Capital summit discusses support for people of Ukraine …

… but no further council action until 15 March meeting

City leaders have come together to discuss Edinburgh’s ongoing response to the Ukraine crisis.

At a summit held in the City Chambers, Council Leader Adam McVey and Depute Leader Cammy Day hosted Acting Consul General of Ukraine, Yevhen Mankovskyi, and Father Vasyl Kren of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Edinburgh.

They were joined by Lord Provost Frank Ross, EVOC Chief Executive Bridie Ashrowan, Superintendent Mark Rennie of Police Scotland, Vice Principal of the University of Edinburgh James Smith and Council Chief Executive Andrew Kerr.

Together, they reiterated the City’s condemnation of the ongoing Russian invasion and reaffirmed support for the people of Ukraine and Edinburgh’s twin city, Kyiv. They heard from Mr Mankovskyi and Father Kren about the scale of the crisis and what their people are facing, the Edinburgh-Ukrainian community’s ongoing relief efforts and what Edinburgh can do to support.

The group discussed the logistics required to coordinate and transport humanitarian aid to and from Poland and the level of support the Council could provide to Ukrainian family members and refugees arriving in Edinburgh, including accommodation, education and other services.

It was confirmed that Edinburgh no longer held any civic links with Russian cities, having previously ended its twinning with St Petersburg, and the Council is reviewing all significant contracts to determine what (if any) Russian links exist, to consider the potential for withdrawal. The Lothian Pension Fund has done likewise with its investments.

Following cross-party criticism of the invasion last week, Council Leaders confirmed they would seek to formalise political condemnation and confirm next steps at their meeting on 15 March.

Coordination of the City’s support will also be discussed at a meeting of the Edinburgh Partnership Board the same week.

The Lord Provost has already written to the Major of Kyiv to express Edinburgh’s ‘deep sorrow’ and support while a Russian Philharmonic concert, due to take place at the Usher Hall in May, has been cancelled.

Council Leader Adam McVey said: “I want to thank the Acting Consul General and Father Kren for their time during what is a particularly harrowing and difficult time for them and their country. 

“We have all witnessed the heart-breaking stories of loss and families torn apart in the media; but also of the great bravery and resistance by the people of Ukraine. We stand by everyone suffering this illegal war and the Ukrainian flag continues to fly defiantly above the City Chambers. 

“Already people across Edinburgh have responded with incredible generosity, with countless individuals and organisations continuing to provide selfless offers of support, donations and solidarity. Today, we reiterated our support for the people of Ukraine and our commitment to do all we can to help as a City. 

“We are considering practical actions to support people in our twin City Kyiv and across Ukraine and will work with groups across Edinburgh to coordinate efforts. We are united against this war and are also exploring actions to use the Council’s position to pursue further sanctions we can implement locally against the Russian regime. We’ll be asking Councillors to agree actions at the Council meeting later this month.”

Depute Leader Cammy Day said: “Edinburgh has a long history with Kyiv and is home to more Scottish-Ukrainian descendants than anywhere else in Scotland. Together we stand ready to help, in any way we can. Edinburgh welcomes Ukraine citizens to our city, and all of us will do everything we can to support all. 

“The outpouring of compassion and the sight of hundreds of residents protesting has been moving. I want to pay tribute to the incredible response from citizens and businesses from across the city and their generous offers of donations and support. We will offer our help to coordinate this across our city – now we need to harness the goodwill and do our part again to direct our time and support in the most useful way.

Acting Consul General of Ukraine in Edinburgh, Yevhen Mankovskyi, said: “We will defend ourselves and we will win this war.

“Thanks to the whole world’s support and humanitarian aid, our forces and our people, we will fight with all we have and continue to support our Ukrainian community abroad and here in Edinburgh.

“I am grateful for everyone’s support and I look forward to working together with our city partners on the challenges we currently face.”

You don’t have to wait until 15th March to support the people of Ukraine:

Drumbrae Library Hub seeking donations to support Ukraine

Hello Library friends!

We have started a box for donations to help the people of Ukraine.

We are accepting:Sanitary products – nappies – dental hygiene – first aid kits – bandages – plasters – sterile gloves – wet wipes – canned food – baby formula – bottled water – dummies – baby blankets – regular blankets – thermals – waterproofs – candles – lighters – sleeping mats – sleeping bags – tents – camping pots – camping pans – camping cups – unopened painkillers – glucose tablets – water purifying tablets.

