Come Wassailing at Granton Castle Walled Garden on Sunday 19 February

Come join us for wassailing at Granton Castle Walled Garden on the 19th February from 2 – 4pm. There will be activities, songs and refreshments all inspired by the wonderful apple trees.

Wassailing is an anglo-saxon tradition where the fruit trees are blessed with offerings of song, food and drink to encourage them to provide a bountiful harvest.

We will gather together and give the trees of our orchard a much needed cheer and scare away all of the bad spirits! Bring along some friends and family, and perhaps make yourself a lovely apple themed crown to wear.

Cash donations are appreciated but not required, if you have any questions please ask!

For details on how to find us visit our website:

Accelerating action to tackle nature and climate crises

More funding to support biodiversity projects

Projects that restore Scotland’s rainforest and protect some of the country’s most threatened wildlife are among those set to benefit from crucial funding.

A new package of Scottish Government support totalling over £2.9 million will focus on conservation, research and connecting people with nature – aiming to accelerate the response to the biodiversity and climate crises.

A project to restore Scotland’s rainforest will receive over £1.3 million helping to control invasive rhododendron and manage the impacts of wild deer to promote the recovery of the fragile forest ecosystem.

Species on the Edge’, a five-year partnership project, will receive £500,000, helping to support 37 of Scotland’s most vulnerable species – such as the great yellow bumblebee and the Scottish primrose.

A further £200,000 will go to the Green Action Trust to help expand nature networks – supporting their work with local communities across Scotland to create and restore woodlands and wetlands.

Biodiversity Minister Lorna Slater said: “The interlinked crises of nature loss and climate change need urgent action across government and society. A healthy natural environment with restored and thriving biodiversity is also crucial to both our wellbeing and our economy. 

“That is why we are continuing to support and build on a wide programme of enhancing nature protections. This new package of funding adds to our £65 million Nature Restoration Fund, which supports projects across Scotland – on land and at sea – that address the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change.

“We are at a critical moment as we approach the UN CoP15 biodiversity summit at the end of this year. We will soon publish a new Biodiversity Strategy for Scotland, which will set out what our natural environment needs to look like by 2045 in order to reverse biodiversity decline and protect our environment for the future.

“The Strategy will set out in detail how we achieve our goals and a Natural Environment Bill which will pave the way for statutory nature restoration targets.”

Alistair Whyte on behalf of Woodland Trust Scotland and Plantlife Scotland said: “We welcome the allocation of funding to begin the crucial work of halting the loss of Scotland’s rainforest.

“Restoring the rainforest will need a long-term, strategic approach to funding and action on the ground. In financially challenging times, this announcement is an encouraging step towards fulfilling that larger commitment to restore and expand this precious ecosystem. We owe it to the world to restore Scotland’s rainforest.”

Director of RSPB Scotland Anne McCall said: “Given the scale and urgency of the nature and climate crisis it is great to see this funding announcement from Scottish Government.

“Support for work that is focused on species and the restoration of Scotland’s rainforest highlights the importance of addressing nature loss across Scotland; there is so much more to be done, by all sectors, if we are to realise a future where nature and people can thrive.”

Details of all the projects to receive additional funding are contained in the table below:

ProjectWhat it will doAllocation
Species on the Edge5 year partnership programme with NatureScot, the National Lottery Heritage Fund and nature conservation charities improving the fortunes of 37 priority species.£50,000 allocation this year.  A total Scottish Government contribution of £500,000 to £6.7 million total cost.
Scottish Biodiversity Information Forum – Better Biodiversity Data ProjectPartnership project co-funded with NatureScot to develop first steps in a strategic approach to the collection, collation and sharing of biological data across Scotland, supporting the transition to net zero and helping halt and reverse biodiversity loss. £31,000 this year – total of £290,000 over 3 years.
Scotland’s rainforest RestorationSupport for a programme of work initially enabling Forestry and Land Scotland to control invasive non-native species on 60 ha of priority rainforest sites, moving on to new priority sites and developing opportunities for collaboration with the Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforest and development of deer management plans for key sites.£555,000 capital and £750,000 resource.
Nature NetworksTo support the Green Action Trust’s work on local nature networks. Green Action Trust will work with local communities to create and restore woodlands and wetlands.£200,000 top up capital to their core grant.
Nature Restoration FundTop up funding to the Transforming Nature multiyear project window, and additional capital to the National Parks to support their nature plans.£453,000
The Conservation VolunteersSupport for the delivery of environmental volunteering, getting people engaged with nature, particularly in urban and socially deprived areas, each year TCV organise over 17,000 workdays planting over 15,000 trees, 26,000 wildflower bulbs and repairing 21km of paths.£170,000

