland, backed by £500,000 Scottish Government funding.

Led by NatureScot, the programme aims to give people the opportunity to help tackle the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss by creating and caring for their own forest in their own neighbourhood.

To create each forest, around 600 native trees will be planted by “Wee Foresters” in an area the size of a tennis court. Volunteer keeper teams will look after the forests over the long term and schools will use the forests for outdoor learning.

Supported by Earthwatch Europe, people will also take part in citizen science activities to raise awareness of climate change and the value of urban trees. This will include monitoring the butterflies that use the forests and measuring how much carbon is captured by the trees as they grow.

Planting has already begun – the first demonstration Wee Forest was planted at West Pilton Park last October, and further wee forests followed in the capital’s East Pilton Park and Mount Vernon.

NatureScot is working with local authorities and a number of Scottish environmental organisations to help roll-out the programme this year.

Wee Forests will be planted in Glasgow, East Ayrshire, Edinburgh (above), Aberdeen, Dundee and West Lothian. 

Environment Minister Mairi McAllan said: “The horrors of the Covid pandemic have changed how many of us view and value nature, and we know people want to spend more time outdoors for the benefits it brings to their mental and physical health.

“We want to improve access to green spaces and provide equal opportunities for everyone to connect with nature. Wee Forests are an ideal way of achieving this, whether as a place for children to play or a quiet spot to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.

“This new network of Wee Forests is a great example of partnership working between the public, private and voluntary sector and is an important legacy of COP26 when the eyes of world were on Glasgow and the future of our planet.

“As we now look forward to COP15 on biodiversity, innovative projects like this will showcase to the rest of the world how Scotland is leading the way in our action to tackle the twin crises of climate change and nature loss.”

Earthwatch Europe CEO Steve Andrews said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with NatureScot to expand the Wee Forest movement across Scotland.

“Getting communities involved in planting and ongoing citizen science at their local Wee Forest is an exciting opportunity to connect people with nature, whilst providing vital data on forest growth and environmental benefits.”

NatureScot Chief Executive Francesca Osowska said: “Wee Forests are a fantastic way for people to connect with nature close to home.

“We’re delighted to see our demonstration project being extended to create many more pockets of nature-positive green space across our towns and cities, as a living legacy of COP26.

“And as we look towards COP15 and the huge challenge of halting and reversing nature loss, it’s projects like this that are giving communities the chance to help restore nature and tackle climate change by contributing to Scotland’s tree planting targets.”

Blooming Beautiful! Awards celebrate our climate and nature friendly neighbourhoods

18 Edinburgh community groups recognised for commitment to keeping Scotland beautiful

Today, 11 November, over 200 community groups from across Scotland have been recognised by environmental charity, Keep Scotland Beautiful, for their efforts to support and enhance their local communities, for the climate and for nature. 

At a virtual 2021 Beautiful Scotland and It’s Your Neighbourhood Seminar and celebration event, 18 It’s Your Neighbourhood entrants from Edinburgh were congratulated for their efforts with a certificate of achievement (see table below), with four also receiving a Certificate of Distinction for continuous improvement. 

In addition, Friends of Starbank Park also won second place in the NatureScot It’s Your Neighbourhood Pollinator Friendly Awards.

Catherine Gee, Deputy CEO of Keep Scotland Beautiful said: “With the world’s biggest and most important climate change conference to date taking place in Glasgow this week, it is brilliant to be celebrating the work of these communities in Edinburgh who are taking action now. 

“We know that across Scotland people are committed to improving and enhancing the places that they care about.  And, through the It’s Your Neighbourhood entrants we hear of people doing their bit to understand their own greenhouse emissions and to support nature in the places they care about.  These people are making a real difference and I would like to thank them for inspiring us every day.”

This year, three NatureScot It’s Your Neighbourhood Pollinator Friends Awards were presented at the seminar and Friends of Starbank Park, scooped second place, winning £150.

Jim Jeffrey, Pollinator Strategy Manager with NatureScot, who announced the award said: “Once again the Keep Scotland Beautiful Pollinator Friendly Award has attracted a host of interesting entries.  The standard just gets better each year.

“Making space for nature, as we face up to the twin threat of climate change and biodiversity loss, has never been more important, and each of the community groups in this category have impressed with the range of actions they are taking.