Any donations would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Ukraine crisis: Prime Minister announces further humanitarian aid

PM Boris Johnson announces £40 million of further humanitarian aid to Ukraine

  • £40m more aid released to provide vital medical supplies and other help to Ukraine
  • Assistance in addition to wider economic and military support bolstering the Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion
  • Announcement follows PM discussions with President Zelenskyy and meeting with Ukrainian community leaders in London this weekend
  • The UK has stepped up its support to the people of Ukraine again today (Sunday) with the announcement of £40 million of further humanitarian aid to the country.

The funding will help aid agencies respond to the deteriorating humanitarian situation, creating a lifeline for Ukrainians with access to basic necessities and medical supplies such as medicines, syringes, dressings and wound care packs.

UK Government humanitarian experts have also deployed to the region to support those fleeing the violence in Ukraine.

On Saturday evening the Prime Minister spoke again to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy who updated him on the critical need for humanitarian assistance as people are forced to flee their homes and seek safety.

This evening he met Ukrainian community leaders at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in London to hear their stories about the impact of Russian violence on the people of Ukraine.

In response to the growing concern of Ukrainians living in the UK about their welfare of their families back home, today the Prime Minister also confirmed that any person settled in the UK will be able to bring their Ukrainian immediate family members to join them here. This will benefit many thousands of people who at this moment are making desperate choices about their future.

The UK also continues to support those Ukrainians who wish to remain close to home through logistical and humanitarian support to Ukraine’s neighbours.

The Prime Minister said: “In the last days the world has witnessed awe-inspiring displays of bravery and heroism from the Ukrainian people in response to those who seek to obliterate their freedom by force.

“The UK will not turn our backs in Ukraine’s hour of need. We are providing all the economic and military support we can to help those Ukrainians risking everything to protect their country.”

This latest assistance package brings the total amount of UK Government aid pledged to Ukraine this year to £140 million. Last week the Prime Minister also announced the UK would guarantee up to $500 million of loans to Ukraine through Multilateral Development Banks.

The UK also continues to supply defensive military equipment to the Ukrainian military to bolster their resistance against invading Russian forces.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said: “Putin’s regime has undertaken an illegal and violent assault against the people of Ukraine.

“The UK will provide £40 million in aid to help our Ukrainian friends, more funding to tackle what is becoming a humanitarian crisis.

“We stand with Ukraine, shoulder to shoulder, in its hour of need”.

Scotland also sends aid to Ukraine

Scottish Government to provide financial aid and medical supplies to Ukraine following Russian invasion

The Scottish Government will provide both financial aid and medical supplies to Ukraine following the illegal invasion by Russia.

Firstly, an initial £4m in humanitarian aid will be provided. As part of the global humanitarian efforts, this will help provide basic humanitarian assistance, including in health, water and sanitation, and shelter.

Officials are in discussions with humanitarian aid agencies to identify the best route to get this aid most quickly to those affected by the Ukraine crisis, including to those displaced by the invasion. 

In addition to financial aid, the Scottish Government will provide medical supplies to Ukraine.

The supplies provided are based on a list of urgently needed medical equipment, supplies and pharmaceuticals provided by the Ukrainian Government via their Edinburgh consulate.

The supplies to be provided will include anaesthetic machines, syringe pumps and bandages.

However, further work is underway to identify what further supplies can be provided and in what quantities, in order that they can be shipped to Ukraine as quickly as possible.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “Scotland has given its unqualified support for Ukrainian independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and to the people of Ukraine as they bravely resist the unprovoked and illegal aggression of the Russian regime. 

“As a responsible and compassionate global citizen we will help with an initial £4 million in financial aid to provide essential help to those in desperate need.

“And we are also working with the Ukrainian government to provide medical supplies from stocks we hold. We are coordinating with other UK nations to ensure that these supplies get to where they are desperately needed as quickly as possible. 

“There will be much more that we need to do in the days to come. But one thing is already clear. Words of support are not enough. Ukraine needs our active help and support now, and we will provide as much practical support as possible, starting immediately.”

Scotland’s Humanitarian Emergency Response Fund is currently assessing the response capacity on the Ukraine crisis.

Further Economic Sanctions Targeted at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The UK government has announced its intention to take further restrictive economic measures in response to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, by targeting the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBR).