Big Butterfly Count results revealed for Scotland

Big Butterfly Count saw some species flourish in Scotland this summer, but numbers are still worryingly low

Results of this year’s Big Butterfly Count revealed

  • Small White takes top spot
  • Garden favourite the Comma did extremely well in Scotland
  • Peacock, Red Admiral and Small Tortoiseshell all buck UK trend and show a welcome increase in numbers
  • Worryingly, overall numbers of butterflies remain low

Wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation has released data on the number of butterflies and some day-flying moths recorded in Scotland during this year’s Big Butterfly Count, which ran from 15th July – 7th August.

The top five butterfly species encountered in Scotland were Small White, Meadow Brown, Large White, Ringlet and Peacock.

Another winner for the 2022 Count was the Comma, which saw an increase of 187% in Scotland compared with last year. This species has a flexible lifecycle which enables it to capitalise on favourable weather conditions, which could account for its particular success this year. The Comma only recolonised Scotland in the early 2000s (having been absent for about130 years) but has expanded its range rapidly since then.

Peacock, Red Admiral and Small Tortoiseshell also all seem to have fared well in Scotland this summer and bucked the UK trend of decline. This is welcome news as all three species showed declines in Scotland last year.

However, overall, the trend for butterflies across Scotland remains a concerning one, with the results of the Big Butterfly Count 2022 showing an average of just under seven butterflies seen per Count. While this is a slight increase on last year, it still remains low compared with many previous years in the 13-year history of the citizen science project.

Neither of the two species of blue butterfly included in the Big Butterfly Count, the Holly Blue and the Common Blue, did well in Scotland this year, despite significant increases in other parts of the UK, with a decline of 35% for the Holly Blue and 13% for Common Blue.

The Scotch Argus was added to the species list for the Big Butterfly Count in Scotland for the first time last year. Unfortunately it wasn’t good news for the species, which declined 38% on 2021 levels.

Head of Science for Butterfly Conservation, Dr Richard Fox, said: “We might have expected this summer to have been a much better one for butterflies given the good weather experienced in many parts of Scotland.

“The fact that more butterflies weren’t seen is concerning and it’s clear that much more needs to be done to protect and restore habitats to aid nature recovery. The sun could shine for days on end, but we still won’t see more butterflies unless there is habitat for them to thrive in.”

A total of 3,633 Butterfly Counts were carried out in Scotland during the event while, across the UK as a whole, participants spent a combined total of over two and a half years counting butterflies in their gardens, local parks and in the countryside.

Dr Zoë Randle, Senior Surveys Officer at Butterfly Conservation, said: “The vast majority of Big Butterfly Counts are done in gardens, which makes this data especially valuable because this type of habitat is under-represented in many of our other schemes.

“We can create habitat for butterflies such as the Holly Blue and Comma in our gardens, by cultivating Holly and flowering Ivy for the former and growing Hop, elms and nettles for the latter. Gardens that are wildlife friendly can provide vital habitat for these insects, allowing them space to feed, breed and shelter.”

The Big Butterfly Count is the largest citizen-science project of its kind and relies on volunteers spending 15 minutes outside each summer, counting the number and type of butterflies they see. Taking part each year helps scientists to gather important data on how butterflies and moths are coping with changing climate, changing weather, and habitat loss. Next year’s Big Butterfly Count will take place from Friday 14th July – Sunday 6th August 2023.

To find out more visit


Species results in SCOTLAND – Big Butterfly Count 2022

 Big Butterfly Count 2022ScotlandAbundanceAve per count% change from 2021
1Small White3,5591.101%
2Meadow Brown3,3031.0215%
3Large White2,7500.85-4%
6Small Tortoiseshell1,3600.4217%
7Green-veined White1,2660.39-8%
8Red Admiral1,1200.35135%
9Scotch Argus9960.31-38%
10Speckled Wood8460.2629%
11Common Blue5140.16-13%
12Six-spot Burnet4120.139%
13Small Copper2270.07-11%
14Silver Y1920.06144%
16Painted Lady1410.04-18%
17Holly Blue690.02-35%

This year, the Big Butterfly Count was sponsored by garden wildlife specialist Vivara and the DFN Foundation, a commissioning charity focused on influencing sustainable change in special needs education, supported employment, healthcare and conservation.

