Letters: Public services more vital than ever

Dear Editor

The National Health Service has always been valued as a people’s organisation. This value has always been appreciated – but never more so than today.

This lesson on the importance of people’s services shows the way our society must be run. If the NHS is vital, so are gas, electricity and water. As are the railways, buses and trams. Make them public services, too – serving the people.

The value of the NHS to the people is immense: a publicly funded service, available ever day.

Also ever day, 30 million people travel to and from their places of work using rail, bus and tram.

Work, in order to live, is a necessity. These transport industries must also become part of a fully funded, publically owned service with the NHS. It can be arranged and organised as a public service.

The NHS has been our lifeline. People have always guarded the principle of a service of the people.

How right that is!

Tony Delahoy 

The 75th Commemoration of VE Day, 8th May 2020

Dear Editor,

I hope my words will be printed to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day.

As a D-Day veteran of WW2 I felt – and still feel – we all must protect peace for all and co-operation between nations.

Tony Delahoy

In May 1945 the longed-for Peace came to Europe.

The joy, happiness,relief and sadness overtook Europe.

From that date there was a determination that the people of Europe co-operate in building an organisation to represent all peoples.

An agreement was reached on the formation of the United Nations, at which issues and policies could be agreed.

As a worldwide organisation a tremendous amount was done ro help people.

The formation of a European organisation became necessary to solve problems that were arising. The European Union has followed and developed this spirit of co-operation.

The greatest achievement of the EU is that Europe is, and has remained for decades, united in peace.

The people of Europe will defend the peace they have created.

Tony Delahoy


Letter: Scandalous

Dear Editor,

It looks like our so-called leaders are making a right fool of themselves and our country at a time when they should be dealing with this pandemic effectively. 

Matt Hancock the Health Secretary stated that the public doesnt need to wear masks and should leave them for the NHS staff.

Firstly, its absolutely appalling how this government has failed to respond to this pandemic and are now busy showcasing themselves and pointing the finger at the public who are just trying to keep themselves safe.

Secondly, most of the masks the public are wearing aren’t even fit for purpose for our health workers as they are purchased online on Ebay etc so are you saying this is what our frontline staff should be wearing? If so, this is s shameful suggestion.

The British government has proven itself to be one of the least well prepared of all global governments in dealing with this disease and protecting its people.

This government’s inaction and austerity policy have caused a shortage of face masks and protective for the NHS, so stop blaming the public and get your acts together before its too late.

And the Home Secretary Priti Patel finds it hard to apologise for these failings and thinks this is ok and can be ‘expected because of the situation’.

Stop the deception and do something for the people who are dying instead of bluffing your way through the questions as this is real life and real lives being lost.

These so called “low skilled” migrants who are fighting for this country: whats your contribution?

We want action that works.


Foysol Choudhury MBE

ChairmanEdinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council


Letters: Thanks,NEN

Dear Editor
May I say the social importance of NEN keeping in contact with the community is so helpful. With the isolation being felt by so many having a negative effect.
When this awful plague is over the community must come together and Public Services are an absolute priority for all Councils everywhere, fully funded and protected.
Tony Delahoy 
(by email)

Letters: Our NHS

Our NHS is under extraordinary pressure and strain and I implore our government and people to help support our front line staff. 
The front line workers are the only people who have to treat people infected with this virus on a personal level. The rest of us just have to stay two metres apart or at home.
We know that our front line staff do not have the protective facilities they need. It is wrong that they have to work in danger and compromise their health and safety while serving the public.
Therefore, I am pleading to the government to ensure our front line staff whether nurses, doctors, police or care workers, have protective masks, clothing and have access to testing kits.
We have seen in Italy and Spain the difficulties that staff have faced and many have lost their lives. This must not happen here, so please protect our front line staff and make sure they have the facilities they need to survive and do the invaluable work they are doing for the public.
Foysol Choudhury MBE
Chairman: Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council | Chairman: Bangladesh Samity Edinburgh. | Founder / Director: Edinburgh Mela. | President: The Guild of Bangladeshi Restaurateurs, Scotland. | General Secretary: Council of Bangladeshis in Scotland. 