Following already announced sanctions measures aimed at imposing severe consequences on Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian economy, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in coordination with the Governor of the Bank of England, yesterday announced the UK Government’s intention to take further economic action against Russia by targeting the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBR).

This action is taken in concert with the US and the European Union, to prevent the CBR from deploying its foreign reserves in ways that undermine the impact of sanctions imposed by us and our allies, and to undercut its ability to engage in foreign exchange transactions to support the Russian rouble.

The UK Government will immediately take all necessary steps to bring into effect restrictions to prohibit any UK natural or legal persons from undertaking financial transactions involving the CBR, the Russian National Wealth Fund, and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The UK Government intends to make further related designations this week, working alongside our international partners.

The Chancellor said: “These measures demonstrate our determination to apply severe economic sanctions in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“We are announcing this action in rapid coordination with our US and European allies to move in lock step once more with our international partners, to demonstrate our steadfast resolve in imposing the highest costs on Russia and to cut her off from the international financial system so long as this conflict persists.

The Governor of the Bank of England said: “The Bank of England continues to take any and all actions needed to support the Government’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“We welcome the steps taken today by the UK Government, in coordination with EU and US authorities, as an important and powerful demonstration of the UK’s commitment to the international rule of law.”

Mary’s Meals starts feeding hungry children in Yemen

Charity brings hope to 4,000 children amid ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Mary’s Meals has today (Thursday, 13 January) announced that it is now working in Yemen in the Middle East. The global charity is serving nutritious food at school to children affected by one of the biggest humanitarian crises in the world, with conflict devastating the country for several years.

Mary’s Meals, which was founded in a shed in Argyll, provides school meals for children living in some of the world’s poorest countries – including Malawi, Haiti, Ethiopia, Syria and South Sudan. The promise of a daily meal attracts hungry children to the classroom, where they receive an education that can, in the future, be their ladder out of poverty.

Life is very difficult for people in Yemen, with ongoing conflict heavily impacting the country’s economy and causing high levels of poverty and food insecurity – approximately 21 million people (or 70% of the population) are in need of humanitarian assistance. This includes more than 11 million children.

Millions of people have had to flee their homes in search of safety and many children are malnourished. Since the conflict began in 2015, the number of school-age children not in education has doubled and many have to work to survive.

Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, founder of Mary’s Meals, says: “Mary’s Meals always has a desire to support those in the greatest need. Given that Yemen can be described as the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world, and so many children are suffering, we are delighted to begin serving our daily school meals there – meeting the immediate need of the hungry child and, crucially, at the same time, enabling their education.”

In Yemen, Mary’s Meals is serving substantial and nutritious pitta bread sandwiches, filled with various ingredients to suit local tastes alongside fruit and vegetables, to more than 4,000 children at four schools every school day.

The charity is working in partnership with established international NGO, Yemen Aid, to reach children living in the Al Mansoora district of Aden. This district is particularly vulnerable as it is home to a large number of internally displaced people and other marginalised populations, who all experience high levels of hunger.

Mary’s Meals began in 2002 by feeding 200 children in Malawi. It now reaches more than two million children every school day in 20 countries around the world.

The charity is currently running a match funding campaign, Double The Love. Donations made to Mary’s Meals until 31 January 2022 will be doubled by a group of generous supporters, with up to £1.6 million available.

Magnus adds: “Feeding children in Yemen is an important moment in our mission but we are always thinking of the next child waiting for our nutritious meals.

“That’s why I’m so pleased that donations made to Mary’s Meals this winter are being doubled by a group of generous supporters – meaning we can reach even more hungry children around the world with a life-changing meal at school.”

For more information on the work of Mary’s Meals and to donate to Double The Love, please visit 

Edinburgh Direct Aid: Arsal issues emergency winter fuel appeal

Amidst fears that hundreds of Syrian refugees and local Lebanese families could face disaster in freezing winter conditions in the mountains near the Syrian border, officials in the town of Arsal have declared a fuel emergency and appealed for urgent outside help to buy heating oil so they can survive the harsh months ahead.

At an altitude where temperatures can drop to minus 15oC, around 70,000 Syrian refugees, most of them living in tents, and 40,000 local Lebanese residents lack fuel for the diesel stoves that could help them through the winter, the worst of which is still to come. 

