Lothian MSPs opens up about father’s alcohol use as part of new campaign 

Miles Briggs MSP has opened up for the first time about his father’s alcohol use, as he backs a campaign to alcohol and drugs.

In a candid and moving letter to his father as part of the See Beyond – See the Lives – Scotland campaign, Miles shares his experiences as the son of a single parent who drank; he lost his mother to breast cancer at an early age.

The Lothians MSP also talks of the loss and pain he feels due to his deceased father missing spending time with his children and grandchildren.

“We all miss you but also know the pain watching you try to deal with and hide your drink problem from family and friends – from bottles hidden in the garden and around the house, the difficulty in holding down a job and for the family the worry and concerns we all felt over what would come next,” writes Miles, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party MSP for Lothian.

He continues: “We probably don’t speak enough about you as a family – that’s partly because it can often return to what was a difficult few final years of your life. Dad, you know you weren’t perfect, but then which one of us is?”

Also backing See Beyond – See the Lives – Scotland is Monica Lennon, Scottish Labour MSP for Central Scotland. A long-time campaigner against the stigma surrounding substance use, Monica lost her father to alcohol in 2015.

Miles’ and Monica’s letters to their fathers are included with 14 others who share letters to their loved ones on the campaign’s website.

The two MSPs will front a Scottish Parliament reception this week in Holyrood where those who helped to create the website campaign will talk about their experiences. They will stress the importance of showing kindness and offering support to everyone affected.

‘Everyone knows someone’ is the message behind See Beyond – See the Lives – Scotland, launched last month by the University of Stirling, Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs, Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP), and The Salvation Army.

As well as hard-hitting stories and videos from family members and friends of people who have died, the website includes resources and advice for those harmed by substance use, whether for themselves or a family member or friend.

Since its launch, the campaign has gained national attention and support for its mission to shatter myths surrounding drug and alcohol use and deaths, and to encourage the public to showcompassion for those experiencing problems with substance useand the people left behind when a loved one dies.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “The important message with See Beyond – See the Lives – Scotland is that there is still stigma attached to alcohol and drug use, from how people talk about it to the judgements they bring to it. 

“Each of these letters is a rallying cry to make a change. 

“Everyone knows someone, and we can all help steer each other towards more of an understanding of substance use and its effects on people’s lives.”

Have your say on new Scottish bankruptcy laws

Thousands of people each year experience severe financial difficulties. If you have ever been in that situation, a Scottish Parliament committee wants to hear from you to find out how the process could be improved. 

The Bankruptcy and Diligence Bill will, among other provisions, create a “mental health moratorium”, meaning enforcement action against someone with serious mental health problems can be stopped.

The Bill will also make changes to the process for recovering money for creditors, including a requirement for creditors to provide a debtor with information about debt advice before enforcement.

Now the Economy and Fair Work Committee wants to hear your views on this Bill – especially if you have lived experience of the issues it covers.

Committee Convener Claire Baker MSP said: “The stress and worry of severe financial difficulties is something that all too many people are facing. The Bill aims to make changes to the bankruptcy process, but we want to know what impact these changes will have on those people affected.

“By sharing their insights, people from across Scotland can help shape a fairer and more compassionate system that addresses the challenges faced by individuals in financial distress.

“We particularly want to hear from people who have been in this situation and experienced significant mental health challenges on the difference the proposed moratorium would have made.”

The call for views will be open until Friday 21 July. People can submit their views on the Scottish Parliament’s website

MSPs come together to help improve cat welfare in Scotland

Nearly 40 MSPs visited a Holyrood exhibition held by the charity Cats Protection to highlight how cats – and the people who care for them – can be better protected in law.

The exhibition, sponsored by Marie McNair MSP, was attended by 38 politicians and was a chance to discuss measures to improve feline welfare in Scotland, including the introduction of compulsory microchipping for pet cats and increasing the availability of cat-friendly rented housing.

Cats Protection’s Advocacy & Government Relations Officer for Scotland Alice Palombo said: “Scotland is a nation of pet lovers and cats are a particularly popular pet, with nearly one in four households owning one. So it was great to see so many politicians coming along to find out what they can do to ensure cats receive the protection in law that they deserve.

“Among the key measures we discussed was the need for compulsory microchipping of pet cats in Scotland. This is something which will soon be introduced for cats in England and it’s important that Scottish cats are not left behind.

“We also talked about what MSPs can do to ensure there is more cat-friendly housing available in the private and social rented sectors. So many people now rent their homes yet too many are being denied the chance to own a pet cat and we believe this must change.”