Letters: Support Mary’s Meals on Mother’s Day

Dear Editor

This Mother’s Day, I am thinking about everything women do to give their children the best start in life.

Like the women in countries such as Malawi, Liberia and India, who rise early each day to cook and serve food to hungry children in their communities with the charity Mary’s Meals.

Their dedication epitomises powerful motherly love, and it is thanks to them that Mary’s Meals is able to feed 1.6 million hungry children around the world every school day. The food they lovingly serve attracts little ones into the classroom, giving them the energy to gain an education that can, one day, be their ladder out of poverty.

I am in awe of these incredible women. And that’s why I am asking your readers to send a Mary’s Meals gift card to the special women in their lives this Mother’s Day. For just £15.90, it will feed a hungry child every day for an entire school year.

Please visit marysmeals.org.uk/mothersday to purchase your gift card in honour of the mums who make Mary’s Meals. I have already told my boys this is a gift I would be delighted to receive!


Sophie Thompson (Actor)

Letters: We must act NOW to save the environment

Dear Editor

The destruction of the world’s forests is leading to vast areas of barren earth. The destruction of trees reduces the amount of vital oxygen needed to combat CO2 gasses and support life everywhere. Excess CO2 in thr atmosphere is now driving climate change.

Everyone should be alarmed by what is being done by private companies, their investors and the financial institutions and governments behind them.

The continued large scale extraction of coal, oil and water to boost the profits of these investors is a crime against every living being who also share this planet.

People must call for an immediate ban on the destruction of the world’s forests as the situation of our climate is now at a critical point. The current rate of extinction and exploitation must be reversed before it is too late.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens

Letters: Join Crisis’ Race to End Homelessness

Dear Editor

Across Scotland there are thousands of people currently living without a home – whether that’s in hostels or B&Bs, sofa-surfing with friends and family or living on our streets. That’s not something we, as a society, should accept as the norm.

Homelessness is not inevitable – and we can all do our part to end homelessness for good. At Crisis we provide direct support to people affected by homelessness, we campaign, and we fundraise so that we will one day be part of the change that helped end homelessness for good across Great Britain.

But to do that, we need your help.

In March, we will host the first ever Race to End Homelessness, a 5km or 10km walk or run around Edinburgh city centre to raise vital funds to help lift people out of homelessness through one-to-one support, in areas such as housing and employment.

Those that take part will take on the scenic route around the city, starting in Holyrood Park, heading around the foot of Arthur’s Seat, before climbing up Calton Hill and then heading back in to the city and ending at The Glasshouse, the prestigious hotel which has partnered with us for this event.

It’s just £20 to register, with a fundraising target of £50. Whether you’re a keen walker or runner, or if you simply fancy taking on a new challenge, why not sign up and help Crisis in its mission to end homelessness.

Sign up here: https://www.crisis.org.uk/caltonhill

Yours sincerely

Grant Campbell

Director of Crisis Scotland

Letters: Mutual appreciation society!

Dear Dave

Thank you for your NEN reporting of my birthday and my letter. It was quite a surprise and very pleasing to read the good words written.

But Dave, without all your work very little that is spoke or written about would not exist.

So Dave, congratulations to you and many sincere thanks. I too wish that ‘Lang may your lumb reek’!

Very best wishes for all of 2020.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens

Thanks, Tony – much appreciated! – Ed

Letters: Mary’s Meals appeal

Dear Editor,

Mary’s Meals has launched an urgent appeal to feed chronically hungry children in Turkana, one of the driest and most impoverished parts of Kenya.

We already serve nutritious meals to more than 23,000 children in nurseries in Turkana, but primary-aged pupils have not received meals since a programme run by another organisation stopped around a year ago. 

Desperate pupils can often be found watching children at neighbouring nurseries being fed, and we have heard heartbreaking reports of children as young as three saving their food to take home for hungry siblings.

Mary’s Meals already feeds more than 1.5 million children in 18 of the world’s poorest countries every school day. We are determined to continue feeding these children while expanding, as funds allow, to reach primary school children in Turkana.

Your readers can support our appeal by visiting marysmeals.org.uk/turkana or phoning 0800 698 1212.

Best wishes,

Daniel Adams

UK Executive Director of Mary’s Meals