Around 1400m up in the mountains, Arsal is the highest and most vulnerable of the refugee settlements in Lebanon. 

The perils facing refugees trying to keep warm in the winter were highlighted in early January by the death of a Syrian mother and her three young children, asphyxiated by burning coal in their shelter in a coastal village in south Lebanon – at a much lower altitude than Arsal. 

Many of the refugee families in Arsal have survived previous winters, but this one is different. Because of the Lebanese economic crisis, fuel prices in the collapsing local currency are now something like 20 times higher than they were 12 months before.

And because of budget cuts, the refugee agency UNHCR and other NGOs are only able to provide funding for less than 30% of the needs. 

Each refugee family is left to find around $350 or more to buy the 700 litres of diesel they need to see them through the winter – an impossible sum for them to raise themselves.

Faced with potential disaster, the mayor of Arsal, Basel al-Hujairi, has taken the unusual step of declaring a winter fuel emergency and issuing an appeal, backed by local schools, health centres and NGOs, calling on the international community to step forward to help bridge the drastic funding gap. 

“Please reflect on the consequences of leaving thousands of families in flimsy tents without heating in temperatures far below zero and biting winds,” the appeal said. 

It needs to raise altogether some $5.5m, which would provide winter heating for 8,500 families huddled in tents, 3,000 in housing, and local Lebanese inhabitants in need, as well as schools, health centres and the municipality. 

Issued by Edinburgh Direct Aid (, a non-profit NGO which is one of the few to maintain a permanent presence in Arsal, running schools, a vocational centre and other projects.

“A tragedy is engulfing Afghanistan”

Both UK and Scottish Governments provide humanitarian aid

The UK Government will be releasing up to £30 million of life-saving aid to Afghanistan’s neighbouring countries to help those who choose to leave Afghanistan as part of the Government’s efforts to support regional stability.

£10 million will be made available immediately to humanitarian partners, such as the UNHCR, to enable essential supplies such as shelters to be despatched to the Afghan borders as well as setting up sanitation and hygiene facilities.

A further £20 million will be allocated to countries that experience a significant increase in refugees to support reception and registration facilities and provide essential services and supplies.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said: “It is vital that we help those fleeing Afghanistan and do not allow the crisis there to undermine regional stability.

“That’s why these life-saving supplies are so important. They will provide Afghans who have left everything behind with essential kit offering shelter and basic sanitation as they seek to pick up the pieces of their lives. This aid demonstrates the UK’s commitment to shoulder our humanitarian responsibility and support those countries who will face the greatest demands for those displaced.”

This is the first tranche of the additional funding, announced by the Prime Minister in response to the crisis when he doubled the UK’s aid contribution to Afghanistan to £286 million this year.

The security and political instability in Afghanistan has compounded an already dire humanitarian situation for the Afghan population with 550,000 people displaced within Afghanistan since the start of the year and significant increases in refugees moving across Afghanistan’s borders in recent weeks.

The UNHCR estimates a worst case scenario of over 500,000 refugees fleeing the country to Pakistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan in the coming months.

The disbursement of aid comes as the Foreign Secretary continues his visit to the region for talks on Afghanistan with the focus on securing safe passage for UK nationals and eligible Afghans as well as the Government’s four international priorities – preventing Afghanistan becoming a haven for terrorists; responding to the humanitarian plight; safeguarding regional stability; and holding the Taliban to account on human rights.

  • The UK announced the uplift in aid to Afghanistan on 18 August 2021, bringing UK funding for this year to £286 million here.
  • The UK’s total aid contribution to the country since 2001 is now around £3.5 billion.

Scotland commits £250,000 for urgent aid

Critical help for the people of Afghanistan worth £250,000 is to be made available from the Scottish Government’s Humanitarian Emergency Fund (HEF).

External Affairs Secretary Angus Robertson, who led a Hplyrood debate yesterday on the humanitarian and human rights crisis in Afghanistan, said the funds will be dedicated to aid those in peril and need.

The Scottish Government is in close contact with the charities involved in the HEF to determine how support can be delivered safely and effectively.

The announcement follows the commitment by the Scottish Government to play its full part in the resettlement of Afghan refugees.

The Scottish Government also continues to call on the UK Government to provide further details of the Afghan Citizens’ Resettlement Scheme as soon as possible.