Charities invite public to join biggest ever conversation about nature

Eighty three per cent of adults in Scotland believe nature is under threat and urgently needs more done to protect and restore it, according to polling from the RSPB Scotland and WWF Scotland.

The majority have seen a decline in nature and wildlife in their local areas; with close to half (47%) expressing a willingness to take action themselves to avert a nature crisis.  However 39% don’t feel empowered to do so. 

The results come as three of the UK’s biggest conservation charities join forces with celebrity champions Maisie Williams and Cel Spellman to launch the People’s Plan for Nature, inviting the nation to have its say on how the UK solves the ongoing nature crisis.

Through both a UK-wide conversation and the first ever citizens’ assembly for nature, the charities are inviting the public to share their ideas and together develop a set of public demands to tackle the nature crisis – calling on the leaders of all four nations to take action before it’s too late. 

The charities feel the time is ripe for co-creating a proposal for nature’s recovery as the polling shows that the people in Scotland already would like to see improvements in their local areas, including: 

  • more action for cleaner rivers, waterways and seas (49%), 
  • more protection for nature in the planning and housebuilding system (33%) 
  • strengthened legal protection for nature, wildlife, and habitats (36%).

People from Scotland and the rest of the UK can submit their thoughts on the future of nature in the UK on by the 30th October.

The charities have also partnered with Future Art Centres (a network of independent cultural centres across the UK) to help facilitate the nationwide conversation. The public will be invited to add their ideas to specially-designed tree installations at 30 Art Centres around the country.

The trees can be found at venues including Eden Court in Inverness, Lyth Arts Centre in Caithness, Lairg Learning Centre, Pearce Institute in Glasgow, and Glasgow Science Centre.

The two charity chiefs, Lang Banks (WWF Scotland) and Anne McCall (RSPB Scotland) said in a joint statement: “This summer saw Scotland experience record-breaking temperatures and adverse weather conditions that caused drought conditions, wildfires, and other harm to its nature and wildlife.

“Extreme heat led to fears of crop loss, contributing to the cost of living crisis everyone is experiencing. The twin nature and climate crises affect everyone, so everyone should be involved in the conversation about how we address them. 

“The majority of people in Scotland say they have witnessed a decline in nature and wildlife in their local areas, according to the polling: 62% in the amount and variety of insects they see including butterflies and bumblebees and 54% in birds; 57% in the number of mammal sightings such as hedgehogs, badgers and otters and 53% in green spaces such as parks and woodlands. And many have seen this decline in some form in the last five years alone (60%).

The reality may be even worse than people think; in the five decades since consistent scientific monitoring began, there has been a 24% decline in average species abundance across monitored wildlife in Scotland.

The 2019 State of Nature Scotland report reveals that 49% of Scottish species have decreased, and that of the 6,413 species found in Scotland that have been assessed, 11% are threatened with extinction.

A representative group of 100 people from across the UK will come together as a citizens’ assembly to develop a set of recommendations to help and restore nature in the UK, starting in November this year. The leading charities are also bringing in celebrity champions to support the campaign, starting with Maisie Williams and Cel Spellman.

Emmy-nominated actor, activist, and producer Maisie Williams said: “The People’s Plan for Nature is the chance for all of us to come together and fight for nature before it is too late.

“I am so excited to join this vital conversation and play a part in protecting and restoring the wildlife that means so much to me and countless others. For me, it’s about birdsong – it always reminds me of home, and I’m scared that I will wake up one day and won’t be able to hear it anymore.

“We must act now – and the most powerful thing we can do is use our voices, collectively. So let’s join this fight together and bring our nature back to life.”

Actor, presenter and activist Cel Spellman: “The People’s Plan for Nature gives us a rare opportunity to unite and bring about desperately needed change for our natural world.

“We have all turned to and appreciated nature like never before in the last few years. For me, spending time immersed in the natural world is my medicine, it’s good for the soul, body and mind. Yet the UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world. 

“Nature needs us now more than ever, and this is the time for us all to stand up, take action and use our voices to protect and restore our precious wildlife species, ecosystems and environment. Together we can make a real difference.”

Mariyah, aged 10 from Glasgow: “I’m super excited about the launch of The People’s Plan for Nature as I love getting outdoors and having fun with my friends and family. Nature and the outdoors just makes me so happy and I wish that we can all enjoy the beautiful nature that we have in Scotland throughout our whole lives!”