“The winning projects were among a of number of great examples showing how working together we can help pollinators, whilst making our communities and green spaces more appealing, and fantastic places to spend time in.”

The annual seminar celebrated everything that the entrants, from 30 local authority areas, have achieved in their communities to combat climate change and support biodiversity.

Entrants have also worked to enhance their neighbourhoods, involve the community, and improve areas through gardening and horticulture while tackling litter and other environmental quality challenges. 

Speakers included representatives from various entrants from across Scotland, sharing their inspiring stories and delegates also heard about the exciting opportunity to get involved with Scotland’s Climate Festival.

It’s Your Neighbourhood entrants were visited by one of 23 trained volunteer assessors who provide their support, expertise and guidance through the It’s Your Neighbourhood framework which is a part of the UK-wide RHS Britain in Bloom campaign. 

RHS Community Development Manager Kay Clark said: “Community gardening groups are showing that, through their work, they can bring communities together, transform outdoor spaces and work in support of wildlife and the local environment.

“They are showing that gardening has a role to play in addressing the challenges that we collectively face and that is every reason to celebrate.”

If you would like to join the #OurBloom family, gain access to support and advice, and help us to keep Scotland beautiful, online registration for 2022 will open in mid-January on the Keep Scotland Beautiful website.

The Edinburgh entrants and their results can be found in the table below:

Group NameLocal authority areaIYN Certificate 2021Level 2021Certificate of Distinction 2021
Balerno Village GardenersCity of EdinburghOutstanding5Y
Craigentinny Community Gardening ProjectCity of EdinburghImproving2 
Ferry Road AllotmentsCity of EdinburghOutstanding5 
Friends of Granton Castle Walled GardenCity of EdinburghThriving4Y
Friends of Lauriston Castle EstateCity of EdinburghAdvancing3 
Friends of Morningside CemeteryCity of EdinburghThriving4 
Friends of Saughton ParkCity of EdinburghOutstanding5 
Friends of Starbank Park (NatureScot IYN Pollinator Friendly Award – second place)City of EdinburghOutstanding5Y
Heart of NewhavenCity of EdinburghAdvancing3 
Inch View Care HomeCity of EdinburghThriving4 
Inspiring HillsideCity of EdinburghAdvancing3 
Inverleith AllotmentsCity of EdinburghOutstanding5 
Kirkliston in BloomCity of EdinburghEstablishing1 
Lochend Community Growing ProjectCity of EdinburghOutstanding5Y
Northfield Community Growing GroupCity of EdinburghAdvancing3 
The Lions’ GateCity of EdinburghAdvancing3 
The Sorted ProjectCity of EdinburghImproving2 
Victoria After School ClubCity of EdinburghThriving4 

Scotland’s UNESCO Trail launched

The world’s first ever UNESCO trail, bringing together some of Scotland’s most iconic, diverse and culturally significant sites, has been launched.

Scotland’s UNESCO Trail connects the country’s 13 place-based UNESCO designations, including World Heritage Sites, Biospheres, Global Geoparks and Creative Cities to form a dedicated digital trail.

It aims to take visitors on a cultural journey across the country experiencing everything from history to science, music, design and literature to nature and cityscapes. 

Designed specifically to support ambitions to make Scotland a world-leading responsible tourism destination, Scotland’s UNESCO Trail encourages visitors to stay longer, visit all year round, make sustainable travel choices, explore more widely and at the right time of the year, and in turn, contribute to the sustainable quality of life of those communities surrounding the designated sites.

The digital trail – which is available on – showcases the breadth of culturally astounding UNESCO designations on offer across Scotland, providing information and inspiration to visitors across the world. It also celebrates businesses and communities that are committed to responsible tourism business practices and promotes sustainable travel options.

Scotland is the first nation in the world to create such a pioneering initiative. Developed through a unique partnership between VisitScotland, the Scottish Government, the UK National Commission for UNESCO, Historic Environment Scotland, NatureScot, the National Trust for Scotland and Scotland’s 13 UNESCO designations, the project has received £360,000 funding from the Scottish Government to support the strategy for the sustainable recovery of Scottish tourism. 

Tourism Minister Ivan McKee officially launched the trail in Dundee, the UNESCO City of Design, by unveiling a specially commissioned design by illustrator and printmaker, Jagoda Sadowska, a graduate of the city’s Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art.