Mr Robertson said: “We have all been moved by the current crisis in Afghanistan and stand ready to help those in need at this critical time.

“We have activated the Scottish Government’s Humanitarian Emergency Fund and this £250,000 will provide crucial help to those desperately in need in the midst of this harrowing crisis. And this is additional to the financial commitment the Scottish people already make to the UK’s aid budget through tax contributions.

“The UK Government has said that its aid to Afghanistan will be doubled, and that is a step in the right direction – but ultimately amounts to nothing more than a reversal of previous major cuts to aid to Afghanistan.

“A tragedy is engulfing Afghanistan. We are ready and willing to play our part – Scotland will not only provide humanitarian assistance, but is committed to playing a full role in assisting, and welcoming, the resettlement and relocation of Afghans at risk.”

PM to call on G7 leaders to step up support for Afghan people

  • PM to call on countries to match UK commitments to protect those most in need in Afghanistan and bolster aid to the region
  • Leaders set to discuss joint approach to securing a more stable future for Afghanistan
  • Meeting follows doubling of UK humanitarian aid spending and the announcement of one of the most generous resettlement schemes in British history

Prime Minister Boris Johnson will call on G7 leaders to continue to stand by the Afghan people and step up support for refugees and humanitarian aid when they meet this afternoon (Tuesday 24th August).

Chairing the meeting, he is expected to urge international partners to match the UK’s commitments on aid and the resettlement of those most in need, in order to protect human rights and contribute to the stability of the region.

Leaders are also expected to reiterate their commitment to safeguarding the gains made in Afghanistan over the last 20 years – in particular on girls’ education and the rights of women and minorities. Discussions are set to cover ongoing collaboration on evacuation efforts at Kabul airport and longer-term work to secure a more stable future for Afghanistan and ensure any new government is inclusive and abides by its international obligations.

Ahead of the meeting, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “Our first priority is to complete the evacuation of our citizens and those Afghans who have assisted our efforts over the last 20 years – but as we look ahead to the next phase, it’s vital we come together as an international community and agree a joint approach for the longer term.

“That’s why I’ve called an emergency meeting of the G7 – to coordinate our response to the immediate crisis, to reaffirm our commitment to the Afghan people, and to ask our international partners to match the UK’s commitments to support those in need.

“Together with our partners and allies, we will continue to use every humanitarian and diplomatic lever to safeguard human rights and protect the gains made over the last two decades. The Taliban will be judged by their deeds and not their words.”

The meeting will take place by video conference and the NATO and UN Secretaries-General have also been invited to join the discussion.

Earlier this week the Prime Minister set out his five-point plan for addressing the risk of humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. The plan has five parts:

  1. immediately helping those to whom we have direct obligations
  2. protecting ourselves against any threat from terrorism
  3. supporting Afghan people in the region through humanitarian and development assistance
  4. creating safe and legal routes to resettle Afghans in need
  5. developing a clear plan for dealing with the new Afghan regime in a unified and concerted way

The meeting of G7 leaders comes after the Prime Minister chaired a meeting of COBR on Monday afternoon where ministers discussed the latest situation on the ground. As of the morning of Monday 23rd, the UK had secured the evacuation of almost 6,000 people out of Kabul since Operation PITTING began last week, which includes British Nationals and their dependants, embassy staff, and Afghan nationals under the Afghan Relocation and Assistance Policy (ARAP) programme.

The UK has already doubled the amount of humanitarian aid to the region, committing up to £286 million with immediate effect, and last week we announced a new bespoke resettlement scheme. This programme will be one of the most generous in British history and is set to relocate up to 20,000 vulnerable Afghans.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke to US President Joe Biden last night on the situation in Afghanistan, ahead of tomorrow’s G7 meeting.

They discussed the ongoing efforts by the UK and US to coordinate the rapid and safe evacuation of our nationals and those who previously worked with our governments from Kabul International Airport.

The leaders agreed to continue working together to ensure those who are eligible to leave are able to, including after the initial phase of the evacuation has ended.

The Prime Minister and President Biden noted the importance of concerted diplomatic engagement to secure the progress made in Afghanistan and prevent a humanitarian crisis.

They committed to driving international action, including through the G7 and UN Security Council, to stabilise the situation, support the Afghan people and work towards an inclusive and representative Afghan government.