The People’s Plan for Nature will give a voice to everyone to share their ideas, asking the public: “what do you love about nature in the UK? What would you miss if it disappeared?” to get their feedback on how to thwart the nature crisis and to understand what people would like to see for the future of UK nature and wildlife.

Healthy Heart Tip: Healthy Habits for Summer Holidays

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Healthy Habits for Summer Holidays

The summer holidays can be a stressful time for many families. Whilst they are a lovely opportunity to enjoy the summer together as a family, parents and carers can find it hard to juggle having the children at home with work, household and general life commitments. Naturally, during busy periods one of the first things to be pushed aside is healthy eating and taking time for ourselves to recoup and recharge.

We’ve put together some tips to help you get through the summer holidays and keep providing nourishing meals for the family – without going crazy:

Consider an early start

  • If you have older children who sleep well, you could try getting up an hour before they rise. This gives you an hour of calm before the hustle and bustle of the day begins, you can use this time to get on top of the household chores, get ahead of the day’s work commitments, do some meditation to set you up for the day or just have your breakfast in peace! Of course, this means going to bed an hour earlier to make sure you are getting enough sleep (seven to nine hours per night is ideal).

Meal plan

  • If you don’t already meal plan, now is the time to start. Having a comprehensive meal plan over the summer holidays will really take the stress out of eating well. We recommend planning for every single meal, including snacks, and have the plan pinned on the fridge for all to see. To make it easier still, use the same meal plan for every week of the holidays, as long as you have varied meals throughout the week, there’s no reason why you can’t eat the same and it makes shopping easier, as it’s the same list each week.

Write a diary/plan

  • Writing a diary or a day planner the night before each day can really help lessen those feelings of overwhelm we can experience when life is busy. It can also help calm and quieten your mind before going to sleep. You could group things into ‘urgent’ – those things that are priority and can’t wait and ‘can wait’ – those things you want to get done at some point, but if they don’t happen tomorrow that’s ok.

Above all, remember to not take on too much, and try to let the small things go as children can be demanding and take up lots of our energy.

There is plenty of information available online about free and local things to do during the holidays, so be sure to have a look and get out and about in nature everyday where possible.

For more tips on how to stay healthy, sign up for our weekly healthy tips at

To help keep your heart healthy, why not try out some of our Healthy Heart recipes from our website:

Or have a look through our Healthy Heart cookbook filled with recipes from top chefs, celebrities and food bloggers:

Miniature vertical farms travel the country as Dandelion’s cubes tour begins

Dandelion’s cubes are going on tour, starting on top of the iconic Calton Hill in Edinburgh. Special cargo bikes, featuring Dandelion’s unique ‘growing cubes’ called ‘Cubes of Perpetual Light’, will be touring Scotland in Dandelion’s latest initiative to bring music, nature, art, science, community food growing and more, to as many people as possible.

The Cubes Bike Tour forms part of Dandelion, a major creative programme demonstrating the power of collective action through an ambitious ‘grow your own’ initiative that aims to reach hundreds of thousands of people throughout Scotland and further afield this summer. 

The creative programme has been following the arc of the growing season, spanning from April to September 2022, bringing together music and art with science and technology to inspire people to ‘Sow, Grow and Share’ music, food, ideas and stories.

Commissioned by EventScotland and funded by the Scottish Government,  Dandelion is Scotland’s contribution to UNBOXED: Creativity in the UK.

A touring fleet of cargo bikes displaying Dandelion’s growing cubes – miniature vertical farms – will travel the Highlands and Lowlands throughout August.

Four custom-made, electrically assisted bikes – each carrying a cube – will visit ten towns and cities, stopping at school playgrounds, green spaces, town centres, and Dandelion’s Unexpected Gardens, among other locations.

The bikes team will also be giving away free seeds to encourage people to grow their own food. As we come to grips with the impacts of climate change, the need to travel sustainably have never been more important, and the cargo bikes show one way to what is possible.

The bikes also embed active travel at the core of the tour by cycling across the country, as Scotland prepares to host the UCI Cycling World Championships in 2023.

The 1m x 1m cubes are designed to foster accelerated plant growing and have been developed to grow hundreds of seedlings under LED light, combining design craft, traditional horticultural expertise and technological innovation. 