As well as discussing the charity’s campaigns, politicians also found out more about its hands-on work to support cats and the people who care about them, with staff from Cats Protection’s Veterinary, Behaviour and Community Engagement teams on hand to answer questions.

Cats Protection, the UK’s leading feline welfare charity, has a Scottish network of 24 volunteer-run branches, three adoption centres and nine charity shops, which also offer advice on cat care.

In 2022, the charity rehomed 2,500 cats in Scotland and helped neuter 11,100 cats and microchip 4,400 cats.

To find out more about Cats Protection, please visit www.cats.org.uk

Jackie Weaver to give evidence as Committee marks 50th Anniversary of Scotland’s Community Councils


The Scottish Parliament’s Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee is holding a session on community councils to coincide with the 50th anniversary of their establishment in Scotland, with two panels of witnesses scheduled to give evidence.

As part of the first panel the Committee will hear from Jackie Weaver who rose to fame after a video of her managing a virtual meeting of Handforth Parish Council went viral in 2021.

The Committee has invited Jackie Weaver to share her insights and experiences in local governance and management, particularly in relation to supporting parish councils.

The Committee will also hear from a panel of community councillors representing Edinburgh, Shetland, Aberdeenshire, West Lothian, Moray, Clackmannanshire and Cambuslang in South Lanarkshire who will provide evidence in a roundtable format.

The session is part of the Committee’s ongoing work looking at the Scottish Government’s Local Governance Review which aims to reform the way that Scotland is governed to give greater control to communities.

Ariane Burgess MSP – Green

Commenting ahead of the meeting, Committee Convener, Ariane Burgess MSP said: “Fifty years on from the establishment of Community Councils, it’s important that we recognise and celebrate the contributions that individuals and groups involved make to their communities.

“We also hope this session can contribute towards shaping the Scottish Government’s Local Governance Review, ensuring communities continued to be empowered and supported to do so in the decades ahead.

“The Committee are looking forward to welcoming Jackie Weaver and Community Councillors from all over Scotland to share their experiences of community involvement in decision making, and their views on how this can be improved.”

Pupils celebrate Walk to School Week at Scottish Parliament

Pupils from Edinburgh and Scottish Borders schools joined MSPs outside Scottish Parliament to celebrate Walk to School Week yesterday (17 May 2023).

Walk to School Week is organised by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking as part of their National Walking Month campaign each May.

Families are encouraged to walk, wheel, cycle, scoot or ‘Park and Stride’ for the whole week to see the big differences that come from small steps, from healthier and happier children to fewer cars outside the school gates.

Over 250 schools in Scotland signed up to receive special Walk to School Week packs from Living Streets, joining 356,000 pupils across the UK to learn about the important reasons to walk to school and the difference it can make to individuals, communities and the planet.

The charity is working with over 170 additional Scottish schools this academic year to deliver WOW – the walk to school challenge.

WOW is a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker. Pupils who travel actively at least once a week for a month are rewarded with a WOW badge.

WOW schools see on average a 5 -10% increase in pupils walking to school in Scotland with a corresponding drop in car use, helping to reduce congestion and increase safety outside the school gates.   

Stuart Hay, Director, Living Streets Scotland said: “Walk to School Week is an excellent opportunity for families to give walking to school a go. Walking our short journeys helps us stay healthy, while reducing traffic, pollution and road danger on our local streets.

“We’re delighted that so many of our schools were able to join us to celebrate the great strides Scottish pupils are making to get more active and tackle the climate emergency.”

Patrick Harvie MSP, Minister for Active Travel said: “I’m pleased to support Walk to School Week. Walking to school is a simple step that many young people and their parents and carers can make for a healthier and happier start to the day – with each step improving health and taking climate action.

“More people walking or wheeling means fewer cars, less congestion and safer environments for everyone to enjoy – both outside the school gates and beyond. I hope many people who try making the change during Walk to School Week will find that it’s a change they want to stick with, every week of the year.

“I’m grateful to the pupils from various local schools that took the time to walk to the Scottish Parliament, helping encourage even more people to choose active and sustainable travel.”

Christine Grahame MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale said: “It’s great to see Living Streets actively encouraging our primary school pupils to walk more and reduce congestion at the school gates and in built-up areas, especially during Walk to School Week!

“Walking is so important for young bodies and minds; the WOW Challenge is a great incentive to get pupils and their parents walking and actively travelling”.

