£38,000 boost for Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre
Tag: Muirhouse Millennium Centre
The Guid Auld Days at Muirhouse Millennium Centre
Thursday saw Edinburgh College students with volunteers – Step Up – running their first social event in the community: a retro quiz in Muirhouse Millennium Centre with our regular social groups, The Sunshine Club & the Loose Women (writes James McGinty).
Continue reading The Guid Auld Days at Muirhouse Millennium Centre
Care recruitment roadshow at Millennium Centre
Call-in Homecare are looking for staff and are holding two recruitment roadshows at Muirhouse Millennium Centre (writes James McGinty)
Respite Care, Specialist Home Care Service, Carers in Edinburgh
Recruitment Roadshow
Community Care Assistants Required
Secure full or Part-Time Contracts, £ 8.50 per hour, paid Mileage, pension, free training to SVQ2 and other benefits
Tuesday 12th April ( 12.00-4.00pm)
Tuesday 19th April ( 12.00-4.00pm)
Alternatively Call 0131 – 656 – 7310 or text ”Recruitment’ to 6677 to visit their Facebook Page click HERE
Success for Muirhouse Millennium Centre at Youth Awards
A very large audience attended the North Edinburgh Youth Awards Ceremony last Thursday night (writes James McGinty). Continue reading Success for Muirhouse Millennium Centre at Youth Awards
Muirhouse Minis party at Millennium Centre
Muirhouse Minis group has grown so large since it first started that the group has been split into 3 session per day. To facilitate this, two parties were arranged with an hour between both, even though the groups have moved into the main hall! (writes James McGinty). Continue reading Muirhouse Minis party at Millennium Centre
Festive Sunshine at Muirhouse Millennium Centre
There’s always plenty of Christmas cheer at the Sunshine Club party!
The Sunshine Club extended their now customary annual invitation to the Loose Women to share their Christmas party – and party they did (writes James McGinty)! Continue reading Festive Sunshine at Muirhouse Millennium Centre
Stepping Stones AGM
Steeping Stones North Edinburgh
Join us at Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre
Thursday 29 October 12:30pm
10 Wardieburn Road, Edinburgh
Telephone 551 1632
Email: info@steppingstonesnorthedinburgh.co.uk
Muirhouse Housing Association AGM tonight
Tonight we host the A.G.M of Muirhouse Housing association in our large hall at Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre (writes James McGinty)
The following invite comes from the Housing Association Website:
Our A.G.M is just around the corner. It will be held on Monday 28 September at 6.30pm at the Muirhouse Millennium Centre. Light refreshments will be served.
The main purpose of the meeting is to present the annual accounts and future plans for the Association. We will also be announcing the winners of the ‘Good Neighbour’ and ‘Best Garden’ contest and all attendees have a chance to win a price.
1 MSP 1 MP in Muirhouse every month
You wait ages for a politician to come along and then two come along at once … I jest: here’s a wee reminder from JAMES McGINTY at Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre …
Reminder for Friday 4 September 10.30- 11.30am
(Michelle’s first surgery at the Centre:)
Thereafter 1st Friday of each Month
The opportunity to meet 1 M.S.P. and 1 M.P. within four days is a mouth-watering opportunity to discuss anything that is important to you and your neighbourhood with Michelle Thomson MP on Friday (as above) and Colin Keir MSP on Monday!
Happy birthday, Muirhouse Millennium Centre
Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre is celebrating a special anniversary today, writes JAMES McGINTY
Today’s our BIRTHDAY!! Yes we’re 15 today (sorry, that’s the Millennium Centre, not the average age of our workers – how they wish!!) Yes it’s fifteen years from the day Councillors Maginnis and Hinds officially opened the Centre. Have we changed? Ask our visitors!
YES we have, we’re busier more creative in our activities and projects in our activities than ever.
YES We have also improved our publicity and transparency with our venture into our own website, tweets on Twitter posts on our electronic North Edinburgh News and declaring the number of people who participate in the centre activities each month.
YES 15 years on, roll on the 25th & 50th anniversary! Click onto our website for full report with some nostalgic pictures: