PM meets US President Joe Biden

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak welcomed US President Joe Biden to the United Kingdom for a meeting in Belfast today.

The Prime Minister welcomed US President Biden to the United Kingdom for a meeting in Belfast today.

The leaders reflected on the legacy of the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement, which was signed 25 years ago this week. They agreed that this anniversary is a moment to celebrate the progress that Northern Ireland has made over the last quarter of a century and to recommit to building an even brighter future for Northern Ireland.

The Prime Minister thanked President Biden for the role the US people and businesses have played in Northern Ireland’s prosperity, with billions of pounds of investment creating tens of thousands of jobs.

The Prime Minister and President Biden both expressed their sincere hope that the institutions in Northern Ireland will be restored as soon as possible.

The Prime Minister and President Biden discussed the wider relationship between the UK and the US.

They agreed that manipulation of global markets by authoritarian leaders demonstrates, more than ever, the need for likeminded partners to work together to support the economic health and security of our nations.

The leaders said that the thriving trade relationship between the UK and US demonstrates we are doing just that.

They looked forward to discussing the issue of economic security further during the G7 Summit next month and the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington DC in June.

They also agreed on the importance of using global forums like the G7 and G20 to challenge economic coercion and market manipulation, and promote the economic well-being of our countries.

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils to meet tomorrow

Thursday 30 March 2023: 18.50 for 19.00 on Microsoft Teams.


Cllr. Mandy Watt, Convenor of CEC Finance & Resources Committee:

Funding Edinburgh’s ambitions in an era of budget constraint.’

Angus Murdoch, CEC Neighbourhood Environmental Services:

‘Doing the dirty work: empty, clean, recycle; repeat.’

Here is the Microsoft Teams link:

Meeting ID: 345 790 606 167
Passcode: mD6VYF
Join on the web


CEC’s Spatial Policy Division is running a Workshop on five Draft Action Plans prepared in support of the City Mobility Plan.

Three dates are offered, on 18, 19 and 21 April (09.30 to 13.00).

The Action Plans cover Active Travel; Public Transport; Road Safety; Parking; Air Quality.

Contact the Placemaking and Mobility Team at to attend. The closing date is 17 March.

See more on the EACC website:
Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC)
EACC Secretary; Ken Robertson

UNISON: Tonight’s public meeting to discuss teaching of gender identity in schools should be cancelled

UNISON City of Edinburgh branch is calling on the council to cancel a ‘Schools and gender identity event’ to protect library staff and members of the trans community.

The event which its organisers say is “a group of concerned adults organised a public meeting in Portobello Community Centre to discuss the teaching of gender identity in schools” is due to be held at Portobello Library this evening (Tuesday 14 March) has already gathered national media attention and some community campaigners have also called for its cancellation.

UNISON City of Edinburgh branch has been in dialogue with the council to express safety-fears for library staff and local trans-individuals. UNISON argue that library staff are being placed at the centre of something that is going to impact their ability to provide a high quality public services to the local community, including the LGBT+ community.

UNISON City of Edinburgh branch is also concerned that the event indirectly endangers the wider safety of the UK trans community.  Should the event be allowed to continue, the branch will peacefully protest with other community activist protesters and would ask other who feel the same to join them.

UNISON City of Edinburgh branch secretary, Tom Conolly said: “UNISON Edinburgh city branch represent library staff across the city and we do not want to see them placed at the centre of something which could impact on their ability to deliver high quality public services.

“We are concerned that this event has been granted permission to go ahead. UNISON Edinburgh city branch is clear in its commitment to trans and non-binary members. We recognise the importance of supporting trans members in our local communities.”

UNISON City of Edinburgh branch equalities officer, Elaine Wishart said: “UNISON supports trans rights and wants to be at the forefront of promoting an inclusive debate.

“You don’t have to be trans to fight for trans rights, you can be a trans ally. The national debate is very divisive and harms trans-people who need our compassion and support. UNISON have produced many campaign materials around combatting the gender critical narrative.

“Trans rights are human rights and making sure our trans members are able to go to work, and just be themselves in the wider community free of fear, harassment and bullying is paramount.”

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils meets tonight

The Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC) will meet tonight (Thursday, 26 January) at 7pm 

Here is the screen meeting link:

Microsoft Teams meeting:

Meeting ID: 339 983 767 862

Passcode: hCLxPd

The Speakers

Andrew Field, Head of Community Empowerment and Engagement, and Joan Parr, Service Director for Culture and Wellbeing, from City of Edinburgh Council: Community Partnership Planning – Moving Forward

Councillor Scott Arthur, Convenor, City of Edinburgh Council Transport and Environment Committee:

Transport Priorities for a Growing City

This 26 January meeting begins our 2023 programme.