Living Streets celebrated Walk to School Week with a group of Edinburgh and Borders schoolchildren taking a trip to the Scottish Parliament on the 17th of May, where MSPs were invited to join in on the festivities.

Foysol Choudhury MSP for Lothian Region said: “I am pleased to be supporting Walk to School Week once again this year. It is a great initiative that encourages families to change their school run habits and choose to walk to school instead.

“It is a healthy option that allows children and their parents or guardians to be more active, reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality and road safety. I hope this week will raise awareness of the importance of walking to school and various benefits to the community and environment and, will in turn motivate families to make walking to school a daily habit”.

Rachael Hamilton, MSP for Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire said: “It was great to join Living Streets outside the Scottish Parliament alongside pupils from Burnfoot Primary School.

“Living Streets is doing fantastic work in encouraging young people to walk to school and it is important we keep our children active and reduce congestion in built-up areas.”

Edinburgh schools attending: Abbeyhill Primary School, Broughton Primary School, Bruntsfield Primary School, Cramond Primary School, Parsons Green Primary School.

Scottish Borders schools attending: Burnfoot Primary School, Chirnside Primary School, Heriot Primary School, Langlee Primary School, Stow Primary School, Tweedbank Primary School.

‘World Class Heritage, Second Class Pay’

Following a drop-in session hosted by Prospect at the Scottish Parliament about their ‘World Class Heritage on Second Class Pay’ campaign on Friday, Foysol Choudhury MSP said: “As Labour’s Spokesperson for Culture, it was great to sponsor ‘The Perfect Storm: A Crisis in Heritage’ drop-in event organised by Prospect regarding its ‘World Class Heritage, Second Class Pay’ campaign. 

“Scotland’s Heritage sites are well loved by international visitors and locals alike and they benefit our economy greatly. 

“We all know that the culture sector has been hit hard in this cost-of-living crisis and has received little attention from the Scottish Government. 

“I have raised awareness of this before, for example, with the closure of Edinburgh Filmhouse, which I hope will be restored in the future. 

However, Scotland and the UK cannot afford losing yet again more of its unique culture. 

“It is indeed a perfect storm where our World Class Heritage and its workforce in Scotland and across the UK have long been devalued and are now in jeopardy due to the cost-of-living crisis. 

“Our new generation of potential conservationists, archaeologists, curators and other specialists are also suffering; new trainees cannot even afford their rents.  

“Better pay will mean that our young people can aspire to have a stable career in Heritage. 

“It is time to fully recognise how our important Heritage workforce contributes to our local communities, our nations and across the world. 

“The matter of funding of Heritage sites is something that I have brought to the Scottish Government’s attention before, when I spoke about Historic Environment Scotland in the chamber.  

“I will work to pressure the Scottish Government to secure a better deal for our Heritage workers and preserve our fantastic Heritage sector.” 

Air Quality Improvement Plan receives Committee approval

The Scottish Government’s Air Quality Improvement Plan has been met with approval following scrutiny carried out by Holyrood’s Net Zero, Energy & Transport Committee.

In its report published today, the Committee described the strengthening of policy guidance around air pollution as ‘a positive step forward’ in addressing nitrogen dioxide levels in Scotland. However, it says the Scottish Government must address important questions about how it will improve governance and enforcement of air quality standards.

The Committee calls for SEPA to take a more robust enforcement approach and says that clarity is needed as to whether the body has all the statutory powers and resources it needs to fulfil its role in relation to air quality – especially given its resources are already limited and it has other existing obligations.

The report also emphasises the need for local authorities to be better funded. With resource and staffing constraints relieved, councils would be better able to perform their crucial preventative, attention-raising, monitoring and enforcement role.

Edward Mountain MSP 22 November 2022. Pic-Andrew Cowan/Scottish Parliament

Launching the report, Committee Convener, Edward Mountain, said; “A robust system of monitoring and enforcement is crucial to tackling air pollution. Yet historically SEPA has not been assertive enough in its approach to tackling non-compliance by local authorities in meeting their air quality standards.

“If SEPA is to conduct its oversight role to full effect, the Scottish Government must ensure it is adequately resourced. Likewise, without the right funding and resources in place, councils will not be able to deliver the expected improvements to air quality in their local areas.

“To access the many economic, social and environmental benefits good air quality will deliver, including helping to meet the Scottish Government’s target of achieving Net Zero by 2045, positive action must be taken. We hope the findings and recommendations in our report will help to achieve this.

