Barrie encourages private tenants to check landlord register

Inverleith councillor Gavin Barrie has urged private tenants to ensure that their landlord is properly registered following the removal of a landlord from the register last month – the first time this power has been used in Edinburgh.  

Evidence was heard at the City of Edinburgh Council’s Regulatory Committee on 22 June where Yousef Mohammed’s application to operate a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) at a flat in the south of the city was refused. In addition his name was removed from the landlord register when Councillors decided he did not meet the fit and proper person criteria. The result is that Mr Mohammed can no longer operate as a residential landlord in Edinburgh.

Councillors heard evidence that Mr Mohammed had failed to adequately tell them about his criminal convictions and defied previous decisions of the Council where he continued to rent out HMO properties whilst not holding a licence.

Inverleith Councillor Gavin Barrie, Convenor of the Regulatory Committee, said: “Edinburgh is open for all landlords who manage their properties and ensure that they are in good condition and that tenants can be safe and secure. However, for those who don’t, the Council will take firm action. I would encourage everyone seeking to rent privately to check the landlord register to ensure that their prospective landlord is registered.”

New protection for tenants' deposits comes into force

Housing Minister Keith Brown today confirmed that a compulsory scheme to safeguard rent deposits for households in Scotland has come into force. Deposits amount to more than £75 million in the majority of the 273,000 households that make up the private rented sector in Scotland.

The tenancy deposit scheme will be free for landlords and letting agents to participate in, and ensure that landlords can legitimately access deposits where justified.

Tenants will no longer have to take legal action to seek recovery of a wrongly withheld deposit. This will mean that tenants will have access to a free and independent dispute resolution service, where agreement over the return of a deposit cannot be agreed by the tenant and landlord.

SafeDeposits Scotland, Letting Protection Service Scotland and Mydeposits Scotland will take deposits from landlords or their agents for safekeeping and provide information about the tenancy, the deposit and the scheme to the tenant.

Landlords can submit deposits to schemes from July 2 voluntarily, if they wish. However, by law, they will need to submit deposits to an approved scheme from between November 2012 to May 2013, depending on when the tenancy started.

Keith Brown said: “The Scottish Government has estimated that between 8,000 and 11,000 tenants annually have £3.6 million of their deposits wrongly withheld. These new regulations are historic because they offer, for the first time, a fair, cost effective approach that safeguards tenancy deposits. It is important to stress that the majority of landlords behave responsibly. This legislation is aimed at tackling those who continue to tarnish the image of the private rented sector.”

Graeme Brown, Director of Shelter Scotland, said: “Monday 2 July starts the clock ticking towards the point when all tenants’ deposits will be protected by law in Scotland.  Shelter Scotland has been campaigning for this scheme for eight years now and we are delighted to see it becoming law. But it will only work properly if tenants are diligent and know their rights and landlords and agents embrace the scheme fully. Then and only then, will the unfair withholding of millions of pounds from deposits by landlords and agents be a thing of the past, as will the hardship it causes to tenants. Our hope is that the tenancy deposit scheme achieves a transparent and fair system for all.”

Robin Parker, President of NUS Scotland, said: “This is a great day for tenants and good for landlords. We’ve worked for many years to get better protection for tenants in private flats and houses, including of course the tens of thousands of students who live in the private rented sector. Too often we’ve heard of deposits being withheld or deducted unfairly by a few unscrupulous landlords, and the tenancy deposit schemes launched today should go a long way to putting an end to this.”

Marieke Dwarshuis, Director at Consumer Focus Scotland said: “Getting a deposit back has often been an uphill struggle for many tenants in the private rented sector and we have championed the need for better protections for years. “The new safe house for deposits and the independent dispute resolution service are great news for tenants and will ensure there is a fair, clear and efficient system in place for everybody concerned. “The key to success now is to ensure tenants and landlords are informed about the scheme and everyone clearly understands what their rights and responsibilities are.”

New protection for tenants’ deposits comes into force

Housing Minister Keith Brown today confirmed that a compulsory scheme to safeguard rent deposits for households in Scotland has come into force. Deposits amount to more than £75 million in the majority of the 273,000 households that make up the private rented sector in Scotland.

The tenancy deposit scheme will be free for landlords and letting agents to participate in, and ensure that landlords can legitimately access deposits where justified.