The design has been printed onto a door, which will be incorporated into the city’s Open Close tour as a permanent legacy of the trail.

 Tourism Minister Ivan McKee said“Scotland has always been a pioneering nation and I’m pleased to see we’re leading the way with the world’s first UNESCO digital trail.

“Tourism is key to Scotland’s economy and as we begin to recover from the pandemic, this collaboration between the Scottish Government, VisitScotland, NatureScot and UNESCO could not be more timely. 

“Supported by £360,000 of Scottish Government funding, the UNESCO Trail will help to attract and welcome both domestic and international visitors again, by showcasing Scotland’s unique cultural heritage and many UNESCO sites. As we approach COP26, I’m pleased to see that the UNESCO trail has sustainability at its core and will help visitors make responsible and sustainable choices by highlighting green accredited businesses and promoting environmentally friendly travel.”

Francesca Osowska, CEO of NatureScot and Chair of Scotland’s UNESCO Trail Steering Group, said: “The Trail is a hugely exciting global first, inspiring visitors to Scotland to journey through its unique natural and cultural heritage.

“All the designations in the Trail have a distinctive story to tell and we hope that, whether people visit just one, or travel to all the sites, they will be wowed by what they see.

“Responsible tourism and greener travel are at the heart of our ambitions for the UNESCO Trail.  This will lead to a more sustainable economy and will help to create better places for people to live and visit in every corner of Scotland. This is so essential as we work to tackle the nature loss and climate change crises and prepare to host COP26.”

VisitScotland Director of Industry and Destination Development, Rob Dickson, said: “There is no other journey like Scotland’s UNESCO Trail and we want to inspire visitors to take a once-in-a-lifetime experience across the country, delving into its history and heritage, experiencing the wonder of its natural assets and the magic that inspires art, music and literature.

“The innovative trail not only showcases the breadth of culturally astounding UNESCO designations we have across Scotland but also the exceptional visitor experiences this trail creates.”VisitScotland is focused on the recovery of the industry, building a destination and visitor experience which allows tourism and events to flourish now and in the future. We’ll continue to work with, and support, businesses to ensure we rebuild this vital part of Scotland’s economy.

“Tourism is a force for good – creating economic and social value in every corner of Scotland and enhancing the well-being of everyone who experiences it.

Professor Anne Anderson, Non-Executive Director at the UK National Commission for UNESCO said: “Scotland’s UNESCO Trail is a world-first bringing together Scotland’s world-class cultural and natural heritage. Not only this, the Trail does so within UNESCO’s broader aims of building peace and sustainable development.

“Across Scotland, these UNESCO designations are local partnerships and communities that protect and promote their outstanding creativity, cultural heritage and the natural environment. By partaking in the Trail, visitors from around the world will rediscover Scotland’s unique treasures, know they are travelling sustainably, and contribute to the communities who maintain these precious places.

“From the stunning mountains of the northwest Highlands, the heart of Neolithic Orkney, the vibrant music scenes of Glasgow, to Edinburgh’s outstanding heritage and literature festivals, there is a wealth of people and places waiting to welcome you.”

Artist Jagoda Sadowska said: “It’s been a great pleasure to be involved in the project. Dundee is a wonderful city and hopefully, with the opening of Scotland’s UNESCO Trail, it will get even more recognition and appreciation. 

“As someone who recently graduated from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, I feel extremely fortunate to be able to pursue Illustration as a full-time job. Dundee is filled with warm and motivated people that create an encouraging environment for upcoming artists.

“There’s a strong sense of community that is both friendly and welcoming and had a fundamental influence on my practice. Creative Dundee does a wonderful job of connecting people, providing space and opportunities for creatives.

“I hope the Trail can work as a gateway to allow more people to experience the City of Dundee and beyond.” 

The full list of designations included in Scotland’s UNESCO Trail are the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere, Wester Ross UNESCO Biosphere, Dundee UNESCO City of Design, Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature, Glasgow UNESCO City of Music, Shetland UNESCO Global Geopark, North West Highlands UNESCO Global Geopark, the Forth Bridge UNESCO World Heritage Site, Frontiers of the Roman Empire: Antonine Wall UNESCO World Heritage Site, New Lanark UNESCO World Heritage Site, Heart of Neolithic Orkney UNESCO World Heritage Site, Old and New Towns of Edinburgh UNESCO World Heritage Site, St Kilda World Heritage Site. 