I invite you to get in touch to bring other meeting ideas to me.

 (As before, this meeting is open to the public, but due to space restrictions, priority will be given to Community Councillor attendees.

The meeting may be recorded – please note that by joining the meeting you are giving your consent in that regard.


Ken Robertson



Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC)
EACC Secretary; Ken Robertson

Inverleith Neighbourhood Network to meet online on 26 September

Inverleith Neighbourhood Network (NN)

Monday 26 September 2022 from 6-7.30pm, via teams


Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Learn More | Meeting options



  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Minute of meeting of 16 May 2022 – (attached)
  3. Getting to know you – Daisy Narayanan, 20 min Neighbourhoods
  4. NEP (Neighbourhood Environment Programme) updates:
    1. Housing Revenue Account (HRA) element
    1. Roads Element
  5. Local Community Planning Partnership (LCPP) (Rolling item) – Verbal update – Joan Beattie / Cllr Mitchell
  6. Progressing Inverleith NN priority (Rolling item) – Greenspace and community growing subgroup – verbal update Joan Beattie
  7. Community Grants Fund – update Elaine Lennon (current application for consideration attached)
  8. AOCB
  9. Date and format of next gathering – proposed quarterly dates, all 6pm:
    1. 21st November 2022

Muirhouse & Salvesen Community Council meets tonight

Muirhouse & Salvesen Community Council meeting

Thursday 23rd June 7:00 pm @ Muirhouse Millennium Centre

Come along and meet the new elected councillors and have your say on what you would like to see happen in your area.

For further information email

Shared Challenges: First Minister meets Michelle O’Neill at Bute House

Meeting to discuss shared areas of interest

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon welcomed Michelle O’Neill MLA to Bute House today (Friday 20 May).

The meeting, which was arranged at the request of Michelle O’Neill, provided an opportunity to discuss shared areas of interest including the current cost of living crisis, the importance of the Northern Ireland Protocol negotiated with the EU and the prospects for the formation of a new Northern Ireland Executive.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “Today’s meeting was an excellent opportunity to discuss some of the shared challenges Scotland and Northern Ireland face and I thank Michelle for reaching out and enabling us to discuss these extremely important issues in person.

“It was a particularly timely conversation which provided an update on the ongoing developments around establishing the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive following elections earlier this month.

“We also discussed the Northern Ireland protocol – most notably the extremely concerning announcement by the UK Government that they intend to legislate to enable unilateral action to dis-apply parts of the protocol – and the incredibly damaging effects this would have in communities right across the UK. 

“In a cost of living crisis and teetering on the edge of recession, pitching us into a trade dispute with the EU could be what tips us over.

“Intergovernmental relations are essential when it comes to tackling shared challenges and it is clear that much more needs to be done by the UK Government to ensure a rapid and effective response to the devastating cost of living crisis facing households across these islands. No one should ever have to make a choice between heating and eating.

“Today’s meeting was a further example of the close relationship between Scotland and Northern Ireland. In that spirit, I have written today to the leaders of the DUP and Alliance parties with an offer to meet to discuss these important matters.”

The First Minister today wrote to the other main political parties in Northern Ireland to make them aware of the meeting and offer a similar engagement, should they wish it.

Forth Neighbourhood Network meets online tomorrow evening


FORTH Neighbourhood Network will meet online tomorrow evening at 6pm.


  1. Welcome & Apologies
  2. Notes of Meeting of 19th January 2022 and matters arising (circulated)
  3. Forth NN Neighbourhood Environmental Programme (NEP) HRA update – George Norval / David Delargy
  4. Forth NN current Priority: Poverty, including food poverty update – Biddy Kelly, Response and Recovery Group
  5. Community Grants Fund – review of the past year plus funding panel decisions
  6. Any other Business
  7. Dates of Next Meetings:   22nd June 2022, 14th Sept 2022, 14th Dec 2022.

For further information please contact Elaine Lennon, North West Lifelong Learning Development Officer, telephone 529 5270, email

Johnson: ‘The world has found new heroes – the people of Ukraine’

Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s remarks during Saturday’s meeting with Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy in Kyiv:

Thank you very much Volodymyr. Thank you for having me today at this incredibly difficult time for you and your country.

I want to begin by once again saluting the bravery of the people of Ukraine in defying the appalling aggression that we have seen. In the last few weeks the world has found new heroes, and those heroes are the people of Ukraine.