Tenants will no longer have to take legal action to seek recovery of a wrongly withheld deposit. This will mean that tenants will have access to a free and independent dispute resolution service, where agreement over the return of a deposit cannot be agreed by the tenant and landlord.

SafeDeposits Scotland, Letting Protection Service Scotland and Mydeposits Scotland will take deposits from landlords or their agents for safekeeping and provide information about the tenancy, the deposit and the scheme to the tenant.

Landlords can submit deposits to schemes from July 2 voluntarily, if they wish. However, by law, they will need to submit deposits to an approved scheme from between November 2012 to May 2013, depending on when the tenancy started.

Keith Brown said: “The Scottish Government has estimated that between 8,000 and 11,000 tenants annually have £3.6 million of their deposits wrongly withheld. These new regulations are historic because they offer, for the first time, a fair, cost effective approach that safeguards tenancy deposits. It is important to stress that the majority of landlords behave responsibly. This legislation is aimed at tackling those who continue to tarnish the image of the private rented sector.”

Graeme Brown, Director of Shelter Scotland, said: “Monday 2 July starts the clock ticking towards the point when all tenants’ deposits will be protected by law in Scotland.  Shelter Scotland has been campaigning for this scheme for eight years now and we are delighted to see it becoming law. But it will only work properly if tenants are diligent and know their rights and landlords and agents embrace the scheme fully. Then and only then, will the unfair withholding of millions of pounds from deposits by landlords and agents be a thing of the past, as will the hardship it causes to tenants. Our hope is that the tenancy deposit scheme achieves a transparent and fair system for all.”

Robin Parker, President of NUS Scotland, said: “This is a great day for tenants and good for landlords. We’ve worked for many years to get better protection for tenants in private flats and houses, including of course the tens of thousands of students who live in the private rented sector. Too often we’ve heard of deposits being withheld or deducted unfairly by a few unscrupulous landlords, and the tenancy deposit schemes launched today should go a long way to putting an end to this.”

Marieke Dwarshuis, Director at Consumer Focus Scotland said: “Getting a deposit back has often been an uphill struggle for many tenants in the private rented sector and we have championed the need for better protections for years. “The new safe house for deposits and the independent dispute resolution service are great news for tenants and will ensure there is a fair, clear and efficient system in place for everybody concerned. “The key to success now is to ensure tenants and landlords are informed about the scheme and everyone clearly understands what their rights and responsibilities are.”

Dunedin Canmore kicks off Changing Lives campaign

A local housing association has launched a new campaign to help young people and homeless adults in Edinburgh break the cycle of unemployment and poverty – through sport.  Dunedin Canmore Housing Association and Street Soccer Scotland have joined forces in a bid to give hundreds of youngsters and excluded adults the confidence to move into employment or education through the Changing Lives campaign.

The Edinburgh-based social landlord says Changing Lives will help build the self confidence and motivation of youngsters, as well as homeless adults, by plugging existing gaps in employability services.

Kicking off the campaign, Dunedin announced it will be major sponsor of the Scottish Homeless World Cup Team. Dunedin will provide a £10,000 boost to support the team, trained and managed by Street Soccer Scotland, as they head to the prestigious annual tournament in Mexico this August.

Changing Lives is already delivering a raft of community projects, including personal development courses and healthy living events for communities around Edinburgh offering advice on mental health, sexual health, housing, employment and training.

Under the partnership Dunedin will provide specialist accredited training as part of Street Soccer Scotland personal development and training programmes – and plans to open up volunteering, training and job opportunities to people coming through Street Soccer Scotland programmes.

Gavin Edmonds, Community and Business Initiatives Officer at Dunedin Canmore said, “We are proud to launch the Changing Lives campaign with Street Soccer Scotland and excited to kick it off with our sponsorship of the Homeless World Cup team again this year. Ultimately the goal of all the projects we do as part of Changing Lives is to give people the self esteem and life skills to help them to make a better life.”

David Duke, Chief Executive of Street Soccer Scotland said, “At Street Soccer Scotland our motto is positive change through football. By working with Dunedin we will be able to have a bigger impact and change lives of more people. And thanks to their sponsorship we will be able to secure training for the Homeless World Cup team as they head to Mexico.”

Dunedin Canmore and Street Soccer Scotland are also bidding for funding to set up programmes throughout Edinburgh as part of Football Works which will be aimed at young people aged 14 – 19 who are deemed to be going into a negative destination when leaving school.