For more information, visit

SEPA engages innovative modelling techniques to help Scotland better prepare for future increased flooding

SEPA is introducing new flood hazard mapping which will provide a clearer indication of surface water (also known as pluvial) flood risk now and in future. This will enable people, communities and businesses to better understand the risks and act to reduce the impact of surface water flooding.

The introduction of the new mapping will support delivery of SEPA’s Flooding Services Strategy being published in autumn 2021. It is key to the organisation’s vision of a society that is resilient to flooding and adapted to future climate change.

Surface water flood maps have been publicly available on the SEPA website since 2013, however, our 2018 National Flood Risk Assessment identified surface water as the largest source of flood risk affecting Scotland.

The mapping, which will be provided by JBA Consulting, will provide a complete refresh of our national surface water flood maps using the most up-to-date data on current and future rainfall, improving our flood map products to provide more confident results of where surface water flooding is likely.

The project will involve an initial pilot stage which will trial high resolution modelling and mapping methodologies, and a range of model assumptions and parameters across four pilot areas: Aberdeen, Glasgow, Peebles and Torridon. When the pilot stage ends early next year, an agreed approach will be rolled out across Scotland and the mapping will be produced in a sequence of 11 geographical phases.

Vincent Fitzsimons, Head of Hydrology & Flooding at SEPA, said: “The latest landmark climate change report from the IPCC is a clarion call for what the world already knows, that the climate emergency is accelerating. SEPA is urgently responding to ensure Scotland’s communities and businesses are resilient to flooding and adapted to future climate change impacts.

“A major part of this is to ensure information on flood risk is available to those who need it most. This means we need to continually improve the quality and availability of our flood map products, with a particular focus on surface water flood risk.

“Our significant investment in this project to improve surface water flood hazard mapping for Scotland is one step on the journey to ensure people and businesses are resilient to flooding and adapted to our changing environment.”

David Bassett, Director, JBA Consulting said: “We’re delighted to be appointed by SEPA to complete the national surface water flood hazard mapping for Scotland. We have been working on flood risk in Scotland for over 20 years and in that time our technical experts have accrued excellent knowledge of the risk and the issues, and the structures in place to help.

“Scottish Government surface water management planning guidance issued in 2018, highlighted that 23% of annual average damages associated with flooding across Scotland were forecast to come from surface water flooding. Of the 27,500 homes predicted to be at risk, 39% are in areas of higher social vulnerability.

“Climate change was also predicted to increase the numbers of homes and businesses at risk by 45%.

“With flood events never far from the news headlines, recent surface water flooding in Edinburgh showed the vulnerability of many urban areas. The role of consistent 2m grid surface water flood risk mapping across Scotland is more important than ever, and we’re pleased to lead on this national mapping project.”

Support to protect Scotland’s coastlines

New maps forecast impacts of climate change

An estimated £1.2 billion of Scotland’s buildings, transport infrastructure, cultural and natural heritage may be at risk of coastal erosion by 2050, according to new research.

As part of the Scottish Government’s Dynamic Coast project, funded by the Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW), the University of Glasgow has developed new maps to serve as a coastal change adaptation planning tool for government, agencies, local authorities as well as communities and businesses.

With evidence from the maps, the government is encouraging local authorities to prepare coastal adaptation plans, supported by an additional £12 million of investment. In recognition of the heightened landscape of climate-related risk in Scotland, Dynamic Coast will form part of a wider national programme to build resilience.

The Scottish Government has also already announced plans to host a National Climate Resilience Summit in the Autumn, to raise awareness and build momentum across the public and private sectors in advance of COP26.

Net Zero Secretary Michael Matheson visited the sand dunes in Montrose, which help protect the town from coastal flooding and erosion.

Mr Matheson said: “I welcome the publication of Dynamic Coast 2 which shows us that at least £20 billion of assets, road, rail and residential property, lie within 50 metres of our coast. With nature protecting some £14.5 billion of these assets, maintaining our natural coastal defences must be a key part of our resilience and adaptation strategies.  