Gaza ceasefire welcomed

The Foreign Secretary has welcomed the ceasefire reached in Israel and Gaza yesterday. Dominic Raab said: “The UK welcomes the announcement of a ceasefire in Israel and Gaza, an important step to ending the cycle of violence and loss of civilian life.

“Hamas must end all attacks on Israel. It is also now important for Israel to facilitate rapid humanitarian access in and out of Gaza.”

The UK will provide new funding to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees UNRWA to help provide food, water, and emergency shelter to Palestinians affected by the recent escalation in violence in Gaza, the UK’s Minister for the Middle East James Cleverly announced yesterday.

The UK support comes as UNRWA launches an emergency appeal calling for urgent support to meet immediate humanitarian needs. Existing UK aid to UNRWA is already helping the Agency to provide food supplies to more than one million refugees in Gaza this year.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza was already concerning, with the percentage of the population living in poverty expected to increase this year from 53 per cent to 64 per cent. COVID is still spreading in Gaza and 2 million Palestinians have been living under severe movement and access restrictions.

Minister for the Middle East and North Africa, James Cleverly, said: “Palestinian and Israeli civilians should not face the brunt of this conflict, and no child or family should go without food, water or shelter. Today’s UK support will help UNRWA deliver life-saving humanitarian aid to those that need it most.

“The international community needs to ensure UNRWA is able to save lives and reduce the suffering.

“The escalation of violence and loss of life in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories has shocked all of us. Both sides must work towards an immediate ceasefire, to prevent the further loss of life and a worsening humanitarian situation.”

Members of the Edinburgh Action for Palestine campaign will continue to stage their weekly protest on Princes Street this Saturday from 11am – 12pm.

EA4P strongly opposes all forms of racism, including anti-semitism.

Global Mercy: Scottish engineer announces world’s largest civilian hospital ship

Jim Paterson, the Glasgow born Marine Executive Consultant for Mercy Ships has announced that the Global Mercy ™ has now completed final deep water sea trials.

The Scot, who has served for more than 33 years with the charity described this as being one of the final milestones in the countdown towards the hospital ship’s delivery, equipping, maiden voyage and launch into service to sub-Saharan Africa by 2022.

Deep-water trials are designed to test the vessel during extended sailing time to ensure that all systems are fully operational and in line with strict standards and specifications. Tests include areas engine performance and fuel consumption, navigation and radio equipment, emergency systems, speed tests, maneuverability, engine, and thruster tests as well as safety evaluations.

Paterson, who studied Marine Engineering at Glasgow Caledonian University, said: “These deep-water trials represent a critical checklist before delivery of our new purpose-built ship to become the platform for service it is designed to be. 

“Trials systematically test operational aspects by putting the vessel through paces for a week at sea. I am pleased to say that the Global Mercy successfully passed every test,” he continued, “We are then left with some finishing touches in the interior, particularly the hospital area before we take delivery”.

Rob Corley, Chief Operations Officer, confirmed that after Mercy Ships takes final delivery of the vessel, the ship will make its maiden voyage to Belgium as a guest of the Port of Antwerp.  

While docked, the Global Mercy will complete several months of final outfitting and crewing.  This includes installation of medical equipment and IT systems as well as stocking the vessel with supplies through the Mercy Ships European Distribution Center in the Netherlands.

The visit to Europe will culminate in a final send-off from Rotterdam for the ship’s first voyage to Africa.  Mercy Ships also plans to hold an Africa commissioning event for the arrival of the Global Mercy in Dakar in early 2022,  at the start of the ship’s first field service in Senegal.

The purpose-designed hospital decks represent the unique heart of the ship, consisting of six operating theatres and hospital wards for 200 patients, laboratory, general outpatient, ophthalmology and dental clinics.  

The ship has space for up to 950 persons in port including 641 crew, comprised of volunteers from around the globe. The Global Mercy will be especially equipped with first-class training facilities to allow Mercy Ships to contribute to the sustainable support of essential surgical and related skills for local healthcare professionals when docked.

Mercy Ships expects to more than double the charity’s current impact with both life-changing surgeries and training of healthcare professionals during the anticipated 50-year lifespan of the vessel.

The Global Mercy  represents an international collaboration. With an overall length of 174-meters, a beam of 28.6 meters, and a Gross Tonnage of 37,000, the ship is a tailored Passenger Ship-class vessel.