Changing Lives – a lifechanger for Peter

Peter Dante (pictured above) is 41 and lives in Leith.

He gets support from employability worker at Dunedin Canmore and says this has helped him to turn his life around. He has background in crime, addiction and homelessness.

Peter became team captain for the Salvation Army hostels tournament and went on to organise a mini tournament for hostels teams in Edinburgh in 2012. And last year he started volunteering at Street Soccer Scotland and went into rehabilitation. Now he is now doing a Street Soccer Plus programme, delivered as part of the Changing Lives partnership between Dunedin Canmore employability support and Street Soccer Scotland.

Peter is doing an HNC in Working in Communities at Jewel and Esk Valley College, coaching young people at Bathgate Academy, voluntary work with adult literacy project Glory and Dismay and has started an employment trial with the Marriot Hotel. Peter has also reconnected with his son and started rebuilding his relationship.

Tenants to help shape future of city housing

Council tenants are being given the opportunity to shape the future of Edinburgh’s housing services. The Tenant  Participation  Strategy 2012-2015 was launched at the City Chambers last night (14 June).

The aim of the strategy is to improve the  ways tenants can participate in decisions on housing and related services in  their communities. It builds on previous tenant participation  events organised by the City of Edinburgh Council and the Edinburgh Tenants Federation such  as the annual Tenants’ Conference.

Councillor Cammy Day, Housing Leader for the  City of Edinburgh Council (pictured above), said: “This strategy is an open invitation to tenants  to give us their views on what really matters to them. They have an important  role to play in how the Council provides housing and other related  services. It’s important that tenants have a voice  and this strategy gives them the opportunity. By taking part in the  decision-making process they can help contribute to the development of quality  housing in this city. There are undoubtedly some huge challenges  ahead and we are always looking at creative and innovative ways to deliver more  social and affordable housing in the city. With the help and support of our tenants we  can be confident that future challenges will be tackled together.”

Betty Stevenson, Convenor, Edinburgh Tenants  Federation, said: “Volunteers from Edinburgh Tenants Federation have worked  tirelessly with the Council to agree the content of the strategy and this is the  culmination of a lot of hard work. We look forward to working with the  Council to ensure there are better housing conditions  and services by involving tenants in decision making.”

WIG to tackle housing issues at public meeting

Women’s International Group (WIG) is holding a public meeting to discuss housing issues next Thursday evening (17 May) at 6.15pm in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. All welcome. 
A spokesperson for WIG said: “A number of housing officials, local councillors and reps from the Tenants Federation will be in attendance to respond to questions/issues from the floor.  One of the aims of the meeting is to raise awareness about some of the changes which are going to affect  local people currently claiming benefits (e.g. the bedroom tax/under occupancy penalty which will result in any working household with an extra bedroom losing part of their housing benefit; and the benefit cap  which will be deducted via people’s housing benefit and universal credit. These are important issues and we hope to see a lot of people attend the meeting”.
The Women’s International Group (WIG) was established at a succesful event organised to celebrate International Women’s Day in March (pictured below).

Boswall community's united in celebration!

A celebration has been held to mark the opening on 15 new affordable homes and a church centre in Boswall Parkway by Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA).

The Association bought the Granton United Church site in 2010  and was committed to providing a centre for a local congregation as part of its  building plans. The development, built with £1m funding from the City of Edinburgh Council, has been shortlisted for a Scottish Home Award  for Community Partnership of the Year.

There are two one-bedroom, 10 two-bedroom and three  three-bedroom flats in the Boswall Parkway development . More than two-thirds of the properties feature solar thermal heating provided by panels located on the roof.

An opening ceremony was held at the Granton United Church last week and was attended by around 30 people including PoLHA  representatives, contractors and tenants, as well as local MSP Malcolm  Chisholm.

Cathy  King, Head of Housing and Regeneration at the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “This development  is a great example of the council and Port of Leith Housing Association working  in partnership with the local community to deliver much-needed affordable homes.  The existing building has now been transformed into 15 energy-efficient flats  and a purpose-built church hall which everyone will be able to benefit from.”

