Children’s ward at St John’s: Questions and Answers

NHS Lothian announced last week that is making changes to the children’s inpatient services at St John’s Hospital, Livingston.
Patients will not be admitted to the children’s inpatient ward at St John’s Hospital, from Friday 7 July 2017. The children’s ward will continue to operate as an assessment and programmed investigation unit from Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am and 8pm.
NHS Lothian says it is ‘committed to reinstating the full service as soon as possible after the summer.’

Continue reading Children’s ward at St John’s: Questions and Answers

Does the NHS deliver safe and quality care?

Views invited on patient care in the NHS

Do Scottish NHS services treat people with dignity and respect, and are adequate systems in place for when things go wrong? These key questions are being asked by Holyrood’s Health and Sport Committee as it launches a call for views today on clinical governance in the NHS in Scotland, as part of a wider inquiry into NHS Governance. Continue reading Does the NHS deliver safe and quality care?

Brexit talks: let us in!

UK’s devolved administrations argue that they should be involved in negotiations

The Scottish and Welsh Governments have written jointly to the Brexit Secretary David Davis to ensure the UK’s devolved administrations are properly involved in the forthcoming Brexit negotiations. Continue reading Brexit talks: let us in!

Prestonpans Tapestry is coming to Holyrood

It includes 10 million stitches, took 25,000 painstaking hours to complete and depicts the journey of one of Scotland’s most famous historical characters. The Prestonpans Tapestry is coming to Holyrood … Continue reading Prestonpans Tapestry is coming to Holyrood

£52 million spent to mitigate effects of Westminster’s Bedroom Tax

Over the past year almost 113,000 awards  have been made under the Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) scheme, with a total value of £51.9 million, according to the latest figures released by the Scottish Government. Local authorities paid out the money during the period 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017, with an average payment of £460. Continue reading £52 million spent to mitigate effects of Westminster’s Bedroom Tax