“Thank you to everyone who shared their knowledge and expertise with us during our consideration of the Improvement Plan.”

Additional recommendations made by the Committee to accelerate the improvement of air quality in Scotland include that the Scottish Government should;

  • Lean harder on local authorities to ensure they speed up the implementation of their Air Quality Action Plans.
  • Clarify whether it is satisfied that SEPA has all the statutory powers and resources it needs to fulfil its oversight and enforcement of the Local Air Quality Management system.
  • Set out what steps it will take to ensure SEPA delivers greater transparency and accountability as Scotland’s main air quality watchdog.
  • Complete an air quality data review paying particular attention to the proportion of monitoring sites to be situated near schools and hospitals.

During the inquiry, the Committee also assessed the effectiveness of Scottish Government policy and practise by considering its’ ‘Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 Strategy’; the implementation and impact of Low Emission Zones; and Scotland’s performance in relation to international best practice.

Related recommendations include for example;

  • In the Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 Strategy – air quality considerations should be mainstreamed across all climate change, health, transport and planning policy decisions whether at a national or local level. There should also be a focus on encouraging an uptake in qualifications and roles within planning and environmental health professions.
  • The Scottish Government should work with all local authorities to find bespoke transport-based air quality solutions in urban areas and in rural areas it should identify what further support is needed for the launch of Low Emission Zones.

Charities Bill passes first stage

Measures will increase transparency and maintain public trust

Proposed legislation to update and strengthen charity law has passed its first parliamentary stage.

MSPs have voted to support the general principles of the Charities (Regulation and Administration) Bill which improves accountability and transparency of charities and increases the powers of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).

Welcoming Parliament’s unanimous support at Stage 1 of the Bill, Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Our focus is to ensure the best possible conditions for the sector, which plays a vital role in our society, to thrive.

“Current charity law is now over 17 years old and the sector has changed significantly in that time. That is why we want to strengthen, modernise and improve charity regulation to ensure it meets the needs of charities.

“Scottish charities have a combined income of £14 billion each year so it’s crucial the way they are regulated remains fit for purpose.

“Charities are widely supported by the public. Trust in them and what they deliver is high, and we want to keep it that way.”

The Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Bill is a 2022-23 Programme for Government commitment.

Provisions in the Bill include:

  • updating the criteria for the automatic disqualification of charity trustees and extending it to individuals with specific senior management positions in charities
  • removal from the Scottish Charity Register of unresponsive charities that fail to submit statements of account.
  • a requirement for all charities in the Scottish Charity Register to have and retain a connection to Scotland.
  • a requirement on OSCR to publish the statements of account for all charities in the Scottish Charity Register.
  • requirements on OSCR to include charity trustee names in the Scottish Charity Register, to keep an internal schedule of charity trustees’ details and to create a publicly searchable record of charity trustees removed by the courts.

The Scottish Government consulted on proposals put forward by OSCR in 2019 and consulted again on a number of specific reforms in 2021 and found a majority of support for the changes.

Swimming should be prescribed to improve health, says expert

Medical specialist tells MSPs about the multiple health benefits of swimming

AN EXPERT in the medical benefits of swimming has told an influential group of MSPs how encouraging the population to take up the sport could transform Scotland’s health.

Dr Mark Harper is renowned for his research in the area and was one of a series of guest speakers at an “Everyone Can Swim” event at the Scottish Parliament.

He told some of Scotland’s key political figures how 15% of people in the UK are taking five or more medicines a day, in some cases to deal with the side effects of another medicine and how taking up swimming can act as a medicine in its own right.

Dr Harper, who swam competitively as a Masters swimmer, told the audience: “There is one medicine that everyone should use and its exercise. For a lot of people, swimming is one of the only things they can do. 

“If someone is frail or has a loss of balance, swimming is really the only option. It improves heart and lung health while strengthening joints and lowers diabetes. 

“Swimming, as a life skill and an exercise, can have hugely positive impacts on people’s lives and it’s important that people in Scotland are taught to swim from a young age.”

The event was hosted by Scottish Swimming, which in partnership with Scottish Water delivers the Learn to Swim programme for children – a Framework that is creating Scotland’s “Generation Swim”, as a lasting legacy for the nation.

It has already helped more than 100,000 youngsters to be safer and more confident in the water and aims to reach a further 100,000 by 2025, helping them to unlock long lasting health benefits.

Across Scotland there are 37 National Learn to Swim Framework providers, working across 160 pools, with currently 76,500 children learning to swim each week.