Keith Anderson, Chief Executive of PoLHA,  said: “This site, incorporating a church, is one that’s completely  unique for us and we’re delighted to have been able to  develop a centre as part of our plans. Creating communities in which people want to live is more than simply providing a roof over people’s  heads: it’s providing good-quality, energy-efficient housing people are proud of, and it’s supporting individuals, families  and local groups to help bring people together and be a  community.”

Granton United Church has around 35 members. Treasurer Ted Wallace  said: “The members all seem happy with the new  centre and we’ve settled in.”

Resident Paula McVay added: “Our new home is great and we’re really happy  with the energy-efficient measures.”

Boswall community’s united in celebration!

A celebration has been held to mark the opening on 15 new affordable homes and a church centre in Boswall Parkway by Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA).

The Association bought the Granton United Church site in 2010  and was committed to providing a centre for a local congregation as part of its  building plans. The development, built with £1m funding from the City of Edinburgh Council, has been shortlisted for a Scottish Home Award  for Community Partnership of the Year.

There are two one-bedroom, 10 two-bedroom and three  three-bedroom flats in the Boswall Parkway development . More than two-thirds of the properties feature solar thermal heating provided by panels located on the roof.

An opening ceremony was held at the Granton United Church last week and was attended by around 30 people including PoLHA  representatives, contractors and tenants, as well as local MSP Malcolm  Chisholm.

Cathy  King, Head of Housing and Regeneration at the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “This development  is a great example of the council and Port of Leith Housing Association working  in partnership with the local community to deliver much-needed affordable homes.  The existing building has now been transformed into 15 energy-efficient flats  and a purpose-built church hall which everyone will be able to benefit from.”

Keith Anderson, Chief Executive of PoLHA,  said: “This site, incorporating a church, is one that’s completely  unique for us and we’re delighted to have been able to  develop a centre as part of our plans. Creating communities in which people want to live is more than simply providing a roof over people’s  heads: it’s providing good-quality, energy-efficient housing people are proud of, and it’s supporting individuals, families  and local groups to help bring people together and be a  community.”

Granton United Church has around 35 members. Treasurer Ted Wallace  said: “The members all seem happy with the new  centre and we’ve settled in.”

Resident Paula McVay added: “Our new home is great and we’re really happy  with the energy-efficient measures.”

Council seeks developer for Muirhouse regeneration

A contract worth an estimated £80m to build around 800 new homes in the Pennywell/Muirhouse area of Edinburgh has been advertised by the City of Edinburgh Council. The contract is part of the project for the second phase of the Council’s 21stCentury Homes programme which aims to build up to 1,400 mixed tenure homes for sale and rent across the Capital over the next eight years.

At least half of the homes in Pennywell will be affordable with the remainder for sale and rent in the private sector. Construction on the site is due to start in 2013 with the new homes being ready to be lived in by 2014.

Mark Turley, Director of Services for Communities, said: “This is an exciting time for the people in Pennywell. The development is a housing led regeneration opportunity which will boost the local economy by providing new jobs in the construction industry as well as supporting local businesses.

“As part of the procurement process, the successful developer is also being asked to provide training opportunities and apprenticeships for young people during the course of the construction project. This will be a hugely important contribution to the regeneration of this area.

“The development provides the Council with the opportunity to unlock private investment, provide a mix of new housing and create a sustainable development for the area. ”

The successful developer will be required to comply with the existing planning permission in principle secured by the Council as well as the Pennywell/Muirhouse Design Guide, which sets the blueprint for design quality, energy-efficient new homes, roads, footways and high quality public space.

City of Edinburgh Council


Local developments shortlisted for housing awards

Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) has been shortlisted for two Scottish Home Awards for two new developments in North Edinburgh. Its block of 15 flats and church centre at Boswall Parkway (pictured) has been shortlisted in the Community Partnership of the Year category and its 17 flats on West Granton Road are in the running for the Small Affordable Housing Development (Housing Associations).

Keith Anderson, Chief Executive of PoLHA, said: “We are delighted to have been shortlisted in these two categories. We are committed to building high-quality, desirable affordable homes in communities people can be proud to live in and being shortlisted for these is a fantastic validation of that aim.”

PoLHA won Apartment of the Year at last year’s Scottish Home Awards for its development of social rent and shared ownership homes at Coburg Street, Leith and in 2010 won Large Affordable Housing Development of the Year for its development of 102 flats which were the first affordable homes at Western Harbour.

The Scottish Home Awards will take place at the Hilton Glasgow on June 28.