The Dandelion team will also be giving away free seed packets and sharing their expertise, so that everyone can grow their own herbs at home and also find out more about Dandelion’s Harvest celebrations in September.

At each stop, the cubes will play new music specially commissioned for Dandelion by Scottish and international artists, inspired by the natural world and can only be heard at the sites, including Vendanth Bharadwaj, Arooj Aftab & Maeve Gilchrist, 2022 Mercury-nominated Fergus McCreadie, Ravi Bandhu, Trio Da Kali, and amiina & Kathleen MacInnes.

Featuring programmable, immersive lighting integrated with speaker systems designed to best showcase the new music playing from the cubes. Each new music piece is commissioned by Dandelion with additional support for international work from British Council Scotland.

Neil Butler, Director of Festivals and Events at Dandelion, said: ‘We can’t wait for the Cubes Bike Tour to begin. It’s a great way to share Dandelion’s message and reach people in locations throughout Scotland.

“The bikes will be travelling all over the country so we’d love to see people coming along to witness some of the magic, get seeds to grow your own at home and hear more about our upcoming Harvest celebrations.’

Paul Bush OBE, Visit Scotland Director of Events said: “The Dandelion programme is creating an incredible array of events across Scotland this summer, each finding unique moments to connect with people all over the country through growing.

“The Cubes Bike Tour is another engaging example of this, taking Dandelion right into the heart of locations right across Scotland to be enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.

“It’s also fantastic to see events like this embed active travel as part of their programme, and it’s particularly exciting to see biking at the core of this tour as Scotland gears up to celebrate cycling on the world-stage in one year’s time, hosting the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships”.

Cosmo Blake, Network Engagement Manager at Sustrans Scotland “We are delighted to be able to support Dandelion by supplying four cargo bikes for the Cubes Bike Tour this August.

“By utilising the National Cycle Network, the UK-wide network of signed paths and routes for walking, wheeling and cycling, the tour will be able to reach communities sustainably. With the ever-present impacts from climate change, the importance of both food and transport sustainability are becoming more and more relevant.

“Bringing together active travel, growing, and the arts is a fantastic way to demonstrate the huge breadth of possibilities of cycling for transport as well as for leisure.”

The Cube Bikes will be passing through the places below:

Edinburgh, Tue 2 August

1pm, Edinburgh Botanic Gardens

4pm, Unexpected Garden, Lauriston Farm

Hawick, Wed 3 August

4pm, Hawick Museum, Wilton Lodge Gardens

Stranraer, Fri 5 August

1pm, Unexpected Garden, Harbour Street

Greenock, Sat 6 August

10.30am, Battery Park and along the esplanade

11.30am, Beacon Arts Centre

2pm, The Drying Green, Inverkip Road

Glasgow, Sun 7 August

10.00am, Govan Cross

12noon, Glasgow Science Centre

Forres, Tue 23 August

1pm, Market Square

7pm, Grant Park

Inverness, Wed 24 August

5.30pm, City Centre

Alness, Thu 25 August

Schools tour only

Wick, Fri 26 August

11am, Harbour tour

1pm, Market Square

Thurso, Sat 27 August

1pm, Town Centre

7.30pm, Unexpected Garden

Further locations to be announced throughout August.

For more information and location updates, please see:

Dandelion is commissioned by EventScotland, funded by the Scottish Government and is part of UNBOXED: Creativity in the UK. The bikes were commissioned for Dandelion by Sustrans. The Cube Bikes Tour route will follow the National Cycle Network where available.

Has the ‘COVID effect’ worn off for nature lovers?

 Big Butterfly Count sees a drop in participants compared to 2020 and 2021, as conservationists urge the public not to forget the benefits of being connected to nature – and it’s not too late to take part!

Wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation are urging people not to become disconnected from nature, after the start of their Big Butterfly Count saw a significant drop in people taking part, in comparison with the last two years.

Dr Zoe Randle, Senior Surveys Officer at Butterfly Conservation, said: “In 2020 and 2021 we saw a big increase in the number of people taking part in the Big Butterfly Count. During the COVID restrictions people were spending more time at home, and maybe without the day-to-day busyness and distractions, they noticed nature more and were able to enjoy spending more time outside.

“However, since Big Butterfly Count started on the 15th July, we’ve only had half of the Counts compared with the same time last year. It’s left us wondering whether, now there are no COVID restrictions, are people beginning to forget about nature and the wildlife that needs our help to survive?”