Dr Harper, a Consultant Anaesthetist at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals whose research has focused on cold-water swimming, told the Holyrood audience that one in three adults in England can’t swim, yet 7.5 million take to the water outdoors every year. He cited swimming lessons as the only way to keep people safe in the water.

Euan Lowe, CEO of Scottish Swimming, said: “To have an expert of Dr Harper ‘s calibre reinforcing the huge benefits of swimming really helped the message cut through with the audience. 

“All of us at Scottish Swimming share his mission to ensure awareness is raised about the major health advantages that swimming offers, along with the other benefits it can bring to so many lives.”

Brian Lironi, Director of Corporate Affairs with Scottish Water said: “Our drive to create Generation Swim is about leaving Scotland with a long-lasting legacy.

“Teaching children how to be safer and more confident in the water is a first step to unlocking significant health and wellbeing dividends. It was brilliant to hear Dr Harper underline that so emphatically.”

The ‘Everyone Can Swim’ event featured a range of high-profile advocates for the importance of swimming and its impact on safety, health and communities. 

Speakers included popular triple Olympian Hannah Miley MBE; Alan Lynn, former national coach of Scottish Swimming and Head of Performance Development at British Swimming; and Fulton MacGregor MSP, who sponsored the reception.

Dr Harper is a consultant anaesthetist at Sussex University Hospitals in the UK and Kristiansand in Norway. He is a leading expert in the prevention of hypothermia in surgical patients and the therapeutic uses of cold-water adaptation and open-water swimming.

Learn to Swim is a National Framework committed to creating supportive and quality environments in which children can learn to swim regardless of their age, ability, or skill level. It aims to develop competent swimmers, as well as encouraging youngsters to adopt a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle with sport and fun at its heart. 

For more information on the Learn to Swim programme, visit:


No Time to Lose: Holyrood must ‘bite the bullet’ on oil and gas phase out


Climate campaigners are calling on the Scottish Government to bite the bullet and commit to a fully renewable energy system by 2030 as the public consultation on its Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan closes tomorrow (Tuesday 9th May).

Campaigners highlighted conflicting visions within the document and the over-reliance on carbon capture and hydrogen to meet the Government’s 2030 vision, despite previously admitting this would not be possible. 

Campaigners said that with critical 2030 climate targets looming, it is essential that the final version of the energy plan sets out a comprehensive strategy for a managed and just phase out of oil and gas, moving to a fully renewable energy system that is run for the benefit of people and the planet. 

Whilst campaigning to be First Minister Humza Yousaf pledged to take a 10% equity share in future offshore wind leasing round and set up a publicly owned energy generation company. Neither of these options to create an energy system that delivers greater benefits to the public are considered in this document.

Given the abject failure of market forces to respond to the climate crisis, Friends of the Earth Scotland believes that public ownership is key to driving the transformation of the energy system.

The draft version of the ESJTP was also criticised for compiling existing policies and strategies, failing to fill in the gaps or address lack of coherence between these. 

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s head of campaigns Mary Church said: “The final destination of this Strategy is bold but there is no coherent plan for how we will get there.

“If Scotland is to stop missing climate targets, it needs to get off fossil fuels and deliver the wide-ranging transformation needed in public transport, home insulation and renewable generation that can help slash climate pollution and tackle the cost of living crisis. 

“There is no time to lose. The Scottish Government must bite the bullet and set a clear direction of travel and how we are going to get there. As part of that we need a clear end date for oil and gas within this decade and a detailed plan on how affected workers and communities will be supported through the transition.

“Ministers must stop clinging to the dangerous illusion that carbon capture can deliver the urgent step change needed in Scotland’s climate efforts, and focus on delivering a fully renewable energy system by 2030.

“Profit driven energy bosses have long failed to deliver an energy system that works for households or creates enough decent green jobs in Scotland.

“Humza Yousaf must build on his promise to take stakes in future offshore wind projects and make sure that a public energy company is set up swiftly to share the benefits of our energy resources more fairly and drive the just transition.”

The final version of the Strategy should: 

        • Set a clear date and plan for the end of oil and gas use within this decade
        • Reject new fossil fuel infrastructure and over-reliance on Carbon Capture 
        • Clarify that the 2030 decarbonisation target will be met fully through renewables
        • Detailed green jobs creation plan and clear pathways for oil workers to switch sector  
        • Centre public ownership with public good objectives to drive the just transition
        • Reduce overall energy demand through public transport and home insulation
        • Ensure fair consumption of minerals critical to the energy transition