Projects and organisations across Edinburgh are sharing in £49,382 National Lottery funding in the latest round of Creative Scotland’s Open Fund awards.
Edinburgh contemporary composer, Neil Smith is developing two projects designed to inspire new audiences for contemporary classical music.
A debut portrait album of chamber music and a new music-driven puppet theatre show follow fast on the heels of his collaboration with Tinderbox Collective’s recent Music For Bridges project.

Photographer, David Grinly is developing new work for an exhibition at Sierra Metro gallery, Edinburgh in January 2022.
Collaborating with six musicians, Grinly will perform and record works of “photographic music” composed via a method developed by the artist to translate colour into musical notation.
The Edinburgh projects are among the 36 creative initiatives across Scotland sharing in over £772,000 of National Lottery funding in this round of Open Fund awards.
The full list of awards is available on the Creative Scotland website.

Iain Munro, CEO, Creative Scotland said: “These Open Fund grants are capable of making a palpable and positive difference to the lives and careers of artists, and more widely to those of us living within Scotland’s communities.
“Thanks to the generosity of National Lottery players, who raise £30 million for good causes across the UK every year, these awards continue to support communities the length and breadth of Scotland, inspiring generations and boosting overall wellbeing.”