It’s something Butterfly Conservation’s Vice President, the TV presenter and naturalist Chris Packham, is also worried about.

Chris said: “During lockdown many people used the opportunity of having a little bit more time to engage with nature, and many of them found some respite and solace there. Now we are asking people to re-connect and give something back to nature by taking part in the Big Butterfly Count.”

A lack of butterflies could also be putting people off taking part this year.

Chris adds: “Last year was our poorest year ever in terms of the amount of butterflies people were seeing. It’s too early to tell if this year will follow suit, but certainly anecdotally we are hearing that people feel there are fewer butterflies around.

“That might have put people off taking part in the Big Butterfly Count, but it’s equally important for people to tell us that because when it comes to submitting data we need to know where there aren’t these insects as well as where there are.

“Butterflies and moths are important indicators of the wider health of our environment. If they are struggling then so is the rest of the natural world. It is so important people continue to take part in the Big Butterfly Count. If we don’t know what is happening then we can’t deliver good quality conservation.”

Butterfly Conservation’s Big Butterfly Count is a UK-wide survey open to everyone, of any age, living in towns, cities or the countryside. Taking part requires you to spend just 15 minutes in an outdoor space counting the amount and type of butterflies, and some day-flying moths, you see. It is easy to do and the more people who do it, the greater the benefits to our understanding of nature and how to help it. 

There were over 150,000 counts submitted to the Big Butterfly Count last year, more than ever before.

This year’s Big Butterfly Count runs from the 15th July to the 7th August. For more information and to take part simply visit or download the free Big Butterfly Count app.

Big Butterfly Count: Butterfly scientists call on public for help

Butterfly Conservation launches this year’s Big Butterfly Count with a warning that time is running out to help save species.

Wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation are urging the whole nation to help Britain’s butterflies by taking part in the Big Butterfly Count.

Butterfly Conservation revealed in May that half of Britain’s remaining butterfly species are now on the Red List and threatened or near threatened with extinction. Last year’s Big Butterfly Count saw the lowest ever number of butterflies recorded. As butterflies and moths are an important indicator of the health of our environment, a reduction in their numbers is a cause for serious concern.

However, taking part in the Big Butterfly Count is one really positive way that everyone can help.

The information gathered is vital in helping scientists understand more about what is happening to the nation’s butterflies and therefore put in place the conservation measures needed to protect them. 

In recent years Butterfly Conservation has helped save two species from extinction in the UK and halted the decline of many others. The charity has proved that with the right information and targeted action, species can be brought back from the brink,

Dr Zoe Randle, Senior Surveys Officer at Butterfly Conservation says: “Thanks to the wonderful British public who take part in their thousands, the Big Butterfly Count is the largest natural history citizen science project involving insects in the world and provides us with a valuable snapshot of what is happening for butterflies across the whole of the UK.

“It can act as an early-warning system, letting us know how various environmental changes are impacting insects, and allows us to gather vital data from places that would otherwise be totally unrecorded.”

With the numbers of butterflies in decline, learning as much as possible about them is more important than ever. Zoe adds: “We really need people’s help this year to help us figure out where our butterflies are and what we need to do to save them. It’s not just the rare species of butterfly – the ones with restricted habitat or foodplants – that we are concerned about. Some of our previously commonly seen butterflies, like the Small Tortoiseshell, are also declining rapidly.”

The Small Tortoiseshell, which can be found all over the UK and was once a familiar species in gardens throughout the country, has declined by 79% since 1976. It’s one of the species included in the Big Butterfly Count, and Butterfly Conservation hope that data from citizen scientists will mean more can be understood about its fate.

Taking part in the Big Butterfly Count is not only good for butterflies – it’s good for humans too!

Dr Amir Khan, Butterfly Conservation Ambassador, is one of a number of famous faces supporting the Big Butterfly Count. He says: “Spending time in nature is hugely beneficial to our mental health. Just a short amount of time spent in the natural world can alleviate stress, and connecting with nature can help us feel happier and more energised.

“Watching butterflies for just fifteen minutes can be a wonderful and calming experience. It is good for you as well as benefitting butterflies by helping Butterfly Conservation gather the important data they need to understand how to better protect these special insects. It is truly a win-win situation for all of us.”

Butterfly Conservation’s Big Butterfly Count is a UK-wide survey open to everyone, of any age, living in towns, cities or the countryside.