As the first of its kind, the ship has undergone construction at Tianjin Xingang Shipyard, with project management by Stena RoRo AB of Gothenburg, Sweden, and construction design by Deltamarin of Turku, Finland.

The French ship brokerage company Barry Rogliano Salles (BRS) was instrumental in helping negotiate the contract. The new ship is classed by Lloyd’s Register in the UK who was in attendance to witness these important tests. It is flagged by Malta and will initially serve within Africa.

As the world’s largest purpose-built civilian hospital ship, the Global Mercy has received wide attention from all over the world from the very beginning of its construction in 2015.

The Global Mercy has a design draft of 6.15 meters and a service speed of 12 knots.

The new vessel is the first ship built from design to implementation by the charity as all previous ships were adapted from other purposes.

The Global Mercy will join the current Mercy Ship, Africa Mercy in service to sub-Saharan and Central Africa. 

DEC extends Coronavirus Appeal to include India

The Disasters Emergency Committee has extended its Coronavirus Appeal to include India as an additional country that will receive urgent life-saving humanitarian assistance to help the most vulnerable communities as they face an overwhelming coronavirus surge. 

DEC member charities, together with their local teams and partners, are playing a critical role in supporting the country’s health services, assisting efforts to slow the spread of the virus, and providing further help to the most vulnerable households. 

DEC Chief Executive Saleh Saeed said: “We have all seen the devastating images from India showing hospitals overrun and oxygen supplies falling short of demand, with thousands of people unable to receive potentially life-saving treatment. Several cities have imposed lockdowns and curfews, which will have a knock-on effect for people’s livelihoods, with the poorest and most marginalised communities hit hardest.  

“DEC member charities have a long history of working with these communities and are supporting overwhelmed health services by providing medical supplies, treatment facilities and logistics assistance. With the generous support of the UK public, we can do even more to help the most vulnerable communities as they face a life-or-death situation.” 

The countries in which DEC charities are responding to Covid-19 through donations to the DEC Coronavirus Appeal will be expanded to include India. The appeal, which was launched in July 2020, has been helping the poorest communities in a number of countries including Yemen, Syria and South Sudan tackle the coronavirus pandemic. 

DEC charities will be supporting India’s health system by

  • providing PPE, disinfection kits, medical supplies and ambulances  
  • setting up isolation facilities, including provision of beds and latrines  
  • setting up temporary Covid hospitals and Covid care centres 
  • providing logistical support to quarantine or isolation centres 
  • providing ventilators and oxygen concentrators to the Indian government 
  • running helplines to tackle misinformation by providing up-to-date information on the availability of hospital beds, oxygen cylinders and Covid vaccines. 

They will also scale up preventive measures to slow the spread of Covid-19 amongst the most vulnerable communities including: 

  • setting up handwashing stations and distributing soap, sanitiser and masks   
  • distributing hygiene kits (consisting of washable masks, sanitiser, gloves, face shields, soap) 
  • supporting vaccination drives and public health messaging on the importance of good hygiene  
  • disinfecting public places 
  • training community health volunteers in how to, for example, promote quarantine centres and screen people for Covid symptoms. 

DEC charities will also provide additional support to the poorest and most vulnerable households by: 

  • ensuring families get enough food to prevent malnutrition, particularly amongst children, by distributing food and care packs to people in isolation; providing cash, vouchers and dry rations; providing livelihoods training and cash for work  
  • providing mental health support as well as community counselling services 
  • delivering community outreach to older people e.g. transportation for Covid testing or treatment, and assistance with vaccination costs 
  • supporting Ministries of Education to ensure safe school operations as well as support to children, families and teachers to continue education if schools are closed 
  • strengthening water and sanitation systems. 

To make a donation to the DEC Coronavirus Appeal visit,  call the 24-hour hotline on 0370 60 60 900, or send a cheque to DEC Coronavirus Appeal, PO Box 999, London EC3A 3AA.

To donate £10 text SUPPORT to 70150. Texts cost £10 and the whole £10 goes to the DEC CORONAVIRUS APPEAL. You must be 16 or over and please ask the bill payer’s permission. For full terms and conditions and more information go to 

Donations will help provide the following: £30 could provide six families with enough soap for a month; £50 could provide essential hygiene kits to two families; £100 could provide PPE for one frontline health worker for four months. 

Stay up to date with developments on Twitter: or on Facebook via