“We are already locked into future sea level rise and therefore we must plan for the worst case scenario on the coast. Modelling suggests however that we will see erosion influencing the majority of shores this decade. The Dynamic Coast maps will be a valuable tool in our fight against climate change, and we are now preparing guidance to help local authorities produce new adaptation plans.

“Here in Montrose, up to 80 metres of beach has eroded since the 1980s and a further 120 metres could erode over the next 40 years, breaching the main dune ridge. Angus Council is working with local stakeholders, including Montrose Port Authority and Montrose Golf links to identify the most sustainable solution for the town.

“COP26 in Glasgow represents the world’s best chance – perhaps one of our last chances – to avert the worst impacts of climate change. However, even in the best case scenario for global emissions reductions it is clear that we must also be preparing for the impacts that are already locked in.

“By doing this we can deliver on the principles of the Paris Agreement with lasting action to secure a net zero and climate resilient future in a way that is fair and just for everyone.”

NatureScot Climate Change Director Nick Halfhide said: “This latest research from Dynamic Coast highlights that natural defences, such as sand dunes, protect three times the value of roads, railways and buildings than sea walls do.

“That’s why we must invest in Scotland’s nature. Nature based solutions are essential in our response to the twin crises of nature loss and climate change, and with COP26 coming to Glasgow in the coming months, there’s no better time for Scotland to take ambitious action.”

Director of the Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW) Professor Bob Ferrier said: “CREW is delighted to have supported the development and launch of the Dynamic Coast project.

“This nationally significant research will assist decision-makers and others to understand how Scotland’s coastal assets need to adapt to the pressures of climate change and improve our collective resilience in the face of this challenge.”

TikTok star in new film promoting responsible wild camping

Irreverent video with TikTok creator Jarad Rowan launches ahead of busy camping season

Ramblers Scotland has today launched a new short film featuring Scottish TikTok star Jarad Rowan, aimed at encouraging responsible wild camping in Scotland.

Jarad, known as @LittlestChicken to his hundreds of thousands of social media followers, discovers five ‘Rules of Wild Camping’ during a trip to Borders Forest Trust’s scenic Corehead estate near Moffat.

The light-hearted video – supported by NatureScot and John Muir Trust – shows Jarad learning where to camp, what to pack, where to go to the toilet outdoors, how to leave no trace and the importance of using stoves rather than lighting fires.

Jarad, aged 21 from Stranraer, said: “This was such a great project to be involved in and I had the best time filming! It was also really cool to be shooting in Dumfries & Galloway. There are some lovely spots here in Scotland. I’m wondering does this make me an icon in the world of wild camping now?!”

The film has been planned by Ramblers Scotland alongside a team of young adults – the target audience – who have completed Ramblers Scotland’s Out There Award, which helps 18 to 26-year-olds kick-start their journeys into the outdoors.

Ramblers Scotland director Brendan Paddy said: “Scotland has world-class landscapes for everyone to explore. Getting more people active outdoors more often will help make Scotland a happier and healthier nation.

“It can also provide valuable income for rural communities and help more people feel inspired to protect the places where we all love to walk. 

“The challenge we now face is making sure that the welcome increase in people getting outdoors is backed by the support needed to ensure people have the knowledge and opportunities to enjoy the experience responsibly.

“I hope our new film will support people – especially beginners – to plan fun, responsible nights out under the stars.”

Ramblers Scotland and partners have launched the video ahead of what is expected to be a hugely busy summer for Scotland’s outdoors, particularly as many festivals, indoor parties and overseas travel remain off limits.

In fact, a recent study by the David Hume Institute (DHI) showed 36% of people in Scotland spent more time outside in nature last year than before – with 58% intending to spend more time outside in future.

It will be shown across Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter and TikTok throughout the summer.

Viewers are linked to a detailed new webpage at that helps beginners plan safe and fun wild camps in Scotland.

The video campaign is part of a wider programme of visitor management activities led by VisitScotland and Scottish Government with public, charity and private partners. 

Together the partnership aims to deliver not just communication and education activities about enjoying the outdoors responsibly but also to address issues related to infrastructure and to co-ordinate direct engagement with visitors to prevent problems arising.

Last year, antisocial and irresponsible behaviour by a small minority of visitors in some popular locations caused real issues for the environment, local people, and other visitors. This summer is expected to be even busier, so it is vital that people act responsibly.

The film was produced by Edinburgh-based video agency Heehaw.