Taking part requires you to spend just 15 minutes in an outdoor space counting the amount and type of butterflies, and some day-flying moths, you see. It is easy to do and the more people who do it, the greater the benefits to our understanding of nature and how to help it. 

There were over 150,000 counts submitted to the Big Butterfly Count last year, more than ever before. Though worryingly, 2021 also saw the lowest average number of butterflies logged since the event began thirteen years ago. More counts are undertaken and submitted year on year, but it seems there are fewer butterflies and moths to be seen.

Butterfly Conservation scientists are keen to see if this is a trend that continues in 2022, and how the picture differs for butterflies across the whole of the UK. This means it’s more important than ever that the public take part and help to gather the data needed.

This year the Big Butterfly Count is sponsored by garden wildlife specialist Vivara and the DFN Foundation, a commissioning charity focused on influencing sustainable change in special needs education, supported employment, healthcare and conservation.

Sarah Hancocks, Marketing Manager for Vivara, commented: “We are so excited to be extending our partnership with Butterfly Conservation and our sponsorship of the Big Butterfly Count.

“We’re incredibly passionate about nature and know that all types of wildlife play a vital part in our ecosystem. That’s why we’re on a mission to help give parts of Britain back to nature and help restore the balance of biodiversity in back gardens across the country.

“The Big Butterfly Count is a fantastic way of doing this and furthering research into, and support of, butterflies.”

David Forbes Nixon OBE, Chairman of the DFN Foundation, said: “The DFN Foundation is delighted to once more be the official co-sponsor of this great event and support Butterfly Conservation in their vital work helping us protect butterflies from extinction.

“Last year was the biggest count to date, with over 150,000 counts submitted from people across the UK and I hope we can make it even better this year.

“As we enjoy summer, I encourage everyone around the country to take part and use this as an opportunity to connect with nature in an easy and fun way. Not only will it benefit the health and wellbeing of all who take part, no matter their age, but also help save species of butterfly that are crucial to our environment and ecosystem.”

This year’s Big Butterfly Count runs from the 15th July to the 7th August.

For more information and to take part simply visit or download the free Big Butterfly Count app.

New plan calls for urban wetlands to help ‘level up’ wellbeing inequalities

Creating wildlife-rich wetlands like ponds, streams, wetland parks and rain gardens in deprived urban communities could help level up inequalities in wellbeing across the UK, according to a new report.

Currently, people in the poorest urban and ethnic communities are twice as likely as those in more affluent groups to live in neighbourhoods without good quality blue or green spaces. Some research suggests this differing access to nature-rich areas could be associated with health inequalities.

The Wildfowl & Wetland Trust’s (WWT) Creating Urban Wetlands for Wellbeing. A Route Map’ outlines how high-quality wetlands could help tackle these inequalities, often more effectively than other forms of nature.

The report highlights how wetlands can help low-income urban communities, which are frequently most at risk from the harmful impacts of poor mental health and the climate crisis, through relieving stress, cooling cities, reducing air and water pollution, alleviating flooding and boosting biodiversity.

In addition, the report outlines how blue spaces (environments that feature open water, such as wetlands) directly reduce stress more than green spaces alone. This could be due to the particularly wide range of stimuli .wetland nature provides which engage all the senses The light, soundscapes, changing patterns on water, and meaningful personal associations associated with aquatic settings may all reduce stress.

The powerful calming effect of blue space is further demonstrated by a study of 16,000 people across 18 countries, which found that frequently visiting ‘watery’ nature decreased mental distress. Just 10 minutes spent in urban wetlands can be enough to improve a person’s mood.  

People also socialise more in blue spaces, helping to build community cohesion and reduce social isolation. And restored linear wetlands, such as rivers, provide opportunities for physically active travel and leisure in space-limited towns and cities.

WWT is working with the Mental Health Foundation (MHF) and the NHS, prescribing wetlands in London for people experiencing poor mental health with limited resources.

Dr Ben Plimpton, Project Manager from the Foundation, commented: “Initiatives such as WWT and MHF’s Blue Prescribing at London Wetland Centre can be particularly effective at improving people’s mental health – and may sometimes prevent the need for crisis support.

“Initial assessment of social prescribing has shown that the average wellbeing value of wetland social prescribing was £4,848 per person, compared to £1,084 and £1,127 per person for arts engagement and sports participation respectively.

“Increasing structured access to city wetlands for those with limited resources, as our scheme does, could be one of the simplest ways to lift people’s wellbeing in urban areas.”