When I was here just a few weeks ago and we were in another room I think in your palace, the defence intelligence we had suggested Russia thought Ukraine could be engulfed in a matter of days and that Kyiv would fall in hours to their armies.

And how wrong they were. I think that the Ukrainians have shown the courage of a lion, and you Volodymyr have given the roar of that lion.

I thank you for what you have been able to do, your leadership has been extraordinary.

I think what Putin has done in places like Bucha and Irpin, his war crimes have permanently polluted his reputation and the reputation of his government.

It’s clear – and we discussed this at length – it’s clear that he has suffered a defeat but his retreat is tactical and he is going to intensify the pressure now in Donbas and in the east.

That’s why it’s so vital as you rightly say Volodymyr that we, your friends, continue to offer whatever support we can. Together with our partners, we are going to ratchet up the economic pressure and we continue to intensify week by week the sanctions on Russia. Not just freezing assets in banks and sanctioning oligarchs, but moving away from use of Russian hydrocarbons.

We will give you the support that you need, the economic support but also of course the defensive military support in which I’m proud to say the UK helped to lead the way. Just the other day we raised I think £1.5bn at a donor conference from friends, partners around the world, dozens and dozens of countries that now want to support Ukraine.

We want to liberalise trade with Ukraine as we go forward to help your economic circumstances, barley and other commodities – there are things we should be doing. We want to help with demining your country, getting rid of the savage traps that the Russian army has left behind.

To come to your central point Volodymyr, I think we are evolving a vision now for the future. Heraclitus said war is the father of all things – that was an exaggeration, war isn’t the father of everything – but what this war is certainly producing is a clarity about the vision of a future for Ukraine.

Where together with friends and partners, we – the UK and others – supply the equipment, the technology, the know-how, the intelligence, so that Ukraine will never be invaded again. So Ukraine is so fortified and protected that Ukraine can never be bullied again. Never be blackmailed again. Never be threatened in the same way again.

In the meantime, there is a huge amount to do to make sure that Ukraine is successful, that Ukraine wins, and that Putin must fail.

Over the last few hours I’ve been able to see quite a lot of your beautiful country, and it’s an amazing country. I’ve also seen the tragic effects of the war. An inexcusable war, an absolutely inexcusable and unnecessary war.

But having been here in Kyiv for just a few hours, I have no doubt Volodymyr, listening to too listening to your team, your redoubtable team, I have no doubt at all that an independent sovereign Ukraine will rise again thanks above all to the heroism, the courage of the people of Ukraine.

Thank you very much and slava Ukraini [glory to Ukraine].

Work begins on a Minimum Income Guarantee

Scotland is taking its first steps on the road to establishing a Scottish Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG).

Social Justice Secretary Shona Robison will today co-chair the first meeting of a new steering group to drive forward the ambitious new policy with the aim of reducing poverty, inequality and insecurity.

Ms Robison has also launched a consultation to gather views on how establishing a Minimum Income Guarantee – which would provide an assurance that everyone would have enough money to live a dignified, healthy and financially secure life – could be designed and delivered in Scotland.

The announcement meets another commitment for the first 100 days of this government, which was elected on 6 May.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Ms Robison said: “We are committed to progressing the delivery of a Minimum Income Guarantee, which could be revolutionary in our fight against poverty. It is a clear demonstration of our ambition and aspiration for Scotland.

“The policy is innovative, bold and radical. It reflects our clear desire to do everything with our limited powers to deliver the change needed, using every lever at our disposal.

“Eradicating child poverty and building a fairer, more equal country must be a national mission, not just for the government, but our parliament and broader society.

“We recognise this is a cross-government responsibility and we are focused on working together to push forward poverty reduction in Scotland.

“We must look at ways of maximising household incomes from work and social security, as well as reducing costs on essentials including services such as childcare.

“Introducing a Minimum Income Guarantee will not be easy and it will not happen overnight, but there is a willingness to deliver on our ambition.”

The steering group will be co-chaired by Russell Gunson, Director of the Institute for Public Policy Research in Scotland, which published a report earlier this year on how a future Minimum Income Guarantee could look.

Mr Gunson said: “A Minimum Income Guarantee could transform the lives of people across Scotland, setting an income floor in Scotland beneath which no one would fall.

“To build a fairer and stronger Scotland following Covid-19 we will need to think big ideas in Scotland and think just as big on how to implement them.

“The MIG Steering Group is a great step, bringing cross-party representatives and experts from across Scotland together to shape a Minimum Income Guarantee and make progress on delivering it.

“I’m delighted to be co-chair and look forward to working hard together to see tangible progress towards delivering a Minimum Income Guarantee for Scotland over the coming years.”

Access the consultation dialogue