The route map details how nature-rich wetlands can be created in a range of urban settings at a variety of scales, allowing them to fit in any urban space, including:

  • installing simple drainpipe wetlands in backyards and gardens
  • building new rain gardens during street repair work and neighbourhood improvements
  • restoring streams and rivers flowing through neighbourhoods
  • creating parks centred on wetlands that provide a wellbeing resource for whole communities

It recommends creating and restoring wetlands where they can best reduce health inequalities, such as in areas without access to nature, where deprived communities and neighbourhoods are at risk of flooding and overheating as the climate crisis escalates.

The report urges governments, businesses and civil society to play their part in creating and restoring urban wetlands that can help to level up wellbeing.

In particular, restoring wetland nature to urban areas should be a major part of the Government’s plans to level up opportunity across the country, with a new legal duty on councils and developers to provide access to nature.

Rain garden at London Wetland Centre

Dr James Robinson, Director of Conservation at WWT, said: “Most human settlements grew around a water source and wetlands long used to be an integral part of our great towns and cities.

“However, increasingly new developments have swallowed many of them up. Worryingly, there are no UK-wide plans to increase the amount of blue or green nature in urban areas, despite the huge value they provide. London’s natural spaces alone save the NHS £950M annually.

“WWT are experts at protecting, restoring and building new wetlands but to do this at scale, including in urban areas, more support and funding from the public and private sectors is needed.

“The opportunities that wetlands offer to enhance and extend our lives are established – but they are not being grasped. WWT’s route map released today provides a clear plan of how this can be achieved.”

David Lindo, ‘the Urban Birder’, who supports WWT’s call for more urban wetlands, said: “I grew up in London and the River Brent was a lifeline for me as a child. I became absorbed in its wildlife and it sparked my lifelong love of birds and boosted my mental wellbeing.

“Everyone should have access to that and it’s imperative that decision-makers consider how to incorporate wetlands into our urban spaces – sooner rather than later. Wetlands could offer national and local government a win-win situation helping them reach their levelling up, climate change, nature and health targets all at the same time. It’s time to start thinking smart.”

WWT’s call for more urban wetlands is part of their wider Wetlands Can! Campaign, which is urging the public to pledge their support for a “blue recovery” by creating and restoring 100,000 hectares of wetlands throughout the UK to help combat the climate, nature and wellbeing crises.

Protecting and enhancing nature

More funding for local nature restoration projects

Projects that support biodiversity and improve the health and wellbeing of local communities are set to benefit from further funding.

All local authorities, plus Scotland’s two National Parks, will receive a share of £6.5 million directly from the Scottish Government’s Edinburgh Process Fund – the second stream of the £65 million annual Nature Restoration Fund.

£5 million has been allocated to local authorities to deliver projects that support the priority aims of the Fund: habitat and species restoration, freshwater restoration, coastal and marine protection and eradication of non-native species.

Councils can also apply to top up their direct allocation from a £1.5 million pot  to deliver larger scale, multi-year nature restoration projects.

Biodiversity Minister Lorna Slater visited Howden Park in West Lothian to see how previous allocations from the Nature Restoration Fund have helped the local council to improve the biodiversity, connectivity and climate resilience of the popular park.

Ms Slater said: “The Scottish Government is committed to tackling the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change, both at home and abroad.

“Connecting people with nature, in urban and rural areas, brings so many benefits in terms of health and wellbeing. Improving our more green spaces will enable people to enjoy spending time outdoors and care for the natural environment on their doorstep.

“The Edinburgh Process Fund will play a critical role in supporting local authorities to restore nature in their area, through things like creating wildflower habitats in parks to restoring floodplains around rivers and expanding native woodland. Projects will be delivered by local government and their partners, who are well placed to direct investment to the projects that will make the most difference for nature and benefit communities”

“The Fund builds on the Edinburgh Process which has established our commitment and reputation as leaders on the natural environment. It has provided a platform establishing the central role of subnational governments, cities and local authorities in delivering for biodiversity. We will continue to drive the Edinburgh Process forward through to COP15 later this year.

NatureScot’s Head of Biodiversity and Geodiversity Dr Katherine Leys said: “We are delighted that the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund has been able to allocate funding to local authorities through the Edinburgh Process Fund.

“Local authorities have an important role to play in tackling the nature and climate crises, and are very well placed to identify nature restoration priorities at a local scale.”